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Nat Mater ; 2024 Jul 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39085417


Living systems are complex dynamic entities that operate far from thermodynamic equilibrium. Their active, non-equilibrium behaviour requires energy to drive cellular organization and dynamics. Unfortunately, most statistical mechanics approaches are not valid in non-equilibrium situations, forcing researchers to use intricate and often invasive methods to study living processes. Here we experimentally demonstrate that an observable termed mean back relaxation quantifies the active mechanics of living cells from passively observed particle trajectories. The mean back relaxation represents the average trajectory of a particle after a recent motion and is calculated from three-point probabilities. We show that this parameter allows the detection of broken detailed balance in confined systems. We experimentally observe that it provides access to the non-equilibrium generating energy and viscoelastic properties of artificial bulk materials and living cells. These findings suggest that the mean back relaxation can function as a marker of non-equilibrium dynamics and is a non-invasive avenue to determine viscoelastic material properties from passive measurements.

Phys Rev Lett ; 132(10): 106903, 2024 Mar 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38518301


We develop a theory for heat transport via electromagnetic waves inside media, and use it to derive a spatially nonlocal thermal conductivity tensor, in terms of the electromagnetic Green's function and potential, for any given system. While typically negligible for optically dense bulk media, the electromagnetic component of conductivity can be significant for optically dilute media, and shows regimes of Fourier transport as well as unhindered transport. Moreover, the electromagnetic contribution is relevant even for dense media, when in the presence of interfaces, as exemplified for the in-plane conductivity of a nanosheet, which shows a variety of phenomena, including absence of a Fourier regime.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 36(21)2024 Feb 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38377598


We analytically study friction and dissipation of a driven bead in a 1D harmonic chain, and analyze the role of internal damping mechanism as well as chain length. Specifically, we investigate Dissipative Particle Dynamics and Langevin Dynamics, as paradigmatic examples that do and do not display translational symmetry, with distinct results: For identical parameters, the friction forces can differ by many orders of magnitude. For slow driving, a Goldstone mode traverses the entire system, resulting in friction of the driven bead that grows arbitrarily large (Langevin) or gets arbitrarily small (Dissipative Particle Dynamics) with system size. For a long chain, the friction for DPD is shown to be bound, while it shows a singularity (i.e. can be arbitrarily large) for Langevin damping. For long underdamped chains, a radiation mode is recovered in either case, with friction independent of damping mechanism. For medium length chains, the chain shows the expected resonant behavior. At the resonance, friction is non-analytic in damping parameterγ, depending on it asγ-1. Generally, no zero frequency bulk friction coefficient can be determined, as the limits of small frequency and infinite chain length do not commute, and we discuss the regimes where 'simple' macroscopic friction occurs.

Sci Rep ; 13(1): 17409, 2023 Oct 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37833487


When a colloidal probe is forced through a viscoelastic fluid which is characterized by a long stress-relaxation time, the fluid is excited out of equilibrium. This is leading to a number of interesting effects including a non-trivial recoil of the probe when the driving force is removed. Here, we experimentally and theoretically investigate the transient recoil dynamics of non-spherical particles, i.e., colloidal dumbbells. In addition to a translational recoil of the dumbbells, we also find a pronounced angular reorientation which results from the relaxation of the surrounding fluid. Our findings are in good agreement with a Langevin description based on the symmetries of a director (dumbbell) as well as a microscopic bath-rod model. Remarkably, we find an instability with amplified fluctuations when the dumbbell is oriented perpendicular to the direction of driving. Our results demonstrate the complex behavior of non-spherical objects within a relaxing environment which are of immediate interest for the motion of externally but also self-driven asymmetric objects in viscoelastic fluids.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(5): 058401, 2023 Aug 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37595221


Understanding the phase behavior of mixtures with many components is important in many contexts, including as a key step toward a physics-based description of intracellular compartmentalization. Here, we study phase ordering instabilities in a paradigmatic model that represents the complexity of-e.g., biological-mixtures via random second virial coefficients. Using tools from free probability theory we obtain the exact spinodal curve and the nature of instabilities for a mixture with an arbitrary composition, thus lifting an important restriction in previous work. We show that, by controlling the concentration of only a few components, one can systematically change the nature of the spinodal instability and achieve demixing for realistic scenarios by a strong composition imbalance amplification. This results from a nontrivial interplay of interaction complexity and entropic effects due to the nonuniform composition. Our approach can be extended to include additional systematic interactions, leading to a competition between different forms of demixing as density is varied.

