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J Nematol ; 46(4): 309-20, 2014 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25580023


Variability in edaphic factors such as clay content, organic matter, and nutrient availability within individual fields is a major obstacle confronting cotton producers. Adaptation of geospatial technologies such global positioning systems (GPS), yield monitors, autosteering, and the automated on-and-off technology required for site-specific nematicide application has provided growers with additional tools for managing nematodes. Multiple trials in several states were conducted to evaluate this technology in cotton. In a field infested with Meloidogyne spp., both shallow (0 to 0.3 m) and deep (0 to 0.91 m) apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) readings were highly correlated with sand content. Populations of Meloidogyne spp. were present when shallow and deep EC values were less than 30 and 90 mS/m, respectively. Across three years of trials in production fields in which verification strips (adjacent nematicide treated and untreated rows across all soil zones) were established to evaluate crop response to nematicide application, deep EC values from 27.4-m wide transects of verification strips were more predictive of yield response to application of 1,3-dichloropropene than were shallow EC values in one location and both ECa values equally effective at predicting responses at the second location. In 2006, yields from entire verification strips across three soil zones in four production fields showed that nematicide response was greatest in areas with the lowest EC values indicating highest content of sand. In 2008 in Ashley and Mississippi Counties, AR, nematicide treatment by soil zone resulted in 36% and 42% reductions in the amount of nematicide applied relative to whole-field application. In 2007 in Bamberg County, SC, there was a strong positive correlation between increasing population densities of Meloidogyne incognita and increasing sand content. Trials conducted during 2007 and 2009 in South Carolina against Hoplolaimus columbus showed a stepwise response to increasing rates of aldicarb in zone 1 but not in zones 2 and 3. Site-specific application of nematicides has been shown to be a viable option for producers as a potential management tool against several nematode pathogens of cotton.

J Nematol ; 38(2): 195-209, 2006 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19259448


Nine sources of resistance to Rotylenchulus reniformis in Gossypium (cotton) were tested by measuring population density (Pf) and root-length density 0 to 122 cm deep. A Pf in the plow layer less than the autumn sample treatment threshold used by consultants was considered the minimum criterion for acceptable resistance, regardless of population density at planting (Pi). Other criteria were ample roots and a Pf lower than on the susceptible control, as in pot studies. In a Texas field in 2001 and 2002, no resistant accessions had Pf less than the control but all did in microplots into which nematodes from Louisiana were introduced. An environmental chamber experiment ruled out nematode genetic variance and implicated unknown soil factors. Pf in field experiments in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama were below threshold for zero, six and four of the accessions and above threshold in the control. Gossypium arboreum A2-87 and G. barbadense GB-713 were the most resistant accessions. Results indicate that cultivars developed from these sources will suppress R. reniformis populations but less than in pots in a single season.

J Nematol ; 37(3): 265-71, 2005 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19262871


The possible impact of Rotylenchulus reniformis below plow depth was evaluated by measuring the vertical distribution of R. reniformis and soil texture in 20 symptomatic fields on 17 farms across six states. The mean nematode population density per field, 0 to 122 cm deep, ranged from 0.4 to 63 nematodes/g soil, and in 15 fields more than half of the R. reniformis present were below 30.5 cm, which is the greatest depth usually plowed by farmers or sampled by consultants. In 11 fields measured, root density was greatest in the top 15 cm of soil; however, roots consistently penetrated 92 to 122 cm deep by midseason, and in five fields in Texas and Louisiana the ratio of nematodes to root-length density within soil increased with depth. Repeated sampling during the year in Texas indicated that up to 20% of the nematodes in soil below 60 cm in the fall survived the winter. Differences between Baermann funnel and sugar flotation extraction methods were not important when compared with field-to-field differences in nematode populations and field-specific vertical distribution patterns. The results support the interpretation that R. reniformis below plow depth can significantly impact diagnosis and treatment of cotton fields infested with R. reniformis.

J Nematol ; 32(4S): 493-501, 2000 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19271000


A survey conducted from May 1995 through August 1998 revealed diverse nematode communities in Louisiana sugarcane fields. High populations of Mesocriconema, Paratrichodorus, Pratylenchus, and Tylenchorhynchus were widespread in nine sugarcane production parishes. Comparisons of plant cane and ratoon sugarcane crops indicated that nematode community levels increase significantly in successive ratoon crops. Nematicide trials evaluated the efficacy of aldicarb, ethoprop, and phorate against indigenous nematode populations. Aldicarb consistently increased the number of millable stalks, cane tonnage, and yield of sucrose in soils with a high sand content. Yield increases were concomitant with reductions in the density of the nematode community shortly after planting and at harvest. In soils with a higher clay content, the chemicals were less effective in controlling nematode populations and, as a result, yield increases were minimal.

