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Water Resour Res ; 56(10): e2019WR026153, 2020 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33149373


This study investigated the added value of different data for calibrating a runoff model for small basins. The analysis was performed in the 66 ha Hydrological Open Air Laboratory, in Austria. An Hydrologiska Byråns Vattenbalansavdelning (HBV) type, spatially lumped hydrologic model was parameterized following two approaches. First, the model was calibrated using only runoff data. Second, a step-by-step approach was followed, where the modules of the model (snow, soil moisture, and runoff generation) were calibrated using measurements of runoff and model state variables and output fluxes. These measurements comprised laser-based measurements of precipitation, satellite and camera observations of snow, ultrasonic measurements of snow depth, eddy covariance measurements of evapotranspiration, time domain transmissometry-based soil moisture measurements, time-lapse photography of overland flow, and groundwater level measurements by piezometers. The two model parameterizations were evaluated on annual, seasonal, and daily time scales, in terms of how well they simulated snow, soil moisture, evapotranspiration, overland flow, storage change in the saturated zone, and runoff. Using the proposed step-by-step approach, the relative runoff volume errors in the calibration and validation periods were 0.00 and -0.01, the monthly Pearson correlation coefficients were 0.92 and 0.82, and the daily logarithmic Nash Sutcliffe efficiencies were 0.59 and 0.18, respectively. By using different sources of data besides runoff, the overall process consistency improved, compared to the case when only runoff was used for calibration. Soil moisture and evapotranspiration observations had the largest influence on simulated runoff, while the parameterization of the snow and runoff generation modules had a smaller influence.

Water Resour Res ; 54(9): 6168-6188, 2018 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30449909


The objective of this study was to understand whether spatial differences in runoff generation mechanisms affect the magnitudes of diurnal streamflow fluctuations during low flow periods and which part of the catchment induces the diurnal streamflow signal. The spatiotemporal variability of the streamflow fluctuations observed at 12 locations in the 66-ha Hydrological Open Air Laboratory experimental catchment in Austria was explained by differences in the vegetation cover and runoff generation mechanisms. Almost a quarter of the volume associated with diurnal streamflow fluctuations at the catchment outlet was explained by transpiration from vegetation along the tributaries; more than three quarters was due to transpiration by the riparian forest along the main stream. The lag times between radiative forcing and evapotranspiration estimated by a solar radiation-driven model increased from 3 to 11 hr from spring to autumn. The recession time scales increased from 21 days in spring to 54 days in autumn. Observations and model simulations suggest that a separation of scales in transpiration effects on low flows exists both in time and space; that is, the diurnal streamflow fluctuations are induced by transpiration from the riparian vegetation, while most of the catchment evapotranspiration, such as evapotranspiration from the crop fields further away from the stream, do not influence the diurnal signal in streamflow.

Water Resour Res ; 53(6): 5158-5165, 2017 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28931957


Snow measurements at the Kühtai station in Tirol, Austria, (1920 m.a.s.l.) are described. The data set includes snow water equivalent from a 10 m2 snow pillow, snow melt outflow from a 10 m2 snow lysimeter placed at the same location as the pillow, meteorological data (precipitation, incoming shortwave radiation, reflected shortwave radiation, air temperature, relative air humidity, and wind speed), and other data (snow depths, snow temperatures at seven heights) from the period October 1990 to May 2015. All data have been quality checked, and gaps in the meteorological data have been filled in. The data set is unique in that all data are available at a temporal resolution of 15 min over a period of 25 years with minimal changes in the experimental setup. The data set can therefore be used to analyze snow pack processes over a long-time period, including their extremes and long-term changes, in an Alpine climate. Analyses may benefit from the combined measurement of snow water equivalent, lysimeter outflow, and precipitation at a wind-sheltered alpine site. An example use of data shows the temporal variability of daily and 1 April snow water equivalent observed at the Kühtai site. The results indicate that the snow water equivalent maximum varies between 200 and more than 500 mm w.e., but there is no statistically significant temporal trend in the period 1990-2015.

Water Resour Res ; 53(7): 5209-5219, 2017 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28919651


Research gaps in understanding flood changes at the catchment scale caused by changes in forest management, agricultural practices, artificial drainage, and terracing are identified. Potential strategies in addressing these gaps are proposed, such as complex systems approaches to link processes across time scales, long-term experiments on physical-chemical-biological process interactions, and a focus on connectivity and patterns across spatial scales. It is suggested that these strategies will stimulate new research that coherently addresses the issues across hydrology, soil and agricultural sciences, forest engineering, forest ecology, and geomorphology.

J Hydrol (Amst) ; 394(1-2): 78-89, 2010 Nov 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25067854


The aim of this paper is to analyse the differences in the long-term regimes of extreme precipitation and floods across the Alpine-Carpathian range using seasonality indices and atmospheric circulation patterns to understand the main flood-producing processes. This is supported by cluster analyses to identify areas of similar flood processes, both in terms of precipitation forcing and catchment processes. The results allow to isolate regions of similar flood generation processes including southerly versus westerly circulation patterns, effects of soil moisture seasonality due to evaporation and effects of soil moisture seasonality due to snow melt. In many regions of the Alpine-Carpathian range, there is a distinct shift in flood generating processes with flood magnitude as evidenced by a shift from summer to autumn floods. It is argued that the synoptic approach proposed here is valuable in both flood analysis and flood estimation.