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Chemistry ; 24(61): 16276-16281, 2018 Nov 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30198117


A theoretical model that allows to predict, for the first time, the luminescence properties of a new phosphor (BaSnSi3 O9 :Eu2+ ) is presented. The predicted emission wavelength, 488 nm with a 64 nm bandwidth, was confirmed by subsequent experimental work. The method consists in a multi-electron Hamiltonian parametrized from ab initio calculations. The luminescence properties of other similar compounds (i.e., BaHfSi3 O9 :Eu2+ and BaZrSi3 O9 :Eu2+ ), for which there is already experimental information, were also correctly reproduced.

J Comput Chem ; 39(3): 176-186, 2018 Jan 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29143342


The program BonnMag has been developed to calculate the absorption spectra and temperature dependent magnetic susceptibilities of f n systems. The computations of the transition energies are performed within the angular overlap model. Using Judd-Ofelt theory BonnMag allows estimation of the relative absorption coefficients of the electronic transitions with reasonable accuracy. A description of the theoretical background of the implemented methods is given. Using Slater-Condon-Shortley parameters and spin-orbit coupling coefficients for free Ln3+ ions from ab initio calculations, the transition energies of all Ln3+ ions are calculated and compared to the results from CASSCF/NEV-PT2 calculations. Splitting due to the ligand field as well as transition energies of all Cs2 NaLnCl6 (except Gd and Pm) are calculated using parameters reported in the literature. Based on the comparison between theory and experiment, the potential and limitations of the program BonnMag are shown. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Inorg Chem ; 55(14): 6853-60, 2016 Jul 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27355276


Detailed experimental data on UPO4Cl comprising single-crystal UV/vis/NIR spectra and temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibilities form the basis for the investigation of the electronic structure of the U(4+) cation in UPO4Cl. For modeling of the observed physical properties the angular overlap model (AOM) was successfully employed. The computations were performed using the newly developed computer program BonnMag. The calculations show that all electronic transitions and the magnetic susceptibility as well as its temperature dependence are well-reproduced within the AOM framework. Using Judd-Ofelt theory BonnMag allows estimation of the relative absorption coefficients of the electronic transitions with reasonable accuracy. Ligand field splitting for states originating from f-electron configurations are determined. Slater-Condon-Shortley parameters and the spin-orbit coupling constant for U(4+) were taken from literature. The good transferability of AOM parameters for U(4+) is confirmed by calculations of the absorption spectra of UP2O7 and (U2O)(PO4)2. The effect of variation of the fit parameters is investigated. AOM parameters for U(4+) (5f) are compared to those of the rare-earth elements (4f) and transition metals (3d).

Inorg Chem ; 55(14): 6848-52, 2016 Jul 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27355375


Emerald-green single crystals of U(PO4)Cl were grown by chemical vapor transport in a temperature gradient (1000 → 900 °C). The crystal structure of U(PO4)Cl (Cmcm, Z = 4, a = 5.2289(7) Å, b = 11.709(2) Å, c = 6.9991(8) Å) consists of a three-dimensional network of [PO4] tetrahedra and bicapped octahedral [U(IV)O6Cl2] groups. Polarized absorption spectra measured for two perpendicular polarization directions show a large number of well-resolved electronic transitions. These transitions can be fully assigned on the basis of a detailed ligand-field treatment within the framework of the angular overlap model. The magnetic behavior predicted on the basis of the spectroscopic data is in agreement with an f (2) system and perfectly matched by the results of temperature-dependent susceptibility measurements.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 18(19): 13196-208, 2016 05 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26894637


The Yb(2+)-doped perovskite derivatives CsMX3 (M = Ca and Sr; X = Cl, Br, and I) are ideal systems for obtaining a detailed insight into the structure-luminescence relationship of divalent lanthanides. The investigation of the respective photoluminescence properties yielded two emission bands in the violet and blue spectral range for all compounds, which are assigned to the spin-allowed and spin-forbidden 5d-4f transitions, respectively. The impact on their energetic positions is dependent on both the covalency of the Yb(2+)-halide bond and the corresponding bond length in agreement with expectations. The excitation spectra provide a detailed fine structure at low temperatures and can be partly interpreted separating the 4f(13) core from the 5d electron in the excited state. The local crystal field in CsSrI3:Yb(2+) provides a special case due to the trigonal distortion induced by the crystal structure that is clearly evident in the luminescence features of Yb(2+). The structure-property relationship of several spectroscopic key quantities of Yb(2+) in this series of halides is analyzed in detail and parallels the properties of Eu(2+) ions doped in the given perovskites.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 17(38): 24925-30, 2015 Oct 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26344018


Here we report a theoretical analysis of the luminescence properties of Sr2Si5N8 host lattices codoped with Ca(2+) and Eu(2+). These systems have been first synthesized by Li et al. [J. Solid State Chem., 2008, 181, 515], who have found that Ca(2+) doping provokes a red-shifting of the emission peak of Eu(2+), from 620 nm to 643 nm. However, the mechanism that drives this shift is still unclear from experimental data. Based on density functional theory and ligand field analysis, we study the structure, stability, and emission properties of Eu(2+) embedded in the (Sr1-xCax)2Si5N8 host lattice. Our results provide a full explanation of the experimental data and the methodology could constitute a valuable tool for the design of phosphors with tunable emission spectra.

