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Soft Matter ; 2024 Sep 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39279682


We study the spontaneous configuration transitions of an active semi-flexible polymer between spiral and non-spiral states, and show that the configuration dynamics is fully described by a subcritical pitchfork bifurcation. Exploiting the fact that an active polymer barely moves in spiral states and exhibits net displacements in non-spiral states, we theoretically prove that the motion of the active polymer is consistent with a run-and-tumble-like dynamics. Moreover, we find that there exists an optimal self-propelling force that maximizes the diffusion coefficient.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 35(35)2023 Jun 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37196653


Translocation dynamics of an active semi-flexible polymer through a nano-pore into a rigid two dimensional circular nano-container has been studied by using Langevin dynamics simulations. The results show that the force exponentß, for regime of small nano-container radius, i.e.R≪Rg, whereRgis the gyration radius of the passive semi-flexible polymer in two dimensional free space, isß=-1, while for large values ofR≫Rgthe asymptotic value of the force exponent isß≈-0.93. The force exponent is defined by the scaling form of the average translocation time⟨τ⟩∝Fspß, whereFspis the self-propelling force. Moreover, using the definition of the turning number (number of net turns of the polymer configuration) for the polymer inside the cavity, it has been found that at the end of translocation process for small value ofRand in the strong force limit the polymer configuration is more regular than the case in which the value ofRis large or the force is weak.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 33(1): 015101, 2021 Jan 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32906093


We investigate the translocation dynamics of a folded linear polymer which is pulled through a nanopore by an external force. To this end, we generalize the iso-flux tension propagation theory for end-pulled polymer translocation to include the case of two segments of the folded polymer traversing simultaneously trough the pore. Our theory is extensively benchmarked with corresponding molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The translocation process for a folded polymer can be divided into two main stages. In the first stage, both branches are traversing the pore and their dynamics is coupled. If the branches are not of equal length, there is a second stage where translocation of the shorter branch has been completed. Using the assumption of equal monomer flux of both branches confirmed by MD simulations, we analytically derive the equations of motion for both branches and characterize the translocation dynamics in detail from the average waiting time and its scaling form.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 32(38): 385101, 2020 May 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32408289


We consider the influence of electrostatic forces on driven translocation dynamics of a flexible polyelectrolyte being pulled through a nanopore by an external force on the head monomer. To this end, we augment the iso-flux tension propagation theory with electrostatics for a negatively charged biopolymer pulled through a nanopore embedded in a similarly charged anionic membrane. We show that in the realistic case of a single-stranded DNA molecule, dilute salt conditions characterized by weak charge screening, and a negatively charged membrane, the translocation dynamics is unexpectedly accelerated despite the presence of large repulsive electrostatic interactions between the polymer coil on the cis side and the charged membrane. This is due to the rapid release of the electrostatic potential energy of the coil during translocation, leading to an effectively attractive force that assists end-driven translocation. The speedup results in non-monotonic polymer length and membrane charge dependence of the exponent α characterizing the translocation time [Formula: see text] of the polymer with length N 0. In the regime of long polymers N 0 ≳ 500, the translocation exponent exceeds its upper limit α = 2 previously observed for the same system without electrostatic interactions.

Polymers (Basel) ; 11(1)2019 Jan 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30960102


The theoretical formulation of driven polymer translocation through nanopores is complicated by the combination of the pore electrohydrodynamics and the nonequilibrium polymer dynamics originating from the conformational polymer fluctuations. In this review, we discuss the modeling of polymer translocation in the distinct regimes of short and long polymers where these two effects decouple. For the case of short polymers where polymer fluctuations are negligible, we present a stiff polymer model including the details of the electrohydrodynamic forces on the translocating molecule. We first show that the electrohydrodynamic theory can accurately characterize the hydrostatic pressure dependence of the polymer translocation velocity and time in pressure-voltage-driven polymer trapping experiments. Then, we discuss the electrostatic correlation mechanisms responsible for the experimentally observed DNA mobility inversion by added multivalent cations in solid-state pores, and the rapid growth of polymer capture rates by added monovalent salt in α -Hemolysin pores. In the opposite regime of long polymers where polymer fluctuations prevail, we review the iso-flux tension propagation (IFTP) theory, which can characterize the translocation dynamics at the level of single segments. The IFTP theory is valid for a variety of polymer translocation and pulling scenarios. We discuss the predictions of the theory for fully flexible and rodlike pore-driven and end-pulled translocation scenarios, where exact analytic results can be derived for the scaling of the translocation time with chain length and driving force.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 30(27): 274002, 2018 07 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29794332


