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Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536020


Introducción la amiloidosis es una enfermedad rara, producto del plegamiento y depósito normal de proteínas en tejidos y órganos. Esta enfermedad puede tener un compromiso renal que se manifiesta con síndrome nefrótico y deterioro de la función renal y su etiología puede estar asociada a amiloidosis con compromiso sistémico, siendo la amiloidosis AL y la amiloidosis AA las más frecuentes, esta última está asociada a inflamación crónica grave de origen infecciosa o autoinmune. Para el diagnóstico es fundamental el estudio sistémico multidisciplinario (hematológico, cardiaco, autoinmune, infeccioso y neoplásico), y cuando hay compromiso renal: la biopsia con estudio completo de microscopía de luz, tinciones especiales incluyendo rojo congo, inmunofluorescencia y microscopía electrónica. Cuando no se logra establecer la causa, la espectrometría de masas es una ayuda crucial para el diagnóstico específico. Objetivo se presenta el caso de un paciente con un proceso inflamatorio crónico grave abdominal que evolucionó a síndrome nefrótico por amiloidosis AA, donde la espectrometría de masas ayudó a aclarar el diagnóstico. Presentación del caso se presenta el caso de un paciente con un proceso inflamatorio crónico grave abdominal que evolucionó a síndrome nefrótico por amiloidosis AA, donde la espectrometría de masas ayudó a aclarar el diagnóstico Discusión y conclusiones se considera que la espectrometría de masas es un estudio diagnóstico muy importante para establecer el diagnóstico etiológico de la amiloidosis cuando otros métodos no han logrado establecerlo.

Introduction Amyloidosis is a rare disease, resulting from the accumulation and deposition of insoluble proteins in tissues or organs. This disease may involve the kidney, resulting in nephrotic syndrome and renal failure. The amyloidosis has been associated with systemic involvement, with AL amyloidosis and AA amyloidosis being the most common. The last is associated with various inflammatory disorders as chronic infections and autoimmune diseases. A multidisciplinary approach is required to the diagnosis (hematologic, cardiac, autoimmune, infectious, neoplastic) and in cases of renal involvement, a kidney biopsy with complete study of light microscopy, special stains including congo red, immunofluorescence, electron microscopy is essential for diagnosis. In cases where the cause cannot be stablished, mass spectrometry is practical tool to the identification of the correct type of amyloidosis. Purpose Here, we present a patient with a chronic and severe abdominal inflammatory process that progressed to a nephrotic syndrome due to AA amyloidosis, in which mass spectrometry helped to clarify the diagnosis. Case presentation Here, we present a patient with a chronic and severe abdominal inflammatory process that progressed to a nephrotic syndrome due to AA amyloidosis, in which mass spectrometry helped to clarify the diagnosis Discussion and conclusion Mass spectrometry is considered a useful diagnostic test to confirm the etiology of amyloidosis, especially if other methods are insufficient to establish it.

Iatreia ; 35(2): 117-130, abr.-jun. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421626


Resumen El trasplante renal es el tratamiento de elección en la enfermedad renal crónica terminal porque mejora la calidad de vida y la supervivencia de los pacientes al compararlo con la diálisis. Sin embargo, para mantener un injerto funcional y evitar el rechazo es necesario el uso de inmunosupresión potente durante toda la vida del injerto, lo cual puede tener como complicaciones una mayor susceptibilidad a presentar infecciones, desarrollo de cáncer, alteraciones metabólicas y problemas cardiovasculares. Los pacientes infectados con el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana tienen alto riesgo de desarrollar enfermedad renal crónica terminal por múltiples causas. En el siglo pasado, el trasplante renal se consideraba contraindicado para estos pacientes. No obstante, hoy en día el trasplante renal se considera una opción terapéutica para pacientes adecuadamente seleccionados y con protocolos de manejo bien establecidos. Reportándose supervivencia reportadas del injerto y del paciente a tres años de 88,2 % y 82,6 % respectivamente. Este artículo de revisión tiene como objetivo revisar la experiencia mundial existente en el manejo de los pacientes trasplantados renal con infección por VIH.

