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Microb Ecol ; 86(1): 687-698, 2023 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35780192


Periodontitis is a polymicrobial biofilm-induced inflammatory disease associated with a dysbiotic microbial community and severely affects the health and welfare of animals. However, little is known regarding the dental microbiota associated with this disease in goats. In this study, we used high-throughput sequencing, network analysis, and predicted functions to investigate the microbiota of clinically healthy goats and those with periodontitis and identify possible pathogens and proteins associated with the disease. Dental microbiomes of goats with periodontitis were richer, and network analyses showed that the number of negative interactions was higher in the networks of animals with periodontitis. Based on the interrelationships, Porphyromonas, Fusobacterium, and Prevotella were suggested to play an important role in the dental microbiota associated with goat periodontitis. Protein families linked to translation, cytoplasmatic translation, and rRNA processing were more abundant in the dental microbiota of goats with periodontitis. In conclusion, the dental biofilm microbiota associated with goat periodontitis seems to be dysbiotic and has significant antagonistic interactions, which discriminate healthy animals from diseased animals and highlight the importance of key bacteria. Thus, these novel findings contribute to the evolution of knowledge regarding the etiopathogenesis of goat periodontitis and possibly to the development of periodontitis control measures.

Microbiota , Periodontite , Animais , Disbiose/veterinária , Periodontite/veterinária , Periodontite/microbiologia , Bactérias/genética , Microbiota/genética , Biofilmes
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 39(2): 112-122, Feb. 2019. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-990243


Periodontal diseases are multifactorial infectious processes caused by complexes of microorganisms, with damage to health, production, and animal welfare. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of virginiamycin in the prevention and control of two early forms of periodontal disease: gingivitis and necrotizing gingivitis. Ten weaned calves, aged four to six months, were permanently kept in a single lot under the same rotational grazing regime in a newly reformed area of Panicum maximum. Five of the calves were orally administered 340mg of virginiamycin (Virginiamycin Group) daily for a period of 18 weeks, while the remaining five calves (Control Group) remained under the same food management but did not receive virginiamycin. During this period, animals underwent 18 weekly evaluations regarding periodontal health, with monitoring and recording of clinical parameters of the eight deciduous incisor teeth on the labial and lingual faces. At approximately two-week intervals, nine collections of subgingival sulcus material from five sites of the four right incisor teeth of each animal were performed and subjected to microbiological evaluation using polymerase chain reaction with primers of 25 microorganisms considered potentially pathogenic. After 1440 periodontal clinical evaluations of incisor teeth of the 10 calves, a total of 395 episodes of gingivitis were recorded, of which 267 occurred in the Control Group and 128 in the Virginiamycin Group. Similarly, 89 episodes of necrotizing gingivitis were recorded; 58 in the Control Group and 31 in the Virginiamycin Group. Comparison of between-group means found significant differences for teeth with gingivitis and necrotizing gingivitis (t test; p<0.05). The total number of teeth with gingivitis (p<0.01) and necrotizing gingivitis (p<0.01) in Control Group was significantly higher than that of gingivitis (p<0.01) and necrotizing gingivitis (p<0.05) in the Virginiamycin Group. There was a positive correlation between total occurrence of gingivitis and necrotizing gingivitis in the Virginiamycin Group by Pearson's test. Virginiamycin had a protective effect on treated animals compared with the Control Group (OR = 0.36: CI (95%) = 0.27-0.43). In the Control Group, Actinomyces israelli (4.74%), domain Archaea (1.58%), Eikenella corrodens (1.05%), Fusobacterium nucleatum (27.37%), class Mollicutes (5.26%); Porphyromonas endodontalis(5.26%); Porphyromonas gulae(0.53%), Prevotella buccae (6.32%), Prevotella loescheii (3.68%), Prevotella nigrescens (8.42%), Prevotella oralis (1.58%), Tannerella forsythia (0.53%), and Treponema denticola (4.21%) were detected at healthy sites, and gingivitis or necrotizing gingivitis samples. In the Virginiamycin Group, A. israelli (3.41%), domain Archaea (0.98%), F. nucleatum (9.27%), class Mollicutes(4.39%), P. endodontalis (4.39%), P. gulae (0.49%), P. buccae (8.29%), P. loescheii (6.83%), P. nigrescens (15.61%), P. oralis (1.46%), Selenomonas sputigena (0.49%), T. forsythia (0.49%), and T. denticola (2.44%) were detected. In conclusion, virginiamycin administered at a dosage of 340mg/animal/day significantly reduced the occurrence of gingivitis and necrotizing gingivitis in cattle maintained on reformed pastures, and was revealed to have action against periodontal bacterial microbiota considered to be potentially pathogenic.(AU)