We review recent progress on the theory of dynamics of polymer translocation through a nanopore based on the iso-flux tension propagation (IFTP) theory. We investigate both pore-driven translocation of flexible and a semi-flexible polymers, and the end-pulled case of flexible chains by means of the IFTP theory and extensive molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The validity of the IFTP theory can be quantified by the waiting time distributions of the monomers which reveal the details of the dynamics of the translocation process. The IFTP theory allows a parameter-free description of the translocation process and can be used to derive exact analytic scaling forms in the appropriate limits, including the influence due to the pore friction that appears as a finite-size correction to asymptotic scaling. We show that in the case of pore-driven semi-flexible and end-pulled polymer chains the IFTP theory must be augmented with an explicit trans side friction term for a quantitative description of the translocation process.

Polymers (Basel) ; 10(11)2018 Nov 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30961167


Sensitive sequencing of biopolymers by nanopore-based translocation techniques requires an extension of the time spent by the molecule in the pore. We develop an electrostatic theory of polymer translocation to show that the translocation time can be extended via the dielectric trapping of the polymer. In dilute salt conditions, the dielectric contrast between the low permittivity membrane and large permittivity solvent gives rise to attractive interactions between the c i s and t r a n s portions of the polymer. This self-attraction acts as a dielectric trap that can enhance the translocation time by orders of magnitude. We also find that electrostatic interactions result in the piecewise scaling of the translocation time τ with the polymer length L. In the short polymer regime L ≲ 10 nm where the external drift force dominates electrostatic polymer interactions, the translocation is characterized by the drift behavior τ ∼ L 2 . In the intermediate length regime 10 nm ≲ L ≲ κ b - 1 where κ b is the Debye⁻Hückel screening parameter, the dielectric trap takes over the drift force. As a result, increasing polymer length leads to quasi-exponential growth of the translocation time. Finally, in the regime of long polymers L ≳ κ b - 1 where salt screening leads to the saturation of the dielectric trap, the translocation time grows linearly as τ ∼ L . This strong departure from the drift behavior highlights the essential role played by electrostatic interactions in polymer translocation.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 7423, 2017 08 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28785040


We study the driven translocation of a semi-flexible polymer through a nanopore by means of a modified version of the iso-flux tension propagation theory, and extensive molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. We show that in contrast to fully flexible chains, for semi-flexible polymers with a finite persistence length [Formula: see text] the trans side friction must be explicitly taken into account to properly describe the translocation process. In addition, the scaling of the end-to-end distance R N as a function of the chain length N must be known. To this end, we first derive a semi-analytic scaling form for R N, which reproduces the limits of a rod, an ideal chain, and an excluded volume chain in the appropriate limits. We then quantitatively characterize the nature of the trans side friction based on MD simulations. Augmented with these two factors, the theory shows that there are three main regimes for the scaling of the average translocation time τ ∝ N α . In the rod [Formula: see text], Gaussian [Formula: see text] and excluded volume chain [Formula: see text] ≫ 10 6 limits, α = 2, 3/2 and 1 + ν, respectively, where ν is the Flory exponent. Our results are in good agreement with available simulations and experimental data.

DNA/metabolismo , Nanoporos , DNA/química , Modelos Químicos , Simulação de Dinâmica Molecular
J Chem Phys ; 143(7): 074905, 2015 Aug 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26298154


We develop a theory for polymer translocation driven by a time-dependent force through an oscillating nanopore. To this end, we extend the iso-flux tension propagation theory [Sarabadani et al., J. Chem. Phys. 141, 214907 (2014)] for such a setup. We assume that the external driving force in the pore has a component oscillating in time, and the flickering pore is similarly described by an oscillating term in the pore friction. In addition to numerically solving the model, we derive analytical approximations that are in good agreement with the numerical simulations. Our results show that by controlling either the force or pore oscillations, the translocation process can be either sped up or slowed down depending on the frequency of the oscillations and the characteristic time scale of the process. We also show that while in the low and high frequency limits, the translocation time τ follows the established scaling relation with respect to chain length N0, in the intermediate frequency regime small periodic, fluctuations can have drastic effects on the dynamical scaling. The results can be easily generalized for non-periodic oscillations and elucidate the role of time dependent forces and pore oscillations in driven polymer translocation.

