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J Plan Educ Res ; 44(2): 632-648, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38799249


Land-use control is local and highly varied. State agencies struggle to assess plan contents. Similarly, advocacy groups and planning researchers wrestle with the length of planning documents and ability to compare across plans. The goal of this research is to (1) introduce Natural Language Processing techniques that can automate qualitative coding in planning research and (2) provide policy-relevant exploratory findings. We assembled a database of 461 California city-level General Plans, extracted the text, and used topic modeling to identify areas of emphasis (clusters of co-occurring words). We find that California city general plans address more than sixty topics, including greenhouse gas mitigation and Climate Action Planning. Through spatializing results, we find that a quarter of the topics in plans are regionally specific. We also quantify the rift and convergence of planning topics. The topics focused on housing have very little overlap with other planning topics. This is likely a factor of state requirements to update and evolve the Housing Elements every five years, but not other aspects of General Plans. This finding has policy implications as housing topics evolve away from other emphasis areas such as transportation and economic development. Furthermore, the topic modeling approach reveals that many cities have had a focus on environmental justice through Health and Wellness Elements well before the state mandate in 2019. Our searchable state-level database of general plans is the first for California-and nationally. We provide a model for others that wish to comprehensively assess and compare plan contents using machine learning.

El control del uso del suelo el local y sumamente variado. Las agencias estatales luchan para asesorar los contenidos de los planes. Similarmente, grupos de defensores e investigadores de planificación batallan con la longitud de estos documentos de planificación, y con la habilidad de comparar a través de planes. La meta de esta investigación es de 1.) Introducir técnicas de Procesamiento Natural de Lenguaje que podrían automatizar la codificación cualitativa en investigaciones de planificación, y 2.) Proveer hallazgos exploratorios relevantes para las políticas. Nosotros montamos una base de datos de 461 Planes Generales a nivel local en California, extrajimos el texto, y usamos modelado de temas para identificar áreas de énfasis (grupos de palabras concurrentes). Encontramos que planes generales en ciudades de California hablan de mas de 60 temas, incluyendo la mitigación de gases de efecto invernadero y planes de acción de clima. Mediante la especialización de los resultados, encontramos que un cuarto de los temas en los planes son regionalmente específicos. También cuantificamos la grieta y convergencia entre temas de planificación. Los temas enfocados en alojamiento tienen muy poco en común con otros temas de planificación. Esto podría ser un factor de requisitos estatales para actualizar y evolucionar elementos de alojamiento a cada 5 años, pero no en otros temas de los planes generales. Este hallazgo tiene implicaciones políticas mediante temas de alojamiento y se separan de otras áreas de éenfasis como transportación y desarrollo económico. Además, el enfoque de modelado de temas revela que varias ciudades han tenido enfoques en justicia del medio ambiente a través de elementos de salud y bienestar mucho antes que el mandato del estado en el 2019. Nuestra base de datos de planes generales a nivel estatal es la primera para California- y para la nación. Nosotros proveemos un modelo para otros que desean asesorar y comparar contenidos de planes usando aprendizaje automático de una manera comprensiva.

PLoS One ; 14(6): e0218273, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31211808


In 2004, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation launched a new program focused on incubating a new field, "Microbiology of the Built Environment" (MoBE). By the end of 2017, the program had supported the publication of hundreds of scholarly works, but it was unclear to what extent it had stimulated the development of a new research community. We identified 307 works funded by the MoBE program, as well as a comparison set of 698 authors who published in the same journals during the same period of time but were not part of the Sloan Foundation-funded collaboration. Our analysis of collaboration networks for both groups of authors suggests that the Sloan Foundation's program resulted in a more consolidated community of researchers, specifically in terms of number of components, diameter, density, and transitivity of the coauthor networks. In addition to highlighting the success of this particular program, our method could be applied to other fields to examine the impact of funding programs and other large-scale initiatives on the formation of research communities.

Revisão da Pesquisa por Pares , Pesquisadores , Pesquisa , Fundações , Humanos