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Sci Rep ; 12(1): 19031, 2022 Nov 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36347909


The composition of the lunar core has been suggested to be Fe-rich with varying amounts of lighter elements, such as Si and S. Presence of Si and S affects electrical and thermal transport properties and thus influences core thermal processes and evolution. Paleomagnetic observations constrain a high intensity magnetic field that ceases shortly after formation of the moon (~ 3.5-4.2 Ga year ago), and thermal convection in the core may contribute to generation of this field. In this study, the electrical resistivity of Fe-14 wt% Si-3 wt% S was measured in both solid and molten states at pressures up to 5 GPa and thermal conductivity was calculated via the Wiedemann-Franz Law from the electrical measurements. The results were used to estimate the adiabatic conductive heat flux of a molten Fe-14 wt% Si-3 wt% S lunar core and compared to a Fe-2-17 wt% Si lunar core, which showed that thermal convection of either core composition shuts down within the duration of the high intensity magnetic field: (1) 3.17-3.72 Ga year ago for a Fe-14 wt% Si-3 wt% S core; and (ii) 3.38-3.86 Ga years ago for a Fe-2-17 wt% Si core. Results favouring compatibility of these core compositions with paleomagnetic observations are strongly dependent on the temperature of the core-mantle boundary and time-dependent mantle-side heat flux.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 9941, 2022 Jun 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35705611


Electrical resistivity measurements of Fe-10wt%Ni-10wt%Si have been performed in a multi-anvil press from 3 to 20 GPa up to 2200 K. The temperature and pressure dependences of electrical resistivity are analyzed in term of changes in the electron mean free path. Similarities in the thermal properties of Fe-Si and Fe-Ni-Si alloys suggest the effect of Ni is negligible. Electrical resistivity is used to calculate thermal conductivity via the Wiedemann-Franz law, which is then used to estimate the adiabatic heat flow. The adiabatic heat flow at the top of Earth's core is estimated to be 14 TW from the pressure and temperature dependences of thermal conductivity in the liquid state from this study, suggesting thermal convection may still be an active source to power the dynamo depending on the estimated value taken for the heat flow through the core mantle boundary. The calculated adiabatic heat flux density of 22.7-32.1 mW/m2 at the top of Mercury's core suggests a chemically driven magnetic field from 0.02 to 0.21 Gyr after formation. A thermal conductivity of 140-148 Wm-1 K-1 is estimated at the center of a Fe-10wt%Ni-10wt%Si Venusian core, suggesting the presence of a solid inner core and an outer core that is at least partially liquid.

Inorg Chem ; 58(5): 3550-3557, 2019 Mar 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30785745


The isostructural dimers of the 1,4-phenylene-bridged bis-1,2,3,5-dithia- and bis-1,2,3,5-diselenadiazolyl diradicals 1,4-S/Se are small band gap semiconductors. The response of their molecular and solid state electronic structures to pressure has been explored over the range 0-10 GPa. The crystal structures, which consist of cofacially aligned (pancake) π-dimers packed into herringbone arrays, experience a continuous, near-isotropic compression. While the intramolecular covalent E-E (E = S/Se) bonds remain relatively unchanged with pressurization, the intradimer E···E separations are significantly shortened. Molecular and band electronic structure calculations using density functional theory methods indicate that compression of the π-dimers leads to a widening of the gap Δ E between the highest occupied and lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals of the dimer, an effect that offsets the expected decrease in the valence-to-conduction band gap Eg occasioned by pressure-induced spreading of the valence and conduction bands. Consistent with the predicted consequences of this competition between intra- and interdimer interactions, variable temperature high pressure conductivity measurements reveal at best an order-of-magnitude increase in conductivity with pressure for the two compounds over the pressure range 0-10 GPa. While a small reduction in the thermal activation energy Eact with increasing pressure is observed, extrapolation of the rate of decrease suggests a projected onset of metallization ( Eact ≈ 0) in excess of 20 GPa.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 10758, 2018 Jul 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30018313


