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Rev. baiana saúde pública ; 45(3, n.esp): 80-97, 31 dez. 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355160


No Brasil, a pandemia atinge, de forma preocupante, funcionários e custodiados do sistema prisional. As condições precárias na estrutura das instituições, a superpopulação e as dificuldades na assistência à saúde podem prejudicar a prevenção aos agentes infectocontagiosos. Na Bahia, o acompanhamento da Covid-19 no Sistema Prisional é realizado pela Área Técnica de Saúde no Sistema Prisional (ATSSP), parte da Coordenação de Promoção da Equidade em Saúde (CPES), componente da Diretoria de Gestão do Cuidado (DGC), um dos setores da Secretaria de Saúde do Estado da Bahia (Sesab). Essa ação é feita por meio de intervenções diretas nas Unidades Prisionais (UP), publicações de Planos de Ação e elaboração de Notas Técnicas, monitoradas por meio de videoconferências com representantes das áreas da saúde (estado e municípios), segurança pública, administração penitenciária, das UP e delegacias, para articulação e implementação de atividades preventivas, diante da pandemia, voltadas às pessoas privadas de liberdade (PPL). Este artigo descreve as ações de prevenção à Covid-19 desenvolvidas nas UP e delegacias do Sistema Prisional baiano em 2020. É um relato de experiência que utiliza análise de documentos produzidos no processo de implementação e monitoramento das medidas. Como resultados, foram identificadas as ações de superação das dificuldades de cada unidade, que possibilitaram a reorganização dos serviços, oferta de insumos, capacitação dos servidores, vigilância e prevenção dos casos de infecção nas UP e delegacias. Observou-se que as UP da Bahia aplicaram as principais estratégias preconizadas oficialmente, estabelecendo, em alguns casos, um protocolo próprio de combate à Covid-19. Diante desse contexto, é possível apontar que as medidas adotadas colaboraram para a diminuição da disseminação do SARS-CoV-2 na população prisional do estado.

In Brazil, the COVID-19 pandemic has serious impacts on the prison population and staff. The precarious institutional structure, overcrowding, and difficulties in healthcare hamper the prevention of infectious agents. COVID-19 monitoring in the Prison System of Bahia was conducted by the Technical Area of Health in the Prison System (ATSSP) of the Coordination for the Promotion of Equity in Health (CPES) ­ a component of the Care Management Board of the Department of Health of the State of Bahia. Such action was accomplished via direct interventions in Prison Units (PU), Action Plans, and Technical Notes monitored via Web meetings held with representatives from the public security, penitentiary administration, health (state and municipalities), PU, police and police stations to articulate and implement prevention activities, in face of the pandemic, aimed at persons deprived of liberty (PDL). This article describes the actions to combat COVID-19 developed in the PUs and police stations of the Bahia Prison System in 2020. It consists of an experience report that analyses the documents produced in the process of implementing and monitoring the measures. Results indicate the actions employed to overcome the difficulties faced by each unit, which enabled services reorganization, materials supply, staff training, and cases surveillance and prevention in PUs and police stations. Besides applying the main strategies officially recommended, some PUs also established their own protocol to combat COVID-19. Thus, the adopted measures have actively reduced the spread of SARS-COV-2 in the state's prison population.

En Brasil, la pandemia del COVID-19 afectó de manera preocupante a los empleados y los presos del sistema carcelario. Las precarias condiciones en la estructura de las instituciones, el hacinamiento y las dificultades en la atención de la salud pueden dificultar la prevención de agentes infecciosos. En Bahía, el seguimiento del COVID-19 en el Sistema Carcelario fue realizado por el Área Técnica de Salud en el Sistema Carcelario (ATSSP), parte de la Coordinación para la Promoción de la Equidad en Salud (CPES), componente de la Junta de Gestión de Cuidado (DGC), uno de los sectores de la Secretaría de Salud del Estado de Bahía (Sesab). Esta acción se llevó a cabo con intervenciones directas en Unidades Carcelarias (UP), publicaciones de Planes de Acción y elaboración de Notas Técnicas, monitoreadas en 15 reuniones en línea con representantes de las áreas de salud (estado y municipios), seguridad pública, administración carcelaria, UP y comisarías, para la articulación e implementación de estrategias de prevención del COVID-19 orientadas a las personas privadas de libertad (PPL). Este artículo describe las acciones de la lucha contra el COVID-19 adoptadas en las UP y comisarías del Sistema Carcelario de Bahía en 2020. Se trata de un relato de experiencia que utiliza el análisis documental del material producido en el proceso de implementación y seguimiento de las medidas. Como resultado, se identificaron acciones de superación de las dificultades de cada unidad, que permitieron la reorganización de los servicios, suministro de insumos, capacitación de servidores, vigilancia y prevención de los contagios en UP y comisarías. Se observó que las UP en Bahía aplicaron las principales estrategias recomendadas oficialmente, estableciendo, en algunos casos, su propio protocolo ante el COVID-19. En este contexto, es posible señalar que las medidas adoptadas han colaborado con la disminución de la propagación del SARS-COV-2 en la población carcelaria del Estado.

