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Homeopatia Méx ; 90(725): 23-28, abr-jun. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, HomeoIndex, MTYCI | ID: biblio-1377989


Un breve repaso por la historia de la Homeopatía, así como los antecedentes históricos de su llegada a los distintos países de América Latina, sirve como preámbulo para hablar de la Asociación Homeópatas Latinoamericanos, conformada por un extenso grupo de médicos que se ha convertido en una referencia académica de gran relevancia. Los miembros de este club, al cual pertenecen 523 personas, intercambian con sus pares información de la historia de la Homeopatía y aprenden bases conceptuales de las diferentes escuelas, al mismo tiempo que discuten aspectos ligados a las Materias Médicas y la repertorización. El foro permite, asimismo, conocer de múltiples casos clínicos de éxito, así como las diferencias y equivalencias en las escalas de dilución en muchos países del mundo.

A brief review of the history of Homeopathy, as well as the historical background of its arrival in the different countries of Latin America, serves as a preamble to talk about the Association of Latin American Homeopaths, made up of a large group of doctors that has become an academic reference of great relevance. The members of this club, to which 523 people belong, exchange with their peers information on the history of Homeopathy and learn conceptual bases of the different schools, while discussing aspects related to Medical Subjects and repertorization. The forum also allows for multiple clinical success stories, as well as differences and equivalencies in dilution scales in many countries of the world.

História da Homeopatia , Médicos Homeopatas , Educação Médica/história , América Latina
Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 25(1): e4608, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1289104


RESUMEN Introducción: la propagación de epidemias ha sido frecuente en la historia de la humanidad. Desde diciembre de 2019, en la República Popular China, con el surgimiento del Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo por Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) - conocido mundialmente como COVID-19, este ha ocasionado un impacto mundial sin precedentes al que se asocia un elevado número de fallecidos. Desarrollo: Salen a la luz leyendas y datos curiosos sobre el empleo de esa terapéutica la homeopatía en Cuba. En 1992, el Ministerio de Salud Pública autoriza la difusión de la Homeopatía en Cuba, por lo que se crea el grupo "Juan Artiga", ya en 1993, se abren las primeras consultas y se retomó de esta manera la Homeopatía como modalidad dentro de la MNT. En 1999 tuvo lugar en el Centro de Eventos del Hospital "Frank País", el II Congreso Cubano de Homeopatía, y en el 2003 se realizó el III Congreso. Sin embargo, lo más novedoso a nuestro modo de ver, está referido a cómo a pesar de ser esta una ciencia con orígenes antiguos, sobresale en la actualidad como medida para prevenir enfermedades respiratorias virales. Conclusiones: La Homeopatía, tratar de llevar al enfermo a ese estado de bienestar físico, social y psicológico, que es indefinible e inconsciente. La homeoprofilaxis en Cuba ha puesto en alto los principios de la Medicina Comunitaria y una vez más, demuestra la amplia visión de un sistema de salud socialista cubano.

ABSTRACT Introduction: the spread of epidemics has been frequent in the history of mankind. Since December 2019, in the People's Republic of China, with the emergence of the Coronavirus Acute Respiratory Syndrome 2 (SARS-CoV-2) - known worldwide as COVID-19, this epidemic has caused an unprecedented global impact associated with a high number of deaths. Development: legends and curious data on the use of homeopathic therapeutics in Cuba come to light. In 1992, the Ministry of Public Health authorized the diffusion of Homeopathy in Cuba, Juan Artiga group was created, and in 1993, the first Homeopathic Medical Service was opened and Homeopathy was retaken as a modality within the Natural and Traditional Medicine. In 1999, the II Cuban Congress of Homeopathy was held at Frank Pais Hospital Convention Center, and in 2003 the III Congress was held. However, the most novel in our view, is referred to how despite having this science ancient origins, nowadays it stands out as a measure to prevent viral respiratory diseases. Conclusions: homeopathy, trying to bring the patient to that state of physical, social and psychological well-being, which is indefinable and unconscious. Homeopathic prophylaxis in Cuba has set high the principles of Community Medicine and once again demonstrates the broad vision of a Cuban socialist healthcare system.

Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 26(4): 1317-1335, out.-dez. 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056256


Resumo O artigo analisa como a homeopatia foi veiculada ao público leigo no Brasil da década de 1970, período importante no processo de legitimação desse conhecimento como especialidade médica, o que ocorre em 1980. As fontes analisadas - compostas de artigos que circulavam no Jornal do Brasil e de livros destinados ao público leigo - permitem distinguir diferentes interlocutores que possuíam expectativas diversas diante da homeopatia, revelando um universo heterogêneo de compreensões e utilizações dessa medicina. Ao mesmo tempo, as fontes estabelecem um universo de representações envolvidas na construção da homeopatia como medicina alternativa, em que é perceptível sua relação com os movimentos de contracultura e Nova Era na formação de um "público consumidor de homeopatia".

