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Arch Public Health ; 80(1): 139, 2022 May 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35581661


BACKGROUND: In Europe, data on population health is fragmented, difficult to access, project-based and prone to health information inequalities in terms of availability, accessibility and especially in quality between and within countries. This situation is further exacerbated and exposed by the recent COVID-19 pandemic. The Joint Action on Health Information (InfAct) that builds on previous works of the BRIDGE Health project, carried out collaborative action to set up a sustainable infrastructure for health information in the European Union (EU). The aim of this paper is to present InfAct's proposal for a sustainable research infrastructure, the Distributed Infrastructure on Population Health (DIPoH), which includes the setup of a Health Information Portal on population health to be maintained beyond InfAct's time span. METHODS: The strategy for the proposal was based on three components: scientific initiatives and proposals to improve Health Information Systems (HIS), exploration of technical acceptability and feasibility, and finally obtaining high-level political support.. The technical exploration (Technical Dialogues-TD) was assumed by technical experts proposed by the countries, and political guidance was provided by the Assembly of Members (AoM), which gathered representatives from Ministries of Health and Science of EU/EEA countries. The results from the AoM and the TD were integrated in the sustainability plan compiling all the major outputs of InfAct. RESULTS: The InfAct sustainability plan was organized in three main sections: a proposal of a new research infrastructure on population health (the DIPoH), new health information tools and innovative proposals for HIS, and a comprehensive capacity building programme. These activities were carried out in InfAct and are being further developed in the Population Health Information Research Infrastructure (PHIRI). PHIRI is a practical rollout of DIPoH facilitating and generating the best available evidence for research on health and wellbeing of populations as impacted by COVID-19. CONCLUSIONS: The sustainability plan received wide support from Member States and was recognized to have an added value at EU level. Nevertheless, there were several aspects which still need to be considered for the near future such as: (i) a commitment of stable financial and political support by Member States (MSs), (ii) the availability of resources at regional, national and European level to deal with innovations, and (iii) a more direct involvement from EU and international institutions such as the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD for providing support and sustainable contributions.

Arch Public Health ; 80(1): 25, 2022 Jan 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35012653


BACKGROUND: Health information (HI) strategies exist in several EU Member States, however, they mainly focus on technical issues and improving governance rather than on content-related priority setting. There is also little research available about national prioritization processes underlying HI development for policy support in the EU. The aim of this study was to broaden the knowledge base on HI prioritization strategies and to encourage expert exchange towards good practice models. A specific focus was put on HI produced for national health reporting, this being a crucial tool for policy advice. METHODS: We conducted a literature search to identify published and grey literature on national HI prioritization. This was followed by a two-round Policy Delphi study, where we explored which processes and methods exist in EU Member States and associated countries for the prioritization of HI collection. In the first round, information about these processes was gathered in semi-structured questions; in the second round, participants were asked to rank the identified approaches for desirability and feasibility. The survey was conducted online; participants were recruited from the membership of the Joint Action on Health Information (InfAct - Information for Action). RESULTS: 119 experts were contacted, representing 40 InfAct partner institutions in 28 EU Member States and associated countries. Of these, 28 experts responded fully or partially to the first round, and six to the second round. In the first round, more than half of the respondents reported the existence of structured HI prioritization processes in their countries. To prioritize HI, a clear preference was given in the second round for a formal, horizontal process which includes different experts and stakeholders. National public health institutes were named desirable key stakeholders in this process, and also desirable and feasible coordinators for stakeholder coordination. CONCLUSION: Health information prioritization methods and procedures reflect the heterogeneity of national public health systems in European countries. Mapping, sharing and ranking prioritization methods and procedures for "good practices" provides a meaningful basis for expert knowledge exchange on HI development. We recommend to make this process part of a future sustainable EU health information system and to use the information gathered in this project to initiate the development of a guidance "Good Practice HI Prioritization" among EU Member States and associated countries.

