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J Chem Phys ; 158(9): 094303, 2023 Mar 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36889957


Information about molecular collisions is encoded in the shapes of collision-perturbed molecular resonances. This connection between molecular interactions and line shapes is most clearly seen in simple systems, such as the molecular hydrogen perturbed by a noble gas atom. We study the H2-Ar system by means of highly accurate absorption spectroscopy and ab initio calculations. On the one hand, we use the cavity-ring-down-spectroscopy technique to record the shapes of the S(1) 3-0 line of molecular hydrogen perturbed by argon. On the other hand, we simulate the shapes of this line using ab initio quantum-scattering calculations performed on our accurate H2-Ar potential energy surface (PES). In order to validate the PES and the methodology of quantum-scattering calculations separately from the model of velocity-changing collisions, we measured the spectra in experimental conditions in which the influence of the latter is relatively minor. In these conditions, our theoretical collision-perturbed line shapes reproduce the raw experimental spectra at the percent level. However, the collisional shift, δ0, differs from the experimental value by 20%. Compared to other line-shape parameters, collisional shift displays much higher sensitivity to various technical aspects of the computational methodology. We identify the contributors to this large error and find the inaccuracies of the PES to be the dominant factor. With regard to the quantum scattering methodology, we demonstrate that treating the centrifugal distortion in a simple, approximate manner is sufficient to obtain the percent-level accuracy of collisional spectra.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 14529, 2022 Aug 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36008440


Molecular hydrogen, among other simple calculable atomic and molecular systems, possesses a huge advantage of having a set of ultralong living rovibrational states that make it well suited for studying fundamental physics. Further experimental progress will require trapping cold H2 samples. However, due to the large energy of the first electronic excitation, the conventional approach to finding a magic wavelength does not work for H2. We find a rovibrational transition for which the AC Stark shift is largely compensated by the interplay between the isotropic and anisotropic components of polarizability. The residual AC Stark shift can be completely eliminated by tuning the trapping laser to a specific "magic wavelength" at which the weak quadrupole polarizability cancels the residual dipole polarizability.

Sci Adv ; 4(12): eaau4869, 2018 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30539146


We report on the first Earth-scale quantum sensor network based on optical atomic clocks aimed at dark matter (DM) detection. Exploiting differences in the susceptibilities to the fine-structure constant of essential parts of an optical atomic clock, i.e., the cold atoms and the optical reference cavity, we can perform sensitive searches for DM signatures without the need for real-time comparisons of the clocks. We report a two orders of magnitude improvement in constraints on transient variations of the fine-structure constant, which considerably improves the detection limit for the standard model (SM)-DM coupling. We use Yb and Sr optical atomic clocks at four laboratories on three continents to search for both topological defect and massive scalar field candidates. No signal consistent with a DM coupling is identified, leading to considerably improved constraints on the DM-SM couplings.

J Chem Phys ; 144(21): 214202, 2016 Jun 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27276950


Absolute frequencies of unperturbed (12)C(16)O transitions from the near-infrared (3-0) band were measured with uncertainties five-fold lower than previously available data. The frequency axis of spectra was linked to the primary frequency standard. Three different cavity enhanced absorption and dispersion spectroscopic methods and various approaches to data analysis were used to estimate potential systematic instrumental errors. Except for a well established frequency-stabilized cavity ring-down spectroscopy, we applied the cavity mode-width spectroscopy and the one-dimensional cavity mode-dispersion spectroscopy for measurement of absorption and dispersion spectra, respectively. We demonstrated the highest quality of the dispersion line shape measured in optical spectroscopy so far. We obtained line positions of the Doppler-broadened R24 and R28 transitions with relative uncertainties at the level of 10(-10). The pressure shifting coefficients were measured and the influence of the line asymmetry on unperturbed line positions was analyzed. Our dispersion spectra are the first demonstration of molecular spectroscopy with both axes of the spectra directly linked to the primary frequency standard, which is particularly desirable for the future reference-grade measurements of molecular spectra.

Appl Phys B ; 122(12): 294, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32336882


Accurate E F 1 Σ g + - X 1 Σ g + transition energies in molecular hydrogen were determined for transitions originating from levels with highly excited vibrational quantum number, v = 11, in the ground electronic state. Doppler-free two-photon spectroscopy was applied on vibrationally excited H 2 ∗ , produced via the photodissociation of H2S, yielding transition frequencies with accuracies of 45 MHz or 0.0015 cm-1. An important improvement is the enhanced detection efficiency by resonant excitation to autoionizing 7 p π electronic Rydberg states, resulting in narrow transitions due to reduced ac-Stark effects. Using known EF level energies, the level energies of X(v = 11, J = 1, 3-5) states are derived with accuracies of typically 0.002 cm-1. These experimental values are in excellent agreement with and are more accurate than the results obtained from the most advanced ab initio molecular theory calculations including relativistic and QED contributions.

J Chem Phys ; 141(7): 074301, 2014 Aug 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25149780


We show how to effectively introduce a proper description of the velocity-changing collisions into the model of isolated molecular transition for the case of self- and Ar-perturbed H2. We demonstrate that the billiard-ball (BB) approximation of the H2-H2 and H2-Ar potentials gives an accurate description of the velocity-changing collisions. The BB model results are compared with ab initio classical molecular dynamics simulations. It is shown that the BB model correctly reproduces not only the principal properties such as frequencies of velocity-changing collisions or collision kernels, but also other characteristics of H2-H2 and H2-Ar gas kinetics like rate of speed-changing collisions. Finally, we present line-shape measurement of the Q(1) line of the first overtone band of self-perturbed H2. We quantify the systematic errors of line-shape analysis caused by the use of oversimplified description of velocity-changing collisions. These conclusions will have significant impact on recent rapidly developing ultra-accurate metrology based on Doppler-limited spectroscopic measurements such as Doppler-width thermometry, atmosphere monitoring, Boltzmann constant determination, or transition position and intensity determination for fundamental studies.