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Plants (Basel) ; 11(13)2022 Jul 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35807718


Diseases, such as cancer, peptic ulcers, and diabetes, as well as those caused by drug-resistant infectious agents are examples of some of the world's major public health problems. Amphipterygium adstringens (Schltdl.) Schiede ex Standl is an endemic tree to Mexico. Its stem bark has been used medicinally since pre-Hispanic times, but in recent decades it has been scientifically proven that it has properties that help counteract some diseases; extracts with organic solvents of the plant are outstanding for their anticancer, gastroprotective, and antimicrobial properties; terpenes and long-chain phenols have been identified as the main active compounds. Currently, overharvesting is causing a sharp reduction in natural populations due to an increase in demand for the stem bark by people seeking to improve their health and by national and transnational companies seeking to market it. Because of the growing interest of the world population and the scientific community, we reviewed recent studies on the bioactive properties of A. adstringens. Through the orderly and critical compendium of the current knowledge of A. adstringens, we provide a reference for future studies aimed at the rational use and protection of this valuable endemic natural resource.

J Environ Manage ; 214: 56-65, 2018 May 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29518596


This research integrates Traditional and Formal Ecological Knowledge (TEK / FEK) of a Tropical Dry Forest in central Mexico, in order to assess harvesting and conservation of the non-timber forest species. We were interested in: knowing the structure and diversity of the forest community; identifying which are the tree resources of common interest to the users through participatory workshops. A further interest was to identify those resources which are important to local people in terms of preservation; explaining the relationship of the species with some environmental factors; and visualizing which management practices endanger or facilitate the conservation of species. Studied areas were defined and labelled on a map drawn by local informants, where they indicated those plant species of common interest for preservation. Ethnobotanical techniques were used to reveal the TEK and assess harvesting and conservation of the species. With the FEK through community and population ecology, we detected the importance of five environmental factors, obtained various ecological indicators of the vegetation, and studied the population structure of the relevant species. The FEK was analyzed using descriptive and multivariate statistics. As a result, low density and small basal area of trees were registered. Species richness and diversity index were similar to other natural protected areas in Mexico. Tree species harvested shown an asymmetric distribution of diameters. Harvesting, elevation, and accessibility were the most influential factors on tree density. FEK demonstrated that TEK is helpful for the assessment of forest harvesting. Ecological analysis complemented the local knowledge detecting that Lysiloma tergemina is a species non-identified for the people as interesting, although we discover that it is a threatened species by over-harvesting. Haematoxylum brasiletto was identified as important for conservation due to its scarcity and medicinal use. Our results advanced on how the traditional harvesting of tree community has contributed to preserve diversity, when comparing with protected areas. Discrepancies between both kinds of knowledge should be reconciled for contributing to the preservation of priority resources by the local society.

Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Agricultura Florestal , Opinião Pública , Ecologia , Florestas , México , Árvores
Rev. biol. trop ; 66(1): 266-279, Jan.-Mar. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-897670


Abstract The Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Biosphere Reserve in México holds genetic richness and endemism for the genus Jatropha, but the specific use of the plants and the seed chemical profiles are still unknown. We recorded the traditional forms of use of Jatropha species, and analyzed the chemical composition of Jatropha spp. seeds. For this, a semi-structured survey was conducted in 15 towns, and 20 interviews were applied in each one between May and August 2012 to estimate the Significant Use Level and Relative Use Value per species. Besides, seeds from J. neopauciflora, J. rufescens, and J. rzedowskii were collected between August and October 2013, and to seed flour samples we determined total lipids by the Soxhlet method, crude protein by the Kjendahl method, and ashes according to AOAC methods; fatty acid profile and phorbol esters were determined by gas chromatography and by HPLC, respectively. The species J. neopauciflora, J. oaxacana, J. rufescens, J. ciliata, and J. rzedowskii, are used as traditional medicine, food, and ornaments, except for J. ciliata, for which none use was recorded. The Significant Use Level as food was found not significant, but for medicinal purposes, J. neopauciflora obtained the highest Relative Use Value (9.0 %). The latex is used to treat 13 disorders, including dental problems and oral diseases with a Significant Use Level of 32.9 %; it is also used as a hemostatic. The protein content among species varied from 23.37 to 26.06 %, and total lipids from 34.79 to 36.60 %. The principal unsaturated fatty acids were oleic (25.08 to 30.09 %) and linoleic (44.55 to 48.46 %), and the saturated fatty acids were palmitic (10.11 to 16.50 %) and stearic (9.47 to 11.15 %). Phorbol esters, the main cause of seed's toxicity, were absent in J. neopauciflora, J. rufescens, and J. rzedowskii. In conclusion, the Significant Use Level of Jatropha species studied was low, with little cultural acceptance and sporadic utilization. The Relative Use Value was important for medicinal purposes, especially for J. neopauciflora. The dehulled seeds of J. neopauciflora, J. rufescens, and J. rzedowskii are potentially useful as food, having high protein contents, and unsaturated oleic and linoleic fatty acids. With this study we report three non-toxic Jatropha species and recommend to scientifically validate the antimycotic use of J. neopauciflora latex. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(1): 266-279. Epub 2018 March 01.

