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JBJS Case Connect ; 14(3)2024 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39303053


CASE: A 22-year-old man with habitual dislocation of the patella (HDP), characterized by lateral dislocation in flexion with spontaneous relocation with extension, presented with right knee pain and inability to actively extend. Imaging revealed lateral patellar dislocation, flat articular surface of the patella, and trochlear dysplasia. His symptoms persisted despite physical therapy. A 4-directional patellar stabilization surgery, incorporating lateral release, medial tibial tuberosity osteotomy, quadriceps muscle lengthening, and medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction, was performed, with significant improvement in pain and function postoperatively. CONCLUSION: The procedure could be feasible in cases of severe HDP when conservative measures failed to relieve the patient's symptoms.

Osteotomia , Luxação Patelar , Tíbia , Humanos , Masculino , Osteotomia/métodos , Luxação Patelar/cirurgia , Luxação Patelar/diagnóstico por imagem , Adulto Jovem , Tíbia/cirurgia , Tíbia/diagnóstico por imagem
Can J Hosp Pharm ; 77(2): e3544, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38720914


Background: Prior research capturing pharmacists' perspectives on the discharge process has shown that their involvement is essential. Given the multidisciplinary nature of the hospital environment, it is important to understand the perspectives of nonpharmacist health care providers. Objectives: To explore the perspectives of nonpharmacist health care providers concerning current discharge practices, components of an effective discharge plan, and perceived barriers to an optimal discharge, and to explore their expectations of pharmacists at discharge. Methods: This qualitative study used key informant interviews of allied health professionals and prescribers at Vancouver General Hospital and North Island Hospital Comox Valley (British Columbia). Participants primarily working on general medicine, family practice, or hospitalist wards were invited to participate. Results: A total of 16 health care providers participated, consisting of 12 allied health professionals and 4 prescribers. Thematic analysis of the interview transcripts revealed 5 themes for each group. The following 3 themes were common to both groups: systems-related barriers to an optimal discharge; patient- and community-related barriers to an optimal discharge; and patient involvement and education. For allied health professionals, themes of prioritization of patients for discharge and direct communication/teamwork were also key for an optimal discharge. Prescriber-specific themes were limitations related to technology infrastructure and inefficiency of existing collaborative processes. Key responsibilities expected of the pharmacist at discharge included preparing the discharge medication reconciliation and prescriptions, addressing medication-related cost concerns, organizing adherence aids/tools, and providing medication counselling. Conclusions: Further studies are warranted to investigate optimization of the discharge process through implementation of standardized discharge protocols and electronic health record-related tools. The primary responsibilities of the pharmacist at discharge, as perceived by study participants, were consistent with previous literature.

Contexte: Des recherches antérieures recueillant le point de vue de pharmaciens sur le processus associé au congé de l'hôpital ont démontré que leur implication est essentielle. Compte tenu de la nature multidisciplinaire du milieu hospitalier, il est important de comprendre les perspectives des prestataires de soins de santé non pharmaciens. Objectifs: Étudier les points de vue des prestataires de soins de santé non pharmaciens au sujet des pratiques actuelles relatives au congé, des éléments d'un plan de congé efficace et des obstacles perçus à un congé optimal, et, enfin, prendre connaissance des attentes des prestataires à l'égard des pharmaciens au moment du congé. Méthodologie: Cette étude qualitative a utilisé des entretiens avec des informateurs clés, des professionnels paramédicaux et des prescripteurs au Vancouver General Hospital et au North Island Hospital Comox Valley (en Colombie-Britannique). Les participants travaillant principalement dans les services de médecine générale, de médecine familiale ou d'hospitalisation ont été invités à participer. Résultats: Au total, 16 prestataires de soins de santé ont participé, 12 professionnels paramédicaux et 4 prescripteurs. L'analyse thématique des transcriptions des entretiens a permis d'identifier 5 thèmes pour chaque groupe. Les 3 thèmes suivants étaient communs aux deux groupes: obstacles au congé optimal liés aux systèmes; obstacles au congé optimal liés aux patients et à la communauté; et participation et sensibilisation des patients. Pour les professionnels paramédicaux, les thèmes de la priorisation des patients pour le congé et de la communication directe/du travail d'équipe étaient essentiels pour un congé optimal. Les thèmes spécifiques aux prescripteurs étaient les limitations liées à l'infrastructure technologique et l'inefficacité des processus de collaboration existants. Les principales responsabilités attendues du pharmacien à la sortie comprenaient la préparation du bilan comparatif des médicaments et des ordonnances au moment du congé, la résolution des problèmes de coûts liés aux médicaments, l'organisation des aides/outils à l'observance et la fourniture de conseils en matière de médication. Conclusions: D'autres études sont nécessaires pour étudier l'optimisation du processus associé au congé grâce à la mise en œuvre de protocoles standardisés et d'outils liés aux dossiers de santé électroniques. Les principales responsabilités du pharmacien au moment du congé, telles que perçues par les participants à l'étude, correspondaient à la littérature antérieure.

