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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38271164


Numerous physical objects in our daily lives are grouped or ranked according to a stereotyped presentation style. For example, in a library, books are typically grouped and ranked based on classification numbers. However, for better comparison, we often need to re-group or re-rank the books using additional attributes such as ratings, publishers, comments, publication years, keywords, prices, etc., or a combination of these factors. In this paper, we propose a novel mobile DR/MR-based application framework named DRCmpVis to achieve in-context multi-attribute comparisons of physical objects with text labels or textual information. The physical objects are scanned in the real world using mobile cameras. All scanned objects are then segmented and labeled by a convolutional neural network and replaced (diminished) by their virtual avatars in a DR environment. We formulate three visual comparison strategies, including filtering, re-grouping, and re-ranking, which can be intuitively, flexibly, and seamlessly performed on their avatars. This approach avoids breaking the original layouts of the physical objects. The computation resources in virtual space can be fully utilized to support efficient object searching and multi-attribute visual comparisons. We demonstrate the usability, expressiveness, and efficiency of DRCmpVis through a user study, NASA TLX assessment, quantitative evaluation, and case studies involving different scenarios.

Bioinformatics ; 2021 Feb 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33538809


MOTIVATION: Narrative visualization for scientific data explorations can help users better understand the domain knowledge, because narrative visualizations often present a sequence of facts and observations linked together by a unifying theme or argument. Narrative visualization in immersive environments can provide users with an intuitive experience to interactively explore the scientific data, because immersive environments provide a brand new strategy for interactive scientific data visualization and exploration. However, it is challenging to develop narrative scientific visualization in immersive environments. In this paper, we propose an immersive narrative visualization tool to create and customize scientific data explorations for ordinary users with little knowledge about programming on scientific visualization, They are allowed to define POIs (point of interests) conveniently by the handler of an immersive device. RESULTS: Automatic exploration animations with narrative annotations can be generated by the gradual transitions between consecutive POI pairs. Besides, interactive slicing can be also controlled by device handler. Evaluations including user study and case study are designed and conducted to show the usability and effectiveness of the proposed tool. AVAILABILITY: Related information can be accessed at:

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 20(12): 2555-64, 2014 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26356969


When computing integral curves and integral surfaces for large-scale unsteady flow fields, a major bottleneck is the widening gap between data access demands and the available bandwidth (both I/O and in-memory). In this work, we explore a novel advection-based scheme to manage flow field data for both efficiency and scalability. The key is to first partition flow field into blocklets (e.g. cells or very fine-grained blocks of cells), and then (pre)fetch and manage blocklets on-demand using a parallel key-value store. The benefits are (1) greatly increasing the scale of local-range analysis (e.g. source-destination queries, streak surface generation) that can fit within any given limit of hardware resources; (2) improving memory and I/O bandwidth-efficiencies as well as the scalability of naive task-parallel particle advection. We demonstrate our method using a prototype system that works on workstation and also in supercomputing environments. Results show significantly reduced I/O overhead compared to accessing raw flow data, and also high scalability on a supercomputer for a variety of applications.