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Sensors (Basel) ; 23(7)2023 Mar 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37050619


LIDAL (Light Ion Detector for ALTEA, Anomalous Long-Term Effects on Astronauts) is a radiation detector designed to measure the flux, the energy spectra and, for the first time, the time-of-flight of ions in a space habitat. It features a combination of striped silicon sensors for the measurement of deposited energy (using the ALTEA device, which operated from 2006 to 2012 in the International Space Station) and fast scintillators for the time-of-flight measurement. LIDAL was tested and calibrated using the proton beam line at TIFPA (Trento Institute for Fundamental Physics Application) and the carbon beam line at CNAO (National Center for Oncology Hadron-therapy) in 2019. The performance of the time-of-flight system featured a time resolution (sigma) less than 100 ps. Here, we describe the detector and the results of these tests, providing ground calibration curves along with the methodology established for processing the detector's data. LIDAL was uploaded in the International Space Station in November 2019 and it has been operative in the Columbus module since January 2020.

J Low Temp Phys ; 209(5-6)2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37427309


The nonlinear energy response of cryogenic microcalorimeters is usually corrected through an empirical calibration. X-ray or gamma-ray emission lines of known shape and energy anchor a smooth function that generalizes the calibration data and converts detector measurements to energies. We argue that this function should be an approximating spline. The theory of Gaussian process regression makes a case for this functional form. It also provides an important benefit previously absent from our calibration method: a quantitative uncertainty estimate for the calibrated energies, with lower uncertainty near the best-constrained calibration points.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 27(Pt 6): 1601-1608, 2020 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33147184


Resonant soft X-ray scattering (RSOXS) has become a premier probe to study complex three-dimensional nanostructures in soft matter through combining the robust structural characterization of small-angle scattering with the chemical sensitivity of spectroscopy. This technique borrows many of its analysis methods from alternative small-angle scattering measurements that utilize contrast variation, but thus far RSOXS has been unable to reliably achieve an absolute scattering intensity required for quantitative analysis of domain compositions, volume fraction, or interfacial structure. Here, a novel technique to calibrate RSOXS to an absolute intensity at the carbon absorption edge is introduced. It is shown that the X-ray fluorescence from a thin polymer film can be utilized as an angle-independent scattering standard. Verification of absolute intensity is then accomplished through measuring the Flory-Huggins interaction parameter in a phase-mixed polymer melt. The necessary steps for users to reproduce this intensity calibration in their own experiments to improve the scientific output from RSOXS measurements are discussed.

Appl Radiat Isot ; 158: 109028, 2020 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31989930


Silicon detectors are widely used in space radiation dosimeter systems for measuring energetic charged particles. Calibration of such systems is usually performed with protons and heavier ions in high energy particle accelerators. For preliminary energy calibration and functional testing of silicon detectors, at any time during the development, an equipment producing a thin 212Bi-212Po alpha particle emitting source was designed and constructed. Our aim was to develop an alpha source with negligible self-shielding and short life-time in order to prevent the long-term contamination of the detectors with alpha particle emitting nuclides. In the present paper, a description of the method chosen, and the equipment developed are given. Estimates of the activity of the source produced was obtained from measurements with the RADTEL space radiation telescope under development in the Centre for Energy Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA EK). It was also used to verify that the alpha particle emitting source is suitable for the preliminary calibration and functional testing of silicon detector systems.

Metrologia ; 57(1)2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34121773


We measure the detection efficiency of single-photon detectors at wavelengths near 851 nm and 1533.6 nm. We investigate the spatial uniformity of one free-space-coupled single-photon avalanche diode and present a comparison between fusion-spliced and connectorized fiber-coupled single-photon detectors. We find that our expanded relative uncertainty for a single measurement of the detection efficiency is as low as 0.70% for fiber-coupled measurements at 1533.6 nm and as high as 1.78% for our free-space characterization at 851.7 nm. The detection-efficiency determination includes corrections for afterpulsing, dark count, and count-rate effects of the single-photon detector with the detection efficiency interpolated to operation at a specified detected count rate.