Prisioneiros , Atenção à Saúde , Prevenção de Doenças , Pandemias , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19 , Categorias de Trabalhadores
Rev. baiana saúde pública ; 45(3, n.esp): 121-136, 31 dez. 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355167


Este relato de experiência trata sobre o desenvolvimento do Curso de Qualificação em Acolhimento do Usuário Indígena LGBTQIA+, voltado para os profissionais de atenção à saúde indígena do estado da Bahia. Para elaboração do curso, buscou-se conhecer as demandas de saúde dos indígenas LGBTQIA+, porém identificou-se que não há registros oficiais a respeito desse tema e os bancos de dados científicos pouco contribuíram. Em contrapartida, as redes sociais se mostraram uma importante fonte de informações, que possibilitaram a aproximação com os indígenas LGBTQIA+ e suas reais necessidades. A qualificação ocorreu de forma virtual, com duração total de oito horas, por meio da plataforma Zoom. Dos participantes, 91 cumpriram as exigências para a certificação ao final do curso. A partir dos dados de inscrição, foi possível traçar o perfil dos discentes: orientação sexual, identidade de gênero, quesito raça/cor, faixa etária e categorias profissionais. O curso foi avaliado pelos alunos por meio de formulário eletrônico quanto ao conteúdo e à metodologia. Suas respostas foram categorizadas e apresentadas neste relato. A realização dessa qualificação permitiu constatar a existência de uma lacuna no que diz respeito ao preparo de profissionais para atuar no cuidado à saúde integral dos indígenas que se autodeclaram LGBTQIA+, bem como na implementação da Política Nacional de Saúde Integral LGBT. Por fim, essa ação contribuiu para o fortalecimento da parceria entre Secretaria da Saúde do Estado da Bahia (Sesab) e o Distrito Sanitário Especial Indígena do Estado da Bahia (DSEI-BA) na continuidade das ações de educação permanente e, consequentemente, na melhoria da qualidade do cuidado ofertado ao indígena LGBTQIA+.

This experience report concerns the development of a Qualification Course in Indigenous LGBTQIA+ User Care, aimed at professionals in indigenous health care in the state of Bahia. To develop the course, the researchers sought to understand the health demands of Indigenous queer people, but no official records on the topic were found and the scientific databases contributed little. On the other hand, social media proved to be an important source of information, allowing us to approach Indigenous queer individuals and meet their actual needs. Qualification took place virtually, via Zoom platform, with total duration of eight hours. Of the participants, 91 fulfilled the requirements for certification at the end of the course. A student profile was drawn using the following enrollment data: sexual orientation, gender identity, race/color, age group, and professional categories. Students evaluated the course by means of an electronic form, regarding content and methodology. Their responses were categorized and presented in this report. Giving this qualification course allowed us to identify a gap regarding the training of professionals to work in the comprehensive health care of Indigenous LGBTQIA+ people, and the implementation of the National LGBT Comprehensive Health Policy. Finally, this experience contributed to strengthen the partnership between the Department of Health (SESAB) and the Special Indigenous Health District (DSEI-BA) in the State of Bahia in promoting continuing education actions and, consequently, in improving the quality of care offered to Indigenous LGBTQIA+ individuals.