J Nematol ; 30(4): 423-30, 1998 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19274235


Greenhouse experiments were conducted to examine competition between Tylenchorhynchus annulatus and Mesocriconema xenoplax on grain sorghum roots that were colonized by the fungus Macrophomina phaseolina or free from fungus colonization. An incomplete factorial treatment design consisted of two levels of M. phaseolina (0 or 10 colony-forming units/g soil) and 12 T. annulatus:M. xenoplax ratios: 1,000:0; 750:0; 500:0; 250:0; 0:0; 0:250; 0:500; 0:750; 0:1,000; 750:250; 500:500; and 250:750. Plants were harvested after 105 days. Despite similar feeding habits, competition between these ectoparasitic nematode species was limited. Tylenchorhynchus annulatus was more susceptible to antagonism by M. xenoplax than the reverse, but susceptibility depended on initial inoculum ratio. Root colonization by M. phaseolina reduced competitive effects of T. annulatus on M. xenoplax but not the reverse. Both nematode species reduced shoot dry weight but only T. annulatus reduced root dry weight. Both plant weight parameters were reduced by M. phaseolina.

J Nematol ; 29(1): 35-42, 1997 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19274132


The replacement series approach was used to detect and define competition between Meloidogyne incognita (Mi) and Rotylenchulus reniformis (Rr) on soybean. In three greenhouse tests, soybean cv. Davis seedlings were inoculated with 1,000 vermiform nematodes in the following Mi:Rr ratios: 0:0, 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, and 0:100. After 86 days, relative nematode-yield values (number of each species in mixed culture divided by number in nonmixed culture) were calculated based on nematodes in soil per gram of dry root tissue. Calculated values were plotted and the resulting line compared with a reference line representing equal inter- and intraspecific competition predicted by the replacement series. Relative yields for Mi were higher than predicted at all ratios where Mi and Rr occurred together (lack-of-fit regression, F= 5.9401, P = 0.0008), indicating increased reproduction in the presence of Rr. Relative yields for Rr did not differ from predicted yields (lack-of-fit regression, F= 0.7565, P = 0.5203), indicating no effect of Mi on Rr. These relationships were not detected using analysis of variance. The relationship between Mi and Rr was independent of host colonization by Diaporthe phaseolorum var. caulivora, the stem canker fungus.

J Nematol ; 29(2): 199-208, 1997 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19274150


Microplot experiments were established in 1992, 1993, and 1994 to investigate the relationships among Macrophomina phaseolina, Criconemella xenoplax, mad Tylenchorhynchus annulatus on grain sorghum in Louisiana. A factorial treatment arrangement of two grain sorghum hybrids (De Kalb DK 50 and Pioneer hybrid 8333), three levels of M. phaseolina (0, 10, and 100 colony-forming units (CFU)/g soil), and three nematode inoculum levels (0, 1x, and 2x) were used. Nematode inocula at 1x levels were 929, 1,139, and 1,445 C. xenoplax and T. annulatus/microplot in 1992, 1993, and 1994, respectively. Plants were harvested after 90-105 days. In all 3 years, grain sorghum root and head dry weights were suppressed as nematode inoculum level increased. These reductions were detected both in the absence and in the presence of M. phaseolina at 10 CFU/g. Reproduction of both nematode species was suppressed by M. phaseolina. Interactions between M. phaseolina and nematodes were antagonistic with regard to plant dry weights, yield, and nematode reproduction, so that combined effects were less than the sum of the effect of each pathogen alone.

J Nematol ; 29(2): 209-15, 1997 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19274151


A technique based on physical maceration of root tissue was developed to extract vermiform and swollen stages of Meloidogyne incognita and Rotylenchulus reniformis. Experiments conducted on soybean and tomato evaluated the efficiency of method (stir, grind), NaOC1 concentration (0%, 0.5%), and duration (lx, 2x) on extraction of nematodes and eggs from 60-day-old populations. Root-associated populations of R. reniformis were considerably lower than those of M. incognita, so development of the method focused on the latter. Grinding liberated more nematodes than stirring, but the reverse was true for egg extraction. Among grinding treatments, a duration of 10 seconds in 0.5% NaOCl provided the most efficient extraction of nematodes and eggs. Among stirring treatments, a duration of 10 minutes in 0.5% NaOCl provided the most efficient extraction of eggs. These techniques were compared on soybean roots 30 days older than those on which the procedures were first evaluated, with consistent results.

