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Sci Rep ; 12(1): 21717, 2022 12 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36522393


Chorus waves play a key role in outer Van Allen electron belt dynamics through cyclotron resonance. Here, we use Van Allen Probes data to reveal a new and distinct population of intense chorus waves excited in the heart of the radiation belt during the main phase of geomagnetic storms. The power of the waves is typically ~ 2-3 orders of magnitude greater than pre-storm levels, and are generated when fluxes of ~ 10-100 keV electrons approach or exceed the Kennel-Petschek limit. These intense chorus waves rapidly scatter electrons into the loss cone, capping the electron flux to a value close to the limit predicted by Kennel and Petschek over 50 years ago. Our results are crucial for understanding the limits to radiation belt fluxes, with accurate models likely requiring the inclusion of this chorus wave-driven flux-limiting process, that is independent of the acceleration mechanism or source responsible for enhancing the flux.

Gastrópodes , Coração , Animais , Ciclotrons , Aceleração , Elétrons
Space Sci Rev ; 218(5): 38, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35757012


This paper presents the highlights of joint observations of the inner magnetosphere by the Arase spacecraft, the Van Allen Probes spacecraft, and ground-based experiments integrated into spacecraft programs. The concurrent operation of the two missions in 2017-2019 facilitated the separation of the spatial and temporal structures of dynamic phenomena occurring in the inner magnetosphere. Because the orbital inclination angle of Arase is larger than that of Van Allen Probes, Arase collected observations at higher L -shells up to L ∼ 10 . After March 2017, similar variations in plasma and waves were detected by Van Allen Probes and Arase. We describe plasma wave observations at longitudinally separated locations in space and geomagnetically-conjugate locations in space and on the ground. The results of instrument intercalibrations between the two missions are also presented. Arase continued its normal operation after the scientific operation of Van Allen Probes completed in October 2019. The combined Van Allen Probes (2012-2019) and Arase (2017-present) observations will cover a full solar cycle. This will be the first comprehensive long-term observation of the inner magnetosphere and radiation belts.

Space Sci Rev ; 217(8): 80, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34744192


Measurements from NASA's Van Allen Probes have transformed our understanding of the dynamics of Earth's geomagnetically-trapped, charged particle radiation. The Van Allen Probes were equipped with the Magnetic Electron Ion Spectrometers (MagEIS) that measured energetic and relativistic electrons, along with energetic ions, in the radiation belts. Accurate and routine measurement of these particles was of fundamental importance towards achieving the scientific goals of the mission. We provide a comprehensive review of the MagEIS suite's on-orbit performance, operation, and data products, along with a summary of scientific results. The purpose of this review is to serve as a complement to the MagEIS instrument paper, which was largely completed before flight and thus focused on pre-flight design and performance characteristics. As is the case with all space-borne instrumentation, the anticipated sensor performance was found to be different once on orbit. Our intention is to provide sufficient detail on the MagEIS instruments so that future generations of researchers can understand the subtleties of the sensors, profit from these unique measurements, and continue to unlock the mysteries of the near-Earth space radiation environment. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11214-021-00855-2.

Earth Planets Space ; 72(1): 111, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32831576


We investigate the longitudinal structure of the oxygen torus in the inner magnetosphere for a specific event found on 12 September 2017, using simultaneous observations from the Van Allen Probe B and Arase satellites. It is found that Probe B observed a clear enhancement in the average plasma mass (M) up to 3-4 amu at L = 3.3-3.6 and magnetic local time (MLT) = 9.0 h. In the afternoon sector at MLT ~ 16.0 h, both Probe B and Arase found no clear enhancements in M. This result suggests that the oxygen torus does not extend over all MLT but is skewed toward the dawn. Since a similar result has been reported for another event of the oxygen torus in a previous study, a crescent-shaped torus or a pinched torus centered around dawn may be a general feature of the O+ density enhancement in the inner magnetosphere. We newly find that an electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) wave in the H+ band appeared coincidently with the oxygen torus. From the lower cutoff frequency of the EMIC wave, the ion composition of the oxygen torus is estimated to be 80.6% H+, 3.4% He+, and 16.0% O+. According to the linearized dispersion relation for EMIC waves, both He+ and O+ ions inhibit EMIC wave growth and the stabilizing effect is stronger for He+ than O+. Therefore, when the H+ fraction or M is constant, the denser O+ ions are naturally accompanied by the more tenuous He+ ions, resulting in a weaker stabilizing effect (i.e., larger growth rate). From the Probe B observations, we find that the growth rate becomes larger in the oxygen torus than in the adjacent regions in the plasma trough and the plasmasphere.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 91(3): 034503, 2020 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32260014


