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ISME J ; 2024 Sep 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39276367


Chemolithoautotrophic Hydrogenovibrio are ubiquitous and abundant at hydrothermal vents. They can oxidize sulfur, hydrogen or iron, but none are known to use all three energy sources. This ability though would be advantageous in vents hallmarked by highly dynamic environmental conditions. We isolated three Hydrogenovibrio strains from vents along the Indian Ridge, which grow on all three electron donors. We present transcriptomic data from strains grown on iron, hydrogen or thiosulfate with respective oxidation and autotrophic CO2 fixation rates, RubisCO activity, SEM, and EDX. Maximum estimates of one strain's oxidation potential were 10, 24, and 952 mmol for iron, hydrogen and thiosulfate oxidation and 0.3, 1, and 84 mmol CO2 fixation, respectively, per vent per hour indicating their relevance for element cycling in-situ. Several genes were up- or downregulated depending on the inorganic electron donor provided. Although no known genes of iron-oxidation were detected, upregulated transcripts suggested iron-acquisition and so far unknown iron-oxidation-pathways.

Front Microbiol ; 14: 1173613, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37886064


In order to expand the knowledge of microbial ecosystems from deep-sea hydrothermal vent systems located on the Central and South-East Indian Ridge, we sampled hydrothermal fluids, massive sulfides, ambient water and sediments of six distinct vent fields. Most of these vent sites were only recently discovered in the course of the German exploration program for massive sulfide deposits and no previous studies of the respective microbial communities exist. Apart from typically vent-associated chemosynthetic members of the orders Campylobacterales, Mariprofundales, and Thiomicrospirales, high numbers of uncultured and unspecified Bacteria were identified via 16S rRNA gene analyses in hydrothermal fluid and massive sulfide samples. The sampled sediments however, were characterized by an overall lack of chemosynthetic Bacteria and the presence of high proportions of low abundant bacterial groups. The archaeal communities were generally less diverse and mostly dominated by members of Nitrosopumilales and Woesearchaeales, partly exhibiting high proportions of unassigned Archaea. Correlations with environmental parameters were primarily observed for sediment communities and for microbial species (associated with the nitrogen cycle) in samples from a recently identified vent field, which was geochemically distinct from all other sampled sites. Enrichment cultures of diffuse fluids demonstrated a great potential for hydrogen oxidation coupled to the reduction of various electron-acceptors with high abundances of Hydrogenovibrio and Sulfurimonas species. Overall, given the large number of currently uncultured and unspecified microorganisms identified in the vent communities, their respective metabolic traits, ecosystem functions and mediated biogeochemical processes have still to be resolved for estimating consequences of potential environmental disturbances by future mining activities.

Front Microbiol ; 13: 1096062, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36620042


Anthropogenic activities are modifying the oceanic environment rapidly and are causing ocean warming and deoxygenation, affecting biodiversity, productivity, and biogeochemical cycling. In coastal sediments, anaerobic organic matter degradation essentially fuels the production of hydrogen sulfide and methane. The release of these compounds from sediments is detrimental for the (local) environment and entails socio-economic consequences. Therefore, it is vital to understand which microbes catalyze the re-oxidation of these compounds under environmental dynamics, thereby mitigating their release to the water column. Here we use the seasonally dynamic Boknis Eck study site (SW Baltic Sea), where bottom waters annually fall hypoxic or anoxic after the summer months, to extrapolate how the microbial community and its activity reflects rising temperatures and deoxygenation. During October 2018, hallmarked by warmer bottom water and following a hypoxic event, modeled sulfide and methane production and consumption rates are higher than in March at lower temperatures and under fully oxic bottom water conditions. The microbial populations catalyzing sulfide and methane metabolisms are found in shallower sediment zones in October 2018 than in March 2019. DNA-and RNA profiling of sediments indicate a shift from primarily organotrophic to (autotrophic) sulfide oxidizing Bacteria, respectively. Previous studies using data collected over decades demonstrate rising temperatures, decreasing eutrophication, lower primary production and thus less fresh organic matter transported to the Boknis Eck sediments. Elevated temperatures are known to stimulate methanogenesis, anaerobic oxidation of methane, sulfate reduction and essentially microbial sulfide consumption, likely explaining the shift to a phylogenetically more diverse sulfide oxidizing community based on RNA.

Front Microbiol ; 12: 686276, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34630341


A novel deltaproteobacterial, mesophilic, hydrogen-oxidizing, and sulfate-reducing bacterium (strain KaireiS1) was highly enriched from an inactive chimney located in the active zone of the Kairei hydrothermal vent field (Central Indian Ridge) in the Indian Ocean. Based on 16S rRNA gene analyses, strain KaireiS1 is the currently only cultured representative of a cluster of uncultured Deltaproteobacteria, positioned within the Desulfobulbaceae family, between the Desulfobulbus genus and the "Cable Bacteria." A facultative autotrophic lifestyle of KaireiS1 is indicated by its growth in the absence of organic compounds, measurements of CO2-fixation rates, and activity measurements of carbon monoxide dehydrogenase, the key enzyme of the reductive Acetyl-CoA pathway. Apart from hydrogen, strain KaireiS1 can also use propionate, lactate, and pentadecane as electron donors. However, the highest cell numbers were reached when grown autotrophically with molecular hydrogen. Hydrogen uptake activity was found in membrane and soluble fractions of cell-free extracts and reached up to 2,981±129 nmol H2*min-1*mg-1 of partially purified protein. Commonly, autotrophic sulfate-reducing bacteria from the Deltaproteobacteria class, thriving in hydrothermal vent habitats are described as thermophiles. Given its physiological characteristics and specific isolation source, strain KaireiS1 demonstrates a previously unnoticed potential for microbial sulfate reduction by autotrophs taking place at moderate temperatures in hydrothermal vent fields.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 1349, 2021 03 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33649339


The Arctic has the highest warming rates on Earth. Glaciated fjord ecosystems, which are hotspots of carbon cycling and burial, are extremely sensitive to this warming. Glaciers are important for the transport of iron from land to sea and supply this essential nutrient to phytoplankton in high-latitude marine ecosystems. However, up to 95% of the glacially-sourced iron settles to sediments close to the glacial source. Our data show that while 0.6-12% of the total glacially-sourced iron is potentially bioavailable, biogeochemical cycling in Arctic fjord sediments converts the glacially-derived iron into more labile phases, generating up to a 9-fold increase in the amount of potentially bioavailable iron. Arctic fjord sediments are thus an important source of potentially bioavailable iron. However, our data suggests that as glaciers retreat onto land the flux of iron to the sediment-water interface may be reduced. Glacial retreat therefore likely impacts iron cycling in coastal marine ecosystems.