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Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569856


Introducción: La comunicación en salud integra la capacidad de informar, incluir y motivar a la población sobre temas relacionados con la salud, cuyas funciones incluyen la supervivencia del paciente, su salud general y específica, y su bienestar económico y social. Sin embargo, los distintos sistemas de salud pueden tener fortalezas y limitaciones que requieren evaluación sistemática, y en función de ello proponer acciones de mejoras. Objetivo: valorar las perspectivas de comunicación en salud en el entorno guayaquileño, según categorías de información, instrucción e integración. Métodos: investigación descriptiva/explicativa de orden correlacional, estudiando los criterios de profesionales de la salud (85 encuestados) sobre indicadores de información, instrucción e integración. Resultados: La variable "Información" no presentó diferencias significativas (p=0.762) al comparar los antecedentes con los datos de la presente investigación, mientras que las variables Instrucción (p=0.000) e Integración (p=0.006) sí presentaron diferencias notables en detrimento de la presente investigación. Conclusiones: Se evidencia problemas notables de comunicación en el personal de salud guayaquileño, enfatizando en las variables de Instrucción e Integración relacionadas con la comunicación. las perspectivas de acciones a mediano y largo plazo deben encaminarse en términos prioritarios a mejorar el proceso de comunicación interna y externa entre el personal/profesional de la salud, los directivos en los centros hospitalarios, y el proceso asociado de superación profesional, incluyendo los procesos de cooperación entre los distintos actores del sector salud.

Introduction: Health communication integrates the ability to inform, include and motivate the population on health-related topics, whose functions include the patient's survival, their general and specific health, and their economic and social well-being. However, different health systems may have strengths and limitations that require systematic evaluation, and based on this, improvement actions must be proposed. Objective: to assess the health communication perspectives in the Guayaquil environment, according to categories of information, instruction and integration. Methods: descriptive/explanatory correlational research, studying the health professional's criteria (85 respondents) on information, instruction and integration indicators. Results: The variable "Information" did not present significant differences (p=0.762) when comparing the background with the present research data, while the variables Instruction (p=0.000) and Integration (p=0.006) did present notable differences in detriment of the present research. Conclusions: Notable communication problems are evident in Guayaquil health personnel, emphasizing the Instruction and Integration variables related to communication. The perspectives of medium and long-term actions must be directed in priority terms to improve the internal and external communication process between the staff/health professionals, the managers in the hospital centers, and the associated process of professional improvement, including the processes cooperation between the different actors in the health sector.

Rev. direito sanit ; 22(2): 0021, 20221230. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425316


Las especies virales de la familia Coronaviridae presentan transmisión zoonótica y causan infecciones respiratorias y gastrointestinales en aves y mamíferos. En esta familia existen tres especies que han podido infectar diversas poblaciones humanas: SARS-CoV-1, MERS-CoV y SARS-CoV-2. Este último virus es el agente causal de la enfermedad denominada Covid-19, declarada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud como pandemia debido a su forma de transmisión, periodo de latencia y reportes en todo el mundo. En Ecuador, el primer caso de Covid-19 fue diagnosticado el 28 de febrero de 2020 y las medidas sanitarias fueron focalizadas en la suspensión de eventos masivos de forma local. Varios días después, el aislamiento empezó con el decreto del Estado de Emergencia Sanitaria en el que el gobierno central y el municipio de Quito innovaron en medidas de contingencia y prevención. Acto seguido, la imposición de cuarentena y toque de queda nacional inició con la declaración del Estado de Excepción, pero el municipio de Guayaquil no pudo manejar la contumacia ciudadana. Producto de ello, Guayaquil reportó un crecimiento exorbitante de defunciones en hospitales, viviendas y calles de la urbe. Por otra parte, el modelo de gestión establecido en Quito minimizó el impacto de la nueva enfermedad.

