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Arch Suicide Res ; : 1-14, 2023 Dec 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38069677


BACKGROUND: Stressful life events are associated with higher odds of suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Furthermore, stressful life events can trigger specific symptoms, including the suicidal narrative and suicide crisis syndrome, resulting in an increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors. This study examined the moderating role of suicide risk in the relationship between stressful life events, the suicidal narrative, and the suicide crisis syndrome. METHODS: 2,260 adults completed an online survey recruited through advertisements on social media. The level of emotional distress was assessed through the Suicide Narrative Inventory, Suicide Crisis Inventory-2, Stressful Life Events Questionnaire, and Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview. The PROCESS macro (Hayes) was used to analyze the moderation models. RESULTS: Stressful life events were positively correlated with the suicidal narrative and suicide crisis syndrome. The effects of stressful life events on suicidal narrative and suicide crisis syndrome were strongest when suicide risk was low and weakest when suicide risk was high. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that including stressful life events as part of suicide risk assessment in general and clinical settings is critical to managing treatment for suicidal thoughts and developing adaptive coping.

Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 30: e3169, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1403995


Resumo Introdução A assistência ao indivíduo pós-acidente vascular encefálico (AVE) geralmente é prestada por cuidadores familiares, mas com grande sobrecarga e impacto negativo em sua qualidade de vida (QV). Objetivo Identificar a população que atualmente cuida de maneira informal de indivíduos com sequelas decorrentes de AVE em Araranguá/SC (Brasil) e avaliar a relação entre a QV e o nível de sobrecarga nessa população. Método Estudo transversal que avaliou 60 indivíduos: 30 cuidadores informais de 30 indivíduos pós-AVE crônicos inscritos nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde de Araranguá, SC. Os seguintes instrumentos de avaliação foram utilizados: Escala Zarit Burden Interview para avaliar a sobrecarga e Questionário World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF) para avaliar a QV do cuidador; Medida de Independência Funcional (MIF) para avaliar a independência funcional e a Escala de Rankin Modificada para avaliar o nível de incapacidade do indivíduo pós-AVE. Resultados Foi observado algum nível de sobrecarga em 71,67% dos cuidadores avaliados, sendo que a maioria (46,67%) apresentou sobrecarga leve a moderada. A QV dos cuidadores mostrou-se alterada, com menores índice de satisfação com os domínios físico e meio ambiente. Foi observada correlação significativa entre a sobrecarga e a QV (ρ=-0,60; p<0,01) dos cuidadores. Conclusão A população de cuidadores de indivíduos pós-AVE residentes em Araranguá mostrou-se sobrecarregada com a função de cuidar, com alteração na sua QV. Os achados sugerem a necessidade de intervenções de saúde dirigidas não só aos indivíduos pós-AVE, mas também a seus cuidadores familiares.

Abstract Introduction Assistance to post-stroke individuals is usually provided by family caregivers, but with a great burden and negative impact on their quality of life (QoL). Objective To identify the population that currently takes care informally for individuals with sequelae resulting from stroke in Araranguá/SC (Brazil) and to assess the relationship between QoL and the level of burden in this population. Method A cross-sectional study that evaluated 60 individuals: 30 informal caregivers of 30 chronic post-stroke individuals enrolled in Basic Health Units in Araranguá, SC. The following assessment instruments were used: Zarit Burden Interview Scale to assess burden and World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF) to assess caregiver QoL; Functional Independence Measure (FIM) to assess functional independence and the Modified Rankin Scale to assess the individual's level of disability post-stroke. Results Some level of burden was observed in 71.67% of the caregivers evaluated, with the majority (46.67%) having mild to moderate burden. The caregivers' QoL was altered, with lower levels of satisfaction on the physical and environment domains. A significant correlation was observed between burden and QoL (ρ=-0.60; p<0.01) of caregivers. Conclusion The population of caregivers of post-stroke individuals residing in Araranguá proved to be overloaded with the care function, with changes in their QoL. The findings suggest the need for health interventions aimed not only at post-stroke individuals, but also at their family caregivers.

Acta fisiátrica ; 27(1): 27-33, mar. 2020.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1129941


Indivíduos acometidos por acidente vascular encefálico (AVE) podem apresentar déficits motores, como a hemiparesia, que limitam a autonomia para realização das atividades de vida diária (AVD). Objetivo: Avaliar o comprometimento motor e a independência funcional de indivíduos pós-AVE cadastrados nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) no município de Araranguá/SC. Método: A amostra foi composta por indivíduos com sequelas motoras de AVE cadastrados nas UBS de Araranguá, que foram avaliados através da Escala de Rankin Modificada, Mini Exame do Estado Mental, Medida de Independência Funcional (MIF), Escala de Fugl Meyer (EFM) e questionário sociodemográfico. Resultados: Foram avaliados 56 indivíduos, com média de idade de 67,3±11 anos. Na MIF, 67,9% apresentaram dependência modificada, necessitando de até 25% de auxílio para realizar suas AVD. Na pontuação total da EFM, 58,9% dos indivíduos apresentaram comprometimento marcado, 32,1% apresentaram comprometimento grave para membro inferior e 46,4% apresentaram comprometimento moderado para membro superior. Foi observada correlação significativa entre o resultado da EFM total com o resultado da MIF total (ρ=0.6; ρ<0,01) e entre o resultado da EFM total com todos os itens da escala MIF (ρ<0,01). Conclusão: Os indivíduos avaliados apresentaram comprometimento motor marcado e algum grau de dependência funcional. A correlação significativa entre as variáveis demonstrou que indivíduos pós-AVE crônico no município de Araranguá apresentam comprometimento motor que gera dependência funcional para realização das AVD. Espera-se que os resultados encontrados possam auxiliar profissionais de saúde da região a criarem abordagens para manter estes indivíduos mais independentes.

Individuals affected by stroke may have motor deficits, such as hemiparesis, which can limit autonomy to perform activities of daily living (ADLs). Objective: To evaluate the motor impairment and the functional independence of post-stroke individuals registered in Basic Health Units (BHU) in the city of Araranguá/SC. Method: The sample consisted of individuals with sequelae of stroke registered in the Basic Health Units (BHU) of Araranguá, selected in an intentional non-probabilistic manner. Individuals were assessed using the Modified Rankin Scale, Mini Mental State Examination, Functional Independence Measure, Fugl Meyer Scale and socioeconomic questionnaire. Results: 56 individuals were evaluated, mean age of 67.3 ± 11. According to FIM scores, 67.9% had a modified dependence, requiring up to 25% assistance to perform their ADLs. In the total FMS score, 58.9% of the individuals had marked impairment. 32.1% had severe impairment for the lower limb and 46.4% had moderate impairment for the upper limb. A significant correlation was observed between the result of the total FMS with the result of the total FIM (ρ=0.6; ρ<0.01) and between the result of the total FMS with all the items of the FIM scale (ρ <0.01). Conclusion: The evaluated individuals presented marked motor impairment and some level of functional dependence. The significant correlation between the variables demonstrated that individuals after chronic stroke in Araranguá have motor impairment that generates functional dependence for performing ADLs. It is hoped that the results found will help health professionals in the region to create approaches to keep these individuals more independent.

Paresia , Atividades Cotidianas , Acidente Vascular Cerebral