Summary Kidney transplantation is the recommended treatment for end-stage chronic kidney disease, improving patients' quality of life and survival compared to dialysis. Nevertheless, to keep a functional graft and avoid rejection, strong immunosuppression is required during the graft's lifetime, which can lead to complications such as increased susceptibility to infections, development of cancer, metabolic changes and cardiovascular problems. Patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus are at high risk of developing end-stage renal disease. Previous this century, kidney transplantation was considered contraindicated for these patients group. However nowadays, kidney transplantation is a therapeutic option for well-selected patients and with well-established treatment protocols. Several studies reported a three-year graft survival rate of 88,2% and patient survival of 82,6%. In this article, we present an overview of the worldwide experience with the treatment of kidney transplant patients with HIV infection.

Acta méd. colomb ; 47(1): 44-48, ene.-mar. 2022. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374103


Resumen La espondiloartropatía destructiva es una patología osteoarticular presente en algunos pacientes con enfermedad crónica que puede afectar varios niveles de la columna vertebral y puede ser asintomática, generar dolor o causar complicaciones que ponen en peligro la integridad de la médula espinal y/o la vida. Presentamos el caso de un hombre de 70 años con enfermedad renal crónica terminal en hemodiálisis quien consultó por dolor dorsal y paraplejia, en quien se diagnosticó espondiloartropatía destructiva no infecciosa por imágenes y estudio histopatológico. Este caso nos muestra la importancia de pensar en esta patología y la necesidad de un enfoque multidisciplinario en el diagnóstico y manejo. (Acta Med Colomb 2022; 47. DOI:

Abstract Destructive spondyloarthropathy is a bone and joint disease which presents in some patients with chronic illnesses and may affect various levels of the spinal column. It may be asymptomatic, cause pain, or produce spinal cord and/or life-endangering complications. We present the case of a 70-year-old man with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis who consulted due to back pain and paraplegia. He was diagnosed with destructive noninfectious spondyloarthropathy through imaging and histopathological studies. This case shows us the importance of considering this disease and the need for a multidisciplinary approach in its diagnosis and management. (Acta Med Colomb 2022; 47. DOI:

Nefrologia (Engl Ed) ; 42(6): 722-726, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36925325


Nephrotic syndrome in patients with cancer may be related to the primary malignancy or chemotherapeutic therapy. Solid organ cancers may cause membranous glomerulonephritis which is manifested by nephrotic syndrome; other less common histologic presentations include focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis and minimal change disease. In addition, chemotherapy agents may cause renal toxicity by affecting the small blood vessels, glomeruli, tubules, and interstitium. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors such as sunitinib may cause endothelial and podocyte damage leading to thrombotic microangiopathy affecting only the kidney and manifested by proteinuria and hypertension. We report a case of an elderly man with gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) on treatment with sunitinib who had as a complication a thrombotic microangiopathy manifested with nephrotic syndrome and a hypertension of difficult control, which was finally controlled by stopping this drug but had a fatal outcome due to its malignancy.

Hipertensão , Neoplasias , Síndrome Nefrótica , Microangiopatias Trombóticas , Masculino , Humanos , Idoso , Síndrome Nefrótica/tratamento farmacológico , Sunitinibe/efeitos adversos , Microangiopatias Trombóticas/induzido quimicamente , Microangiopatias Trombóticas/patologia , Neoplasias/complicações , Hipertensão/complicações
Rev. colomb. nefrol. (En línea) ; 8(2): e203, jul.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423853