Viral species of the Coronaviridae family present zoonotic transmission and cause respiratory and gastrointestinal infections in birds and mammals. Three species of this family managed to infect several human populations: SARS-CoV-1, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2. This last virus is the causative agent of the disease called covid-19, declared by the World Health Organization as a pandemic due to its mode of transmission, latency period and reports around the world. In Ecuador, the first case of covid-19 was diagnosed on February 28, 2020 and health measures have focused on suspending massive events locally. Several days later, isolation began with the decree of a State of Health Emergency in which the central government and the Municipality of Quito innovated in contingency and prevention measures. Immediately af terwards, the imposition of the quarantine and the national curfew began with the declaration of the State of Exception, but the municipality of Guayaquil was not able to face the citizen's contumacy. As a result, Guayaquil saw an exorbitant increase in deaths in hospitals, homes and city streets. On the other hand, the management model established in Quito minimized the impact of the new disease.

Espécies virais da família Coronaviridae apresentam transmissão zoonótica e causam infecções respiratórias e gastrointestinais em aves e mamíferos. Três espécies dessa família conseguiram infectar várias populações humanas: SARS-CoV-1, MERS-CoV e SARS-CoV-2. Este último vírus é o agente causador da doença chamada covid-19, declarada pela Organização Mundial da Saúde como uma pandemia devido ao seu modo de transmissão, período de latência e relatos em todo o mundo. No Equador, o primeiro caso de covid-19 foi diagnosticado em 28 de fevereiro de 2020 e as medidas sanitárias concentraram-se na suspensão de eventos massivos localmente. Vários dias depois, o isolamento começou com o decreto de Estado de Emergência Sanitária no qual o governo central e o Município de Quito inovaram em medidas de contingência e prevenção. Imediatamente depois, começou a imposição da quarentena e do toque de recolher nacional com a declaração do Estado de Exceção, mas o município de Guayaquil não foi capaz de enfrentar a contumácia do cidadão. Como resultado disso, Guayaquil registrou um crescimento exorbitante de mortes em hospitais, residências e ruas da cidade. Por outro lado, o modelo de gestão estabelecido em Quito minimizou o impacto da nova doença.

Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(6): 1386-1393, dic. 2022. tab.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1428308


Se estima que aproximadamente siete millones de personas mueren anualmente por la contaminación del aire ambiental y doméstico, debido a enfermedades no transmisibles, especialmente en zonas con servicios públicos precarios; además la infraestructura y condiciones de las viviendas o hacinamiento se han asociado a la aparición de enfermedades agudas y crónicas. En Ecuador, para el año 2010, se reportó más de 2,5 millones de personas en zonas de asentamientos irregulares con deficientes saneamiento ambiental. Se realizó un estudio experimental con la participación de 85 jefes de familia en las comunidades de La Unión, Nuestra señora de Lourdes, las Acacias y Brisa del mar, de la parroquia rural Posorja, del cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador, para evaluar el desarrollo de habilidades de saneamiento ambiental. Para ello, se identificaron los problemas y las prioridades en salud ambiental, posteriormente se implementó el plan de desarrollo de habilidades en salud ambiental. Se observó deficiencias en cuanto a la construcción de viviendas, acceso al agua potable, disposición de excretas y desechos sólidos. Además, posterior a las jornadas de capacitación hubo un incremento en las habilidades cognoscitivas y prácticas en salud ambiental, al comparar con las competencias previas, especialmente en aspectos relacionados con el abastecimiento de agua potable, disposición de residuos sólidos y control de fauna nociva. Se logró fortalecer el desarrollo de habilidades en saneamiento ambiental de los habitantes, lo que incide en el mejoramiento de la salud pública y calidad de vida de las comunidades en estudio(AU)

