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J Phys Chem A ; 128(18): 3604-3612, 2024 May 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38573007


This work studies the real gas effects on the autoignition of hydrocarbon fuels under high pressures, using normal dodecane (n-dodecane) as the representative fuel and the Redlich-Kwong equation of state (EoS) as the real gas description. It is demonstrated that the real gas description yields a shorter ignition delay time (IDT) compared with the ideal gas description, especially in low-temperature regimes which could encompass the negative temperature coefficient (NTC) phenomena and has a stronger dependence on the molecular volume than the attractive potential. The study further shows that high pressure facilitates low-temperature reaction pathways, where the compressibility factors of key reactants contribute to real gas effects. Moreover, the results suggest that accounting for real gas behavior leads to an increase in the formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which, in turn, promotes soot generation.

J Phys Chem A ; 125(47): 10223-10234, 2021 Dec 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34788032


Quantitative rate determination of elementary reactions is a major task in the study of chemical kinetics. To ensure the fidelity of their determination, progressively tightened constraints need to be placed on their measurement, especially with the development of various notable experimental techniques. However, the evaluation of reaction rates and their uncertainties is frequently conducted with substantial subjectivity due to data source, thermodynamic conditions, sampling range, and sparsity. To reduce the extent of biased rate evaluation, we propose herein an approach of uncertainty-weighted statistical analysis, utilizing weighted average, and weighted least-square regression in statistical inference. Based on the backbone H2/O2 chemistry, rate data for each elementary reaction are collected from the time-history profile in shock tube experiments and high-level theoretical calculations, with their assigned weight inversely depending on uncertainty, which would overall avoid subjective assessments and provide more accurate rate evaluation. Aided by sensitivity analysis, the rates of a few key reactions are further constrained in the less investigated low- to intermediate-temperature conditions using high-fidelity flow reactor data. Good performance of the constructed mechanism is confirmed with validation against the target of the high-fidelity flow reactor data. This study demonstrates a systematic approach for reaction rate evaluation and uncertainty quantification.

J Phys Chem A ; 125(6): 1374-1383, 2021 Feb 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33492132


Recognizing that low-temperature ignition of alkanes is usually associated with one heat release peak, we report herein that, for iso-octane under certain ranges of initial temperatures and pressures, two separate heat release peaks were observed through computational simulations using several kinetic mechanisms. The inherent chemical reason for this phenomenon is discussed using reaction channel analysis and is identified to result from the competition between R + O2 → RO2 and the ß scission reactions. By further utilizing sensitivity and path flux analyses, an isomeric effect is identified in that the different isomeric structures produced through the H-abstraction reactions can lead to differences in the subsequent low-temperature reaction pathways.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(2)2021 Jan 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33419924


The gasification of multicomponent fuel drops is relevant in various energy-related technologies. An interesting phenomenon associated with this process is the self-induced explosion of the drop, producing a multitude of smaller secondary droplets, which promotes overall fuel atomization and, consequently, improves the combustion efficiency and reduces emissions of liquid-fueled engines. Here, we study a unique explosive gasification process of a tricomponent droplet consisting of water, ethanol, and oil ("ouzo"), by high-speed monitoring of the entire gasification event taking place in the well-controlled, levitated Leidenfrost state over a superheated plate. It is observed that the preferential evaporation of the most volatile component, ethanol, triggers nucleation of the oil microdroplets/nanodroplets in the remaining drop, which, consequently, becomes an opaque oil-in-water microemulsion. The tiny oil droplets subsequently coalesce into a large one, which, in turn, wraps around the remnant water. Because of the encapsulating oil layer, the droplet can no longer produce enough vapor for its levitation, and, thus, falls and contacts the superheated surface. The direct thermal contact leads to vapor bubble formation inside the drop and consequently drop explosion in the final stage.