Can J Hosp Pharm ; 76(4): 314-316, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37767385


Background: Previous studies have found significant inhaler wastage in the inpatient setting, which contributes to unnecessary health care expenditures. Wastage may involve inhalers available in automated dispensing cabinets (ADCs). Objectives: To evaluate whether salbutamol and ipratropium inhalers were unnecessarily withdrawn from ADCs for hospital inpatients. Methods: This cross-sectional study included patients from 16 health care facilities in British Columbia. ADC reports were run for the period August 2021 to January 2022 to identify salbutamol and ipratropium inhalers removed from ADCs. Results: Over the study period, 8.3% (2180/26 324) of salbutamol and ipratropium inhalers were withdrawn from ADCs unnecessarily for the same patient encounter within a 2-day timeframe, and another 1118 (4.2%) represented instances when multiple inhalers were withdrawn for the same patient at the same time. Overall, 12.5% (3298/26 324) of all salbutamol and ipratropium inhalers were withdrawn unnecessarily. The total cost of these inhalers was about $31 600 over the 6-month period. Conclusions: This evaluation revealed considerable wastage of inhalers, leading to wasted expenditures. Other health authorities should conduct similar analyses to determine whether similar problems exist in their settings.

Contexte: De précédentes études ont mis au jour un gaspillage important d'inhalateurs en milieu hospitalier, ce qui contribue à des dépenses de soins de santé inutiles. Ce gaspillage peut comprendre des inhalateurs disponibles dans des cabinet de distribution automatisé (CDA). Objectif: Évaluer si les inhalateurs de salbutamol et d'ipratropium ont été inutilement retirés des CDA pour les patients hospitalisés. Méthodes: Cette étude transversale comprenait des patients provenant de 16 établissements de soins de santé en Colombie-Britannique. Des rapports portant sur les CDA ont été générés pour la période d'août 2021 à janvier 2022 afin de recenser les inhalateurs de salbutamol et d'ipratropium qui ont été retirés des CDA. Résultats: Pendant la période de l'étude, 8,3 % (2180/26 324) des inhalateurs de salbutamol et d'ipratropium ont été inutilement retirés des CDA pour la même rencontre avec le patient dans une fenêtre de 2 jours, et dans le cas de 1118 (4,2 %) inhalateurs, plusieurs inhalateurs ont été retirées en même temps pour un même patient. Dans l'ensemble, 12,5 % (3298/26 324) de tous les inhalateurs de salbutamol et d'ipratropium ont été inutilement retirés. Le coût total de ces inhalateurs s'élevait à environ 31 600 $ sur une période de 6 mois. Conclusions: Cette évaluation a révélé un gaspillage considérable d'inhalateurs, ce qui entraîne des dépenses inutiles. D'autres autorités sanitaires devraient mener des analyses similaires pour savoir si des problèmes similaires se produisent dans leurs établissements.