J Chem Phys ; 158(21)2023 Jun 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37272577


Extending the famous model B for the time evolution of a liquid mixture, we derive an approximate expression for the mobility matrix that couples different mixture components. This approach is based on a single component fluid with particles that are artificially grouped into separate species labeled by "colors." The resulting mobility matrix depends on a single dimensionless parameter, which can be determined efficiently from experimental data or numerical simulations, and includes existing standard forms as special cases. We identify two distinct mobility regimes, corresponding to collective motion and interdiffusion, respectively, and show how they emerge from the microscopic properties of the fluid. As a test scenario, we study the dynamics after a thermal quench, providing a number of general relations and analytical insights from a Gaussian theory. Specifically, for systems with two or three components, analytical results for the time evolution of the equal time correlation function compare well to results of Monte Carlo simulations of a lattice gas. A rich behavior is observed, including the possibility of transient fractionation.

J Chem Phys ; 158(2): 024901, 2023 Jan 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36641417


The motion of a colloidal probe in a viscoelastic fluid is described by friction or mobility, depending on whether the probe is moving with a velocity or feeling a force. While the Einstein relation describes an inverse relationship valid for Newtonian solvents, both concepts are generalized to time-dependent memory kernels in viscoelastic fluids. We theoretically and experimentally investigate their relation by considering two observables: the recoil after releasing a probe that was moved through the fluid and the equilibrium mean squared displacement (MSD). Applying concepts of linear response theory, we generalize Einstein's relation and, thereby, relate recoil and MSD, which both provide access to the mobility kernel. With increasing concentration, however, MSD and recoil show distinct behaviors, rooted in different behaviors of the two kernels. Using two theoretical models, a linear two-bath particle model, and hard spheres treated by mode coupling theory, we find a Volterra relation between the two kernels, explaining differing timescales in friction and mobility kernels under variation of concentration.

Modelos Teóricos , Fricção , Movimento (Física)
Phys Rev Lett ; 129(17): 170605, 2022 Oct 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36332240


Radiative heat transfer between two far-field-separated nanoparticles placed close to a perfectly conducting nanowire decays logarithmically slow with the interparticle distance. This makes a cylinder an excellent waveguide which can transfer thermal electromagnetic energy to arbitrary large distances with almost no loss. It leads to a dramatic increase of the heat transfer, so that, for almost any (large) separation, the transferred energy can be as large as for isolated particles separated by a few hundred nanometers. A phenomenologically found analytical formula accurately describes the numerical results over a wide range of parameters.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(2): 028001, 2022 Jan 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35089774


We investigate the hopping dynamics of a colloidal particle across a potential barrier and within a viscoelastic, i.e., non-Markovian, bath and report two clearly separated timescales in the corresponding waiting time distributions. While the longer timescale exponentially depends on the barrier height, the shorter one is similar to the relaxation time of the fluid. This short timescale is a signature of the storage and release of elastic energy inside the bath that strongly increases the hopping rate. Our results are in excellent agreement with numerical simulations of a simple Maxwell model.

J Chem Phys ; 154(18): 184904, 2021 May 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34241016


We perform micro-rheological experiments with a colloidal bead driven through a viscoelastic worm-like micellar fluid and observe two distinctive shear thinning regimes, each of them displaying a Newtonian-like plateau. The shear thinning behavior at larger velocities is in qualitative agreement with macroscopic rheological experiments. The second process, observed at Weissenberg numbers as small as a few percent, appears to have no analog in macro-rheological findings. A simple model introduced earlier captured the observed behavior and implied that the two shear thinning processes correspond to two different length scales in the fluid. This model also reproduces oscillations, which have been observed in this system previously. While the system under macro-shear seems to be near equilibrium for shear rates in the regime of the intermediate Newtonian-like plateau, the one under micro-shear is thus still far from it. The analysis suggests the existence of a length scale of a few micrometres, the nature of which remains elusive.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 33(40)2021 Jul 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34139676


