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Cureus ; 16(7): e63946, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39105004


Background Nerve conduction studies ease the understanding of the various pathologies of the peripheral nervous system. It helps physicians to delineate between the two principal types of peripheral etiologies: axonal degeneration and demyelination. An increase in weight in the form of excessive fat deposition or obesity could have a worrisome effect on nerve conduction. So, to find the association of various anthropometric parameters (age, gender, height, weight, waist-hip ratio and body mass index) with motor and sensory median nerve conduction parameters (latency, amplitude and velocity) this cross-sectional study was conducted. Materials and method A total of 87 subjects were taken and their height, weight, waist-hip ratio and body mass index were measured using standard techniques. Motor and sensory nerve conduction parameters were measured on an electromyography machine. Data was stored, tabulated and analyzed. Results The average height of male and female subjects ± SD was 1.699 ± 0.072 m and 1.589 ± 0.067 m respectively. The average weight of male and female subjects ± SD was 64.089 ± 11.497 kg and 52.949 ± 8.404 kg, respectively. The average BMI of normal, underweight and overweight subjects ± SD was 21.668 ± 2.048 kg/m2, 17.074 ± 0.794 kg/m2 and 26.595 ± 0.915 kg/m2 respectively. Weight showed a significant (p = 0.0025) correlation with the latency of motor median nerve conduction. Waist-hip ratio showed a significant (p = 0.042 and p = 0.036) correlation with motor median nerve conduction velocity in both male and female subjects, respectively. BMI in the overweight category showed a significant (p = 0.0156 and p = 0.0290) correlation with latency and amplitude of motor median nerve conduction study, respectively. Conclusions This study exemplifies that an increase in BMI of our body can affect nerve conduction. This could serve as a preliminary study to assess the effect of obesity on peripheral nerve conduction, especially in the Indian population.

J Diabetes Metab Disord ; 23(1): 509-517, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38932840


Background: Diabetes, a rapidly increasing heterogeneous disorder, is closely linked to the epidemic of obesity and metabolic syndrome (MetS). At present, we do not understand completely the blood biomarkers, molecular aetiology, and role of lifestyle modification and interventions to combat diabetes hand in hand with obesity and the MetS epidemic. Methods: To measure different anthropometric and blood biomarkers in pre-diabetic and diabetic patients, we collected data and blood samples from patients in a hospital OPD. This was a cross-sectional study that included the identification of possible relationships between different parameters to predict early diagnostic markers of diabetes. Results: We found increased body mass index (BMI), fasting blood glucose, neck, waist, and hip circumference, sagittal abdominal diameter, and skin fold thickness in the diabetic as compared to the pre-diabetic group. Also, serum uric acid and insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) values were significantly increased in diabetic individuals. We found a significant positive correlation between serum uric acid and BMI, fasting blood glucose, serum insulin, and HOMA-IR values. Conclusions: Here, we found that pre-diabetic and diabetic patients have increased fasting glucose levels while we did not find any difference in insulin levels. Both pre-diabetic and diabetic patients show high serum uric acid, positively associated with a higher prevalence of diabetes and HOMA-IR. Uric acid may hence be an important parameter for early diagnostics. These findings may be used as a basis for future studies that aim to identify the mechanistic details of the association of uric acid with insulin signaling and hence better understanding of the phenomenon associated with diabetes. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s40200-023-01276-4.

Ann Afr Med ; 23(1): 13-18, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38358165


Introduction: Uric acid is produced during the metabolism of nucleotide and adenosine triphosphate and contains the final product of human purine metabolism. It acts both as an antioxidant and pro-inflammatory marker and has a positive association with visceral fat in overweight subjects. The aim of the present study is to find an association of uric acid level with certain anthropometric parameters in subjects having type 2 diabetes. Materials and Methods: The study included 124 urban drug-naive diabetic Indian subjects above 18 years of age from the general population of the city of North India. Uric acid concentrations were estimated by the uricase method. Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) concentrations were estimated by the glucose oxidase-peroxidase method. Anthropometric measurements and information on lifestyle factors and disease history were collected through in-person meeting. Results: All participants of the study subjects had a body mass index (BMI) of more than 23.5. BMI, waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), waist-to-height ratio, waist circumference, neck circumference, weight, age, sagittal abdominal diameter (SAD), skinfold thickness, and body roundness index were positively correlated with the serum uric acid level. The correlation of weight, BMI, SAD, and WHR was statistically significant. Conclusion: We found that serum uric acid level increases as body fat content increases. Statistical data show remarkable results for a significant correlation of uric acid level with BMI, WHR, SAD, and FPG. Hypertrophy occurs as a result of inflammatory processes and oxidative stress when the supply of energy starts to exceed the storage capacity of adipocytes, as a result, adipokines such as interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, and tumor-necrosis factor-alpha are released more frequently which lead to low-grade chronic inflammation. Uric acid levels are much lean toward visceral obesity than overall body fat content.