Chaos ; 30(11): 113141, 2020 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33261349


Cellular automata models based on population dynamics, introduced by Von Neumann in the 1950s, has been successfully used to describe pattern development and front propagation in many applications, such as crystal growth, forest fires, fractal growth in biological media, etc. We, herein, explore the possibility of using a cellular automaton, based on the population dynamics of flamelets, as a low-order model to describe the dynamics of an expanding flame propagating in a turbulent environment. A turbulent flame is constituted by numerous flamelets, each of which interacts with their neighborhood composed of other flamelets, as well as unburned and burnt fluid particles. This local interaction leads to global flame dynamics. The effect of turbulence is simulated by introducing stochasticity in the local interaction and hence in the temporal evolution of the flamefront. Our results show that the model preserves various multifractal characteristics of the expanding turbulent flame and captures several characteristics of expanding turbulent flames observed in experiments. For example, at low turbulence levels, an increase in global burning rate leads to an increase in the turbulence level, while beyond a critical turbulence level, the expanding flame becomes increasingly fragmented, and consequently, the total burning rate decreases with increasing turbulence. Furthermore, at an extremely high turbulence level, the ignition kernel quenches at its nascent state and consequently loses its ability to propagate as an expanding flame.

J Phys Chem A ; 124(19): 3747-3753, 2020 May 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32299215


Methylamine radicals (CH3NH) and amino radicals (NH2) are major products in the early pyrolysis/ignition of monomethylhydrazine (CH3NHNH2). Ab initio kinetics of thermal decomposition of CH3NH radicals was analyzed by RRKM master equation simulations. It was found that ß-scission of the methyl H-atom from CH3NH radicals is predominant and fast enough to induce subsequent H-abstraction reactions in CH3NHNH2 to trigger ignition. Consequently, the kinetics of H-abstraction reactions from CH3NHNH2 by H-atoms was further investigated. It was found that the energy barriers for abstraction of the central amine H-atom, two terminal amine H-atoms, and methyl H-atoms are 4.16, 2.95, 5.98, and 8.50 kcal mol-1, respectively. In units of cm3 molecule-1 s-1, the corresponding rate coefficients were found to be k8 = 9.63 × 10-20T2.596 exp(-154.2/T), k9 = 2.04 × 10-18T2.154 exp(104.1/T), k10 = 1.13 × 10-20T2.866 exp(-416.3/T), and k11 = 2.41 × 10-23T3.650 exp(-870.5/T), respectively, in the 290-2500 K temperature range. The results reveal that abstraction of the terminal amine H-atom to form trans-CH3NHNH radicals is the dominant channel among the different abstraction channels. At 298 K, the total theoretical H-abstraction rate coefficient, calculated with no adjustable parameters, is 8.16 × 10-13 cm3 molecule-1 s-1, which is in excellent agreement with Vaghjiani's experimental observation of (7.60 ± 1.14) × 10-13 cm3 molecule-1 s-1 ( J. Phys. Chem. A 1997, 101, 4167-4171, DOI: 10.1021/jp964044z).

Annu Rev Chem Biomol Eng ; 10: 199-217, 2019 06 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30901258


This article reviews recent theoretical developments on incipient ignition induced by radical runaway in systems described by detailed chemistry. Employing eigenvalue analysis, we first analyze the canonical explosion limits of mixtures of hydrogen and oxygen, yielding explicit criteria that well reproduce their characteristic Z-shaped response in the pressure-temperature plot. Subsequently, we evaluate the role of hydrogen addition to the explosion limits of mixtures of oxygen with either carbon monoxide or methane, demonstrating and quantifying its strong catalytic effect, especially for the carbon monoxide cases. We then discuss the role of low-temperature chemistry in the autoignition of large hydrocarbon fuels, with emphasis on the first-stage ignition delay and the associated negative-temperature coefficient phenomena. Finally, we extend the analysis to problems of nonhomogeneous ignition in the presence of convective-diffusive transport, using counterflow as an example, demonstrating the canonical similarity between homogeneous and nonhomogeneous systems. We conclude with suggestions for potential directions for future research.

