It has been found that logic-qubit entanglement has great potential for applications in quantum communication and quantum networks in recent years. However, along with the effects of noise and decoherence, the fidelity of the communication transmission can be greatly reduced. In this paper, we investigate the entanglement purification of logic bit-flip error and phase-flip error in polarization logic-qubit entanglement based on the parity-check measurement (PCM) gate, which is constructed by the cross-Kerr nonlinearity and used to distinguish the parity information of two-photon polarization states. The probability of entanglement purification is higher than the scheme using the linear optical method. Moreover, the quality of logic-qubit entangled states can be improved by a cyclic purification process. This entanglement purification protocol will be useful in the future when faced with long-distance communication with logic-qubit entanglement states.
Solid quantum repeater is a core part in a large-scale quantum network. Entanglement purification, the key technique in a quantum repeater, is used to distill high-quality nonlocal entanglement from an ensemble in a mixed entangled state and to depress the vicious influence on quantum information carriers caused by noise. Here, we present an imperfect-interaction-free entanglement purification on nonlocal electron spins in quantum dots for solid quantum repeaters, using faithful parity check on electron spins. The faithful parity check can make correct judgement on the parity mode without destructing the nonlocal solid entanglement even with the imperfect interaction between a QD embedded inside a microcavity and a circularly polarized photon in the nearly realistic condition. Therefore, the imperfect-interaction-free entanglement purification can prevent the maximally entangled states from being changed into partially entangled ones and guarantee the fidelity of the nonlocal mixed state to a desired one after purification. As this scheme is feasible in the nearly realistic condition with imperfect interaction, the requirements for experimental implementation will be relaxed. These distinctive features make this imperfect-interaction-free entanglement purification have more practical applications in solid quantum repeaters for a large-scale quantum network.
Channel noise is the main issue which reduces the efficiency of quantum communication. Here we present an efficient scheme for quantum key distribution against collective-rotation channel noise using polarization and transverse spatial mode of photons. Exploiting the two single-photon Bell states and two-photon hyperentangled Bell states in the polarization and the transverse spatial mode degrees of freedom (DOFs), the mutually unbiased bases can be encoded for logical qubits against the collective-rotation noise. Our scheme shows noiseless subspaces can be made up of two DOFs of two photons instead of multiple photons, which will reduce the resources required for noiseless subspaces and depress the photonic loss sensitivity. Moreover, the two single-photon Bell states and two-photon hyperentangled Bell states are symmetrical to the two photons, which means the relative order of the two photons is not required in our scheme, so the receiver only needs to measure the state of each photon, which makes our protocol easy to execute in experiment than the previous works.
We present a simple protocol for complete analysis of 16 hyperentangled Bell states of two-photon system in the polarization and the first longitudinal momentum degrees of freedom (DOFs). This complete analysis protocol is accomplished with the auxiliary hyperentangled Bell state in the frequency and the second longitudinal momentum DOFs utilizing the experimentally available optical elements including linear optical elements which manipulate the polarizations and the longitudinal momentums and the optical devices which manipulate frequencies of photons. This complete analysis protocol allows the transmission of log216=4 bits of classical information via quantum hyperdense coding scheme, which is the upper bound of the transmission capacity of the quantum hyperdense coding scheme based on 16 orthogonal hyperentangled Bell states. This complete analysis protocol has a potential to be experimentally realized and is useful for high-capacity quantum communication based on hyperentangled states.
Under the balance condition of the diamond nitrogen vacancy center embedded in an optical cavity as a result of cavity quantum electrodynamics, we present a robust hyperparallel photonic controlled-phase-flip gate for a two-photon system in both the polarization and spatial-mode degrees of freedom (DOFs), in which the noise caused by the inequality of two reflection coefficients can be depressed efficiently. This gate doubles the quantum entangling operation synchronously on a photon system and can reduce the quantum resources consumed largely and depress the photonic dissipation efficiently, compared with the two cascade quantum entangling gates in one DOF. It has a near unit fidelity. Moreover, we show that the balance condition can be obtained in both the weak coupling regime and the strong coupling regime, and the high-fidelity quantum gate operation is easier to be realized in the balance condition than the ones in the ideal condition in experiment.