Résumé Introduction: L'acide urique est produit lors du métabolisme des nucléotides et de l'adénosine triphosphate, et il représente le produit final du métabolisme des purines chez l'homme. Il agit à la fois comme un antioxydant et un marqueur pro-inflammatoire, et il est positivement associé à la graisse viscérale chez les sujets en surpoids. L'objectif de la présente étude est de rechercher une association entre le taux d'acide urique et certains paramètres anthropométriques chez des sujets atteints de diabète de type 2. Matériels et méthodes: L'étude a inclus 124 sujets diabétiques urbains indiens, naïfs aux médicaments, âgés de plus de 18 ans, issus de la population générale de la ville du nord de l'Inde. Les concentrations d'acide urique ont été estimées par la méthode de l'uricase. Les concentrations de glucose plasmatique à jeun (FPG) ont été estimées par la méthode glucose oxydase-peroxydase. Les mesures anthropométriques et les informations sur les facteurs de mode de vie et les antécédents médicaux ont été recueillies lors de rencontres en personne. Résultats: Tous les participants de l'étude présentaient un indice de masse corporelle (IMC) supérieur à 23,5. L'IMC, le rapport taille-hanche (WHR), le rapport taille-hauteur, la circonférence de taille, la circonférence du cou, le poids, l'âge, le diamètre abdominal sagittal (SAD), l'épaisseur des plis cutanés et l'indice de rondeur corporelle étaient corrélés positivement avec le taux d'acide urique sérique. La corrélation du poids, de l'IMC, du SAD et du WHR était statistiquement significative. Conclusion: Nous avons constaté que le taux d'acide urique sérique augmente avec l'augmentation de la teneur en graisse corporelle. Les données statistiques montrent des résultats remarquables pour une corrélation significative du taux d'acide urique avec l'IMC, le WHR, le SAD et le FPG. L'hypertrophie se produit en raison de processus inflammatoires et de stress oxydatif lorsque l'apport d'énergie dépasse la capacité de stockage des adipocytes. Par conséquent, des adipokines telles que l'interleukine (IL)-1, l'IL-6 et le facteur alpha de nécrose tumorale sont libérées plus fréquemment, ce qui entraîne une inflammation chronique de bas grade. Les niveaux d'acide urique sont davantage associés à l'obésité viscérale qu'à la teneur globale en graisse corporelle. Mots-clés: Anthropométrique, syndrome métabolique, microalbuminurie, acide urique sérique.

Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Estado Pré-Diabético , Humanos , Ácido Úrico , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/complicações , Estado Pré-Diabético/complicações , Antropometria , Sobrepeso , Índice de Massa Corporal , Circunferência da Cintura , Relação Cintura-Quadril
Natl J Maxillofac Surg ; 13(3): 390-397, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36683919


Introduction: Orthodontic treatment typically lasts 18-24 months, but depending on the conditions, it can take a longer duration. In recent years, accelerated orthodontics has been the subject of extensive research to shorten the duration of treatment. In distraction osteogenesis (DO), the surgically created joints are slowly and controllably displaced over time by gradual traction. This results in simultaneous growth of soft tissues and bone volumes at the osteotomy site. The DO field is currently experiencing a modern surge of research and development that has been able to implement numerous innovative and revolutionary distraction systems. In this study, we are comparing two different rates of dentoalveolar distraction. Materials and Methods: With the use of custom-made distractors, we will compare the different ranges of activation of distractors and their dental effects. Participants are separated into two groups based on 0.4 mm/day activation and 0.5 mm/day activation. Results: During the study period, the average tooth movement rate for Group 1 was 0.52 mm and for Group 2 was 0.58 mm. Group 1 completed canine distraction in 11.42 ± 1.81 days and Group 2 in 10.05 ± 1.68 days. Conclusions: Retraction days decreased in Group 2, due to increased activation of the distractor. The anchorage loss in Group 2 was higher than that in Group 1, which was 1.39 mm lower. Unlike decreased activation, the mean tooth movement of Group 1 is higher than Group 2.

Int J Clin Pediatr Dent ; 14(Suppl 1): S107-S113, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35082476


Class II malocclusion cases possess a constant challenge to orthodontists since time immemorial. Mandibular retrusion is the most common feature of class II malocclusion, rather than maxillary prognathism. Association of class II with asymmetry, a condition called asymmetric mandibular retrognathia (AMR), gives a tougher challenge to orthodontists for management. The following case presents effective management of AMR using differential loading technique. A young boy aged 12 years presented with mandibular retrognathia associated with facial asymmetry. He was treated with a differential force loading technique using a fixed functional appliance. RESULTS: Improved facial profile with increased mandibular length achieved. A significant reduction in facial asymmetry was also appreciable. CONCLUSION: Differential force loading technique using fixed functional appliance while being least troublesome for the patient may prove beneficial to harness excellent and satisfactory results with minimal efforts in such cases of mandibular retrusion with facial asymmetries and also decrease the need for surgical correction. HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Parihar AV, Angamuthu KP, Sahoo R, et al. Management of Asymmetric Mandibular Retrognathia with Differential Loading Technique: A Case Report. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2021;14(S-1):S107-S113.

