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Pathogens ; 12(2)2023 Jan 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36839458


Outbreaks of human gastroenteritis have been linked to the consumption of contaminated domestic and imported seafood. This study investigated the microbiological quality of seafood obtained from retail stores on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. A total of 440 samples of domestic and imported frozen shrimp, catfish and tilapia samples were analyzed for aerobic plate count (APC), total coliforms, Escherichia coli and seafood-borne-pathogens (Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio vulnificus, Salmonella, Campylobacter jejuni). The prevalence of APC, coliforms and E. coli positive samples was 100%, 43% and 9.3%, respectively. Approximately 3.2%, 1.4%, 28.9% and 3.6% of the samples were positive for V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus, Salmonella and Campylobacter jejuni, respectively. The MPN/g ranges were 150-1100 MPN/g for vibrios, 10-1100 MPN/g for Salmonella and 93-460 MPN/g for C. jejuni in seafood, respectively. Comparing bacterial prevalence by type or source of seafood, the only significant difference identified was Salmonella-positive imported tilapia (33.3%) versus domestic tilapia (19.4%). The quantitative data on pathogen levels in the present study provide additional information for quantitative risk assessment not available in previous surveys. The findings of this study suggest the association of potential food safety hazards with domestic and imported seafood and warrant further large-scale studies and risk assessment.

Front Public Health ; 2: 45, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24904911


During harvesting and storage, microbial pathogens and natural spoilage flora may grow, negatively affecting the composition and texture of oysters and posing a potential health threat to susceptible consumers. A solution to these problems would mitigate associated damaging effects on the seafood industry. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of storage temperature on growth of vibrios as well as other microbial, sensory, and textural characteristics of post-harvest shellstock Eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica). Oysters harvested from the Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, during summer months (June, July, and August, 2010) were subjected to three storage temperatures (5, 10, and 20°C) over a 10-day period. At selected time intervals (0, 1, 3, 7, and 10 days), two separate samples of six oysters each were homogenated and analyzed for pH, halophilic plate counts (HPC), total vibrios, and Vibrio parahaemolyticus (Vp). Oyster meats shucked after storage were also organoleptically evaluated (acceptability, appearance, and odor). Texture analysis was performed using a texture analyzer on meats shucked from oysters held under the same conditions. The pH of the oyster homogenates showed no consistent pattern with storage time and temperature. The HPC (4.5-9.4 log CFU/g) were highest on day 7 at 20°C while olfactory acceptance reduced with time and increasing storage temperatures. The Vp counts increased over time from 3.5 to 7.5 log MPN/g by day 10. Loss of freshness as judged by appearance and odor was significant over time (p < 0.05). Toughness of oysters increased with storage time at 5 and 10°C from days 1 to 3 but was inconsistent after day 7. The results indicate that the length of storage and temperature had a significant effect on bacterial counts and olfactory acceptance of oysters but had an inconsistent effect on texture.