Arch Public Health ; 80(1): 9, 2022 Jan 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34983651


BACKGROUND: The capacity to use data linkage and artificial intelligence to estimate and predict health indicators varies across European countries. However, the estimation of health indicators from linked administrative data is challenging due to several reasons such as variability in data sources and data collection methods resulting in reduced interoperability at various levels and timeliness, availability of a large number of variables, lack of skills and capacity to link and analyze big data. The main objective of this study is to develop the methodological guidelines calculating population-based health indicators to guide European countries using linked data and/or machine learning (ML) techniques with new methods. METHOD: We have performed the following step-wise approach systematically to develop the methodological guidelines: i. Scientific literature review, ii. Identification of inspiring examples from European countries, and iii. Developing the checklist of guidelines contents. RESULTS: We have developed the methodological guidelines, which provide a systematic approach for studies using linked data and/or ML-techniques to produce population-based health indicators. These guidelines include a detailed checklist of the following items: rationale and objective of the study (i.e., research question), study design, linked data sources, study population/sample size, study outcomes, data preparation, data analysis (i.e., statistical techniques, sensitivity analysis and potential issues during data analysis) and study limitations. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to develop the methodological guidelines for studies focused on population health using linked data and/or machine learning techniques. These guidelines would support researchers to adopt and develop a systematic approach for high-quality research methods. There is a need for high-quality research methodologies using more linked data and ML-techniques to develop a structured cross-disciplinary approach for improving the population health information and thereby the population health.

Arch Public Health ; 80(1): 29, 2022 Jan 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35039082


BACKGROUND: Non-Communicable diseases (NCD) are the main contributors to mortality and burden of disease. There is no infrastructure in Europe that could provide health information (HI) on Public Health monitoring and Health Systems Performance (HSP) for research and evidence-informed decision-making. Moreover, there was no EU and European Economic Area Member States (EU/EEA MSs) general consensus, on developing this initiative and guarantee its sustainability. The aim of this study is to analyze the integration of technical and political views made by the Joint Action on Health Information (InfAct; Information for Action) and the results obtained from those activities, in terms of advice and national and institutional support to develop an integrated and sustainable European Distributed Infrastructure on Population Health (DIPoH) for research and evidence-informed policy-making. METHODS: InfAct established two main boards, the Technical Dialogues (TDs) and the Assembly of Members (AoM), to provide a platform for discussion with EU/EEA MSs to establish a sustainable infrastructure for HI: 1) The TDs were composed by national technical experts (NTE) with the aim to discuss and provide feedback about scientific aspects, feasibility and EU-added value of the infrastructure proposed by InfAct. 2) The AoM gathered country representatives from Ministries of Health and Research at the highest political level, with the aim of providing policy-oriented advice for the future political acceptance, support, implementation, and development of InfAct's outcomes including DIPoH. The documentation provided for the meetings consisted in Fact-Sheets, where the main results, new methods and proposals were clearly exposed for discussion and assessment; altogether with more extended information of the DIPoH. The documentation was provided to national representatives within one more before each TD and AoM meeting. The Agenda and methodological approaches for each TD and AoM meeting consisted in the presentations of the InfAct outcomes extending the information provided in the Fact-Sheets; followed by a non-structured interaction, exchange of information, discussion and suggestions by the MSs representatives. The outcomes of the non-structured discussions were collected in Minutes of the TD and AoM meetings, and the final version was obtained with the consensus of all participants. Additionally, structured letters of political support were provided to the AoM representatives, for them to consider providing their MS written support for DIPoH. RESULTS: NTE, within the TDs, considered that DIPoH was useful for technical mutual learning and cooperation among and within countries; although they considered that the technical feasibility to uptake InfAct deliverables at the national and EU level was complex. The AoM focused on political support, resources, and expected MSs returns. The AoM representatives agreed in the interest of setting up an integrated and sustainable HI infrastructure and they considered DIPoH to be well-articulated and defined; although, some of them, expressed some barriers for providing DIPoH political support. The AoM representatives stated that the AoM is the most suitable way to inform EU MSs/ACs about future advances of DIPoH. Both boards provided valuable feedback to develop this infrastructure. Eleven countries and sixteen institutions supported the proposal, either by letters of political support or by signing the Memorandum of Understandings (MoU) and three countries, additionally, provided expression of financial commitment, for DIPoH to be added to the ESFRI 2021 roadmap. CONCLUSIONS: TDs and AoM were key forums to develop, advise, advocate and provide support for a sustainable European research infrastructure for Population Health.

