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Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 41(1): 86-100, ene.-abr. 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-639933


Introducción: Los polimorfismos indel en la región promotora y los polimorfismos de tamaño en el intrón 2 del gen transportador de serotonina se han asociado con el trastorno afectivo bipolar 1 (TAB 1) en diferentes poblaciones. El objetivo fue analizar las frecuencias genotípicas y alélicas en ambas regiones del gen en un estudio de casos y controles en Risaralda y Quindío (Colombia) para encontrar una asociación con TAB 1 y compararlas con estudios similares. Métodos: Se analizaron 133 pacientes y 120 controles. Con PCR se analizaron los polimorfismos indel L y S de la región promotora y los de tamaño (VNTR) STin 2.10 y STin 2.12 del segundo intrón del gen SLC6A4. Resultados: Las frecuencias genotípicas y alélicas en los polimorfismos S y L fueron muy similares en casos y controles. Sin embargo, el genotipo LL se encontró incrementado no significativamente en la población general con TAB 1 (OR=1,89; IC95%= 1,1-3,68) y al separarla por género. Los OR para este genotipo en la oblación general (OR=1,89; IC95%=1,1-3,68) en mujeres (OR=2,22; IC95%=1,04-5,66) y en hombres (OR=1,62; IC95%=0,71-4,39). En los polimorfismos VNTR STin 2.10 y STin2.212 tampoco se observaron diferencias significativas entre las frecuencias genotípicas y alélicas. Conclusiones: No encontramos asociación entre los polimorfismos de las regiones 5-HTTLPR y el intrón 2 del gen transportador de serotonina en los pacientes con TAB 1, ni en la población total, ni al separarla por género. Nuestros resultados son similares a los encontrados en poblaciones caucásicas y difieren de los encontrados en asiáticas y brasileras…

Introduction: The indel polymorphisms in the promoting region and the 2nd intron polymorphisms in the serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) have been associated to bipolar disorder 1 (BD1) in several population studies. The objective was to analyze the genotypic and allelic frequencies in both gene regions in a study of cases and controls with individuals from Risaralda and Quindío (Colombia) so as to establish possible associations to BD1, and compare results with previous and similar studies. Methods: 133 patients and 120 controls were studied. L and S indel polymorphisms in the promoting region were analyzed by PCR, together with VNTR STin2.10 and STin 2.12 VNTRs polymorphisms in the 2nd intron of the SLC6A4 gene Results: Genotypic and allelic frequencies for the S and L polymorphisms were similar both in cases and controls. However, the LL genotype was significantly increased both in BD1 population (OR=1.89; CI95%=1.1-3.68), and when discriminated by gender. This particular genotype in general population is OR=2.22; IC95%=1.04-5.66 for women, and OR=1.62; IC 95%=0.71-4.39 for men. No significant genotypic and allelic differences were found for VNTR STin2.10 and STin 2.12. polymorphisms. Conclusions: No association was found between polymorphisms of 5-HTTLPR polymorphisms and the 2nd intron of the serotonin ransporting gene in general patients with BD1, nor when compared by gender. Our results are similar to those reported for Caucasian populations and differ from those of Asian and Brazilian populations…

Relatos de Casos , Genótipo , Proteínas da Membrana Plasmática de Transporte de Serotonina
Rev Colomb Psiquiatr ; 41(1): 86-100, 2012 Mar.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26573471


INTRODUCTION: The indel polymorphisms in the promoting region and the 2(nd) intron polymorphisms in the serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) have been associated to bipolar disorder 1 (BD1) in several population studies. The objective was to analyze the genotypic and allelic frequencies in both gene regions in a study of cases and controls with individuals from Risaralda and Quindío (Colombia) so as to establish possible associations to BD1, and compare results with previous and similar studies. METHODS: 133 patients and 120 controls were studied. L and S indel polymorphisms in the promoting region were analyzed by PCR, together with VNTR STin2.10 and STin 2.12 VNTRs polymorphisms in the 2(nd) intron of the SL-C6A4 gene RESULTS: Genotypic and allelic frequencies for the S and L polymorphisms were similar both in cases and controls. However, the LL genotype was significantly increased both in BD1 population (OR=1.89; CI95%=1.1-3.68), and when discriminated by gender. This particular genotype in general population is OR=2.22; IC95%=1.04-5.66 for women, and OR=1.62; IC 95%=0.71-4.39 for men. No significant genotypic and allelic differences were found for VNTR STin2.10 and STin 2.12. polymorphisms. CONCLUSIONS: No association was found between polymorphisms of 5-HTTLPR polymorphisms and the 2(nd) intron of the serotonin transporting gene in general patients with BD1, nor when compared by gender. Our results are similar to those reported for Caucasian populations and differ from those of Asian and Brazilian populations.