Can J Hosp Pharm ; 75(4): 276-285, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36246447


Background: Little is known about hospital pharmacists' experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, as studies to date have focused on community pharmacy practices. Objectives: To determine hospital pharmacists' perceptions of their workplace preparedness for the COVID-19 pandemic and to measure their mental well-being with the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS). Methods: Pharmacists working in Canadian hospital inpatient settings during the COVID-19 pandemic were invited to participate in a 2-part online survey. Part A was a 46-item survey containing statements related to directions and support from leadership, personal protective equipment practices, work environment, and emotions. Part B assessed respondents' mental well-being using the validated 14-item WEMWBS. Responses to both parts of the survey were based on Likert scales. The survey was open from July to September 2020. Descriptive analyses were applied. Results: A total of 432 hospital pharmacists consented to participate in the study. Most respondents were women (337/432, 78%), and most were 25 to 44 years old (293/432, 68%). Most respondents were confident that their workplace and pharmacy department were effectively managing patient demand (314/389, 81%) and the pandemic more generally (263/394, 67%). They also felt that their workplace teams were working well together (314/386, 81%). Interestingly, 22% (86/391) of the respondents did not agree that they had received training for COVID-19 infection prevention and control practices. The mean WEMWBS score was 48.9 (standard deviation 8.6), which indicated average mental well-being. Conclusions: After the initial wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, respondents perceived their hospitals and departments as being able to manage the pandemic and reported average mental well-being. Ensuring that all hospital pharmacists receive training for effective COVID-19 infection prevention and control practices is crucial. How their perceptions and well-being have changed since the time of the survey is unknown.

Contexte: On sait peu de choses sur les expériences des pharmaciens d'hôpitaux pendant la pandémie de COVID-19, car les études à ce jour se sont concentrées sur les pratiques de la pharmacie communautaire. Objectifs: Cerner les perceptions des pharmaciens d'hôpitaux quant à la préparation de leur lieu de travail à la pandémie de COVID-19 et mesurer leur bien-être mental à l'aide de l'échelle de bien-être mental Warwick-Edinburgh (WEMWBS). Méthodes: Les pharmaciens qui travaillaient en milieu hospitalier canadien pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 ont été invités à participer à un sondage en ligne en deux volets. Le volet A consistait en une enquête portant sur 46 éléments contenant des déclarations liées aux orientations et au soutien de la direction, aux pratiques en matière d'équipement de protection individuelle, à l'environnement de travail et aux émotions. Le volet B a quant à lui permis d'évaluer le bien-être mental des répondants à l'aide de l'échelle WEMWBS validée à 14 points. Les réponses aux deux volets de l'enquête se basaient sur des échelles de Likert. Le sondage était ouvert de juillet à septembre 2020. Des analyses descriptives ont été appliquées. Résultats: Au total, 432 pharmaciens d'hôpitaux ont accepté de participer à l'étude. La plupart des répondants étaient des femmes (337/432, 78 %), et la plupart avaient entre 25 et 44 ans (293/432, 68 %). La plupart des répondants étaient convaincus que leur lieu de travail et leur service de pharmacie géraient efficacement la demande des patients (314/389, 81 %) et la pandémie en général (263/394, 67 %). Ils ont aussi estimé que leurs équipes de travail travaillaient bien ensemble (314/386, 81 %). Fait intéressant : 22 % des répondants (86/391) convenaient ne pas avoir reçu de formation sur les pratiques de prévention et de contrôle des infections à la COVID-19. Le score moyen sur l'échelle WEMWBS était de 48,9 (écart type 8,6), ce qui indique un bien-être mental moyen. Conclusions: Après la première vague de la pandémie de COVID-19, les répondants ont perçu leurs hôpitaux et leurs services comme étant capables de gérer la pandémie et ont déclaré un bien-être mental moyen. Veiller à ce que tous les pharmaciens d'hôpitaux reçoivent une formation sur les pratiques efficaces de prévention et de contrôle des infections à la COVID-19 est crucial. On ne sait pas comment leurs perceptions et leur bien-être ont changé depuis le moment de l'enquête.

J Cataract Refract Surg ; 28(10): 1814-8, 2002 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12388034


