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Sci Total Environ ; 905: 167260, 2023 Dec 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37741379


Perennial freshwater systems are valuable natural resources that provide important ecological services globally. However, in highly variable climates, such as Australia, water availability in rivers and streams can vary greatly from year to year and from decade to decade. Further, across Australia and many other regions, perennial river systems are projected to decrease because of anthropogenic climate change, placing the ecosystems they support under additional pressure. Quantifying the potential impacts of climate change on perennial freshwater systems requires robust databases of existing water features with accurate classifications. This is a challenge for rivers that display a high degree of interannual variability since the river classification can be dependent on the period of available data. In this study, we carry out a regional scale comparison of three different spatial databases commonly used in environmental and ecological assessments of perennial systems of Australia, namely Geodata, Geofabric and Water Observations from Space (WOfS). Focusing on the southern Murray Darling Basin (MDB), due to its national and international significance and its highly variable flow regimes, we show that no single spatial database is reliable by itself in terms of perennial water classification, with notable differences likely arising from variations in the periods analysed and methods used to classify the systems. Further, an analysis of high-quality gauged streamflow data (with approximately 40-year daily records) for four sub-catchments, and long-term simulation data (>100 years) for two sub-catchments in the lower MDB, confirm that flow persistence can be non-stationary through time, with some 'perennial' systems exhibiting sustained periods of cease to flow (i.e. becoming non-perennial) during prolonged droughts. This study demonstrates that due consideration is required in developing baseline classification of perennial freshwater systems for assessing future changes and measuring adaptive capacity.

Water Res ; 218: 118487, 2022 Jun 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35504160


During the Millennium Drought in southeast Australia (2001-2009), dryland wetlands experienced widespread ecological deterioration, which highlighted their vulnerability to natural climate variability and the potential effects of drying climate change. Here we use 30-year observed streamflow data (1991-2020) and numerical models to assess the impacts of climate variability and climate change on the Macquarie Marshes (the Marshes), a large floodplain wetland complex in the semi-arid region of New South Wales, Australia. A fast ecohydrologic emulator based on network linear programming with side constraints was developed to simulate the spatial and temporal responses of different wetland vegetation types to water regime. The emulator represents the wetland by a series of inter-connected level-pool reservoirs with the volume-discharge relationship obtained from a calibrated quasi-2d hydrodynamic model. The emulator reproduces daily flows and volume with good accuracy (Nash-Sutcliffe statistic ranging from 0.61 to 0.96) with 1/26,000 of the computational effort. We use the emulator to simulate the potential effects of climatic variability on vegetation by running the model over 30 years of observed data and 1000 statistically representative 30-year streamflow time series, which were generated using a stochastic model calibrated to the gauged flows. The collection of results for all 1000 contemporary simulations indicates the Marshes experience severe conditions 43% (± 18%) of the time in a 30-year period. We then ran an additional 6000 simulations to assess the combined impacts of climate variability and future climate change at the end of the century. For the driest future climates (-60% and -30% reduction in runoff), the Marshes remain in severe condition 89% (± 6%) and 63% (± 16%) of the time, respectively, while no major differences with respect to the contemporary conditions were found for the wetter future. Our results highlight the importance of quantifying the extent and uncertainty in the degradation of these ecosystems due to climate variability and change for informing management decisions.

Ecossistema , Áreas Alagadas , Austrália , Mudança Climática , Secas
Sci Rep ; 10(1): 13232, 2020 08 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32764646


Dryland wetlands are resilient ecosystems that can adapt to extreme periodic drought-flood episodes. Climate change projections show increased drought severity in drylands that could compromise wetland resilience and reduce important habitat services. These recognized risks have been difficult to evaluate due to our limited capacity to establish comprehensive relationships between flood-drought episodes and vegetation responses at the relevant spatiotemporal scales. We address this issue by integrating detailed spatiotemporal flood-drought simulations with remotely sensed vegetation responses to water regimes in a dryland wetland known for its highly variable inundation. We show that a combination of drought tolerance and dormancy strategies allow wetland vegetation to recover after droughts and recolonize areas invaded by terrestrial species. However, climate change scenarios show widespread degradation during drought and limited recovery after floods. Importantly, the combination of degradation extent and increase in drought duration is critical for the habitat services wetland systems provide for waterbirds and fish.

Sci Total Environ ; 726: 138581, 2020 Jul 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32348947


Dryland wetlands are ecosystems of high ecological importance as they serve as habitat sanctuaries for aquatic and terrestrial biota in areas with very few resources; therefore, the study of such environments is of major importance for the conservation of biodiversity in arid and semi-arid areas. The vegetation organization in these ecosystems is driven by the water regime as the main driver, but local processes like seed banks and soil resources redistribution also play a crucial role in determining the spatial distribution of the vegetation. Assessment of vegetation dynamics and long-term resilience requires the use of realistic models that can integrate the water regime and that can continuously simulate vegetation extent and conditions under flood-drought cycles. Here we study the influence of the water regime as the main driver of the vegetation. We apply a vegetation-modelling framework to compare the performance of a simplified model at the cell scale and a model integrated at a patch scale. Our results show that aggregating the analysis of vegetation dynamics at the patch scale allows for the incorporation of the effects of both local drivers (acting within the patch) as well as the global drivers (acting over the patch as a whole). The water regime acts as a global driver for the vegetation and indirectly affects the local drivers. Our patch scale model successfully captures wetland vegetation dynamics using the water regime as the main driver for representing changes in the vegetation and assessment of the wetland resilience under flood-drought periods.

Ecossistema , Áreas Alagadas , Biodiversidade , Inundações , Solo