As doenças periodontais são processos infecciosos multifatoriais causados por complexos de micro-organismos, que provocam danos à saúde, produção e ao bem-estar animal. O objetivo do presente estudo foi o de avaliar a eficácia da virginiamicina na prevenção e controle de duas formas de doença periodontal; a gengivite e a gengivite necrosante. Assim, dez bezerros desmamados, com idade entre 4 e 6 meses, foram mantidos permanentemente em lote único e sob o mesmo regime de pastejo rotacionado em área reformada de Panicum maximum. Cinco bezerros receberam via oral 340mg de virginiamicina (Grupo Virginiamicina) diariamente, por um período de dezoito semanas, enquanto o Grupo Controle permaneceu sob o mesmo manejo alimentar, mas sem receber a virginiamicina. No período, os animais passaram por 18 avaliações semanais quanto à saúde periodontal, com monitoramento e registro dos parâmetros clínicos dos oito dentes incisivos decíduos, nas suas faces labial e lingual. Em intervalos aproximadamente quinzenais foram realizadas nove coletas de material do sulco subgengival de cinco sítios de quatro dentes incisivos direitos de cada animal para avaliação microbiológica, com o emprego da reação em cadeia da polimerase e com iniciadores de 25 micro-organismos considerados potencialmente patogênicos. Ao final das 1440 avaliações clínicas periodontais dos dentes incisivos dos dez bezerros, pôde-se registrar um total de 395 episódios de dentes com gengivite, nos quais 267 foram registrados no Grupo Controle e 128 no Grupo Virginiamicina. De forma semelhante, do total de 89 registros de gengivite necrosante, 58 foram no Grupo Controle e 31 no Grupo Virginiamicina. Na comparação entre médias dos grupos as diferenças encontradas para dentes com gengivite e gengivite necrosante foram significativas pelo teste t (p<0,05). Assim, o total de dentes com gengivite (p<0,01) e gengivite necrosante (p<0,01) no Grupo Controle, foi significativamente superior ao de gengivite (p<0,01) e gengivite necrosante (p<0,05) do Grupo Virginiamicina. Houve correlação positiva entre o total de ocorrência de gengivite e gengivite necrosante no Grupo Virginiamicina pelo teste de Pearson. A virginiamicina possuiu um efeito protetor nos animais tratados em comparação com o controle (OR = 0,36: IC (95%) = 0,27-0,43). Na avaliação microbiológica do Grupo Controle foram detectados nas amostras de sítios sadios, com gengivite ou com gengivite necrosante Actinomyces israelli (4,74%), domínio Archaea (1,58%), Eikenella corrodens (1,05%), Fusobacterium nucleatum (27,37%), classe Mollicutes (5,26%), Porphyromonas endodontalis (5,26%), Porphyromonas gulae (0,53%), Prevotella buccae (6,32%), Prevotella loescheii (3,68%), Prevotella nigrescens (8,42%), Prevotella oralis (1,58%), Tannerella forsythia (0,53%) e Treponema denticola (4,21%). Enquanto no Grupo Virginiamicina foram detectados: A. israelli (3,41%), domínio Archaea (0,98%), F. nucleatum (9,27%), classe Mollicutes (4,39%), P. endodontalis (4,39%), P. gulae (0,49%), P. buccae (8,29%), P. loescheii (6,83%), P. nigrescens (15,61%), P. oralis (1,46%), Selenomonas sputigena (0,49%), T. forsythia (0,49%) e T. denticola (2,44%). Em conclusão, a virginiamicina administrada na dosagem de 340mg/animal/dia reduziu significativamente a ocorrência da gengivite e gengivite necrosante em bovinos mantidos em pastos reformados e revelou ter ação frente à microbiota bacteriana periodontal considerada potencialmente patogênica.(AU)

Animais , Lactente , Bovinos , Doenças Periodontais/veterinária , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos/tratamento farmacológico , Virginiamicina/uso terapêutico , Gengivite/veterinária