PURPOSE: To elucidate an association between latanoprost and clinically significant cystoid macular edema (CME) in patients after uneventful phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation. SETTING: Bergman Eye Center, Department of Ophthalmology, The University of Chicago Hospitals, Chicago, Illinois, USA. METHODS: One hundred forty-five consecutive patients (162 eyes) who had phacoemulsification from July 1999 to December 2000 were retrospectively reviewed to determine which patients developed CME. Patients with a history of inflammation and pseudoexfoliation, previous intraocular procedures, or current intraoperative complications were excluded from the study. All cases of CME were diagnosed on the basis of a fundus examination showing typical CME accompanied by a decrease in visual acuity. Upon diagnosis, latanoprost was discontinued and ketorolac was prescribed. The data were analyzed using the Fisher exact test. Of the records reviewed, 134 patients (151 eyes) were included in the study; 11 eyes were excluded secondary to intraoperative complications, a history of ocular inflammation, or both. Among the patients included, 12 were receiving latanoprost preoperatively. RESULTS: Four cases of CME were identified; all 4 patients were taking latanoprost. Latanoprost was discontinued in 8 patients 1 week preoperatively, and none of them developed CME. Therefore, in this series, only patients receiving latanoprost developed CME after uneventful cataract surgery. This difference was statistically significant. In addition, all cases of CME resolved upon discontinuation of latanoprost and administration of ketorolac. CONCLUSIONS: his retrospective study shows a clinical association between latanoprost use and postoperative CME after uneventful phacoemulsification. Given the absence of other coexisting risk factors for CME, this series suggests latanoprost is a significant etiologic factor for the development of postoperative CME.

Anti-Hipertensivos/efeitos adversos , Implante de Lente Intraocular , Edema Macular/induzido quimicamente , Facoemulsificação , Prostaglandinas F Sintéticas/efeitos adversos , Anti-Inflamatórios não Esteroides/uso terapêutico , Anti-Hipertensivos/uso terapêutico , Glaucoma de Ângulo Aberto/tratamento farmacológico , Humanos , Pressão Intraocular , Cetorolaco/uso terapêutico , Latanoprosta , Edema Macular/tratamento farmacológico , Prostaglandinas F Sintéticas/uso terapêutico , Estudos Retrospectivos
Ophthalmic Genet ; 23(3): 185-9, 2002 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12324877


PURPOSE: To describe an infant affected by Klinefelter syndrome, who also demonstrated clinical signs of Moebius syndrome. METHODS: A clinical case report. RESULTS: A male infant was born full-term to a healthy couple after an unremarkable pregnancy. Several dysmorphic features and generalized hypotonia were noted at birth. Chromosome study revealed a 47, XXY chromosome pattern, which is consistent with Klinefelter syndrome. The patient also demonstrated clinical findings of Moebius syndrome: bilateral horizontal gaze palsy, bilateral cranial nerve seven palsy, pointed tongue, pectoral muscle hypoplasia, and clubfeet. CONCLUSION: We report the first clinical case of a patient with Klinefelter syndrome who was also affected by Moebius syndrome. Although clinically intriguing, coexistence of the two syndromes most likely represents a chance occurrence.

Síndrome de Klinefelter/complicações , Síndrome de Möbius/complicações , Humanos , Lactente , Cariotipagem , Síndrome de Klinefelter/genética , Síndrome de Klinefelter/patologia , Masculino , Síndrome de Möbius/genética , Síndrome de Möbius/patologia , Aberrações dos Cromossomos Sexuais , Cromossomo X/genética , Cromossomo Y/genética
J Cataract Refract Surg ; 28(2): 217-20, 2002 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11821198


We present a technique, vitrectorhexis, in which a vitrector-cut capsulotomy is used to treat anterior capsule contraction syndrome. A vitrector handpiece is used to remove all fibrous capsule tissue and residual lens epithelial cells from the anterior chamber. Vitrectorhexis may be an alternative to neodymium:YAG laser capsulotomy as it decreases the risk of radial tear extension to the zonules and of secondary IOL decentration. The technique was used in a 77-year-old man with capsulorhexis contraction syndrome and extensive fibrosis after phacoemulsification with silicone piggyback intraocular lens implantation. One day postoperatively, visual acuity improved from 20/60 to 20/30 and the anterior chamber reaction was minimal. At 1 month, best corrected visual acuity was 20/20. The IOL was well centered at 6 months.

Capsulorrexe/efeitos adversos , Contratura/cirurgia , Cápsula do Cristalino/cirurgia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Oftalmológicos , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/cirurgia , Idoso , Câmara Anterior , Contratura/etiologia , Humanos , Cápsula do Cristalino/patologia , Implante de Lente Intraocular , Masculino , Facoemulsificação , Síndrome , Acuidade Visual