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Conserv Biol ; : e14342, 2024 Aug 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39105486


Although transboundary conservation areas (TCAs) are critical tools for protecting ecosystems and ecological processes that transcend national jurisdictions, they are challenging to create due to the differences in governance contexts and capacity and power dynamics among countries. Marine TCAs are also more difficult to enforce relative to terrestrial TCAs because most nations still treat oceans as open access. Current guidelines for TCA development and implementation also focus mostly on terrestrial TCAs, which are not practical for marine TCAs. Hence, we reviewed the challenges associated with the design and management of marine TCAs and devised analytical and practical approaches to support the application of spatial planning frameworks and adaptive governance mechanisms. We used the lessons from the review to examine the decisions made for the proposed marine TCA in the Kenya-Tanzania border region and created options and considerations to promote effective design and management processes. We found the obstacles to marine TCAs in general are related to issues of fit, particularly differences in environmental research capacity, socioeconomic contexts, and internal institutional arrangements. These included differences in knowledge and capacity for marine ecological research and conservation; ability to adjust and update data; differences in values, interests, and resource uses; conservation costs; jurisdictional differences; engagement of multiple levels of organization; and differences in legal bases and policy development processes. Understanding and reconciling these challenges during the TCA development process can help enhance meaningful discussions in the design of the TCA and cultivate the enabling conditions for collaborative governance across countries and within different levels of organization from national to local actors.

Consideraciones en el diseño y gestión del área marina de conservación transfronteriza en Kenia y Tanzania Resumen Aunque las áreas de conservación transfronterizas (ACT) son herramientas importantes para proteger los ecosistemas y los procesos ecológicos que trascienden la jurisdicción nacional, crearlas es un reto debido a la diferencia en los contextos de gobierno y la capacidad y las dinámicas de poder entre los países. Las ACT marinas también son más difíciles de ejecutar en relación a las terrestres porque la mayoría de los países todavía tratan al océano como de libre acceso. Los lineamientos actuales para el desarrollo e implementación de las ACT también se enfocan principalmente en las ACT terrestres, lo cual no es práctico para las ACT marinas. Por lo tanto, revisamos los retos asociados con el diseño y gestión de las ACT marinas y concebimos estrategias analíticas y prácticas para apoyar con la aplicación de los marcos de planeación espacial y los mecanismos de gobierno adaptativo. Usamos lo aprendido con la revisión para analizar las decisiones tomadas para la ACT marina propuesta en la región fronteriza de Kenia y Tanzania y creamos opciones y consideraciones para promover el diseño y procesos de manejo efectivos. Encontramos que los obstáculos para las ACT marinas en general se relacionan con temas de ajuste, en particular las diferencias en la capacidad de investigación ambiental, los contextos socioeconómicos y los acuerdos institucionales internos. Estos obstáculos incluyeron diferencias en el conocimiento y capacidad para la investigación ecológica marina; la habilidad para ajustar y actualizar datos; las diferencias en los valores, intereses y usos de los recursos; los costos de conservación; las diferencias jurídicas; la participación de varios niveles de organización; y las diferencias en las bases legales y los procesos de desarrollo de políticas. El entendimiento y reconciliación de estos retos durante el proceso de desarrollo de una ACT puede ayudar a mejorar las discusiones significativas en el diseño de la ACT y a cultivar las condiciones que permitan la gestión colaborativa entre los países y entre los diferentes niveles de organización, desde el nacional hasta los actores locales.

Trends Ecol Evol ; 38(7): 666-680, 2023 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36935248


Community-based conservation can support livelihoods and biodiversity, while reinforcing local and Indigenous values, cultures, and institutions. Its delivery can help address cross-cutting global challenges, such as climate change, conservation, poverty, and food security. Therefore, understanding trends in community-based conservation is pertinent to setting and implementing global goals. We undertook a horizon scan to prioritize 15 emerging threats and opportunities expected to impact the future effectiveness of community-based conservation. Topics relate to global biodiversity policy; human rights; shifting human geography; inclusion, diversity, equity, and access; conservation finance and income; and economic reforms. Our findings offer guidance on strengthening community-based conservation to achieve global environmental and development goals.

Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Humanos , Mudança Climática , Previsões , Geografia
PLoS One ; 10(8): e0135789, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26288089


Locally-established marine protected areas (MPAs) have been proven to achieve local-scale fisheries and conservation objectives. However, since many of these MPAs were not designed to form ecologically-connected networks, their contributions to broader-scale goals such as complementarity and connectivity can be limited. In contrast, integrated networks of MPAs designed with systematic conservation planning are assumed to be more effective--ecologically, socially, and economically--than collections of locally-established MPAs. There is, however, little empirical evidence that clearly demonstrates the supposed advantages of systematic MPA networks. A key reason is the poor record of implementation of systematic plans attributable to lack of local buy-in. An intermediate scenario for the expansion of MPAs is scaling up of local decisions, whereby locally-driven MPA initiatives are coordinated through collaborative partnerships among local governments and their communities. Coordination has the potential to extend the benefits of individual MPAs and perhaps to approach the potential benefits offered by systematic MPA networks. We evaluated the benefits of scaling up local MPAs to form networks by simulating seven expansion scenarios for MPAs in the Verde Island Passage, central Philippines. The scenarios were: uncoordinated community-based establishment of MPAs; two scenarios reflecting different levels of coordinated MPA expansion through collaborative partnerships; and four scenarios guided by systematic conservation planning with different contexts for governance. For each scenario, we measured benefits through time in terms of achievement of objectives for representation of marine habitats. We found that: in any governance context, systematic networks were more efficient than non-systematic ones; systematic networks were more efficient in broader governance contexts; and, contrary to expectations but with caveats, the uncoordinated scenario was slightly more efficient than the coordinated scenarios. Overall, however, coordinated MPA networks have the potential to be more efficient than the uncoordinated ones, especially when coordinated planning uses systematic methods.

Organismos Aquáticos , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Fenômenos Ecológicos e Ambientais , Biologia Marinha/métodos , Ecossistema , Filipinas , Dinâmica Populacional
F1000Res ; 3: 91, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25110579


Systematic conservation planning increasingly underpins the conservation and management of marine and coastal ecosystems worldwide. Amongst other benefits, conservation planning provides transparency in decision-making, efficiency in the use of limited resources, the ability to minimise conflict between diverse objectives, and to guide strategic expansion of local actions to maximise their cumulative impact. The Coral Triangle has long been recognised as a global marine conservation priority, and has been the subject of huge investment in conservation during the last five years through the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security. Yet conservation planning has had relatively little influence in this region. To explore why this is the case, we identify and discuss 10 challenges that must be resolved if conservation planning is to effectively inform management actions in the Coral Triangle. These are: making conservation planning accessible; integrating with other planning processes; building local capacity for conservation planning; institutionalising conservation planning within governments; integrating plans across governance levels; planning across governance boundaries; planning for multiple tools and objectives; understanding limitations of data; developing better measures of progress and effectiveness; and making a long term commitment. Most important is a conceptual shift from conservation planning undertaken as a project, to planning undertaken as a process, with dedicated financial and human resources committed to long-term engagement.