Sistemas de Combate a Incêndio , Radicais Livres/química , Monóxido de Carbono/química , Hidrocarbonetos/química , Hidrogênio/química , Cinética , Oxigênio/química , Pressão , Temperatura
Langmuir ; 34(8): 2654-2662, 2018 02 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29359943


When a drop impacts on a liquid surface, it can either bounce back or merge with the surface. The outcome affects many industrial processes, in which merging is preferred in spray coating to generate a uniform layer and bouncing is desired in internal combustion engines to prevent accumulation of the fuel drop on the wall. Thus, a good understanding of how to control the impact outcome is highly demanded to optimize the performance. For a given liquid, a regime diagram of bouncing and merging outcomes can be mapped in the space of Weber number (ratio of impact inertia and surface tension) versus film thickness. In addition, recognizing that the liquid viscosity is a fundamental fluid property that critically affects the impact outcome through viscous dissipation of the impact momentum, here we investigate liquids with a wide range of viscosity from 0.7 to 100 cSt, to assess its effect on the regime diagram. Results show that while the regime diagram maintains its general structure, the merging regime becomes smaller for more viscous liquids and the retraction merging regime disappears when the viscosity is very high. The viscous effects are modeled and subsequently the mathematical relations for the transition boundaries are proposed which agree well with the experiments. The new expressions account for all the liquid properties and impact conditions, thus providing a powerful tool to predict and manipulate the outcome when a drop impacts on a liquid film.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 20(2): 742-751, 2018 Jan 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29143024


The ignition boundary of hydrogen/oxygen mixtures is a Z-shaped curve in the pressure-temperature space, demonstrating the existence of three explosion limits. In this study, a general analysis governing all the three explosion limits in an isothermal environment is performed by considering both linear chain reactions (reactant-radical reactions) and nonlinear chain reactions (radical-radical reactions), in addition to the zeroth-order reactant-reactant reactions. For the nonlinear reactions, it is further shown that the linear-nonlinear coupling has the major influence, while the effect of nonlinear-nonlinear coupling is negligible. Phenomenologically, at low pressures, the competition between linear branching and linear termination as well as wall destruction determines the first and second explosion limits, while the nonlinear chain reactions are unimportant because of the small radical concentrations under these conditions. However, at higher pressures, both linear and nonlinear chain reactions are needed to accurately describe the third limit, which would be underpredicted by considering the linear chain reactions alone. For intermediate and high pressures, the dominant species are HO2 and H2O2, respectively. Mechanistically, the concentration of HO2 becomes higher at higher pressures due to the three-body recombination reaction, H + O2 + M → HO2 + M, such that the radical-radical reactions involving HO2 become important, while the reaction HO2 + HO2 → H2O2 + O2 renders HO2 nonessential at the third limit, with the H2O2 radical generated by the nonlinear chain reactions becoming the controlling species.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 19(25): 16563-16575, 2017 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28612859


In order to explore the hydrogen abstraction reaction kinetics of unsaturated methyl esters by hydrogen atoms, we selected two molecules for study, in particular methyl 3-butenoate and methyl 2-butenoate, whose C[double bond, length as m-dash]C double bonds are at different locations. We first determined an accurate and efficient electronic structure method for the investigation by considering eight hydrogen abstraction reactions and comparing their barrier heights and reaction energies computed using several exchange-correlation density functionals to those obtained from CCSD(T)-F12a/jun-cc-pVTZ coupled cluster calculations. In this way, we found the M06-2X/ma-TZVP method to have the best performance with a mean unsigned deviation from the CCSD(T) calculations of 0.51 kcal mol-1. Based on quantum-chemical calculations by using the M06-2X/ma-TZVP method, we then computed rate constants for 298-2500 K by direct dynamics calculations using multi-structural canonical variational transition state theory including tunneling by the multi-dimensional small-curvature tunneling approximation (MS-CVT/SCT). The computed transmission coefficients were compared with those obtained using the zero-curvature tunneling (ZCT) and one-dimensional Eckart tunneling (ET) approximations. We employed the multi-structural torsional method (MS-T) to include the multiple-structure and torsional potential anharmonic effects. The results show that the variational recrossing transmission coefficients range from 0.6 to 1.0, and the multi-structural torsional anharmonicity introduces a factor of 0.5-2.5 into the rate constant, while the tunneling transmission coefficients obtained by SCT can be as large as 17.4 and differ considerably from those determined by the less accurate ZCT and ET approximations. In addition, independent of the location of the C[double bond, length as m-dash]C double bond, the dominant hydrogen abstraction reactions occur at the allylic sites.