Resumen La Reserva de la Biosfera Tehuacán-Cuicatlán, México contiene riqueza genética y endemismo para el género Jatropha, pero se desconoce el uso específico de las plantas y la composición química de la semilla. Documentamos las formas tradicionales de uso de las especies de Jatropha y, analizamos la composición química de las semillas de las especies de Jatropha. En 15 comunidades se aplicaron 20 entrevistas semiestructuradas entre mayo y agosto de 2012 para estimar el Nivel de Uso Significativo y el Valor de Uso Relativo por especie. Se colectó semilla solo de J. neopauciflora, J. rufescens, y J. rzedowskii entre agosto y octubre de 2013 para determinar mediante los métodos de la AOAC, el contenido total de lípidos en una muestra de 3 g de harina mediante el método de Soxhlet, proteína cruda en una muestra de harina de 0.4 g por el método Kjendahl y ceniza en una muestra de 5 g de harina. El perfil de ácidos grasos se determinó por cromatografía de gases y el contenido de ésteres de forbol mediante HPLC. Las especies registradas fueron J. neopauciflora, J. oaxacana, J. rufescens, J. rzedowskii y J. ciliata, que se usan en medicina tradicional, alimento y como ornamental, excepto J. ciliata, para la cual no se reportó ningún uso. El Nivel de Uso Significativo como alimento no fue importante, pero para propósitos medicinales J. neopauciflora tuvo el mayor Valor de Uso Relativo (9.0 %). El látex es usado para tratar 13 trastornos, incluyendo problemas dentales y enfermedades bucales con un Nivel Significativo de Uso de 32.9 %; y también es usada como hemostático. El contenido de proteína entre especies varió de 23.37 a 26.06 % y los lípidos totales variaron de 34.79 a 36.60 %. Los principales ácidos grasos insaturados fueron oleico (25.08 a 30.09 %) y linoleico (44.55 a 48.46 %); los ácidos grasos saturados fueron palmítico (10.11 a 16.50 %) y esteárico (9.47 a 11.15 %). No se detectó la presencia de ésteres de forbol (la causa principal de la toxicidad de la semilla) en J. neopauciflora, J. rufescens, y J. rzedowskii. En conclusión, el Nivel de Uso Significativo de las especies de Jatropha fue bajo, con poca aceptación cultural y utilización esporádica. El Valor de Uso Relativo fue importante para propósitos medicinales, especialmente para J. neopauciflora. Las semillas sin testa de J. neopauciflora, J. rufescens, y J. rzedowskii son potencialmente útiles como alimento por su alto contenido de proteínas, ácidos grasos insaturados oleico y linoleico. Se identificaron tres especies no toxicas de Jatropha. Se recomienda validar científicamente el uso antimicótico del látex de J. neopauciflora.