We present a comprehensive study of the linear response of interacting underdamped Brownian particles to simple shear flow. We collect six different routes for computing the response, two of which are based on the symmetry of the considered system and observable with respect to the shear axes. We include the extension of the Green-Kubo relation to underdamped cases, which shows two unexpected additional terms. These six computational methods are applied to investigate the relaxation of the response towards the steady state for different observables, where interesting effects due to interactions and a finite particle mass are observed. Moreover, we compare the different response relations in terms of their statistical efficiency, identifying their relative demand on experimental measurement time or computational resources in computer simulations. Finally, several measures of breakdown of linear response theory for larger shear rates are discussed.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(17): 170401, 2021 Apr 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33988403


Arguments based on symmetry and thermodynamics may suggest the existence of a ratchetlike lateral Casimir force between two plates at different temperatures and with broken inversion symmetry. We find that this is not sufficient, and at least one plate must be made of nonreciprocal material. This setup operates as a heat engine by transforming heat radiation into mechanical force. Although the ratio of the lateral force to heat transfer in the near field regime diverges inversely with the plates separation, d, an Onsager symmetry, which we extend to nonreciprocal plates, limits the engine efficiency to the Carnot value η_{c}. The optimal velocity of operation in the far field is of the order of cη_{c}, where c is the speed of light. In the near field regime, this velocity can be reduced to the order of ω[over ¯]dη_{c}, where ω[over ¯] is a typical material frequency.

Adv Sci (Weinh) ; 8(8): 2003524, 2021 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33898176


Despite the huge importance of friction in regulating movement in all natural and technological processes, the mechanisms underlying dissipation at a sliding contact are still a matter of debate. Attempts to explain the dependence of measured frictional losses at nanoscale contacts on the electronic degrees of freedom of the surrounding materials have so far been controversial. Here, it is proposed that friction can be explained by considering the damping of stick-slip pulses in a sliding contact. Based on friction force microscopy studies of La(1- x )Sr x MnO3 films at the ferromagnetic-metallic to a paramagnetic-polaronic conductor phase transition, it is confirmed that the sliding contact generates thermally-activated slip pulses in the nanoscale contact, and argued that these are damped by direct coupling into the phonon bath. Electron-phonon coupling leads to the formation of Jahn-Teller polarons and to a clear increase in friction in the high-temperature phase. There is neither evidence for direct electronic drag on the atomic force microscope tip nor any indication of contributions from electrostatic forces. This intuitive scenario, that friction is governed by the damping of surface vibrational excitations, provides a basis for reconciling controversies in literature studies as well as suggesting possible tactics for controlling friction.

Phys Rev E ; 103(3-1): 032116, 2021 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33862688


The fluctuation-dissipation theorem connects equilibrium to mildly (linearly) perturbed situations in a thermodynamic manner: It involves the observable of interest and the entropy production caused by the perturbation. We derive a relation which connects responses of arbitrary order in perturbation strength to correlations of entropy production of lower order, thereby extending the fluctuation-dissipation theorem to cases far from equilibrium in a thermodynamic way. The relation is validated and studied for a four-state model which is coarse-grained to a non-Markovian two-state model.

Z Orthop Unfall ; 158(2): 150-153, 2020 Apr.
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32268430
J Chem Phys ; 152(8): 084109, 2020 Feb 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32113334


Perturbations of fluid media can give rise to non-equilibrium dynamics, which may, in turn, cause motion of immersed inclusions or tracer particles. We consider perturbations ("activations") that are local in space and time, of a fluid density which is conserved, and study the resulting diffusiophoretic phenomena that emerge at a large distance. Specifically, we consider cases where the perturbations propagate diffusively, providing examples from passive and active matter for which this is expected to be the case. Activations can, for instance, be realized by sudden and local changes in interaction potentials of the medium or by local changes in its activity. Various analytical results are provided for the case of confinement by two parallel walls. We investigate the possibility of extracting work from inclusions, which are moving through the activated fluid. Furthermore, we show that a time-dependent density profile, created via suitable activation protocols, allows for the conveyance of inclusions along controlled and stable trajectories. In contrast, in states with a steady density, inclusions cannot be held at stable positions, reminiscent of Earnshaw's theorem of electrostatics. We expect these findings to be applicable in a range of experimental systems. The phenomena described here are argued to be distinct from other forms of phoresis such as thermophoresis.