Soft Matter ; 12(20): 4674, 2016 May 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27097304


Correction for 'Nonmonotonic response of drop impacting on liquid film: mechanism and scaling' by Xiaoyu Tang et al., Soft Matter, 2016, DOI: 10.1039/c6sm00397d.

Soft Matter ; 12(20): 4521-9, 2016 05 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27021794


Drop impacting on a liquid film with a finite thickness is omnipresent in nature and plays a critical role in numerous industrial processes. The impact can result in either bouncing or merging, which is mainly controlled by the impact inertia of the drop and film thickness. Although it is known that impact with inertia beyond a critical value on a thick film promotes merging through the breakage of the interfacial gas layer, here we demonstrate that for an impact inertia less than that critical value, increasing the film thickness leads to a nonmonotonic transition from merging to bouncing to merging and finally to bouncing again. For the first time, two different merging mechanisms are identified and the scaling laws of the nonmonotonic transitions are developed. These results provide important insights into the role of the film thickness in the impact dynamics, which is critical for optimizing operating conditions for spray or ink-jet systems among others.

J Phys Chem A ; 120(5): 683-9, 2016 Feb 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26799641


Using density functional theory and master equation modeling, we have studied the kinetics of small unsaturated aliphatic molecules reacting with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules having a diradical character. We have found that these reactions follow the mechanism of carbon addition and hydrogen migration (CAHM) on both spin-triplet and open-shell singlet potential energy surfaces at a rate that is about ten times those of the hydrogen-abstraction-carbon-addition (HACA) reactions at 1500 K in the fuel-rich postflame region. The results also show that the most active reaction sites are in the center of the zigzag edges of the PAHs. Furthermore, the reaction products are more likely to form straight rather than branched aliphatic side chains in the case of reacting with diacetylene. The computed rate constants are also found to be independent of pressure at conditions of interest in soot formation, and the activation barriers of the CAHM reactions are linearly correlated with the diradical characters.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26382520


A new regime of oblique jet collision, characterized by low impact inertia and jet merging through bridge formation, is observed and thereby completes the entire suite of possible jet collision outcomes of (soft) merging, bouncing, and (hard) merging with increasing inertia. These distinct regimes, together with the observed dependence of the collision outcome on the impact angle and liquid properties, are characterized through scaling analysis by considering the competing effects of impact inertia, surface tension, and viscous thinning of the interfacial air gap leading to merging.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 6(3): 477-81, 2015 Feb 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26261966


Using density functional theory, a possible pathway of soot surface growth is studied in the low-temperature, postflame region in which spin-triplet polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules with a small singlet-triplet energy gap react with unsaturated aliphatics such as acetylene via the carbon-addition-hydrogen-migration (CAHM) reaction. Results show that a PAH-core-aliphatic-shell structure is formed and the mass growth rate of this triplet soot surface growth reaction is one order of magnitude larger than that of the surface hydrogen-abstraction-carbon-addition (HACA) reaction at temperatures below 1500 K.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25768599