Rev. biol. trop ; 65(3): 900-916, Jul.-Sep. 2017. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-897591


ResumenHintonia latiflora es una especie ecológicamente rara y económicamente importante del bosque tropical caducifolio de la Cuenca del Balsas, México, cuya corteza se comercializa como medicinal. Las prácticas de descortezado han modificado la forma de las plantas, su arquitectura y morfometría. Se desconoce, si además, existe influencia de factores topogáficos y edáficos sobre estos atributos. Se propone que las condiciones ecológicas en las áreas de distribución y cosecha determinarán las características morfométricas y la variación de la arquitectura de los individuos. Para probar esta hipótesis, evaluamos la relación de factores topográficos y edáficos en diferentes características morfológicas de juveniles (n = 143) y adultos (n = 117) de ocho zonas de cosecha de H. latiflora. Las zonas de cosecha, con una superficie de 0.6 ha, fueron seleccionadas al azar con el apoyo de mapas participativos elaborados por los recolectores del área de estudio. Los datos fueron analizados mediante componentes principales (ACP), y correspondencia canónica (ACC). Los primeros tres CP explicaron el 92.1 % de la variación morfológica; la altura, diámetro basal y cobertura fueron las variables que explicaron las diferencias morfométricas entre juveniles y adultos en las ocho zonas de cosecha. La pendiente del terreno, orientación de la pendiente, profundidad del suelo y pedregosidad, fueron los factores ecológicos estadísticamente relacionados con las diferencias morfométricas. Una menor pendiente, poca pedregosidad, profundidad de suelo, orientación E-O en juveniles (azimut 90˚-270˚) y N-S en adultos (azimuth 0˚-180˚), fueron los factores asociados a mayor altura, número de ramas basales, diámetro basal y cobertura en H. latiflora. Las zonas con mayor intensidad de cosecha estuvieron integradas por árboles monopódicos y algunos individuos basítonos reiterados. Los adultos de estas zonas tuvieron mayor número de frutos. En estos sitios, las plantas de H. latiflora fueron más abundantes y productivas para corteza, pero la alta intensidad de cosecha influyó en la arquitectura vegetal, formando individuos arbustivos multirramificados que originalmente fueron mesótonos. Las áreas con menor intensidad de cosecha estuvieron caracterizadas por pendientes abruptas, suelos superficiales y pedregosos, dominadas por árboles basítonos de menor talla, delgados y escasos en el área. Estos sitios son los menos recomendados para cosecha, debido a que producen menos corteza por árbol, pero sirven para mantener a la especie en el lugar. Con base en estos resultados, podemos desarrollar programas de rehabilitación en áreas afectadas por la explotación comercial, establecer plantaciones forestales en sitios clave para asegurar el desarrollo de individuos con características deseables para cosecha de corteza y contribuir a la conservación in situ de H. latiflora en la Cuenca del Alto Balsas.

AbstractHintonia latiflora is a rare ecologically and economically important species from the Tropical Deciduous Forest of the Balsas Basin, Mexico, whose bark is traded as medicinal. Debarking practices have modified the shape of plants, their architecture and morphometry; but it is unknown if some topographic and edaphic factors may also influence in these attributes. Here we propose that the ecological conditions of this species distribution and harvesting areas, may determine the morphometric characteristics and the individuals variation in their architecture. To test this hypothesis we assessed the relationship of topographic and edaphic factors on the morphological characteristics of saplings (n = 143) and adults (n = 117), in eight harvesting areas of H. latiflora. The harvesting areas, with a surface of 0.6 ha, were selected randomly with the support of participatory mapping elaborated by gatherers of the study site. Data were analyzed using principal components (PCA) and canonical correspondence (CCA) analyses. The first three PC explained 92.1 % of the morphological variation; height, basal diameter, and coverage, explained morphometric differences in both, saplings and adults, in all eight harvesting zones. The terrain slope, slope orientation, soil depth and stoniness, were ecological factors statistically related with morphometric differences. A lower terrain slope, little stoniness, soil depth, slope orientation E-W in saplings (azimuth 90˚-270˚) and N-S in adults (azimuth 0˚-180˚) were the factors associated to height, number of basal branches, basal diameter and coverage of H. latiflora. Areas with higher harvesting intensity were composed by monopodic trees and some reiterated basitone individuals; the adults of these areas also had more fruits. At these sites, plants of H.latiflora were more abundant and produced more bark, but the high-intensity of harvesting, changes plant architecture, forming shrubby, multi-stemmed individuals, that originally were mesotone trees. Areas with lower harvesting intensity were characterized by steep slopes, shallow and rocky soils, and were dominated by basitone trees of smaller size, thin and scarce in the area. These sites are the least recommended for harvesting, because they produce less bark per tree, and serve to preserve the species at the site. Based on these results, we can develop restoration programs in areas affected by commercial harvesting, establish forestry plantations in key sites to ensure the establishment and development of individuals with desirable characteristics for bark harvesting and contribute to in situ conservation of H. latiflora in the Alto Balsas Basin. Rev. Biol. Trop. 65 (3): 900-916. Epub 2017 September 01.

