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Rev. homeopatia (Säo Paulo) ; 79(3/4): 27-31, 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-982855


É relatado um caso de paciente com quadro de urticária crônica e angioedema com mais de 18 anos de evolução. Mal controle de sintomas com tratamento convencional e visitas cada vez mais frequentes ao pronto socorro deterioravam sua qualidade de vida e traziam insegurança devido ao potencial de gravidade do quadro. Em sua primeira consulta homeopática foi verificado alto grau de semelhança sintomática com a patogenesia de Apis mellifica, o qual foi introduzido e modificou a história de vida da paciente em questão, com excelente controle do quadro clínico. Foi realizada revisão da literatura sobre urticária e o policresto Apis mellifica. Este relato tem como objetivos chamar atenção para a existência e importância de recursos terapêuticos não convencionais, como é o caso da homeopatia, e também compartilhar com os colegas homeopatas a condução do caso, desde o diagnóstico e escolha do medicamento, ao seguimento da paciente.

We report the case of a patient with chronic urticaria and angioedema for more than 18 years. The symptoms were poorly checked with conventional treatment and increasingly frequent visits to the emergency department seriously affected the patient’s quality of life, in addition to making her feel insecure about the severity of her condition. During the first homeopathic consultation we detected a high degree of similarity with the pathogenetic symptoms of Apis mellifica. The remedy was prescribed and changed the patient’s life history, achieving excellent control of her clinical condition. A literature review was performed on urticaria and polycrest medicine Apis mellifica. The aim of this case report is to call the attention to the availability and relevance of non-conventional therapeutic resources, such as homeopathy, and to share with colleagues aspects of the case management from diagnosis and medicine selection to follow up.

Feminino , Humanos , Adulto Jovem , Angioedema/terapia , Abelhas/uso terapêutico , Homeopatia , Urticária/terapia
Front Psychol ; 5: 183, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24723897


A cardinal symptom of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a general distractibility where children and adults shift their attentional focus to stimuli that are irrelevant to the ongoing behavior. This has been attributed to a deficit in dopaminergic signaling in cortico-striatal networks that regulate goal-directed behavior. Furthermore, recent imaging evidence points to an impairment of large scale, antagonistic brain networks that normally contribute to attentional engagement and disengagement, such as the task-positive networks and the default mode network (DMN). Related networks are the ventral attentional network (VAN) involved in attentional shifting, and the salience network (SN) related to task expectancy. Here we discuss the tonic-phasic dynamics of catecholaminergic signaling in the brain, and attempt to provide a link between this and the activities of the large-scale cortical networks that regulate behavior. More specifically, we propose that a disbalance of tonic catecholamine levels during task performance produces an emphasis of phasic signaling and increased excitability of the VAN, yielding distractibility symptoms. Likewise, immaturity of the SN may relate to abnormal tonic signaling and an incapacity to build up a proper executive system during task performance. We discuss different lines of evidence including pharmacology, brain imaging and electrophysiology, that are consistent with our proposal. Finally, restoring the pharmacodynamics of catecholaminergic signaling seems crucial to alleviate ADHD symptoms; however, the possibility is open to explore cognitive rehabilitation strategies to top-down modulate network dynamics compensating the pharmacological deficits.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-677249


Los niños con Trastorno por Déficit Atencional e Hiperactividad (TDAH) presentan dificultades en el terreno de las competencias sociales. Pese a que varios modelos han sido propuestos para explicar estas observaciones, ninguno de ellos ha podido dar cuenta a cabalidad de todos los aspectos observados en este tipo de disfuncionalidad. La investigación ha comenzado a evidenciar que alteraciones en el procesamiento de estímulos con contenido emocional estarían a la base de estas dificultades. A partir de esto, el estudio del procesamiento de caras y expresiones faciales se ha transformado en una herramienta de gran utilidad en este campo. La Neurociencia ha realizado importantes contribuciones a la comprensión de los procesos neurocognitivos del TDAH, sin embargo, hasta ahora se ha interesado menos en el estudio del procesamiento afectivo de estos niños. Se propone que mediante la investigación de las bases neurales del procesamiento de expresiones faciales en niños con TDAH, la rama Afectiva de la Neurociencia puede contribuir con importantes antecedentes que permitan comprender y abordar las dificultades que estos niños presentan a nivel de su desempeño social.

Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have difficulties in the field of social competences. Although several models have been proposed to explain these observations, none of them has been able to fully account for all the aspects observed in this type of dysfunction. Research has begun to evidence that at the basis of these difficulties there are alterations in emotional processing. In this line, the study of face processing and facial expressions has become an important tool in this field. The field of Neuroscience has made significant contributions to the understanding of the neurocognitive processes of ADHD; however, it there has been less interest in the study of affective processing of these children. We propose that by investigating the neural basis of facial expression processing in children with ADHD, Affective Neuroscience could contribute with important evidence for understanding and addressing the difficulties these children have in their social performance.

Humanos , Criança , Emoções , Expressão Facial , Comportamento Social , Transtorno do Deficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade/psicologia , Relações Interpessoais , Neurociências , Transtorno do Deficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade/fisiopatologia
Rev. chil. neuropsicol. (En línea) ; 3(2): 14-27, dic. 2008.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-523045


La experiencia del Insight, entendida como fenómeno cognitivo en el que se llega a la solución o comprensión de un conflicto en asociación con una vivencia afectiva de sorpresa y certeza ante el descubrimiento, ha captado la atención de psicólogos, psiquiatras y científicos desde hace ya más de un siglo. Debido al rol que juega en el contexto psicoterapéutico en cuanto a su papel en los procesos de cura y a su relación con procesos cognitivos tan relevantes como el aprendizaje, la creatividad y las estrategias de resolución de problemas, el lograr una mayor compresión que incorpore todas las aristas del fenómeno e integre los aportes de las diversas miradas se torna una tarea de fundamental importancia. A través de un recorrido por algunos de los esfuerzos que disciplinas como el psicoanálisis, la teoría de la Gestalt, la psicología cognitiva y las neurociencias han realizado para captar la esencia delinsight, queremos poner sobre a mesa algunos elementos con el fin de contribuir a la discusión sobre este concepto. Nos interesa el desarrollo de una perspectiva integradora, que posibilite a su vez el encuentro y la fertilización mutua entre las aproximaciones neurocientíficas y psicoterapéuticas a niveles tanto teóricos como empíricos y aplicados.

The experience of insight, understood as the cognitive process whereby one reaches a solution or comprehension of a conflict and that is lived as a surprising yet certain discovery, has captured the attention of psychologists, psychiatrists and scientists in generalfor more than a century. Because of the notorious role that this phenomenon has in the psychotherapeutic context, as well as its relation to such important cognitive processes as learning, creativity and problem solving, it is important to advance towards a moreencompassing understanding that can incorporate such different perspectives. Through a review of how psychoanalysis, Gestalt theory, cognitive psychology and neuroscience have attempted to capture the essence of the experience of insight, we wish to contribute to the ongoing discussion from an integrative perspective. We are especially interested in the possibility of encounter and cross-fertilization between the neuroscientific approach and the psychotherapeutic tradition at the theoretical, empirical and appliedlevels.

Humanos , Cognição/fisiologia , Resolução de Problemas , Psicoterapia/métodos , Aprendizagem/fisiologia , Criatividade , Neurociências/métodos , Neuropsicologia/métodos , Psicanálise