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Sci Adv ; 10(6): eadj1361, 2024 Feb 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38335282


Understanding electron-phonon interactions is fundamentally important and has crucial implications for device applications. However, in twisted bilayer graphene near the magic angle, this understanding is currently lacking. Here, we study electron-phonon coupling using time- and frequency-resolved photovoltage measurements as direct and complementary probes of phonon-mediated hot-electron cooling. We find a remarkable speedup in cooling of twisted bilayer graphene near the magic angle: The cooling time is a few picoseconds from room temperature down to 5 kelvin, whereas in pristine bilayer graphene, cooling to phonons becomes much slower for lower temperatures. Our experimental and theoretical analysis indicates that this ultrafast cooling is a combined effect of superlattice formation with low-energy moiré phonons, spatially compressed electronic Wannier orbitals, and a reduced superlattice Brillouin zone. This enables efficient electron-phonon Umklapp scattering that overcomes electron-phonon momentum mismatch. These results establish twist angle as an effective way to control energy relaxation and electronic heat flow.

Nanoscale Adv ; 6(4): 1074-1083, 2024 Feb 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38356640


Semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides are important optoelectronic materials thanks to their intense light-matter interaction and wide selection of fabrication techniques, with potential applications in light harvesting and sensing. Crucially, these applications depend on the lifetimes and recombination dynamics of photogenerated charge carriers, which have primarily been studied in monolayers obtained from labour-intensive mechanical exfoliation or costly chemical vapour deposition. On the other hand, liquid phase exfoliation presents a high throughput and cost-effective method to produce dispersions of mono- and few-layer nanosheets. This approach allows for easy scalability and enables the subsequent processing and formation of macroscopic films directly from the liquid phase. Here, we use transient absorption spectroscopy and spatiotemporally resolved pump-probe microscopy to study the charge carrier dynamics in tiled nanosheet films of MoS2 and WS2 deposited from the liquid phase using an adaptation of the Langmuir-Schaefer technique. We find an efficient photogeneration of charge carriers with lifetimes of several nanoseconds, which we ascribe to stabilisation at nanosheet edges. These findings provide scope for photocatalytic and photodetector applications, where long-lived charge carriers are crucial, and suggest design strategies for photovoltaic devices.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37889473


Nanomaterials are driving advances in technology due to their oftentimes superior properties over bulk materials. In particular, their thermal properties become increasingly important as efficient heat dissipation is required to realize high-performance electronic devices, reduce energy consumption, and prevent thermal damage. One application where nanomaterials can play a crucial role is extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography, where pellicles that protect the photomask from particle contamination have to be transparent to EUV light, mechanically strong, and thermally conductive in order to withstand the heat associated with high-power EUV radiation. Free-standing carbon nanotube (CNT) films have emerged as candidates due to their high EUV transparency and ability to withstand heat. However, the thermal transport properties of these films are not well understood beyond bulk emissivity measurements. Here, we measure the thermal conductivity of free-standing CNT films using all-optical Raman thermometry at temperatures between 300 and 700 K. We find thermal conductivities up to 50 W m-1 K-1 for films composed of double-walled CNTs, which rises to 257 W m-1 K-1 when considering the CNT network alone. These values are remarkably high for randomly oriented CNT networks, roughly seven times that of single-walled CNT films. The enhanced thermal conduction is due to the additional wall, which likely gives rise to additional heat-carrying phonon modes and provides a certain resilience to defects. Our results demonstrate that free-standing double-walled CNT films efficiently dissipate heat, enhancing our understanding of these promising films and how they are suited to applications in EUV lithography.

Nano Lett ; 23(9): 3872-3878, 2023 May 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37116109


Several technologies, including photodetection, imaging, and data communication, could greatly benefit from the availability of fast and controllable conversion of terahertz (THz) light to visible light. Here, we demonstrate that the exceptional properties and dynamics of electronic heat in graphene allow for a THz-to-visible conversion, which is switchable at a sub-nanosecond time scale. We show a tunable on/off ratio of more than 30 for the emitted visible light, achieved through electrical gating using a gate voltage on the order of 1 V. We also demonstrate that a grating-graphene metamaterial leads to an increase in THz-induced emitted power in the visible range by 2 orders of magnitude. The experimental results are in agreement with a thermodynamic model that describes blackbody radiation from the electron system heated through intraband Drude absorption of THz light. These results provide a promising route toward novel functionalities of optoelectronic technologies in the THz regime.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 94(3): 034903, 2023 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37012811


Diffusion is one of the most ubiquitous transport phenomena in nature. Experimentally, it can be tracked by following point spreading in space and time. Here, we introduce a spatiotemporal pump-probe microscopy technique that exploits the residual spatial temperature profile obtained through the transient reflectivity when probe pulses arrive before pump pulses. This corresponds to an effective pump-probe time delay of 13 ns, determined by the repetition rate of our laser system (76 MHz). This pre-time-zero technique enables probing the diffusion of long-lived excitations created by previous pump pulses with nanometer accuracy and is particularly powerful for following in-plane heat diffusion in thin films. The particular advantage of this technique is that it enables quantifying thermal transport without requiring any material input parameters or strong heating. We demonstrate the direct determination of the thermal diffusivities of films with a thickness of around 15 nm, consisting of the layered materials MoSe2 (0.18 cm2/s), WSe2 (0.20 cm2/s), MoS2 (0.35 cm2/s), and WS2 (0.59 cm2/s). This technique paves the way for observing nanoscale thermal transport phenomena and tracking diffusion of a broad range of species.