Using Stark-pulse-modulated photon echoes, we observe a novel type of rephasing phenomenon in a Eu(3+) - and Pr(3+) -codoped Y(2)SiO(5) crystal. By adjusting the Stark pulse during the rephasing and dephasing periods one can observe a full recovery of the photon echo, corresponding to perfect dephasing-rephasing balancing of the perturbations. We propose to use this effect as a spectroscopic technique to distinguish between reversible and irreversible Stark interactions.
We demonstrate the temporal compression of photon echoes in frequency-selective materials by application of frequency-swept excitation pulses. Experimental results in Pr(3+):Y(2)SiO(5) for two- and three-pulse photon echoes are presented and compared with theory. A possible application to temporal reduction of optical data streams is shown.