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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39321010


Referring segmentation is a fundamental vision-language task that aims to segment out an object from an image or video in accordance with a natural language description. One of the key challenges behind this task is leveraging the referring expression for highlighting relevant positions in the image or video frames. A paradigm for tackling this problem in both the image and the video domains is to leverage a powerful vision-language ("cross-modal") decoder to fuse features independently extracted from a vision encoder and a language encoder. Recent methods have made remarkable advances in this paradigm by exploiting Transformers as cross-modal decoders, concurrent to the Transformer's overwhelming success in many other vision-language tasks. Adopting a different approach in this work, we show that significantly better cross-modal alignments can be achieved through the early fusion of linguistic and visual features in intermediate layers of a vision Transformer encoder network. Based on the idea of conducting cross-modal feature fusion in the visual feature encoding stage, we propose a unified framework named Language-Aware Vision Transformer (LAVT), which leverages the well-proven correlation modeling power of a Transformer encoder for excavating helpful multi-modal context. This way, accurate segmentation results can be harvested with a light-weight mask predictor. One of the key components in the proposed system is a dense attention mechanism for collecting pixel-specific linguistic cues. When dealing with video inputs, we present the video LAVT framework and design a 3D version of this component by introducing multi-scale convolutional operators arranged in a parallel fashion, which can exploit spatio-temporal dependencies at different granularity levels. We further introduce unified LAVT as a unified framework capable of handling both image and video inputs, with enhanced segmentation capabilities for the unified referring segmentation task. Our methods surpass previous state-of-the-art methods on seven benchmarks for referring image segmentation and referring video segmentation. The code to reproduce our experiments is available at LAVT-RS.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(12): 14727-14744, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37676811


This article presents Holistically-Attracted Wireframe Parsing (HAWP), a method for geometric analysis of 2D images containing wireframes formed by line segments and junctions. HAWP utilizes a parsimonious Holistic Attraction (HAT) field representation that encodes line segments using a closed-form 4D geometric vector field. The proposed HAWP consists of three sequential components empowered by end-to-end and HAT-driven designs: 1) generating a dense set of line segments from HAT fields and endpoint proposals from heatmaps, 2) binding the dense line segments to sparse endpoint proposals to produce initial wireframes, and 3) filtering false positive proposals through a novel endpoint-decoupled line-of-interest aligning (EPD LOIAlign) module that captures the co-occurrence between endpoint proposals and HAT fields for better verification. Thanks to our novel designs, HAWPv2 shows strong performance in fully supervised learning, while HAWPv3 excels in self-supervised learning, achieving superior repeatability scores and efficient training (24 GPU hours on a single GPU). Furthermore, HAWPv3 exhibits a promising potential for wireframe parsing in out-of-distribution images without providing ground truth labels of wireframes.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(3): 3072-3089, 2023 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37022470


In this article, we introduce SiamMask, a framework to perform both visual object tracking and video object segmentation, in real-time, with the same simple method. We improve the offline training procedure of popular fully-convolutional Siamese approaches by augmenting their losses with a binary segmentation task. Once the offline training is completed, SiamMask only requires a single bounding box for initialization and can simultaneously carry out visual object tracking and segmentation at high frame-rates. Moreover, we show that it is possible to extend the framework to handle multiple object tracking and segmentation by simply re-using the multi-task model in a cascaded fashion. Experimental results show that our approach has high processing efficiency, at around 55 frames per second. It yields real-time state-of-the art results on visual-object tracking benchmarks, while at the same time demonstrating competitive performance at a high speed for video object segmentation benchmarks.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(7): 9241-9247, 2023 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37015401