Resumen Introducción: el trasplante renal es el tratamiento de elección para los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica terminal; sin embargo, un trasplante renal anticipado no siempre es posible y muchos pacientes requieren algún tipo de terapia de reemplazo renal previa al trasplante. Objetivo: este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar los desenlaces a corto y largo plazo, post-trasplante renal, de acuerdo con la modalidad de diálisis previa al trasplante. Métodos: estudio de tipo cohorte retrospectiva. Se incluyeron pacientes mayores de 18 años que recibieron un trasplante renal durante 2005-2018. Inicialmente se realizó estadística descriptiva y posteriormente se realizó análisis multivariado mediante un modelo de riesgos proporcionales de Cox, con el objetivo de evaluar la relación entre la supervivencia del paciente y del injerto y la necesidad de diálisis previa al trasplante. Se evaluó, además, la tasa de filtración glomerular durante los primeros dos años del trasplante renal. Resultados: durante 2005-2018 se realizaron 925 trasplantes renales, 289 estaban en diálisis peritoneal, 439 en hemodiálisis y 197 no estaban en diálisis. La supervivencia del paciente a 6, 12, 24, 48 y 60 meses posterior al trasplante renal fue de 97,5 %, 96,7 %, 96,0 %, 93,7 % y 92,3 %, respectivamente, y del injerto fue de 94,5 %, 92,9 %, 90,5 %, 84,8 %, 81,1 %, también respectivamente, sin encontrar diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los que tuvieron diálisis peritoneal vs. hemodiálisis (p = 0,402, p = 0,180), tampoco se encontraron diferencias significativas en el análisis multivariado. El 8,1 % de los pacientes presentó rechazo agudo en el primer año post trasplante y el 13,2 % durante todo el seguimiento, sin encontrarse diferencias significativas entre los que habían tenido diálisis peritoneal vs. hemodiálisis. No se encontraron diferencias en la TFG. Conclusiones: no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los desenlaces duros a corto y largo plazo, según la modalidad de diálisis pretrasplante.

Abstract Introduction: kidney transplantation is the standard treatment option for patients with end-stage chronic kidney disease. However, early kidney transplantation is not always possible, and many patients require renal replacement therapy. This study aims to evaluate the short and long-term outcomes after kidney transplantation in patients undergoing dialysis therapy before transplantation. Methods: a retrospective cohort of renal transplant patients older than 18 years of age were evaluated during the years 2005-2018. A descriptive analysis was performed. A proportional Cox-Hazard model was used to evaluate the relationship between patient and transplant survival and pre-transplant dialysis. An analysis of variance was used to compare the glomerular filtration rate during the first two years after transplantation. Results: between 2005-2018, 925 kidney transplants were performed, of which 289 required peritoneal dialysis, 439 haemodialysis and 197 did not require dialysis. Patient and transplant survival rates at 6, 12, 24, 48, 60 months after kidney transplantation were 97.5%, 96.7%, 96.0%, 93.7%, 92.3%, 94.5%, 92.9%, 90.5%, 84.8%, 81.1%. No statistically significant difference was found between peritoneal dialysis patients and hemodialysis patients (p=0.402, p=0.180). Acute rejection occurred in 8.1% of patients in the first year after transplantation and in 13.2% during the entire follow-up. Glomerular filtration rate values were similar in patients with and those without pre-transplant dialysis Conclusions: there were no significant statistical differences in short and long-term outcomes among patients undergoing pre-transplant dialysis vs. no.

J. bras. nefrol ; 43(4): 591-596, Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1350916


Abstract Thrombotic microangiopathies are disorders characterized by nonimmune microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, and multi-systemic failure. They are classified as thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, atypical hemolytic-uremic syndrome, and typical hemolytic uremic syndrome. The latter is associated with intestinal infections by Shiga toxin-producing bacteria. Typical hemolytic uremic syndrome in adults is an extremely rare condition, characterized by high morbidity and mortality. It has been seldom described in solid organ transplant recipients. Here is presented the case of a kidney transplant recipient who had typical hemolytic uremic syndrome with multisystem commitment, refractory to management and with a fatal outcome.

Resumo Microangiopatias trombóticas são distúrbios caracterizados por anemia hemolítica microangiopática não imune, trombocitopenia e insuficiência multissistêmica. Elas são classificadas como púrpura trombocitopênica trombótica, síndrome hemolítico-urêmica atípica e síndrome urêmica hemolítica típica. Essa última está associada a infecções intestinais por bactérias produtoras da toxina Shiga. A síndrome hemolítica urêmica típica em adultos é uma condição extremamente rara, caracterizada por alta morbimortalidade. Esta é raramente descrita em receptores de transplantes de órgãos sólidos. Apresentamos aqui o caso de um receptor de transplante renal que apresentava síndrome hemolítico-urêmica típica com comprometimento multissistêmico, refratário ao tratamento, e com desfecho fatal.

