Co2C nanoparticles (NPs) are amongst transition metal carbides whose magnetic properties have not been well explored. An earlier study (Royet al2021J. Phys.: Condens. Matter33375804) showed that a pellet made from Co2C NPs exhibits exchange bias (EB) effect below a temperature,TEB= 50 K and a spin glass (SG) feature emerges belowTSG= 5 K. In the current study we use magnetic, electrical transport, specific heat, and muon spin rotation (µSR) measurements to explore further the magnetic properties of a pellet made with 40 nm diameter pure Co2C NPs. We uncover the onset of Kondo localization at Kondo temperatureTK(= 40.1 K), which is close to the onset temperature (TEB) of the EB effect. A crossover from the Kondo-screened scenario to the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida interaction-dominated regime is also observed forT