Modelos Teóricos , Nanoporos , Polímeros/química , Simulação por Computador , Fricção , Periodicidade
J Chem Phys ; 141(21): 214907, 2014 Dec 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25481169


We investigate the dynamics of pore-driven polymer translocation by theoretical analysis and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Using the tension propagation theory within the constant flux approximation we derive an explicit equation of motion for the tension front. From this we derive a scaling relation for the average translocation time τ, which captures the asymptotic result τ∝N0(1+ν), where N0 is the chain length and ν is the Flory exponent. In addition, we derive the leading correction-to-scaling term to τ and show that all terms of order N0(2ν) exactly cancel out, leaving only a finite-chain length correction term due to the effective pore friction, which is linearly proportional to N0. We use the model to numerically include fluctuations in the initial configuration of the polymer chain in addition to thermal noise. We show that when the cis side fluctuations are properly accounted for, the model not only reproduces previously known results but also considerably improves the estimates of the monomer waiting time distribution and the time evolution of the translocation coordinate s(t), showing excellent agreement with MD simulations.

Movimento (Física) , Polímeros/química , Fricção , Conformação Molecular , Simulação de Dinâmica Molecular , Porosidade
J Chem Phys ; 141(4): 044907, 2014 Jul 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25084956


Using large scale molecular dynamics simulations we investigate the static and dynamic properties of a linear polymer melt confined between two solid surfaces. One of the walls is repulsive and the other is attractive wall. The bottom attractive wall is characterized by different degrees of roughness which is tuned by an array of short perpendicular rigid pillars with variable grafting density. We demonstrate that the conformations of polymers at the interfaces do not depend on substrate-polymer interactions, rather they show similar conformations of a single end-grafted chain under critical adsorption condition, consistent with the Silberberg's hypothesis. This observation is found to be in a good agreement with the analysis of the size distributions of trains, loops, and tails of melt chains at the walls known from the theoretical prediction of the end-grafted single chains at critical adsorption. Furthermore, we find that the pressure of the melt PN decreases as PN - P∞ ∝ N-1 with growing length of the chains N (where P∞ is the extrapolated pressure for N → ∞). Moreover, the surface tension γ near both walls is found to follow γN∝N(-2/3). Eventually, the lateral dynamics near rough surface drops suddenly when the separation between the neighboring pillars becomes smaller than 2Rg, where Rg is the bulk radius of gyration.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24032823


We study the long-range spatial correlations in the nonequilibrium steady state of a randomly driven granular fluid with the emphasis on obtaining the explicit form of the static structure factors. The presence of immobile particles immersed in such a fluidized bed of fine particles leads to the confinement of the fluctuation spectrum of the hydrodynamic fields, which results in effective long-range interactions between the intruders. The analytical predictions are in agreement with the results of discrete element method simulations. By changing the shape and orientation of the intruders, we address how the effective force is affected by small changes in the boundary conditions.

J Chem Phys ; 137(11): 114704, 2012 Sep 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22998278


Randomly charged net-neutral dielectric slabs are shown to interact across a featureless dielectric continuum with long-range electrostatic forces that scale with the statistical variance of their quenched random charge distribution and inversely with the distance between their bounding surfaces. By accounting for the whole spectrum of electromagnetic field fluctuations, we show that this long-range disorder-generated interaction extends well into the retarded regime where higher order (non-zero) Matsubara frequencies contribute significantly. This occurs even for highly clean samples with only a trace amount of charge disorder and shows that disorder effects can be important down to the nanoscale. As a result, the previously predicted non-monotonic behavior for the total force between dissimilar slabs as a function of their separation distance is substantially modified by higher order contributions, and in almost all cases of interest, we find that the equilibrium inter-surface separation is shifted to substantially larger values compared to predictions based solely on the zero-frequency component. This suggests that the ensuing non-monotonic interaction is more easily amenable to experimental detection. The presence of charge disorder in the intervening dielectric medium between the two slabs is shown to lead to an additional force that can be repulsive or attractive depending on the system parameters and can, for instance, wash out the non-monotonic behavior of the total force when the intervening slab contains a sufficiently large amount of disorder charges.

