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R Soc Open Sci ; 11(10): 240870, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39359457


Competitive dietary and morphological divergence among co-occurring species are fundamental aspects of ecological communities, particularly on islands. Cabo Verde (~570 km west of continental Africa) hosts several endemic reptiles descended from common ancestors, with sympatric species exhibiting wide morphological variation and competing for limited resources. To explore the mechanisms of resource partitioning between coexisting species, DNA metabarcoding was used to compare the diets of large and small skinks, Chioninia vaillantii and Chioninia delalandii, in sympatric and allopatric contexts on Fogo Island and in a more competitive context on the small and resource-poor Cima Islet. The morphological variation of all populations was also examined to test the character displacement hypothesis and to compare the effect of different competitive scenarios. Results showed significant differences in diet and linear measurements between species and populations. The two sympatric populations of C. delalandii on Fogo and Cima showed similar changes in head morphology compared to the allopatric population, supporting character displacement. The effect of higher competitive pressure on Cima was evidenced by the increased morphological and dietary variation observed. This study demonstrates how sister species develop dietary adaptations/morphologies to maintain stable coexistence, especially in highly competitive scenarios, providing useful insights for effective conservation strategies.

Biodivers Data J ; 12: e117169, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38903959


Background: The InBIO Barcoding Initiative (IBI) Dataset - DS-IBILP08 contains records of 2350 specimens of moths (Lepidoptera species that do not belong to the superfamily Papilionoidea). All specimens have been morphologically identified to species or subspecies level and represent 1158 species in total. The species of this dataset correspond to about 42% of mainland Portuguese Lepidoptera species. All specimens were collected in mainland Portugal between 2001 and 2022. All DNA extracts and over 96% of the specimens are deposited in the IBI collection at CIBIO, Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources. New information: The authors enabled "The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: DNA barcodes of Portuguese moths" in order to release the majority of data of DNA barcodes of Portuguese moths within the InBIO Barcoding Initiative. This dataset increases the knowledge on the DNA barcodes of 1158 species from Portugal belonging to 51 families. There is an increase in DNA barcodes of 205% in Portuguese specimens publicly available. The dataset includes 61 new Barcode Index Numbers. All specimens have their DNA barcodes publicly accessible through BOLD online database and the distribution data can be accessed through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF).

Mol Ecol ; 33(8): e17324, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38506491


Agriculture is vital for supporting human populations, but its intensification often leads to landscape homogenization and a decline in non-provisioning ecosystem services. Ecological intensification and multifunctional landscapes are suggested as nature-based alternatives to intensive agriculture, using ecological processes like natural pest regulation to maximize food production. Birds are recognized for their role in increasing crop yields by consuming invertebrate pests in several agroecosystems. However, the understanding of how bird species, their traits and agricultural land cover influence the structure of bird-pest interactions remains limited. We sampled bird-pest interactions monthly for 1 year, at four sites within a multifunctional landscape, following a gradient of increasing agricultural land cover. We analysed 2583 droppings of 55 bird species with DNA metabarcoding and detected 225 pest species in 1139 samples of 42 bird species. As expected, bird-pest interactions were highly variable across bird species. Dietary pest richness was lower in the fully agricultural site, while predation frequency remained consistent across the agricultural land cover gradient. Network analysis revealed a reduction in the complexity of bird-pest interactions as agricultural coverage increased. Bird species abundance affected the bird's contribution to the network structure more than any of the bird traits analysed (weight, phenology, invertebrate frequency in diet and foraging strata), with more common birds being more important to network structure. Overall, our results show that increasing agricultural land cover increases the homogenization of bird-pest interactions. This shows the importance of maintaining natural patches within agricultural landscapes for biodiversity conservation and enhanced biocontrol.

A agricultura é essencial para suportar a população humana, mas a sua intensificação geralmente leva à homogeneização da paisagem e à redução dos serviços do ecossistema que não sejam de provisão. A intensificação ecológica e paisagens multifuncionais são sugeridas como alternativas naturais à agricultura intensiva, utilizando processos ecológicos como a regulação natural de pragas para maximizar a produção de alimentos. As aves são conhecidas pelo seu papel no aumento da produtividade das culturas por consumirem pragas em diversos agroecossistemas. Contudo, o conhecimento de como as espécies de aves, as suas características e a cobertura agrícola influenciam as interações entre aves e pragas são limitados. Nós amostrámos estas interações mensalmente durante um ano, em quatro locais, numa paisagem multifuncional, ao longo um gradiente de aumento da cobertura agrícola. Analisamos 2583 dejetos de 55 espécies de aves com DNA metabarcoding e detetamos 225 espécies praga em 1139 amostras de 42 espécies de aves. Como esperado, as interações entre aves e pragas foram muito distintas entre as várias espécies de aves. A riqueza de pragas na dieta foi menor no local completamente dominado por área agrícola, enquanto a frequência de predação de pragas foi constante ao longo do gradiente de cobertura agrícola. A análise de redes demonstrou uma redução na complexidade das interações entre aves e pragas à medida que a cobertura agrícola aumenta. A abundância das espécies de aves influenciou mais a contribuição das aves para a estrutura da rede do que qualquer uma das características analisadas (peso, fenologia, frequência de invertebrados na dieta e estrato de alimentação), sendo as aves mais comuns as mais importantes na estrutura da rede. De forma geral, os nossos resultados indicam que o aumento da cobertura agrícola aumenta a homogeneização das interações entre aves e pragas. Isto demonstra a importância de preservar áreas naturais em paisagem agrícolas para a conservação de biodiversidade e melhor controlo biológico.