Arch Public Health ; 80(1): 47, 2022 Jan 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35093167


BACKGROUND: The European Commission supports the initiation of health information related projects and networks serving comparative population health monitoring and health system performance assessment. Many of these projects and networks have produced relevant data, standards, methods, indicators and knowledge that may be lost as these networks become inactive. The aim of this project retrieval and review was to identify health information projects and networks and their produced output; and subsequently facilitate systematic access to this information for policy makers, researchers and interested others via a web-based repository. METHODS: The scope of this article covers 1. population health oriented topics and 2. health system/health services oriented topics. Out of scope are specific infectious diseases; individual rare diseases; and the occurrence and effects of specific medical treatments, interventions and diagnostics; cohort studies; or studies focusing on research methods. We searched bibliographic databases and EU project databases for policy supporting projects and networks and selected those fulfilling our inclusion criteria after more in-depth inspection. We searched for their outputs. In addition, we reviewed country participation in these projects and networks. RESULTS: We identified 36 projects and networks, 16 of which are population health oriented, 6 are health systems and services oriented and 14 cover both. Their total volume of output is not easily retrievable, as many project websites have been discontinued. Some networks and/or their outputs have found continuance within European agencies and/or national institutions. Others are struggling or have gone lost, despite their policy relevance. Participation in the projects was not evenly distributed across Europe. Project information was made available through the Health Information Portal. CONCLUSIONS: EU funded projects and networks have contributed greatly to the evidence-base for policy by providing comparative health information. However, more action is needed to evaluate and conserve their outputs and facilitate continued contribution to the field after project funding stops. The realization of a sustainable infrastructure for these projects and networks is urgent. The Health Information Portal can play an important role in conserving and reusing health information. Information inequalities may exist across Europe but need further investigating.

Arch Public Health ; 79(1): 229, 2021 Dec 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34933687


BACKGROUND: Health reporting shall provide up-to-date health-related data to inform policy-makers, researchers and the public. To this end, health reporting formats should be tailored to the needs and competencies of the target groups and provide comparable and high-quality information. Within the Joint Action on Health Information 'InfAct', we aimed at gaining an overview of health reporting practices in the EU Member States and associated countries, and developed quality criteria for the preparation of public health reports. The results are intended to facilitate making health information adequately available while reducing inequalities in health reporting across the EU. METHODS: A web-based desk research was conducted among EU Member States and associated countries to generate an overview of different formats of national health reporting and their respective target groups. To identify possible quality criteria for public health reports, an exploratory literature review was performed and earlier projects were analysed. The final set of criteria was developed in exchange with experts from the InfAct consortium. RESULTS: The web-based desk research showed that public health reports are the most frequently used format across countries (94%), most often addressed to scientists and researchers (51%), politicians and decision-makers (41%). However, across all reporting formats, the general public is the most frequently addressed target group. With regards to quality criteria for public health reports, the literature review has yielded few results. Therefore, two earlier projects served as main sources: the 'Evaluation of National and Regional Public Health Reports' and the guideline 'Good Practice in Health Reporting'from Germany. In collaboration with experts, quality criteria were identified and grouped into eight categories, ranging from topic selection to presentation of results, and compiled in a checklist for easy reference. CONCLUSION: Health reporting practices in the EU are heterogeneous across Member States. The assembled quality criteria are intended to facilitate the preparation, dissemination and access to better comparable high-quality public health reports as a basis for evidence-based decision-making. A comprehensive conceptual and integrative approach that incorporates the policy perspective would be useful to investigate which dissemination strategies are the most suitable for specific requirements of the targeted groups.

Arch Public Health ; 79(1): 208, 2021 Nov 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34819157


BACKGROUND: Health indicators are used to monitor the health status and determinants of health of the population and population sub-groups, identify existing or emerging health problems which would require prevention and health promotion activities, help to target health care resources in the most adequate way as well as for evaluation of the success of public health actions both at the national and international level. The quality and validity of the health indicator depends both on available data and used indicator definition. In this study we will evaluate existing knowledge about comparability of different data sources for definition of health indicators, compare how selected health indicators presented in different international databases possibly differ, and finally, present the results from a case study from Finland on comparability of health indicators derived from different data sources at national level. METHODS: For comparisons, four health indicators were selected that were commonly available in international databases and available for the Finnish case study. These were prevalence of obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and asthma in the adult populations. Our evaluation has three parts: 1) a scoping review of the latest literature, 2) comparison of the prevalences presented in different international databases, and 3) a case study using data from Finland. RESULTS: Literature shows that comparability of estimated outcomes for health indicators using different data sources such as self-reported questionnaire data from surveys, measured data from surveys or data from administrative health registers, varies between indicators. Also, the case study from Finland showed that diseases which require regular health care visits such as diabetes, comparability is high while for health outcomes which can remain asymptomatic for a long time such as hypertension, comparability is lower. In different international health related databases, country specific results differ due to variations in the used data sources but also due to differences in indicator definitions. CONCLUSIONS: Reliable comparison of the health indicators over time and between regions within a country or across the countries requires common indicator definitions, similar data sources and standardized data collection methods.