Rev. biol. trop ; 63(1): 23-33, Jan.-Mar. 2015. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-753774


Jatropha spp. is an important phytogenetic resource used as food, medicine, and biofuel. In this study, we verified the taxonomic identity of Jatropha species for The Biosphere Reserve Tehuacan-Cuicatlan, and the Ecological Land Units (ELU) occupied by them. We assessed the conservation status of their habitats, and the vulnerability of Jatropha spp. populations. A total of 15 sampling sites were selected in the Reserve. The taxonomic work was based on specimens, original descriptions and type material from herbaria and those available on-line. ELUs were classified using biophysical variables, and gvSIG software. Ecological attributes were determined using a quantitative analysis by the point-centered quarter method; disturbance was estimated through site indicators, and the conservation status of the Jatropha populations was assessed using the Method for Evaluation of the Risk of Extinction of Plants in Mexico (MER). Jatropha frequently dominated the physiognomy of plant communities. The current distribution of Jatropha species in the Reserve was mainly determined by elevation, temperature, and precipitation variables. The confirmed species were Jatropha ciliata Sessé ex Cerv., Jatropha neopauciflora Pax, Jatropha oaxacana J. Jiménez Ram. & R. Torres, Jatropha rufescens Brandegee, and Jatropha rzedowskii J. Jiménez Ram., which are distributed in four of the six defined ELU. J. neopauciflora and J. rzedowskii were the most widespread species; this last species concur in four, J. oaxacana in two, while J. rufescens and J. ciliata in one ELU, being the most restricted. The richness of the genera in the associated communities ranged from 16 to 42. The maximum and minimum importance Value indexes were observed in San Nicolas Tepoxtitlan for J. neopauciflora (53.75%) and J. rzedowskii (1.50%). The disturbance index varied from 0.22 to 0.82, with an average of 0.51, where the livestock variable had a high contribution. Considering the risk categories of MER, we concluded that J. oaxacana requires special protection, and J. ciliata and J. rufescens were species under extinction risk. The conservation status of the plant communities inhabited by populations of Jatropha spp. was moderate, taking into account the rate of disturbance. The main factors affecting the habitats of Jatropha were livestock and human activities; the floristic composition of the surrounding plant communities has low richness. These results support the urgent need of conservation strategies to avoid the loss of important wild growing species of Jatropha populations. Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (1): 23-33. Epub 2015 March 01.