Humanos , Adulto , Púrpura Trombocitopênica Trombótica , Transplante de Rim , Escherichia coli Shiga Toxigênica , Síndrome Hemolítico-Urêmica Atípica , Anemia Hemolítica
Nefrologia (Engl Ed) ; 2021 Sep 18.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34548202


Nephrotic syndrome in patients with cancer may be related to the primary malignancy or chemotherapeutic therapy. Solid organ cancers may cause membranous glomerulonephritis manifesting with nephrotic syndrome; other less common histologic presentations include focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis and minimal change disease. In addition, chemotherapy agents can cause renal toxicity by affecting the small blood vessels, glomeruli, tubules, and interstitium. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors such as sunitinib may cause endothelial and podocyte damage leading to renal limited thrombotic microangiopathy, manifested by proteinuria and hypertension. We report a case of an elderly man with gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) on treatment with sunitinib who had as a complication of a thrombotic microangiopathy manifested with nephrotic syndrome and difficult-to-control hypertension, which was controlled by stopping this drug but with a fatal outcome due to its malignant neoplasm.

J. bras. nefrol ; 43(3): 434-439, July-Sept. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550478


Abstract BK virus nephropathy in kidney transplantation is widely recognized as an important cause of graft dysfunction and loss. In the case of transplants of organs other than kidney, BK virus nephropathy in native kidneys has been recognized as a cause of chronic kidney disease, which is related with immunosuppression; however, the diagnosis is usually late because the renal dysfunction is attributed to other causes, such as toxicity by anticalcineurinic drugs, interstitial nephritis due to medications, hemodynamic changes, diabetes, hypertension, etc. We report a case of BK virus nephropathy in a patient who underwent heart transplantation due to peripartum cardiomyopathy. The kidney biopsy reported active chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis associated with late stage polyomavirus nephritis and the blood viral load for BK virus was positive (logarithm 4.5). The immunosuppressive treatment was reduced, and after two years of follow-up, the patient had stable renal function with a serum creatinine of 2.5 mg/dL (GFR of 23.4 mL/min/1.73m2). We recommend that the BK virus be considered as a cause of renal dysfunction in heart transplant recipients, with the aim of detecting its replication in time to reduce immunosuppressive therapy before irreversible compromise of renal function may manifest.

Resumo A nefropatia pelo vírus BK no transplante renal é amplamente reconhecida como uma importante causa de disfunção e perda do enxerto. No caso de transplantes de órgãos que não sejam rins, a nefropatia pelo vírus BK em rins nativos tem sido reconhecida como uma causa de doença renal crônica, que está relacionada com imunossupressão; entretanto, o diagnóstico é geralmente tardio porque a disfunção renal é atribuída a outras causas, tais como toxicidade por drogas anticalcineurínicas, nefrite intersticial devido a medicamentos, alterações hemodinâmicas, diabetes, hipertensão, etc. Relatamos um caso de nefropatia pelo vírus BK em um paciente que foi submetido a transplante cardíaco devido à cardiomiopatia periparto. A biópsia renal relatou nefrite túbulo-intersticial crônica ativa associada à nefrite por poliomavírus em estágio avançado e a carga viral sanguínea para o vírus BK foi positiva (logaritmo 4,5). O tratamento imunossupressor foi reduzido, e após dois anos de acompanhamento, o paciente apresentava função renal estável com creatinina sérica de 2,5 mg/dL (TFG de 23,4 mL/min/1,73m2). Recomendamos que o vírus BK seja considerado como uma causa de disfunção renal em receptores de transplante cardíaco, com o objetivo de detectar sua replicação a tempo de reduzir a terapia imunossupressora antes que um comprometimento irreversível da função renal possa se manifestar.

