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Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 30(51): 111113-111136, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37798518


Water quality monitoring networks (WQMNs) that capture both the temporal and spatial dimensions are essential to provide reliable data for assessing water quality trends in surface waters, as well as for supporting initiatives to control anthropogenic activities. Meeting these monitoring goals as efficiently as possible is crucial, especially in developing countries where the financial resources are limited and the water quality degradation is accelerating. Here, we asked if sampling frequency could be reduced while maintaining the same degree of information as with bimonthly sampling in the São Paulo State (Brazil) WQMN. For this purpose, we considered data from 2004 to 2018 for 56 monitoring sites distributed into four out of 22 of the state's water resources management units (UGRHIs, "Unidades de Gerenciamento de Recursos Hídricos"). We ran statistical tests for identifying data redundancy among two-month periods in the dry and wet seasons, followed by objective criteria to develop a sampling frequency recommendation. Our results showed that the reduction would be feasible in three UGRHIs, with the number of annual samplings ranging from two to four (instead of the original six). In both seasons, dissolved oxygen and Escherichia coli required more frequent sampling than the other analyzed parameters to adequately capture variability. The recommendation was compatible with flexible monitoring strategies observed in well-structured WQMNs worldwide, since the suggested sampling frequencies were not the same for all UGRHIs. Our approach can contribute to establishing a methodology to reevaluate WQMNs, potentially resulting in less costly and more adaptive strategies in São Paulo State and other developing areas with similar challenges.

Monitoramento Ambiental , Qualidade da Água , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Brasil , Países em Desenvolvimento , Rios
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 29(8): 11374-11392, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34535862


Water quality monitoring networks (WQMNs) are essential to provide good data for management decisions. Nevertheless, some WQMNs may not appropriately reflect the conditions of the water bodies and their temporal/spatial dimensions, more particularly in developing countries. Also, some WQMNs may use more resources to attain management goals than necessary and can be improved. Here we analyzed the São Paulo State (Brazil) WQMN design in order to evaluate and increase its spatial representativeness based on cluster analysis and stratified sampling strategy focused on clear monitoring goals. We selected water resources management units (UGRHIs) representative of contrasting land uses in the state, with bimonthly data from 2004 to 2018 in 160 river/stream sites. Cluster analysis indicated monitoring site redundancy above 20% in most of the UGRHIs. We identified heterogeneous spatial strata based on land use, hydrological, and geological features through a stratified sampling strategy. We identified that monitoring sites overrepresented more impacted areas. Thus, the network is biased against determination of baseline conditions and towards highly modified aquatic systems. Our proposed spatial strategy suggested the reduction of the number of sites up to 12% in the UGRHIs with the highest population densities, while others would need expansions based on their environmental heterogeneity. The final densities ranged from 1.6 to 13.4 sites/1,000km2. Our results illustrate a successful approach to be considered in the São Paulo WQMN strategy, as well as providing a methodology that can be broadly applied in other developing countries.

Poluentes Químicos da Água , Qualidade da Água , Brasil , Monitoramento Ambiental , Densidade Demográfica , Rios , Poluentes Químicos da Água/análise
Environ Manage ; 68(4): 491-504, 2021 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34402965


Trophic state indexes (TSI) guide management strategies regarding eutrophication control worldwide. Such indexes usually consider chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), total phosphorus (TP), and Secchi disk depth (SDD) as independent variables for estimating aquatic productivity and the degree of impairment. TSIs for each of these components are frequently averaged to produce a single TSI value associated with a trophic state classification (e.g., oligotrophic, mesotrophic, or eutrophic). The potential divergence among equations and classification systems originally developed for temperate lakes or tropical/subtropical reservoirs might be particularly relevant in the tropics, where there is a lack of data and the use of equations originally developed for temperate systems may be inappropriate. We calculated two widely used TSIs for temperate lakes (TSItemp) or tropical reservoirs (TSItrop) and explored the deviations among TSI components in Brazilian reservoirs. When applied to our tropical/subtropical reservoirs, the TSItemp provided a conservative approach, with lower limits anticipating increasing trophic state classification. TSI components for Chl-a and SDD significantly deviated for both sets of equations, and these discrepancies were related to turbidity, water temperature, and cyanobacterial biomass. For TSItemp, but not for TSItrop, TSI values in relation to Chl-a and TP were also significantly different. All such deviations have important management implications especially when Chl-a, TP, and SDD are averaged in a single TSI, representing loss of information and less useful trophic state classifications. Our results demonstrate that tropical water bodies may respond to drivers of eutrophication differently than temperate systems, highlighting the need for more data to better inform management of these understudied ecosystems. As managers collect data from more tropical water bodies, regional models may offer even better understanding of factors influencing trophic state.