The computational complexity of transformers limits it to be widely deployed onto frameworks for visual recognition. Recent work Dosovitskiy et al. 2021 significantly accelerates the network processing speed by reducing the resolution at the beginning of the network, however, it is still hard to be directly generalized onto other downstream tasks e.g.object detection and segmentation like CNN. In this paper, we present a transformer-based architecture retaining both the local and global interactions within the network, and can be transferable to other downstream tasks. The proposed architecture reforms the original full spatial self-attention into pixel-wise local attention and patch-wise global attention. Such factorization saves the computational cost while retaining the information of different granularities, which helps generate multi-scale features required by different tasks. By exploiting the factorized attention, we construct a Separable Transformer (SeT) for visual modeling. Experimental results show that SeT outperforms the previous state-of-the-art transformer-based approaches and its CNN counterparts on three major tasks including image classification, object detection and instance segmentation.1.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(7): 8743-8756, 2023 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37015515


We introduce a new image segmentation task, called Entity Segmentation (ES), which aims to segment all visual entities (objects and stuffs) in an image without predicting their semantic labels. By removing the need of class label prediction, the models trained for such task can focus more on improving segmentation quality. It has many practical applications such as image manipulation and editing where the quality of segmentation masks is crucial but class labels are less important. We conduct the first-ever study to investigate the feasibility of convolutional center-based representation to segment things and stuffs in a unified manner, and show that such representation fits exceptionally well in the context of ES. More specifically, we propose a CondInst-like fully-convolutional architecture with two novel modules specifically designed to exploit the class-agnostic and non-overlapping requirements of ES. Experiments show that the models designed and trained for ES significantly outperforms popular class-specific panoptic segmentation models in terms of segmentation quality. Moreover, an ES model can be easily trained on a combination of multiple datasets without the need to resolve label conflicts in dataset merging, and the model trained for ES on one or more datasets can generalize very well to other test datasets of unseen domains. The code has been released at

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(11): 12726-12737, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37030770


Self-attention mechanisms and non-local blocks have become crucial building blocks for state-of-the-art neural architectures thanks to their unparalleled ability in capturing long-range dependencies in the input. However their cost is quadratic with the number of spatial positions hence making their use impractical in many real case applications. In this work, we analyze these methods through a polynomial lens, and we show that self-attention can be seen as a special case of a 3 rd order polynomial. Within this polynomial framework, we are able to design polynomial operators capable of accessing the same data pattern of non-local and self-attention blocks while reducing the complexity from quadratic to linear. As a result, we propose two modules (Poly-NL and Poly-SA) that can be used as "drop-in" replacements for more-complex non-local and self-attention layers in state-of-the-art CNNs and ViT architectures. Our modules can achieve comparable, if not better, performance across a wide range of computer vision tasks while keeping a complexity equivalent to a standard linear layer.

IEEE Trans Neural Netw Learn Syst ; 34(4): 1972-1987, 2023 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34473628


State-of-the-art methods in the image-to-image translation are capable of learning a mapping from a source domain to a target domain with unpaired image data. Though the existing methods have achieved promising results, they still produce visual artifacts, being able to translate low-level information but not high-level semantics of input images. One possible reason is that generators do not have the ability to perceive the most discriminative parts between the source and target domains, thus making the generated images low quality. In this article, we propose a new Attention-Guided Generative Adversarial Networks (AttentionGAN) for the unpaired image-to-image translation task. AttentionGAN can identify the most discriminative foreground objects and minimize the change of the background. The attention-guided generators in AttentionGAN are able to produce attention masks, and then fuse the generation output with the attention masks to obtain high-quality target images. Accordingly, we also design a novel attention-guided discriminator which only considers attended regions. Extensive experiments are conducted on several generative tasks with eight public datasets, demonstrating that the proposed method is effective to generate sharper and more realistic images compared with existing competitive models. The code is available at

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(1): 768-784, 2023 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35263249