It is estimated that approximately seven million people die annually from environmental and domestic air pollution, due to non-communicable diseases, especially in areas with precarious public services; In addition, the infrastructure and conditions of the houses or overcrowding have been associated with the appearance of acute and chronic diseases. In Ecuador, for the year 2010, more than 2.5 million people were reported in areas of irregular settlements with deficient environmental sanitation. An experimental study was carried out with the participation of 85 heads of families in the communities of La Unión, Nuestra Señora de Lourdes, Las Acacias and Brisa del Mar, from the Posorja rural parish, from the Guayaquil canton, Ecuador, to evaluate the development of skills of environmental sanitation. In order to, environmental health problems and priorities were identified, and the environmental health skills development plan was subsequently implemented. Deficiencies were observed in terms of housing construction, access to drinking water, disposal of excreta and solid waste. In addition, after the training sessions, there was an increase in cognitive skills and practices in environmental health, when compared to previous skills, especially in aspects related to drinking water supply, solid waste disposal, and control of harmful fauna. It was possible to strengthen the development of skills in environmental sanitation of the inhabitants, which affects the improvement of public health and quality of life of the communities under study(AU)

Humanos , Saneamento , Educação em Saúde Ambiental , Poluição Ambiental/prevenção & controle , Equador
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 29(4)oct. 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424293


Mulinia lateralis is a native bivalve from the Western Atlantic Ocean, distributed from the Gulf of Saint Lawrence in Canada to Yucatan in Mexico. Based on morphological and genetic data of specimens collected in shrimp farms, in this work, we confirm the presence of M. lateralis in the Gulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador. Presence and its consequences of this invasive bivalve in the region is discussed.

Mulinia lateralis es un bivalvo nativo de las aguas del Océano Atlántico Occidental, distribuido desde el Golfo de Saint Lawrence en Canadá hasta Yucatán en México. En este trabajo, la presencia de M. lateralis es confirmada en el Golfo de Guayaquil, Ecuador, con base en datos morfológicos y genéticos de ejemplares colectados en camaroneras. Se presenta una discusión sobre la presencia y consecuencias de este bivalvo invasor en la región.

Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 28(2): 587-591, abr.-jun. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279128


Resumen El caso de la covid-19 en Guayaquil demuestra que las esferas médica y científica no están divorciadas de los factores coyunturales políticos, sociales y económicos, sino que se condicionan mutuamente. En particular, las crisis políticas y desigualdades socioeconómicas que afectaban al Ecuador antes de la llegada de la pandemia prepararon el camino para los estragos causados por el nuevo coronavirus en el país.

Abstract The case of covid-19 in Guayaquil shows that the medical and scientific spheres are not divorced from contemporary political, social and economic factors, but that they act upon one another. In particular, the political crises and socioeconomic inequalities that affected Ecuador before the arrival of the pandemic paved the way for the havoc caused by the new coronavirus in the country.

Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Política , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Saúde Pública , Equador/epidemiologia
Dis Aquat Organ ; 134(1): 75-87, 2019 Apr 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31020950


Lobomycosis-like disease (LLD) is a chronic granulomatous skin disorder that affects Delphinidae worldwide. LLD has been observed in common bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus from the Gulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador, since 1990. Although exogenous factors such as salinity and pollution may play a role in the pathogenesis of this disease in estuarine and coastal dolphin communities, we hypothesized that demography and social behaviour may also influence its epidemiology. To address this issue, the role of social behaviour in the distribution and prevalence of LLD was assessed through hierarchical cluster analysis and spatial distribution analysis in 7 dolphin communities inhabiting the inner estuary. Individuals with LLD lesions were observed in 5 of the 7 dolphin communities, with 13 of the 163 (8%) animals being positive, all adults. Among 8 dolphins of known sex, LLD affected mostly males (86%), who usually were found in pairs. Prevalence was low to moderate (5.1-13%) in dolphin communities where low-rank males had LLD. Conversely, it was high (44.4%, n = 9) in a small community where a high-rank male was infected. LLD affected both dolphins in 2 of the 4 male pairs for which large time series data were available, suggesting horizontal transmission due to contact. Thus, association with LLD-positive males seems to be an important risk factor for infections. Additionally, low-rank males had larger home ranges than high-rank males, indicating that low-status LLD-affected dolphins are likely responsible for the geographic dissemination of the disease in this population.