Nat Chem ; 7(5): 394-402, 2015 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25901817


Post-translational modification of the histone proteins in chromatin plays a central role in the epigenetic control of DNA-templated processes in eukaryotic cells. Developing methods that enable the structure of histones to be manipulated is, therefore, essential to understand the biochemical mechanisms that underlie genomic regulation. Here we present a synthetic biology method to engineer histones that bear site-specific modifications on cellular chromatin using protein trans-splicing (PTS). We genetically fused the N-terminal fragment of ultrafast split intein to the C terminus of histone H2B, which, on reaction with a complementary synthetic C intein, generated labelled histone. Using this approach, we incorporated various non-native chemical modifications into chromatin in vivo with temporal control. Furthermore, the time and concentration dependence of PTS performed in nucleo enabled us to examine differences in the accessibility of the euchromatin and heterochromatin regions of the epigenome. Finally, we used PTS to semisynthesize a native histone modification, H2BK120 ubiquitination, in isolated nuclei and showed that this can trigger downstream epigenetic crosstalk of H3K79 methylation.

Cromatina/química , Inteínas , Splicing de RNA , Linhagem Celular , Imunoprecipitação da Cromatina , Humanos , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase
World J Urol ; 33(1): 69-75, 2015 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24647879


PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the utility of a 3 T pelvic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in detecting a local recurrence in post-prostatectomy prostate cancer patients prior to receiving adjuvant or salvage intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). METHODS: Ninety prostate cancer patients status post-prostatectomy with rising prostate-specific antigen (PSA) had a 3 T pelvic MRI prior to IMRT. The following variables were analyzed for predicting positive findings on MRI: initial presenting and initial post-op PSA, PSA at the time of imaging, PSA velocity, surgical margins, Gleason score, pathological stage, pre-RT digital rectal examination, and type of surgical prostatectomy. RESULTS: The only significant variable predictive of a positive MRI was positive margins. Specifically, 15 of 46 (33 %) patients with positive margins had a positive MRI, while 5 of 44 (11 %) patients with negative margins had a positive MRI. In the MRI positive group, the location of the positive findings on MRI corresponded with the pathology report in 9 of 12 (75 %) cases. CONCLUSION: Post-prostatectomy patients with pathologic positive margins are three times more likely to have positive findings on a 3 T MRI.

Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Recidiva Local de Neoplasia/diagnóstico , Prostatectomia , Neoplasias da Próstata/diagnóstico , Neoplasias da Próstata/cirurgia , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Neoplasia Residual , Antígeno Prostático Específico , Neoplasias da Próstata/radioterapia , Radioterapia Adjuvante , Radioterapia de Intensidade Modulada , Terapia de Salvação , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , Resultado do Tratamento
Tissue Eng Part A ; 17(5-6): 585-96, 2011 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20868205


The goal of cellular cardiomyoplasty is to replace damaged myocardium by healthy myocardium achieved by host myocardial regeneration and/or transplantation of donor cardiomyocytes (CMs). In the case of CM transplantation, studies suggest that immature CMs may be the optimal cell type to survive and functionally integrate into damaged myocardium. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that active proliferation of immature CMs contributes graft survival and functional recovery of recipient myocardium. We constructed engineered cardiac tissue from gestational day 14 rat fetal cardiac cells (EFCT) or day 3 neonatal cardiac cells (ENCT). Culture day 7 EFCTs or ENCTs were implanted onto the postinfarct adult left ventricle (LV). CM proliferation rate of EFCT was significantly higher than that of ENCT at 3 days and 8 weeks after the graft implantation, whereas CM apoptosis rate remained the same in both groups. Echocardiogram showed that ENCT implantation sustained LV contraction, whereas EFCT implantation significantly increased the LV contraction at 8 weeks versus sham group (p < 0.05, analysis of variance). These results suggest that active CM proliferation may play a critical role in immature donor CM survival and the functional recovery of damaged recipient myocardium.

Transplante de Tecido Fetal , Feto/citologia , Transplante de Coração , Coração/fisiopatologia , Infarto do Miocárdio/fisiopatologia , Infarto do Miocárdio/terapia , Miócitos Cardíacos/citologia , Engenharia Tecidual/métodos , Animais , Animais Recém-Nascidos , Apoptose , Proliferação de Células , Feminino , Sobrevivência de Enxerto , Testes de Função Cardíaca , Ventrículos do Coração/diagnóstico por imagem , Ventrículos do Coração/patologia , Ventrículos do Coração/fisiopatologia , Contração Miocárdica/fisiologia , Infarto do Miocárdio/diagnóstico por imagem , Infarto do Miocárdio/patologia , Neovascularização Fisiológica , Ratos , Ratos Endogâmicos Lew , Técnicas de Cultura de Tecidos , Ultrassonografia