Ecossistema , Monitoramento Ambiental , Eutrofização , Lagos , Fósforo/análise
Eng. sanit. ambient ; 24(5): 909-918, set.-out. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056099


RESUMO A presença de cianobactérias e cianotoxinas em reservatórios no estado de São Paulo constitui um desafio para produção de água potável. Sete reservatórios utilizados para abastecimento público, monitorados pela Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo (CETESB), foram analisados em relação a cianobactérias, microcistina e indicadores de contaminação fecal entre 2011 e 2015. Calcularam-se porcentagens de não conformidade com padrões de qualidade. Os resultados evidenciaram a presença de cianobactérias e microcistina (máximo de 22,4 g.L-1), além de conflitos com os padrões da Resolução CONAMA nº 357/2005 (BRASIL, 2005), o que reforça a importância de investimentos em coleta e tratamento de esgotos sanitários. É discutida a necessidade de maior integração entre as leis e resoluções que versam sobre qualidade da água, além do melhor planejamento dos recursos hídricos, com foco em metas progressivas de melhoria da qualidade da água.

ABSTRACT The occurrence of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in reservoirs in São Paulo State is a challenge to the production of drinking water. Seven reservoirs used for public supply and monitored by CETESB, were analyzed regarding cyanobacteria, microcystin and indicators of fecal contamination between 2011-2015. The percentages of non-compliance with water quality standards were calculated. Results highlighted the presence of cyanobacteria and microcystin (maximum of 22.4 µg/L), as well as conflicts with the standards provided by CONAMA Resolution No. 357/2005 (BRASIL, 2005), which reinforces the importance of investments in sanitary sewage collection and treatment. The need for greater integration between laws and resolutions on issues related to water quality were also discussed, as well as better planning of water resources, focusing on progressive goals for water quality improvement.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 18(2): 159-168, abr.-jun. 2013. graf, mapas, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-680746


A Resolução CONAMA 357/2005 estabeleceu condições de qualidade para o enquadramento dos sistemas aquáticos no Brasil. Essa pesquisa avaliou os níveis de não conformidade entre a qualidade de rios e reservatórios do estado de São Paulo e o seu enquadramento para algumas variáveis. Foram analisados dados (n=43.897) de fósforo total, oxigênio dissolvido, nitrato, turbidez e Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigênio de 360 pontos amostrais nas 22 UGRHIs (Unidades de Gerenciamento de Recursos Hídricos) de SP. A situação se apresentou mais crítica para o fósforo total e o oxigênio dissolvido, sobretudo nas UGRHIs industriais. Entre 2005 e 2009, não houve melhoria significativa em relação aos resultados desconformes para algumas variáveis. Há necessidade de investimentos no tratamento de esgotos em nível terciário e de medidas para atenuar a geração de cargas difusas.

The CONAMA Framework Resolution 357/2005 fixed the conditions for establishing water quality categories in Brazilian aquatic systems. We assessed the levels of non-conformity among the water quality in rivers and reservoirs from São Paulo State (SP, Brazil) and their framework. We analyzed data (n=43,897) from total phosphorus, dissolved oxygen, nitrate, turbidity and Biochemical Oxygen Demand of 360 sampling sites within the 22 UGRHI (Water Resources Management Units) in SP from 2005 to 2009. The situation was unsatisfactory for total phosphorus and dissolved oxygen, mainly in the industrial UGRHI. There was no significant water quality improvement in relation to some of the studied variables within these five years, which indicates the need for directing investments on tertiary domestic wastewater treatment and mitigation of non-point pollution loads.