Golfinho Nariz-de-Garrafa , Golfinhos Comuns , Lobomicose , Animais , Equador , Feminino , Lobomicose/veterinária , Masculino , Comportamento Social
Rev. biol. trop ; 66(2): 836-847, abr.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-977349


Resumen El Oro incluye diferentes sistemas costeros y estuarinos y es parte del Golfo de Guayaquil. Estas áreas proporcionan diferentes servicios ecosistémicos, pero con el aumento de la población y de las diversas actividades económicas, los recursos naturales locales poco estudiados pueden verse afectados negativamente. Es por ello que esta investigación tuvo como objetivo describir la dinámica del plancton, productividad y ecológica de esta área durante la estación seca de 2012, para lo cual se establecieron 17 estaciones para estudiar la distribución espacial y variación mensual de los nutrientes inorgánicos, temperatura, oxígeno disuelto, salinidad, zona fótica, abundancia y composición del plancton y larvas de peces, con métodos estándar. Se establecieron patrones espaciales y temporales mediante análisis de conglomerados y de ordenamiento multidimensional. Los resultados obtenidos de las variables bióticas y abióticas analizadas determinaron un patrón característico de un ecosistema estuarino productivo, así como también la existencia de áreas específicas asociadas a condiciones naturales y antrópicas, que son: a) interior del Archipiélago de Jambelí y frente a la isla Puná, influenciada por las actividades productivas y la hidrografía del área; b) una zona, conformada por las estaciones ubicadas en el estuario exterior donde la influencia oceánica es evidente y c) el canal de Jambelí, caracterizado por procesos de mezcla producto del flujo de mareas. Lo que se evidenció en la presencia de fitoplancton oceánico, nerítico y estuarino; copépodos con distribución uniforme en el área de estudio y dominancia de la familia Engraulidae representativa en este tipo de ecosistema acuático en lo referente a larvas de peces. Temporalmente, mayo registró precipitaciones que excedieron los valores normales, lo que habría determinado las altas concentraciones de nutrientes, la disminución de salinidad y de la zona fótica, registradas en este mes. Sin embargo la disponibilidad de nutrientes existente permitió a lo largo de todo el período de estudio mantener la composición y abundancia del fitoplancton con alternancia de especies representativas y que el zooplancton registre periodos de mayor (junio a agosto) y menor (octubre a diciembre) abundancia, lo que sería resultado de patrones poblacionales específicos de las especies presentes e influencia de la marea y flujos del río aportante; comportamiento similar registró el ictioplancton resultado de las concentraciones de Anchoa macrolepidota, especie característica de este ecosistema. Estos patrones de distribución espacio-temporal, permiten establecer el desarrollo de múltiples interacciones abióticas y bióticas que determinan diferentes estrategias para mantener la productividad del área, por lo que se recomienda desarrollar esta investigación durante la estación lluviosa en el Ecuador.

