BACKGROUND: The biofilm of a methanol-fed, marine denitrification system is composed of a multi-species microbial community, among which Hyphomicrobium nitrativorans and Methylophaga nitratireducenticrescens are the principal bacteria involved in the denitrifying activities. To assess its resilience to environmental changes, the biofilm was cultivated in artificial seawater (ASW) under anoxic conditions and exposed to a range of specific environmental conditions. We previously reported the impact of these changes on the denitrifying activities and the co-occurrence of H. nitrativorans strain NL23 and M. nitratireducenticrescens in the biofilm cultures. Here, we report the impact of these changes on the dynamics of the overall microbial community of the denitrifying biofilm. METHODS: The original biofilm (OB) taken from the denitrification system was cultivated in ASW under anoxic conditions with a range of NaCl concentrations, and with four combinations of nitrate/methanol concentrations and temperatures. The OB was also cultivated in the commercial Instant Ocean seawater (IO). The bacterial diversity of the biofilm cultures and the OB was determined by 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences. Culture approach was used to isolate other denitrifying bacteria from the biofilm cultures. The metatranscriptomes of selected biofilm cultures were derived, along with the transcriptomes of planktonic pure cultures of H. nitrativorans strain NL23 and M. nitratireducenticrescens strain GP59. RESULTS: High proportions of M. nitratireducenticrescens occurred in the biofilm cultures. H. nitrativorans strain NL23 was found in high proportion in the OB, but was absent in the biofilm cultures cultivated in the ASW medium at 2.75% NaCl. It was found however in low proportions in the biofilm cultures cultivated in the ASW medium at 0-1% NaCl and in the IO biofilm cultures. Denitrifying bacterial isolates affiliated to Marinobacter spp. and Paracoccus spp. were isolated. Up regulation of the denitrification genes of strains GP59 and NL23 occurred in the biofilm cultures compared to the planktonic pure cultures. Denitrifying bacteria affiliated to the Stappia spp. were metabolically active in the biofilm cultures. CONCLUSIONS: These results illustrate the dynamics of the microbial community in the denitrifying biofilm cultures in adapting to different environmental conditions. The NaCl concentration is an important factor affecting the microbial community in the biofilm cultures. Up regulation of the denitrification genes of M. nitratireducenticrescens strain GP59 and H. nitrativorans strain NL23 in the biofilm cultures suggests different mechanisms of regulation of the denitrification pathway in the biofilm. Other denitrifying heterotrophic bacteria are present in low proportions, suggesting that the biofilm has the potential to adapt to heterotrophic, non-methylotrophic environments.
BACKGROUND: The biofilm of a methanol-fed denitrification system that treated a marine effluent is composed of multi-species microorganisms, among which Hyphomicrobium nitrativorans strain NL23 and Methylophaga nitratireducenticrescens strain JAM1 are the principal bacteria involved in the denitrifying activities. Here, we report the capacity of the denitrifying biofilm to sustain environmental changes, and the impact of these changes on the co-occurrence of H. nitrativorans and M. nitratireducenticrescens. METHODS: In a first set of assays, the original biofilm (OB) was cultivated in an artificial seawater (ASW) medium under anoxic conditions to colonize new carriers. The new formed biofilm was then subjected to short exposures (1-5 days) of a range of NaCl, methanol, nitrate (NO3 -) and nitrite (NO2 -) concentrations, and to different pHs and temperatures. In a second set of assays, the OB was cultivated in ASW medium for five weeks with (i) a range of NaCl concentrations, (ii) four combinations of NO3 -/methanol concentrations and temperatures, (iii) NO2 -, and (iv) under oxic conditions. Finally, the OB was cultivated for five weeks in the commercial Instant Ocean (IO) seawater. The growth of the biofilm and the dynamics of NO3 - and NO2 - were determined. The levels of M. nitratireducenticrescens and H. nitrativorans were measured by qPCR. RESULTS: In the first set of assays, the biofilm cultures had the capacity to sustain denitrifying activities in most of the tested conditions. Inhibition occurred when they were exposed to high pH (10) or to high