FIREBIRD-II is a National Science Foundation funded CubeSat mission designed to study the scale size and energy spectrum of relativistic electron microbursts. The mission consists of two identical 1.5 U CubeSats in a low earth polar orbit, each with two solid state detectors that differ only in the size of their geometric factors and fields of view. Having two spacecraft in close orbit allows the scale size of microbursts to be investigated through the intra-spacecraft separation when microbursts are observed simultaneously on each unit. Each detector returns high cadence (10 s of ms) measurements of the electron population from 200 keV to >1 MeV across six energy channels. The energy channels were selected to fill a gap in the observations of the Heavy Ion Large Telescope instrument on the Solar, Anomalous, and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer. FIREBIRD-II has been in orbit for 5 years and continues to return high quality data. After the first month in orbit, the spacecraft had separated beyond the expected scale size of microbursts, so the focus has shifted toward conjunctions with other magnetospheric missions. FIREBIRD-II has addressed all of its primary science objectives, and its long lifetime and focus on conjunctions has enabled additional science beyond the scope of the original mission. This paper presents a brief history of the FIREBIRD mission's science goals, followed by a description of the instrument and spacecraft. The data products are then discussed along with some caveats necessary for proper use of the data.

J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 124(2): 934-951, 2019 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31008007


We describe a new, more accurate procedure for estimating and removing inner zone background contamination from Van Allen Probes Magnetic Electron Ion Spectrometer (MagEIS) radiation belt measurements. This new procedure is based on the underlying assumption that the primary source of background contamination in the electron measurements at L shells less than three, energetic inner belt protons, is relatively stable. Since a magnetic spectrometer can readily distinguish between foreground electrons and background signals, we are able to exploit the proton stability to construct a model of the background contamination in each MagEIS detector by only considering times when the measurements are known to be background dominated. We demonstrate, for relativistic electron measurements in the inner zone, that the new technique is a significant improvement upon the routine background corrections that are used in the standard MagEIS data processing, which can "overcorrect" and therefore remove real (but small) electron fluxes. As an example, we show that the previously reported 1-MeV injection into the inner zone that occurred in June of 2015 was distributed more broadly in L and persisted in the inner zone longer than suggested by previous estimates. Such differences can have important implications for both scientific studies and spacecraft engineering applications that make use of MagEIS electron data in the inner zone at relativistic energies. We compare these new results with prior work and present more recent observations that also show a 1-MeV electron injection into the inner zone following the September 2017 interplanetary shock passage.

J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 124(11): 9124-9136, 2019 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32025458


We describe a new data product combining the spin-averaged electron flux measurements from the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) Energetic Particle Composition and Thermal Plasma (ECT) suite on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Van Allen Probes. We describe the methodology used to combine each of the data sets and produce a consistent set of spectra for September 2013 to the present. Three-minute-averaged flux spectra are provided spanning energies from 15 eV up to 20 MeV. This new data product provides additional utility to the ECT data and offers a consistent cross calibrated data set for researchers interested in examining the dynamics of the inner magnetosphere across a wide range of energies.

J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 123(10): 8131-8148, 2018 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30775195


The substorm process releases large amounts of energy into the magnetospheric system, although where the energy is transferred to and how it is partitioned remains an open question. In this study, we address whether the substorm process contributes a significant amount of energy to the ring current. The ring current is a highly variable region, and understanding the energization processes provides valuable insight into how substorm-ring current coupling may contribute to the generation of storm conditions and provide a source of energy for wave driving. In order to quantify the energy input into the ring current during the substorm process, we analyze Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment and Helium Oxygen Proton Electron ion flux measurements for H+, O+, and He+. The energy content of the ring current is estimated and binned spatially for L and magnetic local time. The results are combined with an independently derived substorm event list to perform a statistical analysis of variations in the ring current energy content with substorm phase. We show that the ring current energy is significantly higher in the expansion phase compared to the growth phase, with the energy enhancement persisting into the substorm recovery phase. The characteristics of the energy enhancement suggest the injection of energized ions from the tail plasma sheet following substorm onset. The local time variations indicate a loss of energetic H+ ions in the afternoon sector, likely due to wave-particle interactions. Overall, we find that the average energy input into the ring current is ∼9% of the previously reported energy released during substorms.