In this paper, we address the task of semantic-guided image generation. One challenge common to most existing image-level generation methods is the difficulty in generating small objects and detailed local textures. To address this, in this work we consider generating images using local context. As such, we design a local class-specific generative network using semantic maps as guidance, which separately constructs and learns subgenerators for different classes, enabling it to capture finer details. To learn more discriminative class-specific feature representations for the local generation, we also propose a novel classification module. To combine the advantages of both global image-level and local class-specific generation, a joint generation network is designed with an attention fusion module and a dual-discriminator structure embedded. Lastly, we propose a novel semantic-aware upsampling method, which has a larger receptive field and can take far-away pixels that are semantically related for feature upsampling, enabling it to better preserve semantic consistency for instances with the same semantic labels. Extensive experiments on two image generation tasks show the superior performance of the proposed method. State-of-the-art results are established by large margins on both tasks and on nine challenging public benchmarks. The source code and trained models are available at

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(2): 1594-1605, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35298375


Recurrent models are a popular choice for video enhancement tasks such as video denoising or super-resolution. In this work, we focus on their stability as dynamical systems and show that they tend to fail catastrophically at inference time on long video sequences. To address this issue, we (1) introduce a diagnostic tool which produces input sequences optimized to trigger instabilities and that can be interpreted as visualizations of temporal receptive fields, and (2) propose two approaches to enforce the stability of a model during training: constraining the spectral norm or constraining the stable rank of its convolutional layers. We then introduce Stable Rank Normalization for Convolutional layers (SRN-C), a new algorithm that enforces these constraints. Our experimental results suggest that SRN-C successfully enforces stablility in recurrent video processing models without a significant performance loss.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(6): 7457-7476, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36315550


Empowered by large datasets, e.g., ImageNet and MS COCO, unsupervised learning on large-scale data has enabled significant advances for classification tasks. However, whether the large-scale unsupervised semantic segmentation can be achieved remains unknown. There are two major challenges: i) we need a large-scale benchmark for assessing algorithms; ii) we need to develop methods to simultaneously learn category and shape representation in an unsupervised manner. In this work, we propose a new problem of large-scale unsupervised semantic segmentation (LUSS) with a newly created benchmark dataset to help the research progress. Building on the ImageNet dataset, we propose the ImageNet-S dataset with 1.2 million training images and 50k high-quality semantic segmentation annotations for evaluation. Our benchmark has a high data diversity and a clear task objective. We also present a simple yet effective method that works surprisingly well for LUSS. In addition, we benchmark related un/weakly/fully supervised methods accordingly, identifying the challenges and possible directions of LUSS. The benchmark and source code is publicly available at

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(5): 6055-6071, 2023 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36215369


We propose a novel model named Multi-Channel Attention Selection Generative Adversarial Network (SelectionGAN) for guided image-to-image translation, where we translate an input image into another while respecting an external semantic guidance. The proposed SelectionGAN explicitly utilizes the semantic guidance information and consists of two stages. In the first stage, the input image and the conditional semantic guidance are fed into a cycled semantic-guided generation network to produce initial coarse results. In the second stage, we refine the initial results by using the proposed multi-scale spatial pooling & channel selection module and the multi-channel attention selection module. Moreover, uncertainty maps automatically learned from attention maps are used to guide the pixel loss for better network optimization. Exhaustive experiments on four challenging guided image-to-image translation tasks (face, hand, body, and street view) demonstrate that our SelectionGAN is able to generate significantly better results than the state-of-the-art methods. Meanwhile, the proposed framework and modules are unified solutions and can be applied to solve other generation tasks such as semantic image synthesis. The code is available at

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(5): 5712-5730, 2023 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36121952


Modelling long-range dependencies is critical for scene understanding tasks in computer vision. Although convolution neural networks (CNNs) have excelled in many vision tasks, they are still limited in capturing long-range structured relationships as they typically consist of layers of local kernels. A fully-connected graph, such as the self-attention operation in Transformers, is beneficial for such modelling, however, its computational overhead is prohibitive. In this paper, we propose a dynamic graph message passing network, that significantly reduces the computational complexity compared to related works modelling a fully-connected graph. This is achieved by adaptively sampling nodes in the graph, conditioned on the input, for message passing. Based on the sampled nodes, we dynamically predict node-dependent filter weights and the affinity matrix for propagating information between them. This formulation allows us to design a self-attention module, and more importantly a new Transformer-based backbone network, that we use for both image classification pretraining, and for addressing various downstream tasks (e.g. object detection, instance and semantic segmentation). Using this model, we show significant improvements with respect to strong, state-of-the-art baselines on four different tasks. Our approach also outperforms fully-connected graphs while using substantially fewer floating-point operations and parameters. Code and models will be made publicly available at

