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Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(8): 4607-4626, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1444659


As doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT's) são responsáveis por cerca de 74% da mortalidade global. Nesse contexto, o acompanhamento farmacoterapêutico surge como uma importante ferramenta para garantir uma farmacoterapia racional em prol da melhoria da qualidade de vida do paciente. Levando isso em consideração, este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o impacto do acompanhamento farmacêutico na qualidade de vida de um paciente idoso com tratamento irracional da hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS), diabetes mellitus e outros sintomas da síndrome metabólica. Paciente M.M.D., masculino, 67 anos, hiperglicêmico, dislipidêmico e que se automedicava para hipertensão sem diagnóstico médico com uma série de medicamentos potencialmente inapropriados (PIM's). Após as intervenções farmacêuticas apresentou melhora nos quadros e maior adesão à terapia medicamentosa atrelada a melhores hábitos de vida. Dessa forma, o impacto positivo das intervenções durante o acompanhamento farmacêutico reforça a importância do profissional na atenção básica e na promoção da saúde.

Chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) account for about 74% of global mortality. In this context, pharmacotherapeutic follow-up appears to be an important tool for ensuring rational pharmacotherapy in favor of improving the patient's quality of life. Taking this into consideration, this study aims to evaluate the impact of pharmaceutical follow-up on the quality of life of an elderly patient with irrational treatment of systemic arterial hypertension (SAH), diabetes mellitus and other symptoms of metabolic syndrome. M.M.D. patient, male, 67 years old, hyperglycemic, dyslipidemic and self-medicating for hypertension without medical diagnosis with a series of potentially inappropriate medications (PIM's). After the pharmaceutical interventions showed an improvement in the conditions and greater adherence to drug therapy coupled to better habits of life. Thus, the positive impact of interventions during pharmaceutical follow-up reinforces the importance of the professional in basic care and health promotion.

Las enfermedades no transmisibles crónicas representan aproximadamente el 74% de la mortalidad mundial. En este contexto, el seguimiento farmacoterapéutico es una herramienta importante para garantizar una farmacoterapia racional para mejorar la calidad de vida del paciente. Teniendo esto en cuenta, este estudio tiene por objeto evaluar el impacto del seguimiento farmacéutico en la calidad de vida de un paciente de edad avanzada con el tratamiento irracional de la hipertensión arterial sistémica (HAS), la diabetes mellitus y otros síntomas del síndrome metabólico. Paciente con M.M.D. masculino de 67 años de edad, hiperglucemia, dislipidemia y automedicación para la hipertensión sin diagnóstico médico con una serie de medicamentos potencialmente inapropiados (PIMs). Después de las intervenciones farmacéuticas, mostró una mejoría en las tablas y una mayor adherencia a la terapia con medicamentos, junto con mejores hábitos de vida. De esta manera, el impacto positivo de las intervenciones durante el seguimiento farmacéutico refuerza la importancia del profesional en la atención básica y la promoción de la salud.

Nutr Metab (Lond) ; 15: 53, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30061916


BACKGROUND: Consumption of added sugars has been considered a worldwide public health concern by its association with metabolic syndrome and its comorbidities. Meanwhile, current studies have suggested high-protein diets to promote weight loss and improved metabolic outcomes. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the effects of long-term high-protein diet (HPD, 34.3% protein) intake on high-sucrose-fed rats. METHODS: Weaned male Wistar rats were randomized into two groups: rats fed a standard chow (CT/CT, 10% sucrose) or rats fed a high-sucrose diet (HSD, 25% sucrose) for a 20-week observational period. Subsequently, HS/HS animals were randomized into 3 new groups: rats maintained on HSD diet (HS/HS); rats submitted to HSD replacement by standard chow (HS/CT); and those with HSD replaced by HPD (HS/HP). All groups were followed up for 12 weeks during which we investigated the effects of HPD on body weight, energy intake, obesity development, glicemic/lipid profile, glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, tissue weight (adipose tissue, liver and skeletal muscles), lipolytic activity, liver lipoperoxidation and histology, as well as serum markers of hepatic function. RESULTS: Post-weaning exposure to HSD led to metabolic syndrome phenotype at adulthood, herein characterized by central obesity, glucose intolerance, dyslipidaemia and insulin resistance. Only HPD feeding was able to revert weight gain and adipose tissue accumulation, as well as restore adipose tissue lipolytic response to sympathetic stimulus. On the other hand, either HPD or withdrawal from HSD promoted very similar metabolic outcomes upon 12-week nutritional intervention. HS/HP and HS/CT rats showed reduced fasting serum levels of glucose, triacylglycerol and total cholesterol, which were correlated with the improvement of peripheral insulin sensitivity, as inferred from kITT and TyG Index values. Both nutritional interventions restored liver morphofunctional patterns, but only HPD restored lipid peroxidation. CONCLUSIONS: Our data showed that 12-week intake of an isocaloric moderately high-protein diet consistently restored high-sucrose-induced central adiposity and obesity in addition to the attenuation of other important metabolic outcomes, such as improvement of glucolipid homeostasis associated to increased insulin sensitivity and reversal of hepatic steatosis. On the other hand, simple withdrawal from high-sucrose consumption also promoted the abovementioned metabolic outcomes with no impact on body weight.