J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 121(7): 6647-6660, 2016 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27867796


Two of the largest geomagnetic storms of the last decade were witnessed in 2015. On 17 March 2015, a coronal mass ejection-driven event occurred with a Dst (storm time ring current index) value reaching -223 nT. On 22 June 2015 another strong storm (Dst reaching -204 nT) was recorded. These two storms each produced almost total loss of radiation belt high-energy (E ≳ 1 MeV) electron fluxes. Following the dropouts of radiation belt fluxes there were complex and rather remarkable recoveries of the electrons extending up to nearly 10 MeV in kinetic energy. The energized outer zone electrons showed a rich variety of pitch angle features including strong "butterfly" distributions with deep minima in flux at α = 90°. However, despite strong driving of outer zone earthward radial diffusion in these storms, the previously reported "impenetrable barrier" at L ≈ 2.8 was pushed inward, but not significantly breached, and no E ≳ 2.0 MeV electrons were seen to pass through the radiation belt slot region to reach the inner Van Allen zone. Overall, these intense storms show a wealth of novel features of acceleration, transport, and loss that are demonstrated in the present detailed analysis.

J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 121(7): 6292-6306, 2016 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27656336


Substorms are fundamental and dynamic processes in the magnetosphere, converting captured solar wind magnetic energy into plasma energy. These substorms have been suggested to be a key driver of energetic electron enhancements in the outer radiation belts. Substorms inject a keV "seed" population into the inner magnetosphere which is subsequently energized through wave-particle interactions up to relativistic energies; however, the extent to which substorms enhance the radiation belts, either directly or indirectly, has never before been quantified. In this study, we examine increases and decreases in the total radiation belt electron content (TRBEC) following substorms and geomagnetically quiet intervals. Our results show that the radiation belts are inherently lossy, shown by a negative median change in TRBEC at all intervals following substorms and quiet intervals. However, there are up to 3 times as many increases in TRBEC following substorm intervals. There is a lag of 1-3 days between the substorm or quiet intervals and their greatest effect on radiation belt content, shown in the difference between the occurrence of increases and losses in TRBEC following substorms and quiet intervals, the mean change in TRBEC following substorms or quiet intervals, and the cross correlation between SuperMAG AL (SML) and TRBEC. However, there is a statistically significant effect on the occurrence of increases and decreases in TRBEC up to a lag of 6 days. Increases in radiation belt content show a significant correlation with SML and SYM-H, but decreases in the radiation belt show no apparent link with magnetospheric activity levels.

Nat Commun ; 6: 10096, 2015 Dec 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26690250


Van Allen radiation belts are typically two zones of energetic particles encircling the Earth separated by the slot region. How the outer radiation belt electrons are accelerated to relativistic energies remains an unanswered question. Recent studies have presented compelling evidence for the local acceleration by very-low-frequency (VLF) chorus waves. However, there has been a competing theory to the local acceleration, radial diffusion by ultra-low-frequency (ULF) waves, whose importance has not yet been determined definitively. Here we report a unique radiation belt event with intense ULF waves but no detectable VLF chorus waves. Our results demonstrate that the ULF waves moved the inner edge of the outer radiation belt earthward 0.3 Earth radii and enhanced the relativistic electron fluxes by up to one order of magnitude near the slot region within about 10 h, providing strong evidence for the radial diffusion of radiation belt relativistic electrons.

Nat Commun ; 6: 8590, 2015 Oct 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26436770


Van Allen radiation belts consist of relativistic electrons trapped by Earth's magnetic field. Trapped electrons often drift azimuthally around Earth and display a butterfly pitch angle distribution of a minimum at 90° further out than geostationary orbit. This is usually attributed to drift shell splitting resulting from day-night asymmetry in Earth's magnetic field. However, direct observation of a butterfly distribution well inside of geostationary orbit and the origin of this phenomenon have not been provided so far. Here we report high-resolution observation that a unusual butterfly pitch angle distribution of relativistic electrons occurred within 5 Earth radii during the 28 June 2013 geomagnetic storm. Simulation results show that combined acceleration by chorus and magnetosonic waves can successfully explain the electron flux evolution both in the energy and butterfly pitch angle distribution. The current provides a great support for the mechanism of wave-driven butterfly distribution of relativistic electrons.

