BACKGROUND: Multiple myeloma (MM) is ranked as the 14th most prevalent cancer, making up 1.8% of all cancers and 10% of blood cancers, rarely seen below 35 years. MM presented aggressively in the young age group, including greater incidences of extramedullary plasmacytomas, plasma cell leukemia (11%), osteolytic lesions, kidney failure (25%), and Bence Jones proteinuria (81%). Though youngsters have an aggressive presentation, their response to treatment is as similar to older patients. CASE: We reported a case of a young female from the rural Konkan region of Maharashtra with complaints of right limb radicular pain and back pain diagnosed with MM with acute kidney injury and hypercalcemia. First-line treatment for her included conventional chemotherapy mixed with a proteasome inhibitor (bortezomib) and intravenous hydration for acute kidney injury and hypercalcemia with injection (inj) zoledronate. CONCLUSION: The case study shows how MM must be ruled out before being considered as a possible diagnosis for a young child who has neurological problems and mass lesions.