Este relato de experiencia aborda el desarrollo del Curso de Calificación en Acogida de Usuarios Indígenas LGBTQIA+, dirigido a profesionales de la salud indígena en el estado de Bahía (Brasil). Para la elaboración del curso se buscó conocer las demandas de salud de los indígenas LGBTQIA+, pero se identificó que no existen registros oficiales al respecto y que las bases de datos científicas han aportado poco. Por otro lado, las redes sociales demostraron ser una importante fuente de información, lo que permitió acercarnos a los indígenas LGBTQIA+ y sus necesidades reales. La calificación se realizó de forma virtual, con una duración total de ocho horas, mediante la plataforma Zoom. De los participantes, 91 cumplieron con los requisitos para finalizar el curso. A partir de los datos de matrícula, fue posible describir el perfil de los estudiantes: orientación sexual, identidad de género, raza/color, grupo de edad y categorías profesionales. El curso fue evaluado por ellos por medio de un formulario electrónico, en cuanto a contenido y metodología. Sus respuestas se han categorizado y presentado en este informe. La realización de esta calificación nos permitió constatar que existe una brecha en la formación de los profesionales para trabajar en la atención integral en salud de los pueblos indígenas que se declaran LGBTQIA+, así como en la implementación de la Política Nacional de Salud Integral LGBT. Finalmente, esta acción contribuyó al fortalecimiento de la alianza entre la Secretaría de Salud del Estado de Bahía (Sesab) y el Distrito Sanitario Especial Indígena del Estado de Bahía (DSEI-BA) en la continuidad de acciones de educación continua, y la consecuente mejora de la atención ofertada a los indígenas LGBTQIA+.

Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde , Comportamento Sexual , Atenção à Saúde , Educação Continuada , Saúde de Populações Indígenas , Identidade de Gênero
RSC Med Chem ; 12(9): 1525-1539, 2021 Sep 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34671736


The identification of specific biomarkers for Zika infection and its clinical complications is fundamental to mitigate the infection spread, which has been associated with a broad range of neurological sequelae. We present the characterization of antibody responses in serum samples from individuals infected with Zika, presenting non-severe (classical) and severe (neurological disease) phenotypes, with high-density peptide arrays comprising the Zika NS1 and NS2B proteins. The data pinpoints one strongly IgG-targeted NS2B epitope in non-severe infections, which is absent in Zika patients, where infection progressed to the severe phenotype. This differential IgG profile between the studied groups was confirmed by multivariate data analysis. Molecular dynamics simulations and circular dichroism have shown that the peptide in solution presents itself in a sub-optimal conformation for antibody recognition, which led us to computationally engineer an artificial protein able to stabilize the NS2B epitope structure. The engineered protein was used to interrogate paired samples from mothers and their babies presenting Zika-associated microcephaly and confirmed the absence of NS2B IgG response in those samples. These findings suggest that the assessment of antibody responses to the herein identified NS2B epitope is a strong candidate biomarker for the diagnosis and prognosis of Zika-associated neurological disease.

Genet Mol Biol ; 42(1 suppl 1): 312-320, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30985854


Rare genetic disorders are currently in the spotlight due to the elevated number of different conditions and significant total number of affected patients. The study of these disorders is extremely helpful for the elucidation of physiological processes related with complex disorders. Isolated populations are instrumental for the study of genetic disorders, considering their homogeneity and high proportion of affected patients in a small geographic area. These favorable conditions lead to the creation of a new discipline, known as "population medical genetics", which integrates medical genetics, population genetics, epidemiological genetics and community genetics. In order to develop practical activities in this new discipline, the National Institute of Population Medical Genetics (INaGeMP) was created in 2008 in Brazil. INaGeMP has developed several tools and funded numerous research activities. In this review, we highlight three successful projects developed in the first 10 years of INaGeMP activities (2008-2018): a newborn screening pilot study for MPS VI in Northeast Brazil, the study of Machado-Joseph disease in Brazilian families with Azorian ancestry, and the high twinning rate in a small town in southern Brazil. The results of these projects in terms of scientific output and contributions to the affected communities highlight the success and importance of INaGeMP.

Rev. bras. hematol. hemoter ; 37(5): 296-301, Sept.-Oct. 2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-764215


BACKGROUND: In sickle cell disease, the quantification of Hb A2 is important for the differential diagnosis between sickle cell anemia (Hb SS) and Hb S/ß0-thalassemia.OBJECTIVE: To determine Hb A2 levels as quantified by high performance liquid chromatography in patients with sickle cell anemia (Hb SS) and with the SC hemoglobinopathy, with or without concomitant alpha thalassemia.METHODS: This is a retrospective study of 242 children aged between two and six years with diagnoses of Hb SS or Hb SC. The hemoglobin was evaluated using high performance liquid chromatography and alpha thalassemia [3.7 kb deletion (-a3.7)] was detected by polymerase chain reaction. Patients were classified as homozygous (-a3.7/-a3.7), heterozygous (-a3.7/a), or homozygous wild-type. Analysis of variance was used to compare the mean Hb A2 values between the alpha thalassemia groups.RESULTS: The mean (± standard deviation) Hb A2 concentrations in the Hb SS group (n = 135) was 3.68 ± 0.65%. The mean values for individuals with Hb SS and heterozygous (n = 28) or homozygous for alpha thalassemia (n = 3) were 3.98 ± 0.64% and 4.73 ± 0.25%, respectively. The mean Hb A2 of all the Hb SC patients (n = 107) was 4.01 ± 0.507 with 4.29 ± 0.41% and 4.91 ± 0.22% in individuals heterozygous (n = 23) and homozygous for alpha thalassemia (n = 7), respectively. All patients homozygous for alpha thalassemia had Hb A2 levels above 3.5%. However, Hb A2 values above 5.2% were seen in patients with Hb SS and Hb SC, independently of alpha thalassemia.CONCLUSION: Hb A2 levels are elevated in patients with Hb S or Hb C, and are directly influenced by the alpha thalassemia genotypes.