Arch Public Health ; 78: 55, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32537143


BACKGROUND: The availability of data generated from different sources is increasing with the possibility to link these data sources with each other. However, linked administrative data can be complex to use and may require advanced expertise and skills in statistical analysis. The main objectives of this study were to describe the current use of data linkage at the individual level and artificial intelligence (AI) in routine public health activities, to identify the related estimated health indicators (i.e., outcome and intervention indicators) and health determinants of non-communicable diseases and the obstacles to linking different data sources. METHOD: We performed a survey across European countries to explore the current practices applied by national institutes of public health, health information and statistics for innovative use of data sources (i.e., the use of data linkage and/or AI). RESULTS: The use of data linkage and AI at national institutes of public health, health information and statistics in Europe varies. The majority of European countries use data linkage in routine by applying a deterministic method or a combination of two types of linkages (i.e., deterministic & probabilistic) for public health surveillance and research purposes. The use of AI to estimate health indicators is not frequent at national institutes of public health, health information and statistics. Using linked data, 46 health outcome indicators, 34 health determinants and 23 health intervention indicators were estimated in routine. The complex data regulation laws, lack of human resources, skills and problems with data governance, were reported by European countries as obstacles to routine data linkage for public health surveillance and research. CONCLUSIONS: Our results highlight that the majority of European countries have integrated data linkage in their routine public health activities but only a few use AI. A sustainable national health information system and a robust data governance framework allowing to link different data sources are essential to support evidence-informed health policy development. Building analytical capacity and raising awareness of the added value of data linkage in national institutes is necessary for improving the use of linked data in order to improve the quality of public health surveillance and monitoring activities.

Arch Public Health ; 76: 52, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30094026


BACKGROUND: The European Core Health Indicators (ECHI) are a key source of comparable health information for the European Union (EU) and its Member States (MS). The ECHI shortlist contains 88 indicators which were developed by experts from MS and international organisations. Most indicators are derived from data sources at the EU's statistical office (Eurostat), the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and are available for most MS. The remaining indicators on the shortlist are at different stages of conceptual and/or methodological development. The indicators have been reviewed in the past against scientific developments, changes in data collections and emerging policy needs, yet not as part of a systematic and sustainable procedure. There is also no regular inventory of problems met by the MS in collecting the necessary data. Work package 4 of the BRIDGE Health project aimed at updating and improving the existing ECHI-indicator knowledge and expertise and at strengthening the scientific base that supports the effective development and use of health indicators for health policy evaluation and prioritization by the EU and its MS. The aim of this paper is to present a first overview of its outcomes and to explore issues concerning the ECHI data availability, content and policy relevance, update process and accessibility to stakeholders, in light of working towards a sustainable future. METHODS: Two surveys were conducted within the framework of the BRIDGE Health project to reassess the status of the ECHI shortlist. The first survey focused on data availability in EU MS, candidate countries and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries. The second survey evaluated current needs and criteria with respect to content and policy relevance of the ECHI shortlist. Exploring potential new indicator topics was part of both surveys. All evaluations were supported by an advisory network of national and international experts. RESULTS: Of the 36 countries (EU MS, candidate and EFTA countries) contacted for the data availability mapping, 23 countries (63%) participated in the survey. Data availability from preferred data sources varied between chapters. Availability was highest for the chapter on demography and socio-economic situation, followed by the chapter on health status, where data were available for most indicators from more than 90% of the participating countries. Problems experienced by MS relating to the incorporation of ECHI into their health systems were also identified through the survey. Findings from the survey on policy relevance point at the need for strengthening the links with policy (priorities) and for exploring a possible format change of the list to accommodate actionability. It also showed support for embedding ECHI in a sustainable health information structure; this may practically be aided by a web-based single point of access to an information repository. CONCLUSION: Policy relevance is an essential but not systematically developed criterion for the inclusion of indicators into the ECHI shortlist. Data availability is crucial for the actual implementation of indicators and has considerably increased for ECHI in the last decade. The data availability mapping provides a structured overview of the current status of data availability for implemented indicators. The ECHI shortlist can contribute to the collection of comparable policy-relevant health data in Europe, foster evidence-based public health and contribute to Member States learning from each other. Flexible and systematic incorporation of policy relevance in the ECHI shortlist review and revision process may substantiate ECHI as a core component of a future sustainable European health information infrastructure.