Indian J Nephrol ; 31(2): 201-204, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34267449


The development of an arteriovenous fistula (AVF) after renal graft biopsy is a rare complication, it is associated in most cases with spontaneous resolution. However, interventional therapies are required in some cases, to prevent graft loss. Selective embolization has been described as an alternative treatment. In the present study, we describes our experience on AVF after biopsy in kidney transplant patients, which was managed with selective embolization. From 2005 to 2015, a total of 452 kidney transplant biopsies were performed, 12 had an AVF requiring embolization. In 92% of cases, this was successful. Beforehand, mean serum creatinine levels were 2.45 mg/dL, after the procedure, that increased to 3.05, however, 3 months later, mean creatinine levels dropped to 1.85 mg/dL. Graft survival after 2 follow-up years was 72%. Our experience demonstrates that selective embolization of the AVF after kidney transplant biopsy is a safe procedure, and that transplant function can be maintained in patients with this complication.

Cureus ; 13(5): e15156, 2021 May 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34168923


Complications in hemodialysis patients are increasingly rare thanks to advances in technology, including more compatible membranes, more flexible lines, safety in water treatments, alarms in the circuit, and standardization in dialysate fluids plus exhaustive chemical and microbiological tests. In addition, it is highly unusual having hemolysis on hemodialysis; however, it is a life-threatening complication, so the cause must be identified and early managed. The etiology can be chemical or mechanical; however, so far, there are no reports in the literature of an association with severe stenosis of the vena cava, as it is described in the case reported here, where a patient presented hemolysis in two hemodialysis sessions, without initially being possible to find the cause; the only identifiable factor was that he had a dysfunctional tunneled jugular catheter, with a history of difficult vascular access. The patient underwent interventional radiology, finding 99% stenosis of the vena cava, which prevented the passage of the contrast agent to the atrium. Angioplasty and catheter replacement were performed, with a resolution of the complication; the subsequent dialysis therapies were satisfactory.

J Bras Nefrol ; 43(3): 434-439, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33527977


BK virus nephropathy in kidney transplantation is widely recognized as an important cause of graft dysfunction and loss. In the case of transplants of organs other than kidney, BK virus nephropathy in native kidneys has been recognized as a cause of chronic kidney disease, which is related with immunosuppression; however, the diagnosis is usually late because the renal dysfunction is attributed to other causes, such as toxicity by anticalcineurinic drugs, interstitial nephritis due to medications, hemodynamic changes, diabetes, hypertension, etc. We report a case of BK virus nephropathy in a patient who underwent heart transplantation due to peripartum cardiomyopathy. The kidney biopsy reported active chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis associated with late stage polyomavirus nephritis and the blood viral load for BK virus was positive (logarithm 4.5). The immunosuppressive treatment was reduced, and after two years of follow-up, the patient had stable renal function with a serum creatinine of 2.5 mg/dL (GFR of 23.4 mL/min/1.73m2). We recommend that the BK virus be considered as a cause of renal dysfunction in heart transplant recipients, with the aim of detecting its replication in time to reduce immunosuppressive therapy before irreversible compromise of renal function may manifest.

Vírus BK , Transplante de Coração , Nefrite Intersticial , Infecções por Polyomavirus , Infecções Tumorais por Vírus , Humanos , Imunossupressores , Infecções por Polyomavirus/complicações , Infecções por Polyomavirus/diagnóstico , Infecções Tumorais por Vírus/diagnóstico
J Bras Nefrol ; 43(4): 591-596, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33179720


Thrombotic microangiopathies are disorders characterized by nonimmune microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, and multi-systemic failure. They are classified as thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, atypical hemolytic-uremic syndrome, and typical hemolytic uremic syndrome. The latter is associated with intestinal infections by Shiga toxin-producing bacteria. Typical hemolytic uremic syndrome in adults is an extremely rare condition, characterized by high morbidity and mortality. It has been seldom described in solid organ transplant recipients. Here is presented the case of a kidney transplant recipient who had typical hemolytic uremic syndrome with multisystem commitment, refractory to management and with a fatal outcome.