Inorg Chem ; 54(17): 8319-26, 2015 Sep 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26270436


The most efficient way to provide domestic lighting nowadays is by light-emitting diodes (LEDs) technology combined with phosphors shifting the blue and UV emission toward a desirable sunlight spectrum. A route in the quest for warm-white light goes toward the discovery and tuning of the lanthanide-based phosphors, a difficult task, in experimental and technical respects. A proper theoretical approach, which is also complicated at the conceptual level and in computing efforts, is however a profitable complement, offering valuable structure-property rationale as a guideline in the search of the best materials. The Eu(2+)-based systems are the prototypes for ideal phosphors, exhibiting a wide range of visible light emission. Using the ligand field concepts in conjunction with density functional theory (DFT), conducted in nonroutine manner, we develop a nonempirical procedure to investigate the 4f(7)-4f(6)5d(1) luminescence of Eu(2+) in the environment of arbitrary ligands, applied here on the CsMgBr3:Eu(2+)-doped material. Providing a salient methodology for the extraction of the relevant ligand field and related parameters from DFT calculations and encompassing the bottleneck of handling large matrices in a model Hamiltonian based on the whole set of 33,462 states, we obtained an excellent match with the experimental spectrum, from first-principles, without any fit or adjustment. This proves that the ligand field density functional theory methodology can be used in the assessment of new materials and rational property design.

Inorg Chem ; 54(11): 5504-11, 2015 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25978501


The flux growth of uranium(IV) oxides presents several challenges, and to the best of our knowledge, only one example has ever been reported. We succeeded in growing two new reduced uranium silicates A2USi6O15 (A = K, Rb) under flux growth conditions in sealed copper tubes. The compounds crystallize in a new structure type with space group C2/c and lattice parameters a = 24.2554(8) Å, b = 7.0916(2) Å, c = 17.0588(6) Å, ß = 97.0860(6) ° (K) and a = 24.3902(8) Å, b = 7.1650(2) Å, c = 17.2715(6) Å, ß = 96.8600(6) ° (Rb). A2USi6O15 (A = K, Rb) are isocompositional to a previously reported Cs2USi6O15, and the two structures are compared. K2USi6O15 undergoes an interesting crystal-to-crystal structural phase transition at T ≈ 225 K to a triclinic structure, which is accompanied by an intense color change. The magnetic properties of A2USi6O15 (A = K, Rb, Cs) are reported and differ from the magnetism observed in other U(4+) compounds. Calculations are performed on the (UO6)(-8) clusters of K2USi6O15 to study the cause of these unique magnetic properties.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 17(14): 9116-25, 2015 Apr 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25759864


We present a theoretical work detailing the electronic structure and the optical properties of (PrF8)(5-) embedded in LiYF4, complementing the insight with data that are not available by experimental line. The local distortions due to the embedding of the lanthanide ion in the sites occupied in the periodic lattice by smaller yttrium centres, not detectable in regular X-ray analyses, are reproduced with the help of geometry optimization. Then, based on the local coordination environment, the relation structure-optical properties is constructed by Density Functional Theory computations in conjunction with the ligand field theory analyses (LFDFT) determining the [Xe]4f(2)→ [Xe]4f(1)5d(1) transitions. In previous instances we analysed rather symmetric systems, here facing the complexity of low symmetry cases, treated in the Wybourne ligand field parameterization and in the Angular Overlap Model (AOM) frame. A very important improvement at the AOM level is the consideration of the f-d mixing that brings coupling term of odd-even nature, essential for the realistic description of the asymmetric coordination centres. Furthermore, we introduce now a principle for modelling the emission intensity. The results are in agreement with available experimental findings. The relevance of the modelling has a practical face in the rational design of optimal luminescent materials needed in domestic lightening and also an academic side, revisiting with modern computational tools areas incompletely explored by the standard ligand field theories.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 16(24): 12282-90, 2014 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24819302


We discuss the applicability of the Angular Overlap Model (AOM) to evaluate the electronic structure of lanthanide compounds, which are currently the subject of incredible interest in the field of luminescent materials. The functioning of phosphors is well established by the f-d transitions, which requires the investigation of both the ground 4f(n) and excited 4f(n-1)5d(1) electron configurations of the lanthanides. The computational approach to the problem is based on the effective Hamiltonian adjusted from ligand field theory, but not restricted to it. The AOM parameterization implies the chemical bonding concept. Focusing our interest on this interaction, we take the advantages offered by modern computational tools to extract AOM parameters, which ensure the transparency of the theoretical determination and convey chemical intuitiveness of the non-empirical results. The given model contributes to the understanding of lanthanides in modern phosphors with high or low site symmetry and presents a non-empirical approach using a less sophisticated computational procedure for the rather complex problem of the ligand field of both 4f and 5d open shells.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 16(23): 11337-48, 2014 Jun 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24789320