Hemoglobina A2 , Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Pressão , Talassemia beta , Talassemia alfa , Anemia Falciforme
Rev Bras Hematol Hemoter ; 37(5): 296-301, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26408362


BACKGROUND: In sickle cell disease, the quantification of Hb A2 is important for the differential diagnosis between sickle cell anemia (Hb SS) and Hb S/ß(0)-thalassemia. OBJECTIVE: To determine Hb A2 levels as quantified by high performance liquid chromatography in patients with sickle cell anemia (Hb SS) and with the SC hemoglobinopathy, with or without concomitant alpha thalassemia. METHODS: This is a retrospective study of 242 children aged between two and six years with diagnoses of Hb SS or Hb SC. The hemoglobin was evaluated using high performance liquid chromatography and alpha thalassemia [3.7kb deletion (-α(3.7))] was detected by polymerase chain reaction. Patients were classified as homozygous (-α(3.7)/-α(3.7)), heterozygous (-α(3.7)/α), or homozygous wild-type. Analysis of variance was used to compare the mean Hb A2 values between the alpha thalassemia groups. RESULTS: The mean (±standard deviation) Hb A2 concentrations in the Hb SS group (n=135) was 3.68±0.65%. The mean values for individuals with Hb SS and heterozygous (n=28) or homozygous for alpha thalassemia (n=3) were 3.98±0.64% and 4.73±0.25%, respectively. The mean Hb A2 of all the Hb SC patients (n=107) was 4.01±0.507 with 4.29±0.41% and 4.91±0.22% in individuals heterozygous (n=23) and homozygous for alpha thalassemia (n=7), respectively. All patients homozygous for alpha thalassemia had Hb A2 levels above 3.5%. However, Hb A2 values above 5.2% were seen in patients with Hb SS and Hb SC, independently of alpha thalassemia. CONCLUSION: Hb A2 levels are elevated in patients with Hb S or Hb C, and are directly influenced by the alpha thalassemia genotypes.

Braz. j. infect. dis ; 18(6): 618-624, Nov-Dec/2014. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-730415


Introduction: Screening for vertically transmitted infection is mandatory and must be conducted at the first prenatal consultation. The most vulnerable women's groups are those at the lowest socio-economic level. Dried blood spot testing on filter paper could represent a secure way to screen pregnant women in the prenatal period. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted between November 2009 and March 2010, in the Metropolitan Region of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, to compare the accuracy of the dried blood spot in filter paper and venipuncture serological as screening methods for HIV, HTLV, VHB, VHC, Treponema pallidum, and Toxoplasma gondii during prenatal period. Results of the venous blood sample collected in tubes were considered the gold standard. Results: Serum samples and dried blood spot were obtained from 692 pregnant women aged between 14 and 42 years, with a median age of 26. Thirteen women were seropositive for T. gondii (1.88%; 95% CI: 0.60–2.71%), five for T. pallidum (0.72%; 95% CI: 0.15–1.61%), two for HBV (0.29%; 95% CI: 0.050.95%) and one for HTLV-1 (0.14%; 95% CI: 0.01–0.71%). No one was positive for HCV and HIV. The dried blood spot accuracy for syphilis and HTLV were 100% (95% CI: 99.25–100) and 100% (95% CI: 99.45–100%), respectively. The average time between blood collection and recording of the sample in the reference laboratory was 4.93 (3.82) days and between dried blood spot processing and active search for pregnant women was 3.44 (4.27) days. Conclusions: The use of dried blood spot may represent a secure way to expedite access to results of vertically transmitted diseases in the prenatal period, particularly in regions with scarce healthcare resources. .

Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Gravidez , Adulto Jovem , Teste em Amostras de Sangue Seco/métodos , Complicações Infecciosas na Gravidez/diagnóstico , Brasil/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Infecções por HIV/diagnóstico , Infecções por HIV/epidemiologia , Infecções por HTLV-I/diagnóstico , Infecções por HTLV-I/epidemiologia , Infecções por HTLV-II/diagnóstico , Infecções por HTLV-II/epidemiologia , Hepatite B/diagnóstico , Hepatite B/epidemiologia , Hepatite C/diagnóstico , Hepatite C/epidemiologia , Diagnóstico Pré-Natal , Prevalência , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Sífilis/diagnóstico , Sífilis/epidemiologia , Toxoplasmose/diagnóstico , Toxoplasmose/epidemiologia
Braz J Infect Dis ; 18(6): 618-24, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25022566


INTRODUCTION: Screening for vertically transmitted infection is mandatory and must be conducted at the first prenatal consultation. The most vulnerable women's groups are those at the lowest socio-economic level. Dried blood spot testing on filter paper could represent a secure way to screen pregnant women in the prenatal period. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted between November 2009 and March 2010, in the Metropolitan Region of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, to compare the accuracy of the dried blood spot in filter paper and venipuncture serological as screening methods for HIV, HTLV, VHB, VHC, Treponema pallidum, and Toxoplasma gondii during prenatal period. Results of the venous blood sample collected in tubes were considered the gold standard. RESULTS: Serum samples and dried blood spot were obtained from 692 pregnant women aged between 14 and 42 years, with a median age of 26. Thirteen women were seropositive for T. gondii (1.88%; 95% CI: 0.60-2.71%), five for T. pallidum (0.72%; 95% CI: 0.15-1.61%), two for HBV (0.29%; 95% CI: 0.050.95%) and one for HTLV-1 (0.14%; 95% CI: 0.01-0.71%). No one was positive for HCV and HIV. The dried blood spot accuracy for syphilis and HTLV were 100% (95% CI: 99.25-100) and 100% (95% CI: 99.45-100%), respectively. The average time between blood collection and recording of the sample in the reference laboratory was 4.93 (3.82) days and between dried blood spot processing and active search for pregnant women was 3.44 (4.27) days. CONCLUSIONS: The use of dried blood spot may represent a secure way to expedite access to results of vertically transmitted diseases in the prenatal period, particularly in regions with scarce healthcare resources.

Teste em Amostras de Sangue Seco/métodos , Complicações Infecciosas na Gravidez/diagnóstico , Adolescente , Adulto , Brasil/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Infecções por HIV/diagnóstico , Infecções por HIV/epidemiologia , Infecções por HTLV-I/diagnóstico , Infecções por HTLV-I/epidemiologia , Infecções por HTLV-II/diagnóstico , Infecções por HTLV-II/epidemiologia , Hepatite B/diagnóstico , Hepatite B/epidemiologia , Hepatite C/diagnóstico , Hepatite C/epidemiologia , Humanos , Gravidez , Diagnóstico Pré-Natal , Prevalência , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Sífilis/diagnóstico , Sífilis/epidemiologia , Toxoplasmose/diagnóstico , Toxoplasmose/epidemiologia , Adulto Jovem
Nutr Res ; 28(3): 208-11, 2008 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19083409


Because of the restricted intake of high-biologic-value protein, children with phenylketonuria (PKU) may have lower than normal plasma concentrations of copper, zinc, and selenium. The purpose of the present study was to investigate erythrocyte zinc levels and serum copper and selenium levels in children and adolescents with PKU by analyzing the relation between their diet and the laboratory profiles of these elements. The study was conducted in 32 children and adolescents with PKU, who were on a special diet. Dietary records and blood samples were collected from each subject. Erythrocyte zinc and serum selenium levels were below normal in 37.5% and 90.6% of the subjects, respectively. Plasma copper levels were normal. Metabolic formulas were the only source of 86.9% of the zinc, 65.6% of the copper, and 32.4% of the selenium. Despite this, there was no significant correlation between the zinc formula supply and erythrocyte zinc levels (rho = -0.143, P = .435) or the supply and serum levels for copper (rho = -0.117, P = .523) and selenium (rho = 0.113, P = .538). These results suggest that Brazilian patients with PKU present with low ingestion levels, low serum selenium levels, and low erythrocyte zinc levels.

Eritrócitos/química , Estado Nutricional , Fenilcetonúrias/sangue , Selênio/sangue , Zinco/sangue , Adolescente , Brasil , Criança , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Infantil/fisiologia , Pré-Escolar , Cobre/sangue , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Masculino , Política Nutricional , Necessidades Nutricionais , Fenilcetonúrias/dietoterapia , Adulto Jovem