The 10-bromobenzocycloheptapyridyl farnesyl transferase inhibitor (FTI) Sch-66336 (1) is currently under clinical evaluation for the treatment of human cancers. During structure-activity relationship development leading to 1, 10-bromobenzocycloheptapyridyl FTIs were found to be more potent than analogous compounds lacking the 10-Br substituent. This potency enhancement was believed to be due, in part, to an increase in conformational rigidity as the 10-bromo substituent could restrict the conformation of the appended C(11) piperidyl substituent in an axial orientation. A novel and potent class of FTIs, represented by indolocycloheptapyridine Sch-207758 [(+)-10a], have been designed based on this principle. Although structural and thermodynamic results suggest that entropy plays a crucial role in the increased potency observed with (+)-10a through conformational constraints and solvation effects, the results also indicate that the indolocycloheptapyridine moiety in (+)-10a provides increased hydrophobic interactions with the protein through the addition of the indole group. This report details the X-ray structure and the thermodynamic and pharmacokinetic profiles of (+)-10a, as well as the synthesis of indolocycloheptapyridine FTIs and their potencies in biochemical and biological assays.