J Nematol ; 29(3): 395-403, 1997 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19274173


The effect of soybean genotype on competition between Meloidogyne incognita race 2 (Mi) and Rotylenchulus reniformis (Rr) was evaluated in greenhouse and microplot replacement series experiments. Soil in pots containing seedlings of 'Davis' (susceptible to Mi) or 'Buckshot 66' (resistant to Mi) was infested with 1,000 vermiform individuals in the following Mi:Rr ratios: 0:0, 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, or 0:100. After 91 days, the relative nematode yields (number of nematodes in mixed culture divided by the number in nonmixed culture) of each species were calculated based on soil and root nematode populations expressed as nematodes per gram of dry root tissue. To define the relationship between the two species, calculated relative nematode yields were compared with a theoretical noncompetition model using lack-of-fit regression. In the greenhouse, Mi populations on 'Davis' were stimulated in the presence of Rr. In microplots, low Mi and Rr population densities likely resulted from severe galling and destruction of feeder roots that probably occurred early in the season. Enhanced susceptibility to Mi was not observed on 'Buckshot 66', which remained resistant to Mi even when colonized by Rr. Host resistance is a key factor in determining the nature of the relationship between Mi and Rr.

J Nematol ; 26(4): 475-85, 1994 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19279918


The interrelationships between reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis) and the cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) seedling blight fungus (Rhizoctonia solani) were studied using three isolates of R. solani, two populations of R. reniformis at multiple inoculum levels, and the cotton cultivars Dehapine 90 (DP 90) and Dehapine 41 (DP 41). Colonization of cotton hypocotyl tissue by R. solani resulted in increases (P

J Nematol ; 26(4): 486-91, 1994 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19279919


The effects of culture filtrates of Rhizoctonia solani and root exudates of R. solani-infected cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) seedlings on hatching of eggs and infectivity of females of Rotylenchulus reniformis were evaluated in an attempt to account for the enhanced nematode reproduction observed in the presence of this fungus. Crude filtrates of R. solani cultures growing over sterile, deionized distilled water did not affect egg hatching. Exudates from roots of cotton seedlings increased hatching of R. reniformis eggs over that observed in water controls. Exudates from cotton seedling roots not infected or infected with R. solani did not differ in their effect on egg hatching. However, infection of cotton seedlings by reniform females was increased in the presence of R. solani, resulting in the augmented egg production and juvenile population densities in soil observed in greenhouse studies.

J Nematol ; 25(1): 50-4, 1993 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19279741


Greenhouse studies examined population densities of Meloidogyne incognita race 4 on soybean (Glycine max 'Davis') defoliated by larvae of soybean looper (Pseudoplusia indudens (Walker)). Plants were defoliated over a 2-week period beginning 5 weeks after seedlings were transplanted. Four groups of plants were infested with nematodes (5,000 eggs/pot) at 2-week intervals to allow harvesting of plants at 0, 2, 4, and 6 weeks postdefoliation (WPD). Plants in each group were harvested 4 weeks after nematode infestation. Root and nodule weights of defoliated plants were suppressed at 0 WPD, but differences were not detectable at 2, 4, and 6 WPD. Population densities of M. incognita were similar on defoliated and control plants at 0 WPD but were greater on defoliated plants at 4 and 6 WPD. Percentage hatching of eggs produced on the latter plants also was higher. Effects of insect-induced defoliation on development of M. incognita remained detectable even after soybean plant growth apparently returned to normal.

J Nematol ; 22(4): 496-505, 1990 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19287749


The interactions of Heterodera glycines at four egg inoculum levels (0, 100, 1,000, and 10,000 per pot) and three cyst levels (0, 100, and 200 per pot) and Calonectria crotalariae at 500, 5,000, and 50,000 microsclerotia per pot were evaluated on soybean. At the two lowest nematode egg levels, the presence of C. crotalariae did not affect nematode reproduction. At 10,000 eggs per pot, however, nematode reproduction was increased significantly at each microsclerotial level. The increase in nematode reproduction was stepwise at 500 and 5,000 microsclerotia per pot but declined at 50,000 microsclerotia per pot. Similar results were obtained when cysts rather than eggs were used as nematode inoculum. The nematode x fungus interaction significantly affected 60-day plant growth parameters of both Lee 74 and Centennial soybean. The nematode x fungus interaction was antagonistic to plant roots and significantly influenced root injury ratings. The presence of C. crotalariae in tissues of stock plants or plants used as race differentials did not alter the analysis of this population as race 3.