J Chem Phys ; 150(14): 144111, 2019 Apr 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30981275


We study the linear response of interacting active Brownian particles in an external potential to simple shear flow. Using a path integral approach, we derive the linear response of any state observable to initiating shear in terms of correlation functions evaluated in the unperturbed system. For systems and observables which are symmetric under exchange of the x and y coordinates, the response formula can be drastically simplified to a form containing only state variables in the corresponding correlation functions (compared to the generic formula containing also time derivatives). In general, the shear couples to the particles by translational as well as rotational advection, but in the aforementioned case of xy symmetry, only translational advection is relevant in the linear regime. We apply the response formulas analytically in solvable cases and numerically in a specific setup. In particular, we investigate the effect of a shear flow on the morphology and the stress of N confined active particles in interaction, where we find that the activity as well as additional alignment interactions generally increase the response.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(1): 019901, 2019 01 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31012702


This corrects the article DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.015702.

Heart Rhythm ; 16(3): 416-423, 2019 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30273766


BACKGROUND: Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is less effective in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) because of impaired ventricular CRT capture. OBJECTIVE: We investigated the effects of catheter ablation in patients with AF and previous nonresponse to CRT. METHODS: Consecutive patients with AF and CRT nonresponse who underwent catheter ablation for AF were analyzed. CRT nonresponse was defined as one of the following: (1) reduced biventricular capture <95% due to rapidly conducted AF, (2) <1 point improvement in New York Heart Association (NYHA) class after CRT implantation, or (3) insufficient increase in left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF; ≤5%) after CRT implantation. RESULTS: Thirty-eight patients (8 women [21%]; mean age 68 ± 10 years; LVEF 30% ± 7%, biventricular capture 88.0% [25th, 75th percentile 75.3%, 98.5%]) underwent catheter ablation. One major and 1 minor complication occurred (1 lethal atrioesophageal fistula and 1 hemodynamically nonrelevant pericardial effusion). The Kaplan-Meier estimates for arrhythmia-free survival after single and multiple ablation procedures were 29% (95% confidence interval 16%-51%) and 67% (95% confidence interval 53%-86%) after 24 months. After a median follow-up of 817 days (25th, 75th percentile 179, 1741 days), biventricular capture and LVEF were significantly higher (median [25th, 75th percentile] 99% [96%, 99%], difference 8% [0.2%, 3.75%], P < .0001; mean 32.1% ± 9.1%, difference 2.2% ± 7.1%, P = .0225) and patients had a significantly lower functional NYHA class (28 of 37 patients with improvement of at least 1 point; P < .0001). CONCLUSION: Catheter ablation of AF significantly improves CRT response in patients with heart failure and concomitant AF in terms of increased biventricular capture and LVEF and improved functional NYHA class.

Fibrilação Atrial/terapia , Terapia de Ressincronização Cardíaca , Ablação por Cateter , Veias Pulmonares , Idoso , Fibrilação Atrial/fisiopatologia , Estudos de Coortes , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Resultado do Tratamento , Função Ventricular Esquerda
Phys Rev E ; 97(3-1): 032125, 2018 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29776074


Nonequilibrium systems with conserved quantities like density or momentum are known to exhibit long-ranged correlations. This, in turn, leads to long-ranged fluctuation-induced (Casimir) forces, predicted to arise in a variety of nonequilibrium settings. Here, we study such forces, which arise transiently between parallel plates or compact inclusions in a gas of particles, following a change ("quench") in temperature or activity of the medium. Analytical calculations, as well as numerical simulations of passive or active Brownian particles, indicate two distinct forces: (i) The immediate effect of the quench is adsorption or desorption of particles of the medium to the immersed objects, which in turn initiates a front of relaxing (mean) density. This leads to time-dependent density-induced forces. (ii) A long-term effect of the quench is that density fluctuations are modified, manifested as transient (long-ranged) (pair-)correlations that relax diffusively to their (short-ranged) steady-state limit. As a result, transient fluctuation-induced forces emerge. We discuss the properties of fluctuation-induced and density-induced forces as regards universality, relaxation as a function of time, and scaling with distance between objects. Their distinct signatures allow us to distinguish the two types of forces in simulation data. Our simulations also show that a quench of the effective temperature of an active medium gives rise to qualitatively similar effects to a temperature quench in a passive medium. Based on this insight, we propose several scenarios for the experimental observation of the forces described here.