Electrical and thermal transport properties of liquid Fe under high pressure have important implications for the dynamics and thermal evolution of planetary cores and the geodynamo. However, electrical resistivity (ρ) and thermal conductivity (k) of liquid Fe at high pressure still remain contentious properties. To date, only two experimental investigations of ρ of liquid Fe in the pressure region below 7 GPa are reported in literature. Here we report the results of measurements of ρ for solid and liquid Fe (inversely proportional to k through the Wiedemann-Franz law) at pressures from 3 to 12 GPa, using a large multi-anvil press. We show that ρ of liquid Fe decreases as a function of pressure up to the δ-γ-liquid triple point at ~5.2 GPa, and subsequently remains invariant from 6 to 12 GPa, which is consistent with an earlier study on liquid Ni. Our results demonstrate an important effect of solid phase on the structure and properties of liquid Fe. Our values of ρ for solid and liquid Fe are used to calculate k in Mercury's solid inner core and along the adiabat in the liquid outer cores of Moon, Ganymede, Mercury and Mars. Our robust values of thermal conductivity place the focus on uncertainties in thermal expansion as the cause of variation in values of core conducted heat. Except for Mercury, our adiabatic heat flux values in these terrestrial cores validate the use of similar values used in several previous studies. Our high values of core adiabatic heat flux in Mercury would provide a stabilizing effect on, and lead to an increase in thickness of, the thermally stratified layer at the top of the core.

Inorg Chem ; 57(8): 4757-4770, 2018 Apr 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29620356


In pursuit of closed-shell building blocks for single-component organic semiconductors and metals, we have prepared benzoquino-bis-1,2,3-thiaselenazole QS, a heterocyclic selenium-based zwitterion with a small gap (λmax = 729 nm) between its highest occupied and lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals. In the solid state, QS exists in two crystalline phases and one nanocrystalline phase. The structures of the crystalline phases (space groups R3 c and P21/ c) have been determined by high-resolution powder X-ray diffraction methods at ambient and elevated pressures (0-15 GPa), and their crystal packing patterns have been compared with that of the related all-sulfur zwitterion benzoquino-bis-1,2,3-dithiazole QT (space group Cmc21). Structural differences between the S- and Se-based materials are interpreted in terms of local intermolecular S/Se···N'/O' secondary bonding interactions, the strength of which varies with the nature of the chalcogen (S vs Se). While the perfectly two-dimensional "brick-wall" packing pattern associated with the Cmc21 phase of QT is not found for QS, all three phases of QS are nonetheless small band gap semiconductors, with σRT ranging from 10-5 S cm-1 for the P21/ c phase to 10-3 S cm-1 for the R3 c phase. The bandwidths of the valence and conduction bands increase with applied pressure, leading to an increase in conductivity and a decrease in thermal activation energy Eact. For the R3 c phase, band gap closure to yield an organic molecular metal with a σRT of ∼102 S cm-1 occurs at 6 GPa. Band gaps estimated from density functional theory band structure calculations on the ambient- and high-pressure crystal structures of QT and QS correlate well with those obtained experimentally.

J Am Chem Soc ; 139(6): 2180-2183, 2017 02 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28140576


Benzoquino-bis-1,2,3-dithiazole 5 is a closed shell, antiaromatic 16π-electron zwitterion with a small HOMO-LUMO gap. Its crystal structure consists of planar ribbon-like molecular arrays packed into offset layers to generate a "brick-wall" motif with strong 2D interlayer electronic interactions. The spread of the valence and conduction bands, coupled with the narrow HOMO-LUMO gap, affords a small band gap semiconductor with σRT = 1 × 10-3 S cm-1 and Eact = 0.14 eV for transport within the brick-wall arrays. Closure of the band gap to form an all-organic molecular metal with σRT > 101 S cm-1 can be achieved by the application of pressure to 8 GPa.