Anemia Hemolítica , Síndrome Hemolítico-Urêmica Atípica , Transplante de Rim , Púrpura Trombocitopênica Trombótica , Escherichia coli Shiga Toxigênica , Adulto , Humanos
Acta méd. colomb ; 45(1): 37-39, Jan.-Mar. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1124068


Abstract Renal crisis is a complication with significant morbidity and mortality in scleroderma patients and a rare entity in kidney transplantation. It may present with highly variable clinical manifestations, mainly arterial hypertension, acute kidney failure and multisystemic involvement. Following is the report of a patient with late reoccurrence of scleroderma crisis in kidney transplantation, who was given successful treatment with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors.(Acta Med Colomb 2020; 45. DOI:

Resumen La crisis renal es una complicación con importante morbilidad y mortalidad en pacientes con esclerodermia y una rara entidad en trasplante renal, que se puede presentar con manifestaciones clínicas muy variables, principalmente hipertensión arterial, falla renal aguda y compromiso multisistémico. A continuación se reporta el caso de una paciente con recurrencia tardía de la crisis esclerodérmica en el trasplante renal, que recibió tratamiento exitoso con inhibidores de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina.(Acta Med Colomb 2020; 45. DOI:

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Injúria Renal Aguda , Recidiva , Inibidores da Enzima Conversora de Angiotensina , Morbidade , Transplante de Rim
Biomedica ; 39(Supl. 2): 20-25, 2019 08 01.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31529830


Cerebral feohifomycosis are severe infections caused by dematiaceous fungi. Cladophialophora bantiana is one of the most commonly isolated species; it has central nervous system tropism and it often manifests as a brain abscess in immunocompetent patients. In immunocompromised patients, it can lead to brain abscesses and disseminated infections. Despite the availability of broad-spectrum antifungal drugs, it is a must to perform surgical management, in addition to drug therapy. However, mortality is high. The diagnostic approach must be invasive to establish a timely diagnosis and direct treatment based on culture and susceptibility tests. We report a case of brain abscess caused by C. bantiana in an immunosuppressed patient who was treated with surgical resection and voriconazole with an adequate response to therapy and without neurological sequels.

Las feohifomicosis cerebrales son infecciones graves causadas por mohos dematiáceos, entre los cuales Cladophialophora bantiana es una de las especies más comúnmente aislada. Esta tiene tropismo por el sistema nervioso central y frecuentemente produce abscesos cerebrales en pacientes inmunocompetentes; además, en los inmunocomprometidos también puede ocasionar infección diseminada. Pese a la disponibilidad de medicamentos antifúngicos de amplio espectro, a menudo se requiere también la intervención quirúrgica; de todas maneras, la mortalidad es elevada. El diagnóstico debe hacerse interviniendo para tomar la muestra y hacer el cultivo y las pruebas de sensibilidad. Se presenta aquí el caso de un paciente con trasplante renal que presentó un absceso cerebral por C. bantiana, el cual se extrajo mediante resección quirúrgica. El paciente recibió tratamiento con voriconazol, con adecuada respuesta, mejoría y sin secuelas neurológicas.

Abscesso Encefálico/microbiologia , Feoifomicose Cerebral/microbiologia , Transplante de Rim , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/microbiologia , Saccharomycetales/isolamento & purificação , Anfotericina B/uso terapêutico , Antifúngicos/uso terapêutico , Abscesso Encefálico/tratamento farmacológico , Abscesso Encefálico/etiologia , Abscesso Encefálico/cirurgia , Feoifomicose Cerebral/tratamento farmacológico , Feoifomicose Cerebral/etiologia , Feoifomicose Cerebral/cirurgia , Terapia Combinada , Craniotomia , Rejeição de Enxerto/tratamento farmacológico , Humanos , Hiperoxalúria Primária/complicações , Hiperoxalúria Primária/diagnóstico , Hiperoxalúria Primária/genética , Hospedeiro Imunocomprometido , Imunossupressores/efeitos adversos , Imunossupressores/uso terapêutico , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Nefrolitíase/etiologia , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/tratamento farmacológico , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/etiologia , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/cirurgia , Recidiva , Diálise Renal
J. bras. nefrol ; 41(3): 427-432, July-Sept. 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040255


Abstract Methotrexate is an effective medication to control several diseases; however, it can be very toxic, being myelosuppression one of its main adverse effects, which increases in severity and frequency in patients with renal failure. We present the case of a 68-year-old man with chronic, end-stage renal disease associated with ANCA vasculitis, under treatment with peritoneal dialysis, who received the medication at a low dose, indicated by disease activity, which presented as a complication with severe pancytopenia with mucositis that improved with support measures and multiple-exchange peritoneal dialysis. We reviewed 20 cases published to date of pancytopenia associated with methotrexate in patients on dialysis and found high morbidity and mortality, which is why its use in this type of patient is not recommended. However, when this complication occurs, a therapeutic option could be the use of multiple-exchange peritoneal dialysis in addition to supportive therapy for drug-related toxicity, although it is recognized that studies are required to show the role of multiple-exchange peritoneal dialysis in the removal of this medication.