methanol concentration (1.5%). In the second set of assays, the highest specific denitrification rates occurred with the biofilm cultures cultivated at 64.3 mM NO3 - and 0.45% methanol, and at 30 °C. Poor biofilm development occurred with the biofilm cultures cultivated at 5% and 8% NaCl. In all biofilm cultures cultivated in ASW at 2.75% NaCl, H. nitrativorans strain NL23 decreased by three orders of magnitude in concentrations compared to that found in OB. This decrease coincided with the increase of the same magnitude of a subpopulation of M. nitratireducenticrescens (strain GP59 as representative). In the biofilm cultures cultivated at low NaCl concentrations (0% to 1.0%), persistence of H. nitrativorans strain NL23 was observed, with the gradual increase in concentrations of M. nitratireducenticrescens strain GP59. High levels of H. nitrativorans strain NL23 were found in the IO biofilm cultures. The concentrations of M. nitratireducenticrescens strain JAM1 were lower in most of the biofilms cultures than in OB. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate the plasticity of the marine methylotrophic denitrifying biofilm in adapting to different environmental changes. The NaCl concentration is a crucial factor in the dynamics of H. nitrativorans strain NL23, for which growth was impaired above 1% NaCl in the ASW-based biofilm cultures in favor of M. nitratireducenticrescens strain GP59.
BACKGROUND: The biofilm of a methanol-fed, fluidized denitrification system treating a marine effluent is composed of multi-species microorganisms, among which Hyphomicrobium nitrativorans NL23 and Methylophaga nitratireducenticrescens JAM1 are the principal bacteria involved in the denitrifying activities. Strain NL23 can carry complete nitrate (NO[Formula: see text]) reduction to N2, whereas strain JAM1 can perform 3 out of the 4 reduction steps. A small proportion of other denitrifiers exists in the biofilm, suggesting the potential plasticity of the biofilm in adapting to environmental changes. Here, we report the acclimation of the denitrifying biofilm from continuous operating mode to batch operating mode, and the isolation and characterization from the acclimated biofilm of a new denitrifying bacterial strain, named GP59. METHODS: The denitrifying biofilm was batch-cultured under anoxic conditions. The acclimated biofilm was plated on Methylophaga specific medium to isolate denitrifying Methylophaga isolates. Planktonic cultures of strains GP59 and JAM1 were performed, and the growth and the dynamics of NO[Formula: see text], nitrite (NO[Formula: see text]) and N2O were determined. The genomes of strains GP59 and JAM1 were sequenced and compared. The transcriptomes of strains GP59 and JAM1 were derived from anoxic cultures. RESULTS: During batch cultures of the biofilm, we observed the disappearance of H. nitrativorans NL23 without affecting the denitrification performance. From the acclimated biofilm, we isolated strain GP59 that can perform, like H. nitrativorans NL23, the complete denitrification pathway. The GP59 cell concentration in the acclimated biofilm was 2-3 orders of magnitude higher than M. nitratireducenticrescens JAM1 and H. nitrativorans NL23. Genome analyses revealed that strain GP59 belongs to the species M. nitratireducenticrescens. The GP59 genome shares more than 85% of its coding sequences with those of strain JAM1. Based on transcriptomic analyses of anoxic cultures, most of these common genes in strain GP59 were expressed at similar level than their counterparts in strain JAM1. In contrast to strain JAM1, strain GP59 cannot reduce NO[Formula: see text] under oxic culture conditions, and has a 24-h lag time before growth and NO[Formula: see text] reduction start to occur in anoxic cultures, suggesting that both strains regulate differently the expression of their denitrification genes. Strain GP59 has the ability to reduce NO[Formula: see text] as it carries a gene encoding a NirK-type NO[Formula: see text] reductase. Based on the CRISPR sequences, strain GP59 did not emerge from strain JAM1 during the biofilm batch cultures but rather was present in the original biofilm and was enriched during this process. DISCUSSION: These results reinforce the unique trait of the species M. nitratireducenticrescens among the Methylophaga genus as facultative anaerobic bacterium. These findings also showed the plasticity of denitrifying population of the biofilm in adapting to anoxic marine environments of the bioreactor.