J Environ Radioact ; 188: 58-66, 2018 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29074271


In situ gamma spectrometry is a widely applied analysis technique for the determination of radioactivity levels in soil. Compared to traditional laboratory analysis of soil samples, in situ techniques offer a quick and low-cost way of obtaining accurate results from on-site measurements. However, although the technique is well-known, the dependence of in situ gamma spectrometry on complex and time-consuming calibration procedures as well as in-depth knowledge of the geometric distribution of the source in the ground deters many potential users from employing it in their routine work. Aiming to alleviate this issue, a software tool named InSiCal (In Situ gamma spectrometry Calculator) has been developed to make in situ gamma spectrometry more accessible to both experts and non-experts in the field. This is done by simplifying and streamlining both calibration and activity calculation through a simple and intuitive graphical user interface. Testing in real field conditions show that InSiCal is capable of yielding results which are in very good agreement with soil sample analyses, and that the results may be obtained using different detector types (HPGe, NaI, LaBr and CZT). Overall, InSiCal, provides results which are comparable in accuracy to laboratory measurements, indicating that it fulfills its purpose successfully.

Calibragem , Monitoramento de Radiação/métodos , Espectrometria gama/métodos , Poluentes Radioativos do Solo/análise
Materials (Basel) ; 10(11)2017 Nov 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29156579


In order to quantify the wave motion of guided ultrasonic waves, the characteristics of piezoelectric detectors, or ultrasonic transducers and acoustic emission sensors, have been evaluated systematically. Such guided waves are widely used in structural health monitoring and nondestructive evaluation, but methods of calibrating piezoelectric detectors have been inadequate. This study relied on laser interferometry for the base displacement measurement of bar waves, from which eight different guided wave test set-ups are developed with known wave motion using piezoelectric transmitters. Both plates and bars of 12.7 and 6.4 mm thickness were used as wave propagation media. The upper frequency limit was 2 MHz. Output of guided wave detectors were obtained on the test set-ups and their receiving sensitivities were characterized and averaged. While each sensitivity spectrum was noisy for a detector, the averaged spectrum showed a good convergence to a unique receiving sensitivity. Twelve detectors were evaluated and their sensitivity spectra determined in absolute units. Generally, these showed rapidly dropping sensitivity with increasing frequency due to waveform cancellation on their sensing areas. This effect contributed to vastly different sensitivities to guided wave and to normally incident wave for each one of the 12 detectors tested. Various other effects are discussed and recommendations on methods of implementing the approach developed are provided.

Appl Radiat Isot ; 128: 41-48, 2017 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28686886


A well-defined neutron spectrum is an essential tool for calibration and tests of spectrometry and dosimetry detectors, and evaluation methods for spectra processing. Many of the nowadays used neutron standards are calibrated against a fission spectrum which has a rather smooth energy dependence. In recent time, at the LVR-15 research reactor in Rez, an alternative approach was tested for the needs of fast neutron spectrometry detector calibration. This process comprises detector tests in a neutron beam, filtered by one meter of single-crystalline silicon, which contains several significant peaks in the fast neutron energy range. Tests in such neutron field can possibly reveal specific problems in the deconvolution matrix of the detection system, which may stay hidden in fields with a smooth structure and can provide a tool for a proper energy calibration. Test with several stilbene scintillator crystals in two different beam configurations supplemented by Monte-Carlo transport calculations have been carried out. The results have shown a high level of agreement between the experimental data and simulation, proving thus the accuracy of used deconvolution matrix. The chosen approach can, thus, provide a well-defined neutron reference field with a peaked structure for further tests of spectra evaluation methods and scintillation detector energy calibration.