Biodiversidade , Ecossistema , Animais , Agricultura , Aves/genética , Produtos Agrícolas/fisiologia , Dieta
Biodivers Data J ; 11: e97484, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38327295


Background: The Trichoptera are an important component of freshwater ecosystems. In the Iberian Peninsula, 380 taxa of caddisflies are known, with nearly 1/3 of the total species being endemic in the region. A reference collection of morphologically identified Trichoptera specimens, representing 142 Iberian taxa, was constructed. The InBIO Barcoding Initiative (IBI) Trichoptera 01 dataset contains records of 438 sequenced specimens. The species of this dataset correspond to about 37% of Iberian Trichoptera species diversity. Specimens were collected between 1975 and 2018 and are deposited in the IBI collection at the CIBIO (Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, Portugal) or in the collection Marcos A. González at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). New information: Twenty-nine species, from nine different families, were new additions to the Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD). A success identification rate of over 80% was achieved when comparing morphological identifications and DNA barcodes for the species analysed. This encouraging step advances incorporation of informed Environmental DNA tools in biomonitoring schemes, given the shortcomings of morphological identifications of larvae and adult Caddisflies in such studies. DNA barcoding was not successful in identifying species in six Trichoptera genera: Hydropsyche (Hydropsychidae), Athripsodes (Leptoceridae), Wormaldia (Philopotamidae), Polycentropus (Polycentropodidae) Rhyacophila (Rhyacophilidae) and Sericostoma (Sericostomatidae). The high levels of intraspecific genetic variability found, combined with a lack of a barcode gap and a challenging morphological identification, rendered these species as needing additional studies to resolve their taxonomy.

PLoS One ; 17(7): e0270032, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35793291


Studying collection specimens is often the only way to unravel information about recent extinctions. These can reveal knowledge on threats and life traits related to extinction, and contribute, by extrapolation, to the conservation of extant species. However, high-throughput sequencing methods have rarely been applied to extinct species to reveal information on their ecology. Insular species are especially prone to extinction. We studied the gut contents of three specimens of the extinct giant skink Chioninia coctei of the Cabo Verde Islands using microscopy and DNA-metabarcoding. The presence of Tachygonetria adult nematodes suggests plants as important diet items. Our metabarcoding approach also identified plants and, additionally, invertebrates, supporting the hypothesis of C. coctei's generalist diet. The absence of vertebrates in the digestive contents may reflect the decline of seabirds on the Desertas Islands that could have contributed to the debilitation of the giant skink, already depleted by persecution and severe droughts. Even with a small sample size, this study contributes to shedding light on the trophic roles of this enigmatic extinct species and emphasizes the need to develop holistic conservation plans for island threatened taxa. Additionally, it illustrates the potential of integrating up-to-date molecular methods with traditional approaches to studying collection specimens to help to solve ecological puzzles in other ecosystems.

Dieta , Extinção Biológica , Manejo de Espécimes , Animais , Cabo Verde , Dieta/história , Dieta/veterinária , Ecossistema , História do Século XX
Ecol Evol ; 12(3): e8638, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35309743


DNA metabarcoding is widely used to characterize the diet of species, and it becomes very relevant for biodiversity conservation, allowing the understanding of trophic chains and the impact of invasive species. The need for cost-effective biodiversity monitoring methods fostered advances in this technique. One question that arises is which sample type provides a better diet representation.Therefore, with this study, we intended to evaluate if there were differences in diet estimates according to the section of the gastrointestinal tract analysed and which section(s) provided the best diet representation. Additionally, we intended to infer the ecological/economic impacts of an invader as a model of the potential effects in an originally mammal-free ecosystem.We examined the gut contents of the house mouse Mus musculus introduced to Cabo Verde, considering three sections: stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. We applied a DNA-metabarcoding approach using two genetic markers, one specific for plants and another for invertebrates.We showed that this invader consumed 131 taxa (73 plants and 58 invertebrates). We obtained significant differences in the composition of two of the three sections, with a higher incidence of invertebrates in the stomach and plants in the intestines. This may be due to stomach inhibitors acting on plants and/or to faster absorption of soft-body invertebrates compared to the plant fibers in the intestines. We verified that the impact of this invader in the ecosystem is predominantly negative, as at least 50% of the ingested items were native, endemic, or economically important taxa, and only 19% of the diet items were exotics.Overall, results showed the need to analyse only two gastrointestinal tract sections to obtain robust diet data, increasing the cost-effectiveness of the method. Furthermore, by uncovering the native taxa most frequently preyed on by mice, this DNA-metabarcoding approach allowed us to evaluate efficiently which are at the highest risk.

