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Nanomaterials (Basel) ; 10(5)2020 Apr 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32365930


Here we report on the impact of reducing the crystalline size on the structural and magnetic properties of γ-Fe2O3 maghemite nanoparticles. A set of polycrystalline specimens with crystallite size ranging from ~2 to ~50 nm was obtained combining microwave plasma synthesis and commercial samples. Crystallite size was derived by electron microscopy and synchrotron powder diffraction, which was used also to investigate the crystallographic structure. The local atomic structure was inquired combining pair distribution function (PDF) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). PDF revealed that reducing the crystal dimension induces the depletion of the amount of Fe tetrahedral sites. XAS confirmed significant bond distance expansion and a loose Fe-Fe connectivity between octahedral and tetrahedral sites. Molecular dynamics revealed important surface effects, whose implementation in PDF reproduces the first shells of experimental curves. The structural disorder affects the magnetic properties more and more with decreasing the nanoparticle size. In particular, the saturation magnetization reduces, revealing a spin canting effect. Moreover, a large effective magnetic anisotropy is measured at low temperature together with an exchange bias effect, a behavior that we related to the existence of a highly disordered glassy magnetic phase.

Inorg Chem ; 57(2): 879-891, 2018 Jan 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29280608


The structure evolution in the CeO2-Sm2O3 system is revisited by combining high resolution synchrotron powder diffraction with pair distribution function (PDF) to inquire about local, mesoscopic, and average structure. The CeO2 fluorite structure undergoes two phase transformations by Sm doping, first to a cubic (C-type) and then to a monoclinic (B-type) phase. Whereas the C to B-phase separation occurs completely and on a long-range scale, no miscibility gap is detected between fluorite and C-type phases. The transformation rather occurs by growth of C-type nanodomains embedded in the fluorite matrix, without any long-range phase separation. A side effect of this mechanism is the ordering of the oxygen vacancies, which is detrimental for the application of doped ceria as an electrolyte in fuel cells. The results are discussed in the framework of other Y and Gd dopants, and the relationship between nanostructuring and the above equilibria is also investigated.

IUCrJ ; 2(Pt 5): 511-22, 2015 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26306193


A new hierarchical approach is presented for elucidating the structural disorder in Ce1-x Gd x O2-x/2 solid solutions on different scale lengths. The primary goal of this investigation is to shed light on the relations between the short-range and the average structure of these materials via an analysis of disorder on the mesocopic scale. Real-space (pair distribution function) and reciprocal-space (Rietveld refinement and microstructure probing) analysis of X-ray powder diffraction data and electron spin resonance (ESR) investigations were carried out following this approach. On the local scale, Gd- and Ce-rich droplets (i.e. small regions a few ångströms wide) form, exhibiting either a distorted fluorite (CeO2) or a C-type (Gd2O3) structure in the whole compositional range. These droplets can then form C-type nanodomains which, for Gd concentrations x Gd ≤ 0.25, are embedded in the fluorite matrix. At the site percolation threshold p C for a cubic lattice (x Gd = p C ≃ 0.311), C-type nanodomains percolate inside each crystallite and a structural phase transformation is observed. When this occurs, the peak-to-peak ESR line width ΔH pp shows a step-like behaviour, which can be associated with the increase in Gd-Gd dipolar interactions. A general crystallographic rationale is presented to explain the fluorite-to-C-type phase transformation. The approach shown here could be adopted more generally in the analysis of disorder in other highly doped materials.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 15(22): 8495-505, 2013 Jun 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23403753


Doped ceria materials are widely studied for their application in solid oxide fuel cell devices. In this work we report on the average and local structure evolution of La-doped ceria (Ce(1-x)La(x)O(2-x/2), x = 0.25) under fuel cells' operating conditions. The effect of doping on the average structure is investigated using conventional Rietveld analysis of neutron powder diffraction data. The extent of disorder as well as the local structure evolution at high temperature are investigated by employing very hard X-rays under both air and reducing atmosphere.