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 44(2): 969-984, 2022 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32870785


In this paper, we propose a geometric neural network with edge-aware refinement (GeoNet++) to jointly predict both depth and surface normal maps from a single image. Building on top of two-stream CNNs, GeoNet++ captures the geometric relationships between depth and surface normals with the proposed depth-to-normal and normal-to-depth modules. In particular, the "depth-to-normal" module exploits the least square solution of estimating surface normals from depth to improve their quality, while the "normal-to-depth" module refines the depth map based on the constraints on surface normals through kernel regression. Boundary information is exploited via an edge-aware refinement module. GeoNet++ effectively predicts depth and surface normals with high 3D consistency and sharp boundaries resulting in better reconstructed 3D scenes. Note that GeoNet++ is generic and can be used in other depth/normal prediction frameworks to improve 3D reconstruction quality and pixel-wise accuracy of depth and surface normals. Furthermore, we propose a new 3D geometric metric (3DGM) for evaluating depth prediction in 3D. In contrast to current metrics that focus on evaluating pixel-wise error/accuracy, 3DGM measures whether the predicted depth can reconstruct high quality 3D surface normals. This is a more natural metric for many 3D application domains. Our experiments on NYUD-V2 [1] and KITTI [2] datasets verify that GeoNet++ produces fine boundary details and the predicted depth can be used to reconstruct high quality 3D surfaces.

Algoritmos , Redes Neurais de Computação , Análise dos Mínimos Quadrados
Med Image Anal ; 72: 102096, 2021 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34051438


As COVID-19 is highly infectious, many patients can simultaneously flood into hospitals for diagnosis and treatment, which has greatly challenged public medical systems. Treatment priority is often determined by the symptom severity based on first assessment. However, clinical observation suggests that some patients with mild symptoms may quickly deteriorate. Hence, it is crucial to identify patient early deterioration to optimize treatment strategy. To this end, we develop an early-warning system with deep learning techniques to predict COVID-19 malignant progression. Our method leverages CT scans and the clinical data of outpatients and achieves an AUC of 0.920 in the single-center study. We also propose a domain adaptation approach to improve the generalization of our model and achieve an average AUC of 0.874 in the multicenter study. Moreover, our model automatically identifies crucial indicators that contribute to the malignant progression, including Troponin, Brain natriuretic peptide, White cell count, Aspartate aminotransferase, Creatinine, and Hypersensitive C-reactive protein.

COVID-19 , Aprendizado Profundo , Humanos , SARS-CoV-2 , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X
Int J Comput Vis ; 129(2): 548-578, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33642696


Multi-object tracking (MOT) has been notoriously difficult to evaluate. Previous metrics overemphasize the importance of either detection or association. To address this, we present a novel MOT evaluation metric, higher order tracking accuracy (HOTA), which explicitly balances the effect of performing accurate detection, association and localization into a single unified metric for comparing trackers. HOTA decomposes into a family of sub-metrics which are able to evaluate each of five basic error types separately, which enables clear analysis of tracking performance. We evaluate the effectiveness of HOTA on the MOTChallenge benchmark, and show that it is able to capture important aspects of MOT performance not previously taken into account by established metrics. Furthermore, we show HOTA scores better align with human visual evaluation of tracking performance.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 43(6): 2119-2126, 2021 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33064650