O metabarcoding de ADN é amplamente utilizado para a caracterização da dieta de espécies, e tornou­se bastante relevante para a conservação da biodiversidade, permitindo a compreensão sobre cadeias tróficas e o impacto de espécies invasoras. A necessidade de métodos de monitorização da biodiversidade com uma boa relação custo­benefício fomentaram avanços nesta técnica. Uma questão que se coloca é qual o tipo de amostra que fornece uma melhor representação da dieta. Deste modo, com este estudo, pretendemos avaliar se existem diferenças nas estimativas da dieta de acordo com a secção do tracto gastrointestinal analisada e qual(is) a(s) secção(ões) que proporciona(m) uma melhor representação da dieta. Adicionalmente, pretendemos inferir os impactos ecológicos/ económicos de um invasor como um modelo dos efeitos potenciais que este pode ter num ecossistema originalmente sem mamíferos. Analisámos os conteúdos gastrointestinais do rato doméstico Mus musculus introduzido em Cabo Verde, considerando três secções: estômago, intestino delgado e intestino grosso. Aplicámos uma abordagem de metabarcoding de ADN usando dois marcadores genéticos, um específico para plantas e outro para invertebrados. Mostrámos que este invasor consumiu 131 taxa (73 plantas e 58 invertebrados). Obtivemos diferenças significativas na composição de duas das três secções, com maior incidência de invertebrados no estômago e de plantas nos intestinos. Isto pode dever­se a inibidores estomacais que agem sobre as plantas e/ ou à absorção mais rápida de invertebrados de corpo mole em comparação com as fibras vegetais nos intestinos. Verificámos que o impacto deste invasor no ecossistema é predominantemente negativo, pois pelo menos 50% dos itens ingeridos eram nativos, endémicos ou economicamente importantes e apenas 19% dos itens da dieta eram exóticos. De modo geral, os resultados mostraram a necessidade de analisar apenas duas secções do tracto gastrointestinal para obter dados robustos da dieta, aumentando a relação custo­eficácia deste método. Além disso, ao descobrir os taxa nativos mais frequentemente predados por ratos, a abordagem de metabarcoding de ADN permitiu­nos avaliar com eficiência quais estão sob maior risco.

PeerJ ; 8: e8084, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31915567


Dietary studies can reveal valuable information on how species exploit their habitats and are of particular importance for insular endemics conservation as these species present higher risk of extinction. Reptiles are often neglected in island systems, principally the ones inhabiting remote areas, therefore little is known on their ecological networks. The Selvagens gecko Tarentola (boettgeri) bischoffi, endemic to the remote and integral reserve of Selvagens Archipelago, is classified as Vulnerable by the Portuguese Red Data Book. Little is known about this gecko's ecology and dietary habits, but it is assumed to be exclusively insectivorous. The diet of the continental Tarentola species was already studied using classical methods. Only two studies have used next-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques for this genus thus far, and very few NGS studies have been employed for reptiles in general. Considering the lack of information on its diet and the conservation interest of the Selvagens gecko, we used morphological and DNA metabarcoding approaches to characterize its diet. The traditional method of morphological identification of prey remains in faecal pellets collected over a longer period was compared with metabarcoding of samples collected during rapid surveys. Molecular results revealed that this species is a generalist, feeding on invertebrate, plant and vertebrate items, whereas the morphological approaches were unable to detect the latter two. These results opened up new questions on the ecological role of the Selvagens gecko that deserves to be further explored, such as the possible predation on seabirds, plant services or trophic competition with the sympatric Madeira lizard Teira dugesii. Metabarcoding identified a greater diversity of dietary items at higher taxonomic resolution, but morphological identification enabled calculation of relative abundances and biomasses of ingested arthropods, and detected a dietary shift on invertebrate preys between seasons. Results of this study highlight the global applicability of rapid metabarcoding surveys for understudied taxa on remote islands that are difficult to access. We recommend using the metabarcoding approach, even if 'speedy' sampling only is possible, but we must highlight that disregarding long-term ecological data may lead to 'hasty' conclusion.

Ecol Evol ; 9(8): 4994-5002, 2019 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31031960


Trophic networks in small isolated islands are in a fragile balance, and their disturbance can easily contribute toward the extinction vortex of species. Here, we show, in a small Atlantic island (Raso) in the Cabo Verde Archipelago, using DNA metabarcoding, the extent of trophic dependence of the Endangered giant wall gecko Tarentola gigas on endemic populations of vertebrates, including one of the rarest bird species of the world, the Critically Endangered Raso lark Alauda razae. We found that the Raso lark (27%), Iago sparrow Passer iagoensis (12%), Bulwer's petrel Bulweria bulwerii (15%), and the Cabo Verde shearwater Calonectris edwardsii (10%) are the most frequent vertebrate signatures found in the feces of the giant wall gecko. This work provides the first integrative assessment of their trophic links, an important issue to be considered for the long-term conservation of these small and isolated island ecosystems.