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J Imaging ; 9(1)2022 Dec 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36662106


Hardness is one of the most important mechanical properties of materials, since it is used to estimate their quality and to determine their suitability for a particular application. One method of determining quality is the Vickers hardness test, in which the resistance to plastic deformation at the surface of the material is measured after applying force with an indenter. The hardness is measured from the sample image, which is a tedious, time-consuming, and prone to human error procedure. Therefore, in this work, a new automatic method based on image processing techniques is proposed, allowing for obtaining results quickly and more accurately even with high irregularities in the indentation mark. For the development and validation of the method, a set of microscopy images of samples indented with applied forces of 5N and 10N on AISI D2 steel with and without quenching, tempering heat treatment and samples coated with titanium niobium nitride (TiNbN) was used. The proposed method was implemented as a plugin of the ImageJ program, allowing for obtaining reproducible Vickers hardness results in an average time of 2.05 seconds with an accuracy of 98.3% and a maximum error of 4.5% with respect to the values obtained manually, used as a golden standard.

Plants (Basel) ; 10(9)2021 Aug 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34579324


Precision agriculture has greatly benefited from advances in machine vision and image processing techniques. The use of feature descriptors and detectors allows to find distinctive keypoints in an image and the use of this approach for agronomical applications has become a widespread field of study. By combining near infrared (NIR) images, acquired with a modified Nikon D80 camera, and visible spectrum (VIS) images, acquired with a Nikon D300s, a proper crop identification could be obtained. Still, the use of different sensors brings an image matching challenge due to the difference between cameras and the possible distortions from each imaging technique. The aim of this paper is to compare the performance of several feature descriptors and detectors by comparing near infrared and visual spectral bands in rice crop images. Therefore, a group of 20 different scenes with different cameras and growth stages in a rice crop were evaluated. Thus, red, green, blue (RGB) and L, a, b (CIE L*a*b*) channels were extracted from VIS images in order to compare the matches obtained between each of them and the corresponding NIR image. The BRISK, SURF, SIFT, ORB, KAZE, and AKAZE methods were implemented, which act as descriptors and detectors. Additionally, a combination was made between the FAST algorithm for the detection of keypoints with the BRIEF, BRISK, and FREAK methods for features description. BF and FLANN matching methods were used. The algorithms were implemented in Python using OpenCV library. The green channel presented the highest number of correct matches in all methods. In turn, the method that presented the highest performance both in time and in the number of correct matches was the combination of the FAST feature detector and the BRISK descriptor.