Phys Rev Lett ; 108(19): 198001, 2012 May 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23003090


We investigate the effective long-range interactions between intruder particles immersed in a randomly driven granular fluid. The effective Casimir-like force between two intruders, induced by the fluctuations of the hydrodynamic fields, can change its sign when varying the control parameters: the volume fraction, the distance between the intruders, and the restitution coefficient. More interestingly, by inserting more intruders, we verify that the fluctuation-induced interaction is not pairwise additive. The simulation results are qualitatively consistent with the theoretical predictions based on mode coupling calculations. These results shed new light on the underlying mechanisms of collective behaviors in fluidized granular media.

Misturas Complexas/química , Modelos Químicos , Simulação por Computador
Eur Phys J E Soft Matter ; 35(3): 1-7, 2012 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22457152


Polarizable randomly charged dielectric objects have been recently shown to exhibit long-range lateral and normal interaction forces even when they are effectively net-neutral. These forces stem from an interplay between the quenched statistics of random charges and the induced dielectric image charges. This type of interaction has recently been evoked to interpret measurements of Casimir forces in vacuo, where a precise analysis of such disorder-induced effects appears to be necessary. Here we consider the torque acting on a randomly charged dielectric surface (or a sphere) mounted on a central axle next to another randomly charged surface and show that although the resultant mean torque is zero, its sample-to-sample fluctuation exhibits a long-range behavior with the separation distance between the juxtaposed surfaces and that, in particular, its root-mean-square value scales with the total area of the surfaces. Therefore, the disorder-induced torque between two randomly charged surfaces is expected to be much more pronounced than the disorder-induced lateral force and may provide an effective way to determine possible disorder effects in experiments, in a manner that is independent of the usual normal force measurement.

J Chem Phys ; 133(17): 174702, 2010 Nov 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21054060


We investigate the effect of monopolar charge disorder on the classical fluctuation-induced interactions between randomly charged net-neutral dielectric slabs and discuss various generalizations of recent results [A. Naji et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 060601 (2010)] to highly inhomogeneous dielectric systems with and without statistical disorder correlations. We shall focus on the specific case of two generally dissimilar plane-parallel slabs, which interact across vacuum or an arbitrary intervening dielectric medium. Monopolar charge disorder is considered to be present on the bounding surfaces and/or in the bulk of the slabs, may be in general quenched or annealed and may possess a finite lateral correlation length reflecting possible "patchiness" of the random charge distribution. In the case of quenched disorder, the bulk disorder is shown to give rise to an additive long-range contribution to the total force, which decays as the inverse distance between the slabs and may be attractive or repulsive depending on the dielectric constants of the slabs. By contrast, the force induced by annealed disorder in general combines with the underlying van der Waals forces in a nonadditive fashion, and the net force decays as an inverse cube law at large separations. We show, however, that in the case of two dissimilar slabs, the net effect due to the interplay between the disorder-induced and the pure van der Waals interactions can lead to a variety of unusual nonmonotonic interaction profiles between the dielectric slabs. In particular, when the intervening medium has a larger dielectric constant than the two slabs, we find that the net interaction can become repulsive and exhibit a potential barrier, while the underlying van der Waals force is attractive. On the contrary, when the intervening medium has a dielectric constant between that of the two slabs, the net interaction can become attractive and exhibit a free energy minimum, while the pure van der Waals force is repulsive. Therefore, the charge disorder, if present, can drastically alter the effective interaction between net-neutral objects.

Biopolímeros/química , Coloides/química , Impedância Elétrica , Modelos Químicos , Eletricidade Estática , Propriedades de Superfície , Termodinâmica
Phys Rev Lett ; 104(6): 060601, 2010 Feb 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20366809


Monopolar charge disorder effects are studied in the context of fluctuation-induced interactions between neutral dielectric slabs. It is shown that quenched bulk charge disorder gives rise to an additive contribution to the net interaction force which decays as the inverse distance between the slabs and may thus completely mask the standard Casimir-van der Waals force at large separations. By contrast, annealed (bulk or surface) charge disorder leads to a net interaction force whose large-distance behavior agrees with the universal Casimir force between ideal conductors, which scales as the inverse cubic distance, and the dielectric properties enter only in the subleading corrections.

Eletricidade Estática , Modelos Químicos , Termodinâmica