Abstract El Oro includes different coastal and estuarine systems and the important Gulf of Guayaquil. These areas provide different ecosystem services, but with the increase of population and of the varied economic activities, the barely known local natural resources may be negatively impacted. Thus this research aimed to study plankton dynamics, productivity and ecological balance for the area during the dry season of 2012. For this, we established 17 stations and studied the monthly variation and spatial distribution of inorganic nutrients, temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, photic zone, plankton and fish larvae abundance and composition with standard methods, while spatial and temporal patterns where identified using cluster and multidimentional scaling analyses. Obtained results of biotic and abiotic parameters defined a pattern characteristic of productive estuarine zones as well as the existence of three specific areas associated with the natural and anthropic conditions of the area, such as: a) inner part of the Jambelí Archipelago and in front of Puná island influenced by productive activities and the hydrography of the area; B) an area, formed by the stations located in the outer estuary where the oceanic influence is evident and c) the Jambelí channel, characterized by mixing processes resulting from tides flow. This was supported by the presence of oceanic, neritic and estuarine phytoplankton; copepods with uniform distribution in the study area, and dominance of Engraulidae fish larvae, representative of this type of aquatic ecosystem. Temporally, rainfall records in May exceeded normal values, which would have influenced the high concentrations of nutrients, decrease of salinity and of the photic zone registered during this month. However, the availability of nutrients throughout the study period, allowed to maintain the composition and abundance of phytoplankton, with changes in representative species, recorded periods of greater (June to August) and lower (October to December) zooplankton abundance, could be the result of specific population patterns of present species, and the influence of the tide and the flows of the contributing river basin. A similar behavior was recorded for ichthioplankton, as a result of Anchoa macrolepidota concentrations, species, characteristics of this type of ecosystem. These patterns of spatio-temporal distribution, allowed the development of multiple abiotic and biotic interactions that determine different strategies to maintain the productivity of the area. We recommend new studies during the rainy season in Ecuador. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(2): 836-847. Epub 2018 June 01.

Fitoplâncton/classificação , Plâncton/classificação , Ecossistema , Equilíbrio Ecológico/análise , México
PeerJ ; 6: e4589, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29707430


The common bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, is widely distributed along the western coast of South America. In Ecuador, a resident population of bottlenose dolphins inhabits the inner estuarine area of the Gulf of Guayaquil located in the southwestern part of the country and is under threat from different human activities in the area. Only one genetic study on South American common bottlenose dolphins has been carried out to date, and understanding genetic variation of wildlife populations, especially species that are identified as threatened, is crucial for defining conservation units and developing appropriate conservation strategies. In order to evaluate the evolutionary link of this population, we assessed the phylogenetic relationships, phylogeographic patterns, and population structure using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). The sampling comprised: (i) 31 skin samples collected from free-ranging dolphins at three locations in the Gulf of Guayaquil inner estuary, (ii) 38 samples from stranded dolphins available at the collection of the "Museo de Ballenas de Salinas," (iii) 549 mtDNA control region (mtDNA CR) sequences from GenBank, and (iv) 66 concatenated sequences from 7-mtDNA regions (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, NADH dehydrogenase subunit I-II, cytochrome oxidase I and II, cytochrome b, and CR) obtained from mitogenomes available in GenBank. Our analyses indicated population structure between both inner and outer estuary dolphin populations as well as with distinct populations of T. truncatus using mtDNA CR. Moreover, the inner estuary bottlenose dolphin (estuarine bottlenose dolphin) population exhibited lower levels of genetic diversity than the outer estuary dolphin population according to the mtDNA CR. Finally, the estuarine bottlenose dolphin population was genetically distinct from other T. truncatus populations based on mtDNA CR and 7-mtDNA regions. From these results, we suggest that the estuarine bottlenose dolphin population should be considered a distinct lineage. This dolphin population faces a variety of anthropogenic threats in this area; thus, we highlight its fragility and urge authorities to issue prompt management and conservation measures.

Int J Stroke ; 9(2): 207-9, 2014 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23506014


Recent stroke registries suggest that the rate of cerebral hemorrhages is declining among stroke patients in South America. High rates of cerebral hemorrhages (approaching 40% of stroke cases) reported in pioneer registries during the 1990s have not been duplicated in more recent studies. In contrast, almost all studies recruiting patients from 2003 on, reported less than 20% of cerebral hemorrhages among their stroke patients. Intermediate rates of hemorrhagic strokes (from 25% to 27%) were noted among registries recruiting patients by the end of the 20th century and the start of the new Millennium. We also noted a significant declining rate of hemorrhagic stroke over the past 20 years at our Institution. In a series of 651 consecutive first-ever stroke patients included in the Hospital-Clínica Kennedy stroke registry (Guayaquil), cerebral hemorrhages accounted for 26·3% of patients recruited between 1990 and 1994 but for only 16·5% of those seen between 2005 and 2009 (P = 0·03). More longitudinal studies are needed to confirm these findings and to determine whether the reported declining rate of hemorrhagic strokes in South America is related to increase life expectancy of the population, or to changes in lifestyle, dietary habits, or some other specific stroke risk factors not well evaluated so far.