Abstract The objective of this text is to analyze how homeopathy was conveyed to the lay public in Brazil during the 1970s, an important period in the process of legitimizing this practice as a medical specialty, which occurred in 1980. The sources analyzed (composed of articles that circulated in the Jornal do Brasil and books intended for the lay public) allow the reader to distinguish different interlocutors with various expectations of homeopathy, revealing a heterogeneous universe of understandings and uses for this medical system. At the same time, the sources establish a universe of representations present in the construction of homeopathy as alternative medicine, which is noticeable in its relationship with the counterculture movements and New Era in forming a "consuming public" for homeopathy.

Humanos , História do Século XX , Jornalismo Médico/história , Homeopatia/história , Publicações/história , Terapias Complementares/história , Brasil , Cultura , Jornais como Assunto/história
Edumecentro ; 8(supl.1): 74-86, feb. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-775026


A través del presente artículo se realiza un análisis de la pertinencia histórica del empleo de la Homeopatía en diferentes países del continente americano, con apreciables datos que aparecen desde el siglo XIX en Cuba. Actualmente se estima que millones de personas son atendidas cada año con productos homeopáticos en naciones incluso desarrolladas. Los autores pretenden precisar la importancia de esta modalidad de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional para el médico de la Atención Primaria de Salud en su labor comunitaria, ya que es el único especialista que atiende integralmente a la familia con un enfoque clínico-epidemiológico. La Homeopatía les ofrece la posibilidad de tratar de manera holística a la familia y les permite que mejore la calidad de vida de los pacientes.

Through out the current article it is carried out an analysis of the historical pertinence of the employment of Homeopathy in different countries of the American continent, with appreciable data that appear since the XIX century in Cuba. At present it is considered that millions of people are assisted every year with homeopathic products even in developed nations. The authors expect to specify the importance of this modality of the Herbal and Folk Medicine for the GPs of the Primary Health Care in their community work, since this is the only specialist that integrally assists to the family with a clinical-epidemic approach. Homeopathy offers them the possibility to treat the family in a holistic way and it allows them to improve life quality in their patients.

Atenção Primária à Saúde , História da Homeopatia , Educação Médica , Medicina Tradicional
Homeopathy ; 103(3): 208-12, 2014 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24931754


Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) known today as the founder of homoeopathy, was - as far as we know - the first physician who administrated placebos to his patient on a systematic and regular basis. This study is based upon unpublished documents (e.g. patients' letters) in the Archives of the Institute for the History of Medicine of the Robert Bosch Foundation in Stuttgart. It also profited from the critical edition of Hahnemann's case journals and the editorial comments which have also been published in this series. Hahnemann differentiated clearly between homeopathic drugs and pharmaceutical substances which he considered as sham medicine (e.g. milk sugar). A close look at Hahnemann's case journals reveals that the percentage of placebo prescriptions was very high (between 54 and 85 percent). In most instances Hahnemann marked placebos with the paragraph symbol (§). The rationale behind this practice was that Hahnemann had encountered the well-known problem that patients were used to taking medicine on a daily basis as it was typical for the age of heroic medicine. The main reason for giving placebo was therefore to please the impatient patient who was used to frequent medications in allopathic medicine, not only every day but sometimes also hourly.

Pessoas Famosas , Homeopatia/história , Materia Medica/história , Placebos/história , Alemanha , História do Século XVIII , História do Século XIX , Humanos , Masculino , Preparações Farmacêuticas/história , Efeito Placebo
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 18(2): 291-302, abr.-jun. 2011. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-593153


Após 1930, vários espaços foram usados pelos homeopatas para divulgação de sua proposta, apesar de o período ser considerado de declínio de sua inserção acadêmica. É o caso das atividades desenvolvidas pela Liga Homeopática do Rio Grande do Sul, fundada em 1941, que publicou uma revista até os anos 1970, fundou três dispensários para atendimento gratuito da população em Porto Alegre e manteve atuante um grupo de homeopatas, inserido na discussão política que procurava difundir e ampliar a prática homeopática. A análise do Boletim de Homeopatia, editado pela Liga, permite considerar as estratégias de inserção dos homeopatas na capital do Rio Grande do Sul.

Although the period following 1930 has been considered an era in which homeopathy lost ground within academia, homeopaths nevertheless were advocating for their proposals in a variety of spaces. One such instance was represented by the Homeopathic League of Rio Grande do Sul, founded in 1941, which published a journal until the 1970s, set up three free dispensaries to serve the population in Porto Alegre, and played an active role in political discussions through a group of homeopaths who endeavored to disseminate and expand homeopathic practice. An analysis of the League's Boletim de Homeopatia provides insight into homeopaths' strategies for expanding their role in Porto Alegre, capital of Rio Grande do Sul.

História da Homeopatia , História da Medicina , Divulgação da Homeopatia , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto , Médicos , Brasil