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J Chem Theory Comput ; 19(11): 3276-3283, 2023 Jun 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37163299


For the computational prediction of core electron binding energies in solids, two distinct kinds of modeling strategies have been pursued: the Δ-Self-Consistent-Field method based on density functional theory (DFT), and the GW method. In this study, we examine the formal relationship between these two approaches and establish a link between them. The link arises from the equivalence, in DFT, between the total energy difference result for the first ionization energy, and the eigenvalue of the highest occupied state, in the limit of infinite supercell size. This link allows us to introduce a new formalism, which highlights how in DFT─even if the total energy difference method is used to calculate core electron binding energies─the accuracy of the results still implicitly depends on the accuracy of the eigenvalue at the valence band maximum in insulators, or at the Fermi level in metals. We examine whether incorporating a quasiparticle correction for this eigenvalue from GW theory improves the accuracy of the calculated core electron binding energies, and find that the inclusion of vertex corrections is required for achieving quantitative agreement with experiment.

Faraday Discuss ; 236(0): 364-373, 2022 08 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35510510


The Δ-Self-Consistent-Field (ΔSCF) method has been established as an accurate and computationally efficient approach for calculating absolute core electron binding energies for light elements up to chlorine, but relatively little is known about the performance of this method for heavier elements. In this work, we present ΔSCF calculations of transition metal (TM) 2p core electron binding energies for a series of 60 molecular compounds containing the first row transition metals Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe and Co. We find that the calculated TM 2p3/2 binding energies are less accurate than the results for the lighter elements with a mean absolute error (MAE) of 0.73 eV compared to experimental gas phase photoelectron spectroscopy results. However, our results suggest that the error depends mostly on the element and is rather insensitive to the chemical environment. By applying an element-specific correction to the binding energies the MAE is reduced to 0.20 eV, similar to the accuracy obtained for the lighter elements.

Compostos Organometálicos , Elementos de Transição , Elétrons , Compostos Organometálicos/química , Espectroscopia Fotoeletrônica , Elementos de Transição/química
J Phys Chem Lett ; 12(38): 9353-9359, 2021 Sep 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34549969


Theoretical calculations of core electron binding energies are required for the interpretation of experimental X-ray photoelectron spectra, but achieving accurate results for solids has proven difficult. In this work, we demonstrate that accurate absolute core electron binding energies in both metallic and insulating solids can be obtained from periodic all-electron Δ-self-consistent-field (ΔSCF) calculations. In particular, we show that core electron binding energies referenced to the valence band maximum can be obtained as total energy differences between two (N - 1)-electron systems: one with a core hole and one with an electron removed from the highest occupied valence state. To achieve convergence with respect to the supercell size, the analogy between localized core holes and charged defects is exploited. Excellent agreement between calculated and experimental core electron binding energies is found for both metals and insulators, with a mean absolute error of 0.24 eV for the systems considered.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 20(48): 30403-30411, 2018 Dec 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30499572


Core-level X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) is often used to study the surfaces of heterogeneous copper-based catalysts, but the interpretation of measured spectra, in particular the assignment of peaks to adsorbed species, can be extremely challenging. In this study we present a computational scheme which combines the use of slab models of the surface for geometry optimization with cluster models for core electron binding energy calculation. We demonstrate that by following this modelling strategy first principles calculations can be used to guide the analysis of experimental core level spectra of complex surfaces relevant to heterogeneous catalysis. The all-electron ΔSCF method is used for the binding energy calculations. Specifically, we calculate core-level binding energy shifts for a series of adsorbates on Cu(111) and show that the resulting C1s and O1s binding energy shifts for adsorbed CO, CO2, C2H4, HCOO, CH3O, H2O, OH, and a surface oxide on Cu(111) are in good overall agreement with the experimental literature.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 20(30): 19877-19884, 2018 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29968884


Strong electric fields are known to greatly accelerate the freezing of water in molecular dynamics simulations, and have also been shown to affect the thermodynamics of the phase transition. In this work, a mechanistic explanation for field-induced crystallization of water is presented. Due to the coupling between the rotational and the translational degrees of freedom of individual water molecules, an applied field can directly drive the formation of cubic-ice like local motifs in water. Analysis of the angular distributions of water molecules in TIP4P-2005 water at field strengths between 0.0 and 0.32 V Å-1 demonstrates the existence of such motifs in the field-aligned liquid phase that is observed prior to the onset of the freezing transition. The dynamic properties of this field-aligned liquid phase are also studied, and its viscosity is shown to be within a factor of two of that of regular liquid water using the Green-Kubo method as well as mean squared displacements. The choice between the NPT and the NVT ensembles is shown to have a strong impact on the evolution of molecular dynamics trajectories at field strengths close to the threshold for the freezing transition, and the importance of properly accounting for the electric field terms in the pressure virial is emphasized.