Eur J Public Health ; 27(suppl_4): 44-48, 2017 10 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29028232


A European health information system (HIS) supports mutual learning between member states through international comparisons. In addition, it informs international policy agendas. Collaboration between the major stakeholders, most importantly the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe (WHO-Euro), the European Commission and OECD, is important for member states, as this will contribute to better and more efficiently produced health intelligence. This paper focuses on this 'supra-international' collaboration. Although progress has been made, most notably in relation to joint data collections on monetary and non-monetary healthcare statistics, there is still room for improvement, both in relation to the harmonization of indicators and their underlying data collections, and the better coordination of reporting and research and development work. The working environment is complex, and differences between the (scope of the) health information activities of the three international organizations must be accepted. Yet there is enough common ground to build on. In addition, important barriers hampering further progress are the current semantic confusion about what constitutes a(n international) HIS, and inadequate coordination of national positions across various technical and political platforms of the international organizations. A pragmatic, bottom-up approach, instead of technically and strategically complex and comprehensive solutions, seems the best way forward. The current momentum created by EU-level developments and networks like the European Health Information Initiative of WHO-Euro provide an opportunity for taking the overarching European HIS to a next level.

Coleta de Dados/métodos , Sistemas de Informação em Saúde , Gestão da Informação , Cooperação Internacional , Atenção à Saúde , Europa (Continente) , União Europeia , Humanos , Organização Mundial da Saúde
PLoS One ; 8(5): e59947, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23696784


BACKGROUND: Observational studies implicate higher dietary energy density (DED) as a potential risk factor for weight gain and obesity. It has been hypothesized that DED may also be associated with risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but limited evidence exists. Therefore, we investigated the association between DED and risk of T2D in a large prospective study with heterogeneity of dietary intake. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A case-cohort study was nested within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer (EPIC) study of 340,234 participants contributing 3.99 million person years of follow-up, identifying 12,403 incident diabetes cases and a random subcohort of 16,835 individuals from 8 European countries. DED was calculated as energy (kcal) from foods (except beverages) divided by the weight (gram) of foods estimated from dietary questionnaires. Prentice-weighted Cox proportional hazard regression models were fitted by country. Risk estimates were pooled by random effects meta-analysis and heterogeneity was evaluated. Estimated mean (sd) DED was 1.5 (0.3) kcal/g among cases and subcohort members, varying across countries (range 1.4-1.7 kcal/g). After adjustment for age, sex, smoking, physical activity, alcohol intake, energy intake from beverages and misreporting of dietary intake, no association was observed between DED and T2D (HR 1.02 (95% CI: 0.93-1.13), which was consistent across countries (I(2) = 2.9%). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In this large European case-cohort study no association between DED of solid and semi-solid foods and risk of T2D was observed. However, despite the fact that there currently is no conclusive evidence for an association between DED and T2DM risk, choosing low energy dense foods should be promoted as they support current WHO recommendations to prevent chronic diseases.

Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/epidemiologia , Ingestão de Energia , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Dieta , Europa (Continente) , Humanos , Fatores de Risco
Eur J Nutr ; 50(1): 41-51, 2011 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20429009