Considering the DySc2N@C80 system as a prototype for Single Ion Magnets (SIMs) based on endohedral fullerenes, we present methodological advances and state-of-the art computations analysing the electronic structure and its relationship with the magnetic properties due to the Dy(III) ion. The results of the quantum chemical calculations are quantitatively decrypted in the framework of ligand field (LF) theory, extracting the full parametric sets and interpreting in heuristic key the outcome. An important result is the characterization of the magnetic anisotropy in the ground and excited states, drawing the polar maps of the state-specific magnetization functions that offer a clear visual image of the easy axes and account for the pattern of response to perturbations by the magnetic field applied from different space directions. The state-specific magnetization functions are derivatives with respect to the magnetic field, taken for a given eigenvalue of the computed spectrum. The methodology is based on the exploitation of the data from the black box of the ab initio spin-orbit (SO) calculations. The ground state is characterized by the Jz = ±15/2 quantum numbers with easy axis along the Dy-N bond. The implemented dependence on the magnetic field allowed the first-principles simulation of the magnetic properties. The computational approach to the properties of endohedral fullerenes is an important goal, helping to complement the scarcity of the experimental data on such systems, determined by the limited amount of samples.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 16(28): 14625-34, 2014 Jul 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24855637


We deal with the computational determination of the electronic structure and properties of lanthanide ions in complexes and extended structures having open-shell f and d configurations. Particularly, we present conceptual and methodological issues based on Density Functional Theory (DFT) enabling the reliable calculation and description of the f → d transitions in lanthanide doped phosphors. We consider here the optical properties of the Pr(3+) ion embedded into various solid state fluoride host lattices, for the prospection and understanding of the so-called quantum cutting process, being important in the further quest of warm-white light source in light emitting diodes (LED). We use the conceptual formulation of the revisited ligand field (LF) theory, fully compatibilized with the quantum chemistry tools: LFDFT. We present methodological advances for the calculations of the Slater-Condon parameters, the ligand field interaction and the spin-orbit coupling constants, important in the non-empirical parameterization of the effective Hamiltonian adjusted from the ligand field theory. The model shows simple procedure using less sophisticated computational tools, which is intended to contribute to the design of modern phosphors and to help to complement the understanding of the 4f(n) → 4f(n-1)5d(1) transitions in any lanthanide system.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 15(33): 13902-10, 2013 Sep 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23846586


Herein we present a Ligand Field Density Functional Theory (LFDFT) based methodology for the analysis of the 4f(n)→ 4f(n-1)5d(1) transitions in rare earth compounds and apply it for the characterization of the 4f(2)→ 4f(1)5d(1) transitions in the quantum cutter Cs2KYF6:Pr(3+) with the elpasolite structure type. The methodological advances are relevant for the analysis and prospection of materials acting as phosphors in light-emitting diodes. The positions of the zero-phonon energy corresponding to the states of the electron configurations 4f(2) and 4f(1)5d(1) are calculated, where the praseodymium ion may occupy either the Cs(+)-, K(+)- or the Y(3+)-site, and are compared with available experimental data. The theoretical results show that the occupation of the three undistorted sites allows a quantum-cutting process. However size effects due to the difference between the ionic radii of Pr(3+) and K(+) as well as Cs(+) lead to the distortion of the K(+)- and the Cs(+)-site, which finally exclude these sites for quantum-cutting. A detailed discussion about the origin of this distortion is also described.

Dalton Trans ; (24): 2974-8, 2006 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16770456


The novel gadolinium(III) containing compounds (CH3NH3)2[Gd2(CCl3COO)6(H2O)6](CCl3COO)2.2CCl3COOH (1) and (NH3CH3)2[Gd4(OH)4(CCl3COO)10(H2O)6].2H2O (2) were synthesized and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. In the crystal structure of 1 the gadolinium ions are bridged by carboxylate groups to dimers with a Gd3+ -Gd3+ distance of 420.2(3) pm. The compound crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1. In the crystal structure of the Gd3+ ions are bridged by hydroxide ions and carboxylate groups to tetramers with Gd3+ -Gd3+ distances between 380.3(1) and 388.0(1) pm. The compound crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1. The magnetic behaviour of these two compounds as well as of Gd2(CCl3COO)6(bipy)2(H2O)2.4bipy (3) (bipy = 2,2'-bipyridyl) was investigated in the temperature range 1.77-300 K. The magnetic data for these compounds indicate weak antiferromagnetic interactions.