Jatropha spp., es un importante recurso fitogenético usado como alimento, medicina y biocombustible. En este estudio verificamos la identidad taxonómica de las especies de Jatropha para la Reserva de la Biosfera Tehuacán-Cuicatlán, y las unidades ambientales (UA) que ocupan. Evaluamos el estado de conservación de sus hábitats y la vulnerabilidad de las poblaciones de Jatropha. Los sitios de muestreo seleccionados en la Reserva fueron 15. El trabajo taxonómico estuvo basado en especímenes, descripciones originales y material tipo de herbarios y aquellos en línea. Las UA fueron clasificadas mediante variables biofísicas y el software gvSIG. Los atributos ecológicos fueron determinados con análisis cuantitativo por el método de cuadrado centrado en un punto; el disturbio fue estimado a través de indicadores de sitio, y el estado de conservación de las poblaciones de Jatropha con el Método para la Evaluación de Riesgo de Extinción de Plantas en México (MER). Jatropha frecuentemente dominó la fisonomía de las comunidades vegetales. La distribución actual de las especies de Jatropha en la Reserva estuvo principalmente determinada por las variables altitud, temperatura y precipitación. Las especies confirmadas fueron: Jatropha ciliata Sessé ex Cerv., Jatropha neopauciflora Pax, Jatropha oaxacana J. Jiménez Ram. & R. Torres, Jatropha rufescens Brandegee, y Jatropha rzedowskii J. Jiménez Ram., las cuales estuvieron distribuidas en cuatro de las seis UA definidas. J. neopauciflora y J. rzedowskii son las especies más ampliamente distribuidas; estas últimas especies concurrieron en cuatro, J. oaxacana en dos, mientras que J. rufescens y J. ciliata en una UA, siendo ésta la especie más restringida. La riqueza de géneros en las comunidades asociadas varió entre 16 y 42. Los máximos y mínimos Índices de Valores de Importancia fueron observados en San Nicolás Tepoxtitlan para J. neopauciflora (53.75%) y J. rzedowskii (1.50%). El índice de disturbio varió entre 0.22 y 0.82, con promedio de 0.51, mientras que la variable ganado tuvo mayor contribución. Considerando las categorías de riesgo del MER, concluimos que J. oaxacana requiere protección especial, mientras que J. ciliata y J. rufescens fueron especies en riesgo de extinción. El estado de conservación de los hábitats ocupados por poblaciones de Jatropha spp. es moderado, tomando en cuenta la tasa de disturbio. Los principales factores que afectan a los hábitats de Jatropha son el ganado y las actividades humanas; la composición florística de las comunidades vegetales tuvo baja riqueza. Estos resultados apoyan la necesidad de establecer estrategias de conservación para evitar la pérdida de importantes poblaciones silvestres de Jatropha.

Ecossistema , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Jatropha/crescimento & desenvolvimento , México
Rev Biol Trop ; 60(1): 87-103, 2012 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22458211


Prosopis laevigata and Mimosa biuncifera are frequently found in arid and semiarid shrublands, but scarce information is available about their influence on plant community structure and soil fertility. We compared plant community structure, diversity and soil nutrients of three semiarid shrubland sites located in Mezquital Valley, Mexico. These sites differ in their dominant species: Site 1 (Bingu) P. laevigata, Site 2 (González) M. biuncifera, and Site 3 (Rincón) with the presence of both legumes. The results showed that the plant community with P. laevigata and M. biuncifera (Site 3) had more cover, taller plants and higher plant diversity than sites with only one legume (Site 1 and Site 2). Soil organic matter (SOM), soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), phosphorus-Olsen (P) and C mineralization were higher in the soil under the canopy of both legumes than in bare soil. In contrast, soil cation concentrations were lower under the canopy of P. laevigata, but not for M. biuncifera. In addition, the density of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi spores was higher within the soil under the canopy of M. biuncifera than in the soil under the canopy of P. laevigata. Thus, resource islands (RI) created by P. laevigata increased the amounts of SOC, TN and P when compared with the RI of M. biuncifera. This study provided evidences about the importance of species identity in order to expand the niche availability for the establishment of other plants, and highlights that P. laevigata and M. biuncifera jointly influencing plant colonization within semiarid ecosystems.

Biodiversidade , Mimosa/fisiologia , Prosopis/fisiologia , Microbiologia do Solo , Solo/química , Clima Desértico , Ecossistema , Fungos/classificação , Fungos/isolamento & purificação , México , Mimosa/classificação , Prosopis/classificação , Estações do Ano
Rev. biol. trop ; 60(1): 87-103, Mar. 2012. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-657765