Hemorragia Cerebral/epidemiologia , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/epidemiologia , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Feminino , Humanos , Incidência , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Sistema de Registros , Fatores de Risco , América do Sul/epidemiologia
Medicina (Guayaquil) ; 14(4): 310-314, sept. 2009.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-617760


La etiología de la cirrosis más frecuente es por alcoholismo y por hepatitis B-C, se presenta un estudio de tipo retrospectivo, descriptivo, explicativo en el hospital Guayaquil “Dr. Abel Gilbert Pontón” realizado de enero- agosto 2007, lapso en el que se atendió 43 pacientes ingresados por esta enfermedad al presentar complicaciones, el objetivo de esta investigación fue conocer la principal etiología y complicación de la cirrosis hepática, dando como resultado que 51.16 fueron de sexo masculino, la edad de mayor frecuencia fue la más de 70 años con 27,9, la complicación más frecuente fue la hemorragia digestiva 58,13, la etiología en hombres fue la alcohólica el 63, y en las mujeres la esteatohepatitis no alcohólica 57. Por lo que se concluye que la principal es la hemorragia digestiva por ruptura de várices esofágicas. La etiología en el género masculino fue el alcoholismo, y en el femenino, la esteatohepatitis no alcohólica.

The most frequent etiology of the cirrhosis is alcoholism and hepatitis B-C. We present a retrospective, descriptive and explanatory study in the Hospital “Dr. Abel Gilbert Pontón” of Guayaquil. It was carried out between January and August 2007, time when 43 patients were assisted because of the complications presented by this disease. The main purpose of this study was to know the main etiology and complications of cirrhosis. Such study resulted in 51.60 males, the most frequent complication was the digestive hemorrhage with 58.13, and the etiology in men was the alcoholic with 63, although in women it was the non-alcoholic esteatohepatitis with 57. As a result, we can conclude that the main complication is the digestive hemorrhage by rupture of esophageal varices. The etiology in males was alcoholism, and in the females, the non-alcoholic esteatohepatitis.

Masculino , Adulto , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Cirrose Hepática , Ascite , Hemorragia Gastrointestinal , Hepatite B , Hepatite C , Cirrose Hepática Alcoólica , Cirrose Hepática Biliar
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 13(3)jul. 2007.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1522256


El presente trabajo muestra las especies bentónicas de Opisthobranchia registradas para el norte del Perú. El trabajo se basa en la recopilación de la literatura científica disponible para el área de interés. Se presentan las 17 especies reportadas para dicha zona, clasificadas dentro del Grupo Informal Opisthobranchia en 6 clados, 12 familias y 14 géneros. A pesar del alto potencial de diversidad que se le otorga a la costa norte peruana, el número de especies registradas es bajo, debido principalmente al escaso número de exploraciones e investigaciones realizadas.

The benthonic opisthobranch species reported for Northern Perú are presented here. The aim of the study is to show the species diversity of benthic opisthobranchs found in the northern coast, show the importance of their study and. awake the interest on these taxa. This work is based on a literature recompilation from all studies available in the matter showing reported species for the area of interest. Seventeen species previously known for the northern coast, classified for the Informal Group Opisthobranchia within 6 clades, 12 families and 14 genera are shown. In spite of the high diversity potential that the area of study shows, relatively low numbers of species are found due to the scarce research in the matter.