Person re-identification (re-ID) has attracted much attention recently due to its great importance in video surveillance. In general, distance metrics used to identify two person images are expected to be robust under various appearance changes. However, our work observes the extreme vulnerability of existing distance metrics to adversarial examples, generated by simply adding human-imperceptible perturbations to person images. Hence, the security danger is dramatically increased when deploying commercial re-ID systems in video surveillance. Although adversarial examples have been extensively applied for classification analysis, it is rarely studied in metric analysis like person re-identification. The most likely reason is the natural gap between the training and testing of re-ID networks, that is, the predictions of a re-ID network cannot be directly used during testing without an effective metric. In this work, we bridge the gap by proposing Adversarial Metric Attack, a parallel methodology to adversarial classification attacks. Comprehensive experiments clearly reveal the adversarial effects in re-ID systems. Meanwhile, we also present an early attempt of training a metric-preserving network, thereby defending the metric against adversarial attacks. At last, by benchmarking various adversarial settings, we expect that our work can facilitate the development of adversarial attack and defense in metric-based applications.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 43(6): 1998-2013, 2021 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31831408


This paper presents regional attraction of line segment maps, and hereby poses the problem of line segment detection (LSD) as a problem of region coloring. Given a line segment map, the proposed regional attraction first establishes the relationship between line segments and regions in the image lattice. Based on this, the line segment map is equivalently transformed to an attraction field map (AFM), which can be remapped to a set of line segments without loss of information. Accordingly, we develop an end-to-end framework to learn attraction field maps for raw input images, followed by a squeeze module to detect line segments. Apart from existing works, the proposed detector properly handles the local ambiguity and does not rely on the accurate identification of edge pixels. Comprehensive experiments on the Wireframe dataset and the YorkUrban dataset demonstrate the superiority of our method. In particular, we achieve an F-measure of 0.831 on the Wireframe dataset, advancing the state-of-the-art performance by 10.3 percent.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 43(2): 652-662, 2021 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31484108


Representing features at multiple scales is of great importance for numerous vision tasks. Recent advances in backbone convolutional neural networks (CNNs) continually demonstrate stronger multi-scale representation ability, leading to consistent performance gains on a wide range of applications. However, most existing methods represent the multi-scale features in a layer-wise manner. In this paper, we propose a novel building block for CNNs, namely Res2Net, by constructing hierarchical residual-like connections within one single residual block. The Res2Net represents multi-scale features at a granular level and increases the range of receptive fields for each network layer. The proposed Res2Net block can be plugged into the state-of-the-art backbone CNN models, e.g., ResNet, ResNeXt, and DLA. We evaluate the Res2Net block on all these models and demonstrate consistent performance gains over baseline models on widely-used datasets, e.g., CIFAR-100 and ImageNet. Further ablation studies and experimental results on representative computer vision tasks, i.e., object detection, class activation mapping, and salient object detection, further verify the superiority of the Res2Net over the state-of-the-art baseline methods. The source code and trained models are available on

Vision Res ; 174: 79-93, 2020 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32683096


Neuroscientists postulate 3D representations in the brain in a variety of different coordinate frames (e.g. 'head-centred', 'hand-centred' and 'world-based'). Recent advances in reinforcement learning demonstrate a quite different approach that may provide a more promising model for biological representations underlying spatial perception and navigation. In this paper, we focus on reinforcement learning methods that reward an agent for arriving at a target image without any attempt to build up a 3D 'map'. We test the ability of this type of representation to support geometrically consistent spatial tasks such as interpolating between learned locations using decoding of feature vectors. We introduce a hand-crafted representation that has, by design, a high degree of geometric consistency and demonstrate that, in this case, information about the persistence of features as the camera translates (e.g. distant features persist) can improve performance on the geometric tasks. These examples avoid Cartesian (in this case, 2D) representations of space. Non-Cartesian, learned representations provide an important stimulus in neuroscience to the search for alternatives to a 'cognitive map'.

Aprendizagem , Reforço Psicológico , Encéfalo , Humanos , Recompensa , Percepção Espacial