Prosopis laevigata and Mimosa biuncifera are frequently found in arid and semiarid shrublands, but scarce information is available about their influence on plant community structure and soil fertility. We compared plant community structure, diversity and soil nutrients of three semiarid shrubland sites located in Mezquital Valley, Mexico. These sites differ in their dominant species: Site 1 (Bingu) P. laevigata, Site 2 (González) M. biuncifera, and Site 3 (Rincón) with the presence of both legumes. The results showed that the plant community with P. laevigata and M. biuncifera (Site 3) had more cover, taller plants and higher plant diversity than sites with only one legume (Site 1 and Site 2). Soil organic matter (SOM), soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), phosphorus-Olsen (P) and C mineralization were higher in the soil under the canopy of both legumes than in bare soil. In contrast, soil cation concentrations were lower under the canopy of P. laevigata, but not for M. biuncifera. In addition, the density of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi spores was higher within the soil under the canopy of M. biuncifera than in the soil under the canopy of P. laevigata. Thus, resource islands (RI) created by P. laevigata increased the amounts of SOC, TN and P when compared with the RI of M. biuncifera. This study provided evidences about the importance of species identity in order to expand the niche availability for the establishment of other plants, and highlights that P. laevigata and M. biuncifera jointly influencing plant colonization within semiarid ecosystems.

Prosopis laevigata y Mimosa biuncifera coexisten en los matorrales semiáridos; sin embargo, se desconoce su influencia sobre la diversidad de la comunidad vegetal y el suelo. Este estudio evaluó el efecto de P. laevigata y M. biuncifera sobre la estructura, diversidad vegetal y nutrimentos del suelo, en tres matorrales del Valle del Mezquital, México. Los sitios difieren en la especie dominante: Sitio 1, P. laevigata; Sitio 2, M. biuncifera y Sitio 3, ambas leguminosas. En cada sitio se recolectó suelo, tanto abajo y fuera del dosel de las leguminosas, además, se realizaron transectos para medir e identificar las plantas arbóreas y arbustivas, se calculó el índice de valor de importancia y la diversidad del matorral. Asimismo, se registró mayor riqueza y diversidad en el Sitio 3 (ICE 29 spp. y H’ 2.7), en comparación con el Sitio 1 (24 spp. y 2.4) y Sitio 2 (26 spp. y 2.1). La materia orgánica y el carbono orgánico del suelo, así como el N total, el P-Olsen y la mineralización de C fueron mayores en el suelo bajo dosel de ambas leguminosas. La abundancia de esporas de hongos micorrizógenos arbusculares fue favorecida por M. biunficera. La influencia de P. laevigata para crear islas más ricas en recursos fue mayor que en M. biunficera, lo anterior sugiere que cada leguminosa modifica de una forma diferente el microambiente, sin embargo, juntas aumentan la disponibilidad de nichos para el establecimiento de otras especies, lo queayuda a comprender el papel de P. laevigata y M. biuncifera sobre la colonización vegetal en ecosistemas semiáridos.

Biodiversidade , Mimosa/fisiologia , Prosopis/fisiologia , Microbiologia do Solo , Solo/química , Clima Desértico , Ecossistema , Fungos/classificação , Fungos/isolamento & purificação , México , Mimosa/classificação , Prosopis/classificação , Estações do Ano
Interciencia ; 29(4): 207-211, abr. 2004. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-399864


Se estudiaron poblaciones natutarles de Otatea acuminata (Munro) C.E Calderón & Soderstr. subsp. aztecorum (Mc Clure Smith) R. Guzmán, Anaya & Santana-Michel en la sierra de Manantlán, Jalisco-Colima, en el occidente de México. Los objetivos fueron comparar la estructura de las poblaciones con diferentes niveles de aprovechamiento, para evaluar los cambios debido al manejo y obtener el mejor factor de predicción en la producción de tallos. Se establecieron 41 sitios de 50m2 y se observaron durante 2 años. No hubo diferencia significativa entre sitios cosechados y o no, pero éstos últimos tuvieron, en promedio, mayores densidades y tallos mas largos. El diámetro y altura de los tallos mostraron diferencias significativas de acuerdo con el tipo de suelo mediante un análisis de varianza no parométrico. Un análisis de regresión lineal de retroceso identificó un modelo de predicción para la producción de tallos jóvenes. Los niveles actuales de explotación por artesanos parecen ser sostenibles

Plantas , México