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Cureus ; 16(7): e65887, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39219969


Background The majority of complications and deaths related to childbirth are concentrated in developing and disadvantaged nations, where the rates are unacceptably elevated. These incidents predominantly occur in the vicinity during the intrapartum period and immediately after childbirth. The peripartum period is especially critical for expectant mothers, as it represents the time when a significant number of complications and deaths occur. This study aimed to develop, validate, and assess the efficacy of the maternal morbidity screening (MMS) tool for predicting peripartum morbidity. Methodology The study was conducted in two phases: Phase one involved developing, validating, and piloting the MMS tool, while Phase two focused on evaluating and comparing the MMS tool with the modified early obstetric warning system (MEOWS) chart for predicting peripartum morbidity. An observational analytical clinical study design was utilized. Result In Phase one, the MMS tool was developed and validated by subject experts, resulting in a reliability score of 0.90. Therefore, the tool was deemed reliable and valid. Phase two results revealed that obstetric morbidity in the maternal morbidity group was 66.66%, higher than the 32% observed with the MEOWS chart. The MMS tool demonstrated significantly higher sensitivity at 95.24%, specificity at 89.50%, and predictive value at 98.50%, yielding an overall accuracy of 90.50%. In comparison, the MEOWS chart exhibited a sensitivity of 70.51%, specificity of 86.81%, predictive value of 92.94%, and accuracy of 83.71%. Conclusion The occurrence of maternal morbidity in the trigger zone was significantly higher than in the non-trigger zone in the MMS tool. The MMS tool was significantly more effective as a predictor of peripartum morbidity compared to the MEOWS chart.

Cureus ; 15(10): e46319, 2023 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37916257


This narrative review examines the multifaceted realm of postoperative infections in gynaecology, addressing their significance, types, risk factors, prevention, management, and emerging trends. Postoperative infections, encompassing surgical site infections, urinary tract infections, and pelvic inflammatory disease, pose considerable challenges in patient care, warranting comprehensive exploration. Strategies for prevention include preoperative patient assessment, antimicrobial prophylaxis, and aseptic techniques. Intraoperative measures encompass infection control and instrument sterilization, while postoperative care involves wound management and early infection detection. Diagnostic tools, including blood tests, imaging, and microbiological cultures, aid in timely identification. Management strategies encompass antibiotic therapy, surgical interventions, supportive care, and addressing complications. The review underscores the necessity of personalized approaches, multidisciplinary collaboration, and innovative technologies in future infection management. It calls for ongoing research, heightened awareness, and meticulous care to minimize the impact of postoperative infections and optimize patient outcomes.

Cureus ; 15(10): e47971, 2023 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38034264


Veganism, a way of eating that forbids goods produced from animals, is rising in acceptance around the globe. This thorough analysis investigates how a vegan diet affects fetal growth during pregnancy, highlighting the need to maintain ideal maternal nutrition. The idea of "early life programming" emphasizes how a pregnant woman's lifestyle impacts her unborn child's health. Nutrient consumption during pregnancy makes it essential to have a healthy eating routine. While a carefully thought-out vegan diet may contain all the essential nutrients, some micronutrients need special attention, which may call for supplementation. The study delves into significant findings concerning nutritional adequacy and challenges in the discussion section, highlighting nutrients like calcium, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and protein. It emphasizes medical professionals' need to monitor and assist vegan expectant mothers in meeting their nutritional needs. The analysis also examines the intricate connection between a mother's health and the outcomes of vegan pregnancies, such as decreased rates of gestational diabetes and hypertension. Examining fetal growth and development further highlights the complexity of this process, as do the contradicting data on birth weights. Furthermore, early data suggest that infants born to vegan moms may benefit cognitively, but further studies are required to prove a causal relationship. In addressing ethical and environmental issues in the review's conclusion, it is acknowledged that these aspects impact pregnant women's food decisions. Given the rising popularity of veganism, it is crucial to offer trustworthy advice to expectant women who are thinking about or already following a vegan diet.

Cureus ; 15(9): e46209, 2023 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37905286


The journey of motherhood encompasses a profound array of emotions, experiences, and challenges that extend beyond the surface of joy and elation. This review delves into the crucial yet often underexplored realm of postpartum mood disorders, aiming to illuminate their significance and foster understanding. Postpartum mood disorders, including postpartum depression, anxiety disorders, and psychosis, impact the mental well-being of mothers during a pivotal phase of their lives. Through a comprehensive exploration, this review elucidates the various dimensions of these disorders, from their definitions and classifications to their prevalence and impact on both mothers and families. Identifying and diagnosing postpartum mood disorders is discussed in detail, shedding light on the emotional, cognitive, and physical symptoms that warrant attention. Screening and assessment tools are highlighted as essential instruments for early detection, while challenges in diagnosis, including the overlap with typical postpartum experiences and the influence of stigma, are explored. The review further delves into treatment and intervention, underscoring the importance of psychotherapy, pharmacological interventions, and individualised treatment plans. The roles of healthcare providers and mental health professionals in offering support and guidance are emphasised, emphasising the significance of a collaborative approach. Cultural and societal influences are crucial in shaping perceptions of motherhood and mental health. The review explores how these influences can create barriers to seeking help and highlights the importance of destigmatising postpartum mood disorders. It underscores the urgency of raising awareness and fostering a supportive environment that empowers mothers to seek assistance without fear of judgment. Looking toward the future, the review points to potential research directions, such as advances in understanding hormonal influences and exploring the long-term effects on maternal mental health. The overarching call to action resonates - increased awareness, support, and dismantling stigma are imperative. A hopeful vision is presented: a future where all mothers receive appropriate mental health care, no mother stands alone in her motherhood journey, and societal understanding and compassion thrive.

Cureus ; 15(11): e49690, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38161863


Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) is a complex and multifaceted condition that significantly impacts the sexual well-being and overall quality of life of women. This comprehensive review aims to provide a holistic understanding of HSDD by exploring its etiology, diagnostic criteria, treatment approaches, and broader societal implications. The review delves into the intricate interplay of biological factors, including hormonal changes and neurotransmitter imbalances, that contribute to HSDD. Psychological factors, such as relationship issues, body image, and stress, are examined with sociocultural factors like societal norms, cultural influences, and media portrayals of sexuality. Diagnostic criteria and assessment methods, including The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition criteria, and self-report questionnaires, are explored to facilitate accurate identification of HSDD and differentiation from other sexual disorders. The impact of HSDD on women's quality of life and relationships is examined, highlighting the emotional strain and interpersonal challenges associated with the disorder. Societal and personal consequences of untreated HSDD underscore the need for increased awareness and support. Treatment approaches encompass non-pharmacological interventions such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, sex therapy, and couples therapy and pharmacological interventions like hormone therapy and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Novel treatments like bremelanotide, flibanserin, and integrative strategies combining psychotherapy and lifestyle changes are discussed. Challenges and controversies surrounding HSDD, including the lack of consensus on diagnostic criteria, debates about the medicalization of sexuality, ethical concerns regarding pharmaceutical interventions, and cultural considerations, are addressed. Future directions in research, including advances in neurobiological understanding, personalized medicine, long-term treatment studies, and destigmatization initiatives, offer promising pathways for enhancing the management of HSDD.