PURPOSE: Substituting added sugar in carbonated soft drinks with intense sweeteners may have potential beneficial, but also adverse health effects. This study assessed the benefits and risks associated with substituting added sugar in carbonated soft drinks with intense sweeteners in young adults in the Netherlands. METHODS: A tiered approach was used analogous to the risk assessment paradigm, consisting of benefit and hazard identification, exposure assessment and finally benefit and risk characterization and comparison. Two extreme scenarios were compared in which all carbonated soft drinks were sweetened with either intense sweeteners or added sugar. National food consumption survey data were used, and intake of added sugar and intense sweeteners was calculated using the food composition table or analytical data for sweetener content. RESULTS: Reduction in dental caries and body weight were identified as benefits of substituting sugar. The mean difference in total energy intake between the scenarios was 542 kJ per day in men and 357 kJ per day in women, under the assumption that no compensation takes place. In the 100% sweetener scenario, the average BMI decreased 1.7 kg/m(2) in men and 1.3 kg/m(2) in women when compared to the 100% sugar scenario. Risks are negligible, as the intake of intense sweeteners remains below the ADI in the substitution scenario. CONCLUSIONS: Substitution of added sugar by intense sweeteners in carbonated soft drinks has beneficial effects on BMI and the reduction in dental caries, and does not seem to have adverse health effects in young adults, given the available knowledge and assumptions made.

Bebidas Gaseificadas/análise , Sacarose Alimentar/efeitos adversos , Sobrepeso/prevenção & controle , Edulcorantes/efeitos adversos , Adulto , Animais , Índice de Massa Corporal , Árvores de Decisões , Cárie Dentária/epidemiologia , Cárie Dentária/prevenção & controle , Dieta/estatística & dados numéricos , Dieta com Restrição de Carboidratos , Sacarose Alimentar/administração & dosagem , Ingestão de Energia , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Países Baixos/epidemiologia , Sobrepeso/dietoterapia , Medição de Risco/métodos , Caracteres Sexuais , Edulcorantes/administração & dosagem , Chá , Adulto Jovem
Nutr Cancer ; 60(2): 204-15, 2008.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18444152


NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1) is an inducible detoxification enzyme relevant for colorectal cancer biochemoprevention. We evaluated the influence of recent fruit and vegetable (F&V) consumption and polymorphisms in NQO1 and transcription factor NFE2L2 on rectal NQO1 phenotype and also whether white blood cell (WBC) NQO1 activity reflects rectal activity. Among 94 sigmoidoscopy patients, we assessed F&V consumption by dietary record and determined the NQO1 c.609C > T and g.-718A > G and NFE2L2 g.-650C > A, g.-684G > A, and g.-686A > G polymorphisms. NQO1 mRNA level was measured in rectal biopsies and NQO1 activity in rectal biopsies and WBC. Consumption of F&V did not yield higher mRNA level or activity but rather appeared to have a repressive effect. Rectal activity was higher among NQO1 609CC-genotypes as compared to 609CT-genotypes (P < 0.0001; 609TT-genotypes were absent), whereas mRNA was higher among 609CT-genotypes (P < 0.001). mRNA and activity correlated among NQO1 609CC-genotypes (r = .50, P = 0.0001) but not among 609CT-genotypes (r = .14, P = 0.45). The NFE2L2-684A-allele was associated with higher mRNA levels (P = < 0.05). The other polymorphisms did not affect phenotype significantly. WBC and rectal activity did not correlate. In conclusion, genetic variation, especially the NQO1 609C > T polymorphism, is a more important predictor of rectal NQO1 phenotype than F&V consumption. WBC NQO1 activity is not a good surrogate for rectal activity.

Neoplasias Colorretais/enzimologia , Frutas , Variação Genética , NAD(P)H Desidrogenase (Quinona)/genética , Polimorfismo Genético , Verduras , Adulto , Idoso , Neoplasias Colorretais/epidemiologia , Neoplasias Colorretais/etiologia , Neoplasias Colorretais/genética , Ativação Enzimática , Feminino , Genótipo , Humanos , Estilo de Vida , Linfócitos/enzimologia , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , NAD(P)H Desidrogenase (Quinona)/metabolismo , Fenótipo , RNA Mensageiro/metabolismo , Medição de Risco , Fatores de Risco , Sigmoidoscopia
Int J Cancer ; 122(8): 1842-8, 2008 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18074351


