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Ciênc. rural ; 45(6): 1099-1106, 06/2015. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-747092


Este trabalho avaliou a eficácia dos métodos de enriquecimento ambiental (EA) e da administração do fármaco haloperidol no controle de arrancamento de penas em maritacas mantidas em cativeiro. Foram formados três grupos: G1 tratado com haloperidol, G2 receberam enriquecimento ambiental e G3 aves sem arrancamento de penas. Utilizou-se registro scan, instantâneo dos comportamentos: antes, durante e depois dos tratamentos. Fotografias auxiliaram na avaliação da plumagem através de escore de 0 a 10. No G1, as maritacas reduziram significativamente a atividade física, aumentando o tempo em que ficavam paradas sobre o poleiro e redução também na expressão de outros comportamentos. Nenhuma maritaca do G1 apresentou melhora na qualidade da plumagem, já, no G2, apenas um indivíduo não melhorou a condição da plumagem. Sendo assim, a utilização do enriquecimento ambiental promoveu melhores condições de bem estar animal e proporcionou o crescimento de novas penas nas áreas de arrancamento, ao contrário das observações realizadas em maritacas tratadas com o haloperidol.

This study evaluated the effectiveness of environmental enrichment methods and the haloperidol administration in controlling feather picking in parakeets kept in captivity. Three groups were formed: G1 haloperidol treatment, G2 subjected to environmental enrichment and G3 no feather picked parakeets. In the behavioral study was used scan, instant registration: before, during and after the treatments. The plumage evaluation was done following a score from 0 to 10. G1 parakeets reduced significantly the activity, increasing stopped time on the perch and also reduced their expression of other behaviors. No G1 birds improved the plumage quality, already only one G2 parakeet has not improved feather condition. Thus, the use of environmental enrichment promotes better animal welfare conditions and provided the growth of new feather in the picked areas, in contrast to the observations made ​​in psychogenic feathers picked parakeet treated with haloperidol.

Res Vet Sci ; 92(3): 494-500, 2012 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21592538


Besides post-thawing reduced semen quality, there are some difficulties in the execution of the endoscopic transcervical intrauterine artificial insemination (AI) with frozen-thawed semen in bitches. Therefore, the aims of the present study were to evaluate behavioral and reproductive parameters (i.e., vaginal cytology and serum progesterone level) to determine time of insemination and to investigate the particularities and difficulties of this technique in bitches using fresh semen. Ten Labrador Retriever bitches were submitted to three endoscopic transcervical intrauterine AIs (with 48 h intervals). Oestrus and ovulation period were established by behaviour evaluation, progesterone assays and vaginal cytology, enabling optimal timing for AI during oestrus. During AI, the following aspects were evaluated: cervical os catheterization difficulty, semen deposition resistance, occurrence of semen backflow, and time required to perform the AI. In this study, it was possible to catheterize the cervical os in all bitches, with different degrees of difficulty, by manipulating the equipment to allow cervical visualization and catheter introduction in the cervical canal. Serial serum progesterone assays enabled estimation of LH surge day, and thus of ovulation. The pregnancy rate was 90%, with a litter size of 5.0 ± 2.6 puppies per bitch. It was concluded that the difficulties in the execution of the endoscopic transcervical intrauterine AI technique in Labrador Retriever bitches were minimized by the equipment manipulation and practical experience.

Cães , Histeroscopia/veterinária , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Animais , Feminino , Inseminação Artificial/métodos , Masculino , Gravidez , Sêmen