J Am Chem Soc ; 139(4): 1625-1635, 2017 02 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28117984


A critical feature of the electronic structure of oxobenzene-bridged bisdithiazolyl radicals 2 is the presence of a low-lying LUMO which, in the solid state, improves charge transport by providing additional degrees of freedom for electron transfer. The magnitude of this multiorbital effect can be fine-tuned by variations in the π-electron releasing/accepting nature of the basal ligand. Here we demonstrate that incorporation of a nitro group significantly stabilizes the LUMO, and hence lowers Ueff, the effective Coulombic barrier to charge transfer. The effect is echoed, at the molecular level, in the observed trend in Ecell, the electrochemical cell potential for 2 with R = F, H and NO2. The crystal structures of the MeCN and EtCN solvates of 2 with R = NO2 have been determined. In the EtCN solvate the radicals are dimerized, but in the MeCN solvate the radicals form superimposed and evenly spaced π-stacked arrays. This highly 1D material displays Pauli-like temperature independent paramagnetic behavior, with χTIP = 6 × 10-4 emu mol-1, but its charge transport behavior, with σRT near 0.04 S cm-1 and Eact = 0.05 eV, is more consistent with a Mott insulating ground state. High pressure crystallographic measurements confirm uniform compression of the π-stacked architecture with no phase change apparent up to 8 GPa. High pressure conductivity measurements indicate that the charge gap between the Mott insulator and metallic states can be closed near 6 GPa. These results are discussed in the light of DFT band structure calculations.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 87(12): 123901, 2016 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28040908


A new custom-designed system for a 3000 ton multi-anvil press has been developed to reach temperatures below room temperature at high pressures. The system was designed to remove heat selectively and conductively from the sample volume through six of the eight tungsten carbide (WC) cubes in direct contact with the octahedral pressure cell. The key components of the system include Cu cooling fins sandwiched between neighboring cube faces and the connected Cu heat exchange chamber through which liquid nitrogen flows. Currently, this system enables us to reach temperatures down to 220 K at pressures up to 8 GPa, but it can be easily modified to retain similar cooling capability at the highest pressure the press can reach (ca. 25 GPa).

J Am Chem Soc ; 137(44): 14136-48, 2015 Nov 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26513125


Pressure-induced changes in the solid-state structures and transport properties of three oxobenzene-bridged bisdithiazolyl radicals 2 (R = H, F, Ph) over the range 0-15 GPa are described. All three materials experience compression of their π-stacked architecture, be it (i) 1D ABABAB π-stack (R = Ph), (ii) quasi-1D slipped π-stack (R = H), or (iii) 2D brick-wall π-stack (R = F). While R = H undergoes two structural phase transitions, neither of R = F, Ph display any phase change. All three radicals order as spin-canted antiferromagnets, but spin-canted ordering is lost at pressures <1.5 GPa. At room temperature, their electrical conductivity increases rapidly with pressure, and the thermal activation energy for conduction Eact is eliminated at pressures ranging from ∼3 GPa for R = F to ∼12 GPa for R = Ph, heralding formation of a highly correlated (or bad) metallic state. For R = F, H the pressure-induced Mott insulator to metal conversion has been tracked by measurements of optical conductivity at ambient temperature and electrical resistivity at low temperature. For R = F compression to 6.2 GPa leads to a quasiquadratic temperature dependence of the resistivity over the range 5-300 K, consistent with formation of a 2D Fermi liquid state. DFT band structure calculations suggest that the ease of metallization of these radicals can be ascribed to their multiorbital character. Mixing and overlap of SOMO- and LUMO-based bands affords an increased kinetic energy stabilization of the metallic state relative to a single SOMO-based band system.

