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Iran J Public Health ; 51(6): 1400-1410, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36447972


Background: Identification of freshwater snails and possible trematodes transmission sites are essential to continue monitoring the potential for disease outbreaks in areas with a history of parasitic infections. We aimed to search some areas in the margin of the Caspian Sea, northern Iran to identify the snail fauna of this area and verify the contamination of vector snails. Methods: More than 5,308 snails from 51 diverse and permanent habitats were studied from April 2019 to October 2021. Snails were collected randomly and identified using shell morphology. Trematode infection in snails was investigated by the release of cercariae and dissection methods. Results: Five families of freshwater snails including Lymnaeidae, Physidae, Planorbidae, Bithyniidae, and Viviparidae were investigated in the Caspian Sae Litoral of Iran. Physidae were found as the most prevalent snails (55.1%) followed by Lymnaeidae (29.4%). The parasitize rate was observed as 20% using releasing cercaria technique. Echinostomatoidea (31%), Schistosomatoidea (8%), and Diplostomoidea (21%), and Plagiorchioidea (40%) were seen as detected parasites. Meanwhile, 60% of the studied snails illustrated the other stages of trematodes. Conclusion: The rate of infection of snails with different cercaria in northern Iran is significant. It needs further deep studies to clarify the situation of zoonoses transmitted by snails in the region. Policy makers should pay attention more to this area in terms of monitoring the snail-transmitted diseases.

J Arthropod Borne Dis ; 7(1): 71-82, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23785697


BACKGROUND: Eco-faunistic studies are inevitable step in environmental researches. Aquatic organisms like caddisflies are known as biological indicators for water quality assessment and water resource management. They have special role for energy flow in the freshwater habitats as food web and food chain among aquatic creatures. METHODS: In addition to an extensive literature review on Iran Caddisflies, a field study was carried out in Lavasan river flows in north east of Tehran to collect aquatic insects using D-frame nets and or direct search on stone beneath. The water quality was measured using analytical method. RESULTS: Literature revealed record of 62 trichopterid species in the country comprising 14 families. The most abundant species belonged to the Hydropsychidae. Herein we report presence of the Annulipalpian Hydropsyche sciligra H Malicky, 1977 in the study area. Habitat water quality of H. sciligra resembled human drinkable water. However presence of snail, Physa acuta and fish Capoeta buhsei in the water sampling area indicated inferior quality. CONCLUSION: From ecological point of view caddisfly larvae are predators of most important medical vectors like mosquitoes, blackflies and midges. Also they are useful and important indicator for monitoring physicochemical effects in the nature, so that they can be used for bio-monitoring program. From medical point of view, wing hairs or other body parts of caddisflies can be inhalant and contact allergens in Trichopterists and in sensitive individuals who come in contact.