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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38715761


Blockchain technology has become crucial in improving the privacy and security of enterprise applications in the cyber world. However, scalability has become a significant concern for researchers in large organizations, especially those with complex hierarchies and access privileges. As a result, the existing models and consensus algorithms suffer from various issues. Medical centers and healthcare providers are particularly affected by this problem due to the vast amount of data, making it a critical weakness of traditional database management systems. To address this issue, the authors propose a hierarchical model within the Hyperledger Fabric enterprise application, focusing on the healthcare sector as a use case. This model includes multiple organizations at different levels of the hierarchy, such as hospitals, hospital governance, and insurance companies. The initial implementation of this model includes two levels of hierarchy, demonstrating networks of hospitals joining an insurance company. The primary objective of the experiment is to test and improve the network's performance using this model. The model's performance is evaluated by manipulating and scaling environmental factors such as the number of organizations, transaction numbers, channels, block intervals, and block sizes. The benchmarking tool used for this assessment is Hyperledger Caliper, which measures indicators such as success and failure rates, throughput, and latency. Currently, the research focuses only on testing the model's scalability using patient data.