J Am Chem Soc ; 136(22): 8050-62, 2014 Jun 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24851953


The heterocyclic bisdithiazolyl radical 1b (R1 = Me, R2 = F) crystallizes in two phases. The α-phase, space group P21/n, contains two radicals in the asymmetric unit, both of which adopt slipped π-stack structures. The ß-phase, space group P21/c, consists of cross-braced π-stacked arrays of dimers in which the radicals are linked laterally by hypervalent 4-center 6-electron S···S-S···S σ-bonds. Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements on α-1b indicate Curie-Weiss behavior (with Θ = -14.9 K), while the dimer phase ß-1b is diamagnetic, showing no indication of thermal dissociation below 400 K. High-pressure crystallographic measurements indicate that the cross-braced π-stacked arrays of dimers undergo a wine-rack compression, but the dimer remains intact up to 8 GPa (at ambient temperature). The resistance of ß-1b to dissociate under pressure, also observed in its conductivity versus pressure profile, is in marked contrast to the behavior of the related dimer ß-1a (R1 = Et, R2 = F), which readily dissociates into a pair of radicals at 0.8 GPa. The different response of the two dimers to pressure has been rationalized in terms of differences in their linear compressibilities occasioned by changes in the degree of cross-bracing of the π-stacks. Dissociation of both dimers can be effected by irradiation with visible (λ = 650 nm) light; the transformation has been monitored by optical spectroscopy, magnetic susceptibility measurements, and single crystal X-ray diffraction. The photoinduced radical pairs persist up to temperatures of 150 K (ß-1b) and 242 K (ß-1a) before reverting to the dimer state. Variable-temperature optical measurements on ß-1b and ß-1a have afforded Arrhenius activation energies of 8.3 and 19.6 kcal mol(-1), respectively, for the radical-to-dimer reconversion. DFT and CAS-SCF calculations have been used to probe the ground and excited electronic state structures of the dimer and radical pair. The results support the interpretation that the ground-state interconversion of the dimer and radical forms of ß-1a and ß-1b is symmetry forbidden, while the photochemical transformation is symmetry allowed.

J Am Chem Soc ; 136(3): 1070-81, 2014 Jan 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24400662


The crystal structure and charge transport properties of the prototypal oxobenzene-bridged 1,2,3-bisdithiazolyl radical conductor 3a are strongly dependent on pressure. Compression of the as-crystallized α-phase, space group Fdd2, to 3-4 GPa leads to its conversion into a second or ß-phase, in which F-centering is lost. The space group symmetry is lowered to Pbn21, and there is concomitant halving of the a and b axes. A third or γ-phase, also space group Pbn21, is generated by further compression to 8 GPa. The changes in packing that accompany both phase transitions are associated with an "ironing out" of the ruffled ribbon-like architecture of the α-phase, so that consecutive radicals along the ribbons are rendered more nearly coplanar. In the ß-phase the planar ribbons are propagated along the b-glides, while in the γ-phase they follow the n-glides. At ambient pressure 3a is a Mott insulator, displaying high but activated conductivity, with σ(300 K) = 6 × 10(-3) S cm(-1) and E(act) = 0.16 eV. With compression beyond 4 GPa, its conductivity is increased by 3 orders of magnitude, and the thermal activation energy is reduced to zero, heralding the formation of a metallic state. High pressure infrared absorption and reflectivity measurements are consistent with closure of the Mott-Hubbard gap near 4-5 GPa. The results are discussed in the light of DFT calculations on the molecular and band electronic structure of 3a. The presence of a low-lying LUMO in 3a gives rise to high electron affinity which, in turn, creates an electronically much softer radical with a low onsite Coulomb potential U. In addition, considerable crystal orbital (SOMO/LUMO) mixing occurs upon pressurization, so that a metallic state is readily achieved at relatively low applied pressure.

J Am Chem Soc ; 134(24): 9886-9, 2012 Jun 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22681388


The layered-sheet architecture of the crystal structure of the fluoro-substituted oxobenzene-bridged bisdithiazolyl radical FBBO affords a 2D π-electronic structure with a large calculated bandwidth. The material displays high electrical conductivity for a f = 1/2 system, with σ(300 K) = 2 × 10(-2) S cm(-1). While the conductivity is thermally activated at ambient pressure, with E(act) = 0.10 eV at 300 K, indicative of a Mott insulating state, E(act) is eliminated at 3 GPa, suggesting the formation of a metallic state. The onset of metallization is supported by infrared measurements, which show closure of the Mott-Hubbard gap above 3 GPa.