Hyperentanglement is a promising resource in quantum information processing with its high capacity character, defined as the entanglement in multiple degrees of freedom (DOFs) of a quantum system, such as polarization, spatial-mode, orbit-angular-momentum, time-bin and frequency DOFs of photons. Recently, hyperentanglement attracts much attention as all the multiple DOFs can be used to carry information in quantum information processing fully. In this review, we present an overview of the progress achieved so far in the field of hyperentanglement in photon systems and some of its important applications in quantum information processing, including hyperentanglement generation, complete hyperentangled-Bell-state analysis, hyperentanglement concentration, and hyperentanglement purification for high-capacity long-distance quantum communication. Also, a scheme for hyper-controlled-not gate is introduced for hyperparallel photonic quantum computation, which can perform two controlled-not gate operations on both the polarization and spatial-mode DOFs and depress the resources consumed and the photonic dissipation.
We construct an error-detected block, assisted by the quantum-dot spins in double-sided optical microcavities. With this block, we propose three error-detected schemes for the deterministic generation, the complete analysis, and the complete nondestructive analysis of hyperentangled Bell states in both the polarization and spatial-mode degrees of freedom of two-photon systems. In these schemes, the errors can be detected, which can improve their fidelities largely, far different from other previous schemes assisted by the interaction between the photon and the QD-cavity system. Our scheme for the deterministic generation of hyperentangled two-photon systems can be performed by repeat until success. These features make our schemes more useful in high-capacity quantum communication with hyperentanglement in the future.
We present a two-step hyperentanglement concentration protocol (hyper-ECP) for polarization-spatial hyperentangled Bell states based on the high-capacity character of hyperentanglement resorting to the swap gates, which is used to obtain maximally hyperentangled states from partially hyperentangled pure states in long-distance quantum communication. The swap gate, which is constructed with the giant optical circular birefringence (GOCB) of a diamond nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center embedded in a photonic crystal cavity, can be used to transfer the information in one degree of freedom (DOF) between photon systems. By transferring the useful information between hyperentangled photon pairs, more photon pairs in maximally hyperentangled state can be obtained in our hyper-ECP, and the success probability of the hyper-ECP is greatly improved. Moreover, we show that the high-fidelity quantum gate operations can be achieved by mapping the infidelities to heralded losses even in the weak coupling regime.
It is well known that a parallel quantum computer is more powerful than a classical one. So far, there are some important works about the construction of universal quantum logic gates, the key elements in quantum computation. However, they are focused on operating on one degree of freedom (DOF) of quantum systems. Here, we investigate the possibility of achieving scalable hyper-parallel quantum computation based on two DOFs of photon systems. We construct a deterministic hyper-controlled-not (hyper-CNOT) gate operating on both the spatial-mode and the polarization DOFs of a two-photon system simultaneously, by exploiting the giant optical circular birefringence induced by quantum-dot spins in double-sided optical microcavities as a result of cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED). This hyper-CNOT gate is implemented by manipulating the four qubits in the two DOFs of a two-photon system without auxiliary spatial modes or polarization modes. It reduces the operation time and the resources consumed in quantum information processing, and it is more robust against the photonic dissipation noise, compared with the integration of several cascaded CNOT gates in one DOF.
Hyperentanglement is a promising resource in quantum information processing, especially for increasing the channel capacity of long-distance quantum communication. Here we present a general hyper-entanglement concentration protocol (hyper-ECP) for nonlocal partially hyperentangled Bell states that decay with the interrelationship between the polarization and the spatial-mode degrees of freedom of two-photon systems, which is not taken into account in other hyper-ECPs, resorting to the optical property of the quantum-dot spins inside one-side optical microcavities. We show that the success probability of our hyper-ECP is largely increased by iteration of the hyper-ECP process. Our hyper-ECP can be straightforwardly generalized to distill nonlocal maximally hyperentangled N-photon Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states from arbitrary partially hyperentangled GHZ-class states.
Bell-state analysis (BSA) is essential in quantum communication, but it is impossible to distinguish unambiguously the four Bell states in the polarization degree of freedom (DOF) of two-photon systems with only linear optical elements, except for the case in which the BSA is assisted with hyperentangled states, the simultaneous entanglement in more than one DOF. Here, we propose a scheme to distinguish completely the 16 hyperentangled Bell states in both the polarization and the spatial-mode DOFs of two-photon systems, by using the giant nonlinear optics in quantum dot-cavity systems. This scheme can be applied to increase the channel capacity of long-distance quantum communication based on hyperentanglement, such as entanglement swapping, teleportation, and superdense coding. We use hyperentanglement swapping as an example to show the application of this HBSA.