Appl Radiat Isot ; 120: 45-50, 2017 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27907883


A well-defined neutron spectrum is essential for many types of experimental topics and is also important for both calibration and testing of spectrometric and dosimetric detectors. Provided it is well described, such a spectrum can also be employed as a reference neutron field that is suitable for validating selected cross sections. The present paper aims to compare calculations and measurements of such a well-defined spectra in geometrically similar cores of the LR-0 reactor with fuel containing slightly different enrichments (2%, 3.3% and 3.6%). The common feature to all cores is a centrally located dry channel which can be used for the insertion of studied materials. The calculation of neutron and gamma spectra was realized with the MCNP6 code using ENDF/B-VII.0, JEFF-3.1, JENDL-3.3, ROSFOND-2010 and CENDL-3.1 nuclear data libraries. Only minor differences in neutron and gamma spectra were found in the comparison of the presented reactor cores with different fuel enrichments. One exception is the gamma spectrum in the higher energy region (above 8MeV), where more pronounced variations could be observed.

Methods Cell Biol ; 114: 427-40, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23931517


Confocal microscopes are in principle well suited for quantitative imaging. The 3D fluorophore distribution in a specimen is transformed by the microscope optics and detector into the 2D intensity distribution of a digital image by a linear operation, a convolution. If multiple 2D images of the specimen at different focal planes are obtained, then the original 3D distribution in the specimen can be reconstructed. This reconstruction is a low-pass spatially filtered representation of the original, but quantitatively preserves relative fluorophore concentrations, with of course some limitations on accuracy and precision due to aberrations and noise. Given appropriate calibration, absolute fluorophore concentrations are accessible. A few simple guidelines are given for setting up confocal microscopes and checking their performance. With a little care, the images collected should be suitable for most types of quantitative analysis.

Processamento de Imagem Assistida por Computador/métodos , Calibragem , Corantes Fluorescentes/química , Microscopia Confocal/métodos , Microscopia de Fluorescência/métodos , Sensibilidade e Especificidade
J Res Natl Inst Stand Technol ; 113(6): 305-9, 2008.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27096130


For the past ten years, NIST has used high-reflectivity, optical choppers as beamsplitters and attenuators when calibrating the absolute responsivity and response linearity of detectors used with high-power CW lasers. The chopper-based technique has several advantages over the use of wedge-shaped transparent materials (usually crystals) often used as beam splitters in this type of measurement system. We describe the design, operation and calibration of these choppers. A comparison between choppers and transparent wedge beampslitters is also discussed.

Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng ; 56892005 Jan 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26113754


Isotropic detectors with spherical scattering tips are commonly used for in-vivo dosimetry of light fluence rate during photodynamic therapy (PDT). These detectors are typically calibrated in-air. It has been well established that the response of an isotropic detector is a function of the refractive index (n) of the surrounding medium when it is surrounded by an infinite medium of uniform n. However, there are few, if any, studies of the isotropic detector response when the detector is placed in a secondary medium, such as air, before it is placed inside the infinite uniform medium. This condition often arises when one places the isotropic detector inside an air-filled catheter which is then inserted into a turbid medium, such as tissue. We have performed theoretical and experimental studies to determine the correction factors in water (n = 1.33), which has a refractive index similar to that of tissue (n = 1.4). We found that the resulting correction factor is almost the same (within 20%) as the correction factor for the outermost medium (the water) rather than the immediate medium surrounding the isotropic detector (air). The detector correction factor is also a function of the index of refraction of the probe material. For a 1-mm diameter probe from CardioFocus, the detector correction factor varied from 1 (in air) to 1.09 (at air-water interface) to 1.49 (completely submerged in water). At the air-water interface the spherical bulb of the isotropic detector is placed half in air and half in water. For a 0.5-mm diameter probe from the same company, it varied from 1 (in air) to 1.32 (at air-water interface) to 1.87 (in water). For a 0.3-mm diameter probe from the same company, it varied from 1 (in air) to 1.32 (at air-water interface) to 1.71 (in water). We have also found that the detector response changes by less than 10% when the detector position is varied from touching the catheter wall closest to the light source, to not touching, to touching the catheter wall farthest from the light source. The calibration factors between individual isotropic detectors of the same type varied within 5% for all detector types. Thus mean correction factor can be used for each individual isotropic detector of the same type.