Antibody-mediated rejection (ABMR) is a significant obstacle to achieving optimal long-term outcomes after solid organ transplantation. The presence of donor-specific antibodies (DSA), particularly against HLA, increases the risk of allograft rejection and subsequent graft loss. No effective treatment of ABMR currently exists, warranting novel approaches to target the HLA-specific humoral alloimmune response. Cellular therapies may hold promise to this end. According to publicly available sources as of now, three independent laboratories have genetically engineered a chimeric HLA-antibody receptor (CHAR) and transduced it into human T cells, based on the demonstrated efficacy of chimeric antigen receptor T cell therapies in malignancies. These CHAR-T cells are designed to exclusively eliminate B cells that produce donor-specific HLA antibodies, which form the cornerstone of ABMR. CHAR technology generates potent and functional human cytotoxic T cells to target alloreactive HLA-specific B cells, sparing B cells with other specificities. Thus, CHAR technology may be used as a selective desensitization protocol and to treat antibody-mediated rejection after solid organ transplantation.