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Phys Rev Lett ; 119(16): 160503, 2017 Oct 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29099227


We develop a generalized framework for constructing many-body-interaction operations either in linear time or in logarithmic time with a linear number of ancilla qubits. Exact gate decompositions are given for Pauli strings, many-control Toffoli gates, number- and parity-conserving interactions, unitary coupled cluster operations, and sparse matrix generators. We provide a linear time protocol that works by creating a superposition of exponentially many different possible operator strings and then uses dynamical decoupling methodology to undo all the unwanted terms. A logarithmic time protocol overcomes the speed limit of the first by using ancilla registers to condition evolution to the support of the desired many-body interaction before using parallel chaining operations to expand the string length. The two techniques improve substantially on current strategies (reductions in time and space ranging from linear to exponential), are applicable to different physical interaction mechanisms such as cnot, XX, and XX+YY, and generalize to a wide range of many-body operators.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(17): 170501, 2014 May 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24836225


The creation of a quantum network requires the distribution of coherent information across macroscopic distances. We demonstrate the entanglement of two superconducting qubits, separated by more than a meter of coaxial cable, by designing a joint measurement that probabilistically projects onto an entangled state. By using a continuous measurement scheme, we are further able to observe single quantum trajectories of the joint two-qubit state, confirming the validity of the quantum Bayesian formalism for a cascaded system. Our results allow us to resolve the dynamics of continuous projection onto the entangled manifold, in quantitative agreement with theory.

Phys Rev Lett ; 103(11): 110501, 2009 Sep 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19792356


In realizations of quantum computing, a two-level system (qubit) is often singled out from the many levels of an anharmonic oscillator. In these cases, simple qubit control fails on short time scales because of coupling to leakage levels. We provide an easy to implement analytic formula that inhibits this leakage from any single-control analog or pixelated pulse. It is based on adding a second control that is proportional to the time derivative of the first. For realistic parameters of superconducting qubits, this strategy reduces the error by an order of magnitude relative to the state of the art, all based on smooth and feasible pulse shapes. These results show that even weak anharmonicity is sufficient and in general not a limiting factor for implementing quantum gates.