The coalescence of two initially stationary droplets of shear-thinning fluids in a gaseous environment is investigated numerically using the lattice Boltzmann method, with particular interest in non-Newtonian flow effects on the internal mixing subsequent to coalescence. Coalescence of equal-sized droplets, with one being Newtonian while the other is non-Newtonian, leads to the non-Newtonian droplet wrapping around the Newtonian one and hence minimal fine-scale mixing. For unequal-sized droplets, mixing is greatly promoted if both droplets are shear-thinning. When only one of the droplets is shear-thinning, the non-Newtonian effect from the smaller droplet is found to be significantly more effective than that from the larger droplet in facilitating internal jetlike mixing. Parametric study with the Carreau-Yasuda model indicates that the phenomena are universal to a wide range of shear-thinning fluids, given that the extent of shear thinning reaches a certain level, and the internal jet tends to be thicker and develops more rapidly with increasing extent of the shear-thinning effect.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(2): 024503, 2014 Jul 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25062189


Contrary to the belief that ignition of a combustible mixture by a high-energy kernel is more difficult in turbulence than in quiescence because of the increased dissipation rate of the deposited energy, we experimentally demonstrate that it can actually be facilitated by turbulence for mixtures whose thermal diffusivity sufficiently exceeds its mass diffusivity. In such cases, turbulence breaks the otherwise single spherical flame of positive curvature, and hence positive aerodynamics stretch, into a multitude of wrinkled flamelets subjected to either positive or negative stretch, such that the intensified burning of the latter constitutes local sources to facilitate ignition.

J Phys Chem A ; 118(8): 1287-92, 2014 Feb 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24491159


A possible pathway of soot nucleation, in which localized π electrons play an important role in binding the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules having multiradical characteristics to form stable polymer molecules through covalent bonds, is studied using density functional and semiempirical methods. Results show that the number of covalent bonds formed in the dimerization of two identical PAHs is determined by the radical character, and the sites to form bonds are related to the aromaticity of individual six-membered ring structure. It is further shown that the binding energy of dimerization increases linearly with the diradical character in the range relevant to soot nucleation.

Elétrons , Radicais Livres/química , Hidrocarbonetos Policíclicos Aromáticos/química , Fuligem/química , Dimerização , Teoria Quântica , Termodinâmica
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24125342


In this paper we clarify the role of Markstein diffusivity, which is the product of the planar laminar flame speed and the Markstein length, on the turbulent flame speed and its scaling, based on experimental measurements on constant-pressure expanding turbulent flames. Turbulent flame propagation data are presented for premixed flames of mixtures of hydrogen, methane, ethylene, n-butane, and dimethyl ether with air, in near-isotropic turbulence in a dual-chamber, fan-stirred vessel. For each individual fuel-air mixture presented in this work and the recently published iso-octane data from Leeds, normalized turbulent flame speed data of individual fuel-air mixtures approximately follow a Re_{T,f}^{0.5} scaling, for which the average radius is the length scale and thermal diffusivity is the transport property of the turbulence Reynolds number. At a given Re_{T,f}^{}, it is experimentally observed that the normalized turbulent flame speed decreases with increasing Markstein number, which could be explained by considering Markstein diffusivity as the leading dissipation mechanism for the large wave number flame surface fluctuations. Consequently, by replacing thermal diffusivity with the Markstein diffusivity in the turbulence Reynolds number definition above, it is found that normalized turbulent flame speeds could be scaled by Re_{T,M}^{0.5} irrespective of the fuel, equivalence ratio, pressure, and turbulence intensity for positive Markstein number flames.

J Chem Phys ; 138(13): 134305, 2013 Apr 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23574225


In this study, the essential factors governing the Z-shaped explosion limits of hydrogen-oxygen mixtures are studied using eigenvalue analysis. In particular, it is demonstrated that the wall destruction of H and HO2 is essential for the occurrence of the first and third limits, while that of O, OH, and H2O2 play secondary, quantitative roles for such limits. By performing quasi-steady-state analysis, an approximate, cubic equation for the explosion limits is obtained, from which explicit expressions governing the various explosion limits including the state of the loss of non-monotonicity are derived and discussed.