Resumo Apesar de sua toxicidade, o metotrexato é um medicamento eficaz no controle de várias doenças. A mielossupressão, um de seus principais efeitos adversos, aumenta em gravidade e frequência nos pacientes com insuficiência renal. Apresentamos o caso de um homem de 68 anos de idade com doença renal terminal relacionada à vasculite associada ao ANCA em diálise peritoneal, que recebeu a medicação em dose baixa em função da atividade da doença e que teve como complicação pancitopenia grave com mucosite, tratada com medidas de suporte e diálise peritoneal com múltiplas trocas. Revisamos 20 casos publicados até o presente momento sobre pancitopenia associada a metotrexato em pacientes em diálise. Foi identificada alta morbidade e mortalidade, razão pela qual seu uso nesse tipo de paciente não é recomendado. No entanto, quando esta complicação ocorre, uma opção terapêutica pode ser o uso de diálise peritoneal com múltiplas trocas, além da terapia de suporte para toxicidade medicamentosa. Maiores estudos são necessários para demonstrar o papel da diálise peritoneal com múltiplas trocas na remoção desse medicamento.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Vasculite/tratamento farmacológico , Metotrexato/efeitos adversos , Metotrexato/uso terapêutico , Diálise Peritoneal/métodos , Antagonistas do Ácido Fólico/efeitos adversos , Antagonistas do Ácido Fólico/uso terapêutico , Falência Renal Crônica/terapia , Pancitopenia/etiologia , Pancitopenia/terapia , Choque Séptico/etiologia , Choque Séptico/tratamento farmacológico , Metotrexato/sangue , Resultado do Tratamento , Mucosite/etiologia , Mucosite/tratamento farmacológico , Antagonistas do Ácido Fólico/sangue , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 39(supl.2): 20-25, ago. 2019. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1038824


Resumen Las feohifomicosis cerebrales son infecciones graves causadas por mohos dematiáceos, entre los cuales Cladophialophora bantiana es una de las especies más comúnmente aislada. Esta tiene tropismo por el sistema nervioso central y frecuentemente produce abscesos cerebrales en pacientes inmunocompetentes; además, en los inmunocomprometidos también puede ocasionar infección diseminada. Pese a la disponibilidad de medicamentos antifúngicos de amplio espectro, a menudo se requiere también la intervención quirúrgica; de todas maneras, la mortalidad es elevada. El diagnóstico debe hacerse interviniendo para tomar la muestra y hacer el cultivo y las pruebas de sensibilidad. Se presenta aquí el caso de un paciente con trasplante renal que presentó un absceso cerebral por C. bantiana, el cual se extrajo mediante resección quirúrgica. El paciente recibió tratamiento con voriconazol, con adecuada respuesta, mejoría y sin secuelas neurológicas.

Abstract Cerebral feohifomycosis are severe infections caused by dematiaceous fungi. Cladophialophora bantiana is one of the most commonly isolated species; it has central nervous system tropism and it often manifests as a brain abscess in immunocompetent patients. In immunocompromised patients, it can lead to brain abscesses and disseminated infections. Despite the availability of broad-spectrum antifungal drugs, it is a must to perform surgical management, in addition to drug therapy. However, mortality is high. The diagnostic approach must be invasive to establish a timely diagnosis and direct treatment based on culture and susceptibility tests. We report a case of brain abscess caused by C. bantiana in an immunosuppressed patient who was treated with surgical resection and voriconazole with an adequate response to therapy and without neurological sequels.