Nature ; 504(7480): 411-4, 2013 Dec 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24352287


Recent analysis of satellite data obtained during the 9 October 2012 geomagnetic storm identified the development of peaks in electron phase space density, which are compelling evidence for local electron acceleration in the heart of the outer radiation belt, but are inconsistent with acceleration by inward radial diffusive transport. However, the precise physical mechanism responsible for the acceleration on 9 October was not identified. Previous modelling has indicated that a magnetospheric electromagnetic emission known as chorus could be a potential candidate for local electron acceleration, but a definitive resolution of the importance of chorus for radiation-belt acceleration was not possible because of limitations in the energy range and resolution of previous electron observations and the lack of a dynamic global wave model. Here we report high-resolution electron observations obtained during the 9 October storm and demonstrate, using a two-dimensional simulation performed with a recently developed time-varying data-driven model, that chorus scattering explains the temporal evolution of both the energy and angular distribution of the observed relativistic electron flux increase. Our detailed modelling demonstrates the remarkable efficiency of wave acceleration in the Earth's outer radiation belt, and the results presented have potential application to Jupiter, Saturn and other magnetized astrophysical objects.

Science ; 341(6149): 991-4, 2013 Aug 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23887876


The Van Allen radiation belts contain ultrarelativistic electrons trapped in Earth's magnetic field. Since their discovery in 1958, a fundamental unanswered question has been how electrons can be accelerated to such high energies. Two classes of processes have been proposed: transport and acceleration of electrons from a source population located outside the radiation belts (radial acceleration) or acceleration of lower-energy electrons to relativistic energies in situ in the heart of the radiation belts (local acceleration). We report measurements from NASA's Van Allen Radiation Belt Storm Probes that clearly distinguish between the two types of acceleration. The observed radial profiles of phase space density are characteristic of local acceleration in the heart of the radiation belts and are inconsistent with a predominantly radial acceleration process.

Science ; 340(6129): 186-90, 2013 Apr 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23450000


Since their discovery more than 50 years ago, Earth's Van Allen radiation belts have been considered to consist of two distinct zones of trapped, highly energetic charged particles. The outer zone is composed predominantly of megaelectron volt (MeV) electrons that wax and wane in intensity on time scales ranging from hours to days, depending primarily on external forcing by the solar wind. The spatially separated inner zone is composed of commingled high-energy electrons and very energetic positive ions (mostly protons), the latter being stable in intensity levels over years to decades. In situ energy-specific and temporally resolved spacecraft observations reveal an isolated third ring, or torus, of high-energy (>2 MeV) electrons that formed on 2 September 2012 and persisted largely unchanged in the geocentric radial range of 3.0 to ~3.5 Earth radii for more than 4 weeks before being disrupted (and virtually annihilated) by a powerful interplanetary shock wave passage.

Oncogene ; 26(1): 1-10, 2007 Jan 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16799638


Metastasis, the aggressive spread of a malignant tumor to distant organs, is a major cause of death in cancer patients. Despite this critical role in cancer outcomes, the molecular mechanisms that control this process are just beginning to be understood. Metastasis is largely dependent upon the ability of tumor cells to invade the barrier formed by the basement membrane and to migrate through neighboring tissues. This review will summarize the evidence that tumor cell invasion is the result of oncogene-mediated signal transduction pathways that control the expression of a specific set of genes that together mediate tumor cell invasion. We focus on the role of the transcription factor AP-1 to both induce the expression of genes that function as invasion effectors and repress other genes that function as invasion suppressors. This identifies AP-1 as a critical regulator of a complex program of gene expression that defines the invasive phenotype.