J Nematol ; 21(1): 108-14, 1989 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19287584


Short-term greenhouse studies with soybean (Glycine max cv. Bragg) were used to examine interactions between the soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) and two other common pests of soybean, the stem canker fungus (Diaporthe phaseolorum var. caulivora) and the soybean looper (Pseudoplusia includens), a lepidopterous defoliator. Numbers of cyst nematode juveniles in roots and numbers of cysts in soil and roots were reduced on plants with stem cankers. Defoliation by soybean looper larvae had the opposite effect; defoliation levels of 22 and 64% caused stepwise increases in numbers of juveniles and cysts in both roots and soil, whereas numbers of females in roots decreased. In two experiments, stem canker length was reduced 40 and 45% when root systems were colonized by the soybean cyst nematode. The absence of significant interactions among these pests indicates that the effects of soybean cyst nematode, stem canker, and soybean looper on plant growth and each other primarily were additive.

J Nematol ; 20(3): 457-67, 1988 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19290238


Calonectria crotalariae enhanced root penetration of Lee 74 (susceptible) and Centennial (resistant) soybeans by juveniles of race 3 of Heterodera glycines. Numbers of cysts in and on the roots of Lee 74 increased during the first 30 days in the presence of the fungus. Percentage of root infection by the fungus increased at 40 days in Lee 74 in the presence of the nematode. Numbers of cysts in soil at 80 and 120 days after inoculation with both organisms accounted for the significantly increased nematode population levels on Lee 74. In the presence of the fungus on the resistant cultivar, significantly increased levels of cysts were recovered from soil at 120 days. Fungus infection of Centennial roots also infected with the nematode increased from 58 to 86% at 120 days. An inoculum timing study in which Lee 74 was infested with the nematode and fungus individually, sequentially, and in combination at days 0 and 35 indicated that enhanced nematode reproduction was related more to early plant-fungus than to early plant-fungus-nematode interaction(s).

J Nematol ; 17(1): 69-76, 1985 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19294061


Gliocladium virens was isolated from slash pine trees symptomatic and asymptomatic for pine wilt disease with frequencies of 24% and 10%, respectively. Populations of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, the nematode incitant of this disease, reproduced on this fungus and inhibited its growth. Growth inhibition of the fungus was characterized by an absence of sporulation and by the formation of chains of dark, thick-walled, chlamydospore-like cells. Population increase during a 12-day period following infestation of cultures of the fungus with 10,000 nematodes averaged 3-fold at 16 C, 9-fold at 20 C, and 24-fold at 24 C. In greenhouse studies, nematode recovery from slash pine seedlings coinoculated with both organisms was significantly greater than that obtained from seedlings inoculated with the nematode alone.

J Nematol ; 16(1): 65-8, 1984 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19295876


Aphelenchoides besseyi, the nematode causal agent of white-tip disease of rice, was recovered from 5.5% of 474 seed samples obtained from rice seed warehouses in Louisiana. Laboratory tests in which A. besseyi-infested rice seed was treated with Phostoxin(R), a compound used for control of insects in stored grain, indicate that it also has nematicidal properties. In 18-week-duration greenhouse tests, populations of A. besseyi increased 4-5-fold on the cultivars Saturn and Melrose and 3-fold on Nova '76. Green weights of Nova '76 plants inoculated with A. besseyi and Sclerotium oryzae, the causal agent of rice stem rot, were significantly reduced below those of plants inoculated with either organism alone or with distilled water. Weights of Melrose plants were reduced significantly by treatments with A. besseyi alone and A. besseyi plus S. oryzae, but not by S. oryzae alone. Saturn plant weights were not reduced significantly by either organism alone or by the two in combination.

J Nematol ; 15(1): 87-91, 1983 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19295769


Reproduction of Criconernoides simile, Paratylenchus projectus, and Helicotylenchus pseudorobustus, alone and in certain combinations, was characterized during 50 days on the soybean cultivars Custer and Hood. Custer was the more suitable host for all three nematodes and C. simile was the most vigorous parasite on both cultivars. C. simile and H. pseudorobustus reproduced as well in combination as they did alone; addition of P. projectus to this combination did not alter results. Reproduction by P. projectus was repressed on both cultivars when it was combined with C. simile and H. pseudorobustus. The relative importance of time was assessed, as it relates both to the establishment of parasitism by applied nematodes and to the rate of development of larvae in the various host-parasite combinations. The necessity of characterizing as well as enumerating populations when evaluating population development of ectoparasitic nematodes was demonstrated.

J Nematol ; 14(4): 572-5, 1982 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19295754


Custer and Hood soybean cultivars were inoculated with nine levels of Criconemoides simile ranging from 300 to 20,600 nematodes per plant. Rate of reproduction decreased as inoculum level was increased beyond 900-2,000 nematodes. Final population density was influenced by both composition and level of inoculum. There was an indication that substance(s). inhibitory to larvae, accumnlated in soil in which Hood was grown for 11 months, Significant reduction of fresh weight of roots of Hood, but not Custer, occurred at population densities of 37,000 and 44,700 nematodes per plant.