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R Soc Open Sci ; 10(4): 221376, 2023 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37090967


Suction-cup-attached biologging tags have led to major advances in our understanding of large whale behaviour. Getting close enough to a whale at sea to safely attach a tag is a major limiting factor when deploying these systems. Here we present an uncrewed aerial system (UAS)-based tagging technique for free-swimming large whales and provide data on efficacy from field testing on blue (Balaenoptera musculus) and fin (B. physalus) whales. Rapid transit speed and the bird's-eye view of the animal during UAS tagging contributed to the technique's success. During 8 days of field testing, we had 29 occasions when a focal animal was identified for attempted tagging and tags were successfully attached 21 times. The technique was efficient, with mean flight time of 2 min 45 s from launch to deployment and a mean distance of 490 m from the launch vessel to tagged animal, reducing potential adverse effects resulting from close approaches for tagging. These data indicate that UAS are capable of attaching biologging tags to free-swimming large whales quickly and from large distances, potentially increasing success rates, decreasing attempt times, and reducing animal disruption during tagging.

Conserv Biol ; 37(3): e14043, 2023 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36756799


Many species are restricted to a marginal or suboptimal fraction of their historical range due to anthropogenic impacts, making it hard to interpret their ecological preferences from modern-day data alone. However, inferring past ecological states is limited by the availability of robust data and biases in historical archives, posing a challenge for policy makers . To highlight how historical records can be used to understand the ecological requirements of threatened species and inform conservation, we investigated sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) distribution in the Western Indian Ocean. We assessed differences in information content and habitat suitability predictions based on whale occurrence data from Yankee whaling logs (1792-1912) and from modern cetacean surveys (1995-2020). We built maximum entropy habitat suitability models containing static (bathymetry-derived) variables to compare models comprising historical-only and modern-only data. Using both historical and modern habitat suitability predictions  we assessed marine protected area (MPA) placement by contrasting suitability in- and outside MPAs. The historical model predicted high habitat suitability in shelf and coastal regions near continents and islands, whereas the modern model predicted a less coastal distribution with high habitat suitability more restricted to areas of steep topography. The proportion of high habitat suitability inside versus outside MPAs was higher when applying the historical predictions than the modern predictions, suggesting that different marine spatial planning optimums can be reached from either data sources. Moreover, differences in relative habitat suitability predictions between eras were consistent with the historical depletion of sperm whales from coastal regions, which were easily accessed and targeted by whalers, resulting in a modern distribution limited more to steep continental margins and remote oceanic ridges. The use of historical data can provide important new insights and, through cautious interpretation, inform conservation planning and policy, for example, by identifying refugee species and regions of anticipated population recovery.

Contrastes del contenido de información ecológica entre los archivos de la caza de ballenas y los censos actuales de cetáceos para la planeación de la conservación y la identificación de cambios en la distribución histórica Resumen Muchas especies están restringidas a una fracción marginal o subóptima de su área de distribución histórica debido a impactos antropogénicos. Esto dificulta interpretar sus preferencias ecológicas con sólo usar los datos actuales. Sin embargo, la inferencia de estados ecológicos pasados está limitada a la disponibilidad de datos sólidos y a los sesgos de los archivos históricos, lo que plantea un reto para la conservación y los responsables de las políticas. Analizamos la distribución del cachalote (Physeter macrocephalus) en el Océano Índico occidental para resaltar cómo pueden utilizarse los registros históricos para comprender los requisitos ecológicos de las especies amenazadas y direccionar su conservación. Evaluamos las diferencias en el contenido de la información y las predicciones de idoneidad del hábitat basadas en los datos de presencia de ballenas de los registros balleneros Yanquis (1792-1912) y de los estudios actuales sobre cetáceos (1995-2020). Construimos modelos de idoneidad de hábitat con máxima entropía que incluían variables estáticas (derivadas de la batimetría) para comparar los modelos que abarcan datos históricos y actuales. Evaluamos la ubicación de las áreas marinas protegidas (AMP) contrastando las predicciones dentro y fuera de ellas con los modelos históricos y actuales de la idoneidad del hábitat. El modelo histórico predijo una alta idoneidad del hábitat en las regiones costeras y de la plataforma continental cercanas a los continentes e islas, mientras que el modelo moderno predijo una distribución menos costera con una alta idoneidad del hábitat más restringida a las zonas de topografía escarpada. La proporción de hábitats de alta idoneidad dentro y fuera de las AMP fue mayor con la aplicación de las predicciones históricas que con la de las modernas, lo que sugiere que se pueden alcanzar diferentes niveles óptimos de ordenación del espacio marino a partir de ambas fuentes de datos. Además, las diferencias entre los periodos en las predicciones relacionadas con la idoneidad del hábitat fueron coherentes con la reducción histórica de los cachalotes en las regiones costeras, las cuales eran fácilmente accesibles para los balleneros, lo que resultó en una distribución actual más limitada a los márgenes continentales escarpados y a las crestas oceánicas remotas. El uso de datos históricos puede aportar nuevos e importantes conocimientos e informar, mediante una interpretación prudente, a la planificación y la política de conservación; por ejemplo, con la identificación de especies refugiadas y regiones de recuperación poblacional.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Baleias , Animais , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Ecossistema , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(37): e2201692119, 2022 09 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36074817


Culture, a pillar of the remarkable ecological success of humans, is increasingly recognized as a powerful force structuring nonhuman animal populations. A key gap between these two types of culture is quantitative evidence of symbolic markers-seemingly arbitrary traits that function as reliable indicators of cultural group membership to conspecifics. Using acoustic data collected from 23 Pacific Ocean locations, we provide quantitative evidence that certain sperm whale acoustic signals exhibit spatial patterns consistent with a symbolic marker function. Culture segments sperm whale populations into behaviorally distinct clans, which are defined based on dialects of stereotyped click patterns (codas). We classified 23,429 codas into types using contaminated mixture models and hierarchically clustered coda repertoires into seven clans based on similarities in coda usage; then we evaluated whether coda usage varied with geographic distance within clans or with spatial overlap between clans. Similarities in within-clan usage of both "identity codas" (coda types diagnostic of clan identity) and "nonidentity codas" (coda types used by multiple clans) decrease as space between repertoire recording locations increases. However, between-clan similarity in identity, but not nonidentity, coda usage decreases as clan spatial overlap increases. This matches expectations if sympatry is related to a measurable pressure to diversify to make cultural divisions sharper, thereby providing evidence that identity codas function as symbolic markers of clan identity. Our study provides quantitative evidence of arbitrary traits, resembling human ethnic markers, conveying cultural identity outside of humans, and highlights remarkable similarities in the distributions of human ethnolinguistic groups and sperm whale clans.

Identificação Social , Cachalote , Acústica , Animais , Cultura , Oceano Pacífico , Vocalização Animal