Fator de Transcrição AP-1/fisiologia , Animais , Humanos
Hum Mol Genet ; 13(15): 1657-68, 2004 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15175275


Dystroglycan is part of an adhesion receptor complex linking the extracellular matrix to the actin cytoskeleton. Previous studies have implicated dystroglycan in basement membrane formation and as a crucial link between dystrophin and laminin in muscle. We report here a further novel function for dystroglycan which appears to be in addition to its role as an adhesion molecule. beta-dystroglycan has been localized to microvilli structures in a number of cell types where it associates with the cytoskeletal adaptor ezrin, through which it is able to modulate the actin cytoskeleton and induce peripheral filopodia and microvilli. Ezrin is able to interact with dystroglycan through a cluster of basic residues in the juxtamembrane region of dystroglycan, and mutation of these residues both prevents ezrin binding and the induction of actin-rich surface protrusions. These studies reveal novel functions and additional signalling roles for dystroglycan, raising the possibility of new avenues for therapeutic intervention in diseases such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

Actinas/metabolismo , Citoesqueleto/metabolismo , Distroglicanas/metabolismo , Fosfoproteínas/metabolismo , Sítios de Ligação/genética , Sítios de Ligação/fisiologia , Proteínas do Citoesqueleto , Distroglicanas/genética , Genes Reporter , Humanos , Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne/metabolismo , Mutação , Fosfoproteínas/genética , Ligação Proteica
Bioinformatics ; 20(13): 2050-5, 2004 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15073012


MOTIVATION: The current paradigm for viewing metabolism, such as the Boehringer Chart or KEGG, takes a metabolite-centric view that is not ideal for genomics analysis because the same enzyme can appear in multiple places. Therefore an enzyme-centric view is also required. RESULTS: We have eliminated synonymous compound names taken from the ENZYME database ensuring that it is computationally parseable at all levels. Based on these results, we have written a software to create enzyme-centric graphs from reaction data, and we have created a second dataset with hub molecules removed, allowing a greater depth of information to be extracted from these graphs. We also present a detailed analysis of the various stages of the reconditioning process and the characteristics of the subgraphs resulting from the application of our software to the revised datasets. AVAILABILITY: Complete datasets and supplementary material may be downloaded from The software for the creation of enzyme-centric graphs from reaction data is available on request from the authors.

Bases de Dados de Proteínas , Enzimas/química , Enzimas/metabolismo , Metabolismo/fisiologia , Modelos Biológicos , Mapeamento de Interação de Proteínas/métodos , Transdução de Sinais/fisiologia , Simulação por Computador , Complexos Multienzimáticos/química , Complexos Multienzimáticos/metabolismo
Bioinformatics ; 19(4): 524-31, 2003 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12611808


MOTIVATION: Molecular biotechnology now makes it possible to build elaborate systems models, but the systems biology community needs information standards if models are to be shared, evaluated and developed cooperatively. RESULTS: We summarize the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) Level 1, a free, open, XML-based format for representing biochemical reaction networks. SBML is a software-independent language for describing models common to research in many areas of computational biology, including cell signaling pathways, metabolic pathways, gene regulation, and others. AVAILABILITY: The specification of SBML Level 1 is freely available from

Hipermídia , Armazenamento e Recuperação da Informação/métodos , Metabolismo/fisiologia , Modelos Biológicos , Linguagens de Programação , Vocabulário Controlado , Sistemas de Gerenciamento de Base de Dados , Bases de Dados Factuais , Documentação , Regulação da Expressão Gênica/fisiologia , Modelos Químicos , Software , Design de Software , Terminologia como Assunto
Brief Bioinform ; 2(3): 223-32, 2001 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11589583


The creation of cell models from annotated genome information, as well as additional data from other databases, requires both a format and medium for its distribution. Standards are described for the representation of the data in the form of Document Type Definitions (DTDs) for XML files. Separate DTDs are detailed for genetic, metabolic and gene product-interaction networks, which can be used to hold information on individual subsystems, or which may be combined to create a whole cell DTD. In the execution of this work, a fifth DTD was also created for a metabolite thesaurus, which allows incorporation of metabolite synonyms and generic nomenclature data into the models. A gene-regulation classification scheme was also created, to facilitate incorporation of gene regulatory information in an efficient manner. The work is described with particular reference to the metabolic network of Escherichia coli, which contains 808 individual enzymes. The assignment of confidence levels to these data, through the use of Gene Ontology evidence codes, is highlighted. In silico investigations may now be performed using the mathematical simulation workbench, DBsolve, which incorporates the facility to introduce data directly from XML.

Metabolismo/fisiologia , Modelos Biológicos , Mapeamento de Interação de Proteínas , Biologia Computacional , Escherichia coli/enzimologia , Escherichia coli/genética , Genoma Bacteriano , Humanos , Linguagens de Programação , Software , Terminologia como Assunto , Estados Unidos