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/microbiologia , Abscesso Encefálico/microbiologia , Transplante de Rim , Saccharomycetales/isolamento & purificação , Feoifomicose Cerebral/microbiologia , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/cirurgia , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/etiologia , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/tratamento farmacológico , Recidiva , Hiperoxalúria Primária/complicações , Hiperoxalúria Primária/diagnóstico , Hiperoxalúria Primária/genética , Abscesso Encefálico/cirurgia , Abscesso Encefálico/etiologia , Abscesso Encefálico/tratamento farmacológico , Anfotericina B/uso terapêutico , Diálise Renal , Hospedeiro Imunocomprometido , Terapia Combinada , Craniotomia , Nefrolitíase/etiologia , Feoifomicose Cerebral/cirurgia , Feoifomicose Cerebral/etiologia , Feoifomicose Cerebral/tratamento farmacológico , Rejeição de Enxerto/tratamento farmacológico , Imunossupressores/efeitos adversos , Imunossupressores/uso terapêutico , Antifúngicos/uso terapêutico
J Bras Nefrol ; 41(3): 427-432, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30281061


Methotrexate is an effective medication to control several diseases; however, it can be very toxic, being myelosuppression one of its main adverse effects, which increases in severity and frequency in patients with renal failure. We present the case of a 68-year-old man with chronic, end-stage renal disease associated with ANCA vasculitis, under treatment with peritoneal dialysis, who received the medication at a low dose, indicated by disease activity, which presented as a complication with severe pancytopenia with mucositis that improved with support measures and multiple-exchange peritoneal dialysis. We reviewed 20 cases published to date of pancytopenia associated with methotrexate in patients on dialysis and found high morbidity and mortality, which is why its use in this type of patient is not recommended. However, when this complication occurs, a therapeutic option could be the use of multiple-exchange peritoneal dialysis in addition to supportive therapy for drug-related toxicity, although it is recognized that studies are required to show the role of multiple-exchange peritoneal dialysis in the removal of this medication.

Antagonistas do Ácido Fólico/efeitos adversos , Antagonistas do Ácido Fólico/uso terapêutico , Falência Renal Crônica/terapia , Metotrexato/efeitos adversos , Metotrexato/uso terapêutico , Diálise Peritoneal/métodos , Vasculite/tratamento farmacológico , Adulto , Idoso , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico , Feminino , Antagonistas do Ácido Fólico/sangue , Humanos , Masculino , Metotrexato/sangue , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Mucosite/tratamento farmacológico , Mucosite/etiologia , Pancitopenia/etiologia , Pancitopenia/terapia , Choque Séptico/tratamento farmacológico , Choque Séptico/etiologia , Resultado do Tratamento
Iatreia ; 31(3): 300-304, jul.-set. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-975481


RESUMEN El compromiso neurológico del sistema nervioso central (SNC) en las vasculitis asociadas a anticuerpos anticitoplasma de neutrófilos (ANCAS, del inglés anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies) es raro y potencialmente catastrófico. El estándar de tratamiento ha sido la ciclofosfamida con pulsos de esteroides, sin embargo, este esquema no tiene evidencia fuerte para el compromiso del sistema nervioso central y no está exento de efectos adversos graves sobre todo en la población anciana. En los últimos años, ha aparecido el rituximab como terapia alternativa a la ciclofosfamida para inducir la remisión en este tipo de vasculitis, no obstante, su uso con compromiso neurológico grave también ha sido anecdótico. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 84 años de edad con poliangeítis microscópica y compromiso neurológico y renal grave, tratada con rituximab evolucionando favorablemente alcanzando la remisión de la enfermedad.

SUMMARY The neurological involvement of the central nervous system (CNS) in vasculitis associated with ANCAS is rare and potentially catastrophic. The standard treatment is cyclophosphamide with pulses of steroids; however, this scheme has no strong evidence for central nervous system involvement and is not free of serious adverse effects especially in the elderly population. In recent year's rituximab has appeared as an alternative therapy to cyclophosphamide to induce remission in this type of vasculitis, however its use with severe neurological involvement has also been anecdotal. We present the case of 84-year-old patient who presented a microscopic polyangiitis with severe neurological and renal involvement, treated with rituximab with a favorable evolution in reaching remission of the disease.

Humanos , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Sistema Nervoso Central , Poliangiite Microscópica