Both environment and genetics contribute to the pathogenesis and prevention of colorectal neoplasia. NAD(P)H: quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1) is a detoxification enzyme that is polymorphic and inducible. We investigated interactions between lifestyle factors and polymorphisms in NQO1 and its key regulatory transcription factor NFE2L2 in colorectal adenoma risk. The NQO1 c.609C>T and g.-718A>G and NFE2L2 g.-650C>A, g.-684G>A and g.-686A>G polymorphisms were determined among 740 Dutch adenoma cases and 698 endoscopy-based controls. Dietary intake was assessed by food frequency questionnaire, other lifestyle information by questionnaire. The NQO1 609CT genotype was associated with a higher adenoma risk (OR 1.27, 95% CI 1.00-1.62) compared with the 609CC genotype, whereas the 609TT genotype was not (OR 1.03, 95% CI 0.56-1.88). The higher risk with the NQO1 609CT-genotype was seen among smokers (OR 1.96, 95% CI 1.40-2.76), but not among nonsmokers (OR 0.91, 95% CI 0.62-1.35; interaction p = 0.030). Fruit and vegetable consumption did not protect smokers from adenomas and did not interact with the NQO1 609C>T polymorphism or the NFE2L2 polymorphisms. A higher adenoma risk seen with high fruit and vegetable consumption among NQO1 -718GG genotypes was absent among -718GA genotypes (interaction p = 0.071). Gene-gene interactions were observed between the NQO1 609C>T and NFE2L2 -686A>G polymorphisms (interaction p = 0.056) and between the NQO1 -718 G>A and NFE2L2 -650C>A polymorphisms (interaction p = 0.013). IN CONCLUSION: the NQO1 609CT genotype is associated with increased adenoma risk among smokers, which is not diminished by high fruit and vegetable consumption. The observed gene-gene interactions may point to a role for NFE2L2 polymorphisms in NQO1-related adenoma formation.

Adenoma/epidemiologia , Adenoma/etiologia , Colonoscopia , Neoplasias Colorretais/epidemiologia , Neoplasias Colorretais/etiologia , Comportamento Alimentar , Frutas , NAD(P)H Desidrogenase (Quinona)/genética , Fator 2 Relacionado a NF-E2/genética , Polimorfismo Genético , Fumar/efeitos adversos , Verduras , Adenoma/genética , Adulto , Idoso , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Neoplasias Colorretais/genética , Feminino , Genótipo , Humanos , Estilo de Vida , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Países Baixos/epidemiologia , Inquéritos Nutricionais , Medição de Risco , Fatores de Risco , Análise de Sequência de DNA
Carcinogenesis ; 28(4): 848-57, 2007 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17071629


High glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity may contribute to colorectal cancer prevention. Functional polymorphisms are known in the GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTA1 and GSTP1 genes. The influence of these GST polymorphisms and recent fruit and vegetable consumption on GST levels and activity has not been investigated simultaneously in a human population. Also, it is not clear if blood GST activity reflects rectal GST activity. Therefore, we determined GST polymorphisms in 94 patients scheduled for sigmoidoscopy. Rectal GST isoenzyme levels (GSTM1, GSTM2, GSTT1, GSTA and GSTP1) were measured by quantitative western blotting, and rectal and white blood cell total GST activities were measured spectrophotometrically using 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) as a substrate. Vegetable and fruit consumption was assessed by dietary record. As expected, the GSTM1 and GSTT1 deletion polymorphisms, and the GSTA1 g.-69C-->T polymorphism significantly affected the respective isoenzyme levels. Also, rectal GST isoenzyme levels differed between those with and without recent consumption of Alliaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Apiaceae and citrus fruit. Rectal GST activity, however, was not clearly influenced by fruit and vegetable consumption. It was most significantly determined by the GSTP1 c.313A-->G polymorphism; compared with the 313AA genotypes, the 313AG and 313GG genotypes showed 36 and 67 nmol/min/mg protein (P < 0.001) lower GST activity, respectively. The correlation between rectal and white blood cell GST activities was low (r = 0.40, P < 0.001), and the relevance of the various genetic and dietary factors appeared to differ between the two tissues. In conclusion, this study indicates that the GST enzyme system is influenced by both GST polymorphisms and consumption of fruits and vegetables. The latter appeared more important for individual rectal GST isoenzyme levels than for total GST activity, which could affect detoxification of isoenzyme-specific substrates. The study results do no support the use of white blood cell GST activity as a surrogate measure for rectal GST activity.

Neoplasias Colorretais/genética , Ingestão de Alimentos , Endoscopia , Frutas , Variação Genética , Glutationa Transferase/genética , Verduras , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Biomarcadores Tumorais/genética , Neoplasias Colorretais/enzimologia , Feminino , Glutationa S-Transferase pi/genética , Glutationa S-Transferase pi/metabolismo , Glutationa Transferase/sangue , Glutationa Transferase/metabolismo , Humanos , Isoenzimas/genética , Isoenzimas/metabolismo , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fenótipo , Polimorfismo Genético , Inquéritos e Questionários
Pharmacogenet Genomics ; 16(1): 43-50, 2006 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16344721


OBJECTIVE: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are associated with a decreased risk of colorectal tumors. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in target genes of NSAID action, and their haplotypes, might modulate this protective effect. METHODS: A case-control study including 724 cases and 682 controls was used to evaluate the effect of NSAIDs on colorectal adenoma risk in The Netherlands, a country in which NSAID use is relatively low. Cases and controls were classified according to presence or absence of endoscopy-proven, pathology-confirmed colorectal adenomas, ever in their lives. Thirteen SNPs in four genes (PPARdelta, PPARgamma, PTGS1 and PTGS2) were genotyped in 787 subjects (384 cases and 403 controls). RESULTS: Compared to non-regular users (< 12 times/year), regular users of NSAIDs (> or = 12 times/year) had a lower risk of colorectal adenomas (odds ratio (OR): 0.75, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.56-0.99). The results were similar for aspirin only. We found an interaction between SNP c.-789C>T in PPARdelta and NSAID use (P=0.03). The protective effect of NSAIDs was strengthened for regular users with the PPARdelta CT or TT genotypes (OR: 0.35, 95%CI: 0.11-1.13), whereas a positive association was observed for non-regular users with these genotypes (OR: 2.24, 95%CI: 1.06-4.73) as compared to non-regular users with the CC genotype. Also, a statistically significant interaction between a major haplotype containing the minor allele of this SNP and NSAID use was observed. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms the protective effect of NSAIDs and suggests a modulating effect of a SNP in the promoter of PPARdelta.

Adenoma/genética , Anti-Inflamatórios não Esteroides/farmacologia , Neoplasias Colorretais/genética , PPAR delta/genética , Polimorfismo de Nucleotídeo Único/genética , Adenoma/tratamento farmacológico , Anti-Inflamatórios não Esteroides/uso terapêutico , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Neoplasias Colorretais/tratamento farmacológico , Haplótipos , Humanos , Estudos Retrospectivos
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev ; 14(12): 2943-51, 2005 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16365014


The possible interplay between cruciferous vegetable consumption, functional genetic variations in glutathione S-transferases (GST) M1, T1, P1, and A1, and colorectal adenomas, was investigated in a Dutch case-control study. The GSTM1 and GSTT1 deletion polymorphisms, and the single nucleotide polymorphisms in GSTP1 (A313G) and in GSTA1 (C-69T) were assessed among 746 cases who developed colorectal adenomas and 698 endoscopy-based controls without any type of colorectal polyps. High and low cruciferous vegetable consumption was defined based on a median split in the control group. High consumption was slightly positively associated with colorectal adenomas [odds ratio (OR) 1.15; 95% confidence interval, 0.92-1.44]. For GSTP1, a positive association with higher cruciferous vegetable intake was only apparent in individuals with the low-activity GSTP1 genotype (GG genotype, OR 1.94; 95% confidence interval, 1.02-3.69). This interaction was more pronounced in men, with higher age and with higher meat intake. The GSTA1 polymorphism may have a modifying role as well: the OR for higher intake compared with lower intake was 1.57 (0.93-2.65) for individuals homozygous for the low expression variant (TT genotype). This seemed to be stronger with younger age and higher red meat intake. Cruciferous vegetable consumption and the combined GSTA1 and GSTP1 genotypes showed a statistically significant interaction (P = 0.034). The GSTM1 and GSTT1 genotypes did not seem to modify the association between cruciferous vegetable intake and colorectal adenomas. In conclusion, GSTP1 and GSTA1 genotypes might modulate the association between cruciferous vegetable intake and colorectal adenomas.

Adenoma/enzimologia , Adenoma/genética , Neoplasias Colorretais/enzimologia , Neoplasias Colorretais/genética , Glutationa S-Transferase pi/genética , Glutationa Transferase/genética , Polimorfismo Genético , Verduras , Adenoma/prevenção & controle , Biomarcadores Tumorais/genética , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Distribuição de Qui-Quadrado , Neoplasias Colorretais/prevenção & controle , Feminino , Humanos , Modelos Logísticos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Países Baixos , Inquéritos e Questionários