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Sci Total Environ ; 687: 137-151, 2019 Oct 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31207504


We report the first set of urban micrometeorological measurements for assessment of pedestrian thermal exposure during extreme heat in a dry climate. Hourly measurements of air temperature, humidity, wind speed and six-directional shortwave and longwave radiation were recorded with a mobile human-biometeorological station (MaRTy) from 10:00 to 21:00 local time, June 19, 2016, at 22 sites that include diverse microscale urban land cover. Sky view factor (SVF) and 360° pervious and impervious view factors for each location were calculated from six-directional fisheye photographs. Mean radiant temperature (TMRT) was determined using the six-directional method. Three-dimensional radiation budgets were decomposed into directional weighted shortwave and longwave radiation components to create a distinct TMRT profile for each site and determine the main drivers of TMRT and thermal exposure. Air temperature peaked locally at 48.5 °C, with a maximum TMRT of 76.4 °C at 15:00 MST in an east-west building canyon. Longwave radiation measured by laterally-oriented sensors dominated the TMRT budget, suggesting the importance of cooling vertical surfaces adjacent to pedestrians. Lateral shortwave radiation contributions were most spatially and temporally variable across TMRT profiles, reflecting the diverse shade conditions. The largest radiation fluxes contributing to TMRT were particularly sensitive to shade and secondarily to ground cover. Trees reduced afternoon TMRT up to 33.4 °C but exhibited a clear TMRT increase of up to 5 °C after sunset; during daytime, trees generated ground cover-dependent longwave radiant cooling or warming. Replacement of impervious with pervious ground cover cooled TMRT at all measurement times, even under dense tree shade. While recent work has found that adaptation cannot offset projected urban air temperature increases, outdoor thermal exposure depends on additional micrometeorological variables, including shortwave and longwave radiation, indicating the need and the opportunity to create pedestrian spaces that are radiantly cool within the context of future urban heat.

Exposição Ambiental/análise , Temperatura Alta , Pedestres , Arizona , Clima , Exposição Ambiental/estatística & dados numéricos , Calor Extremo , Humanos , Umidade , Temperatura , Sensação Térmica , Vento
Rev. bras. psicanál ; 50(2): 122-135, abr.-jun. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1251448


Neste estudo, temos como objetivo discutir as noções de trauma e regressão nos escritos de Sándor Ferenczi e suas possíveis articulações com as propostas da Escola Psicossomática de Paris, em particular aquelas estabelecidas por Pierre Marty. Ao tratar da imbricação entre corpo e psique para compreender a traumatogênese, a angústia e a formação de sintomas desprovidos de conteúdo representacional, associados a movimentos regressivos, Ferenczi esboça uma teorização que virá a convergir com desenvolvimentos posteriores no campo da psicossomática psicanalítica. Em nosso entendimento, há um diálogo fecundo a ser construído entre as últimas teses de Ferenczi e as formulações teóricas e clínicas de Marty, malgrado o fato de este não ser apontado como um leitor daquele. Consideramos possível reconhecer certas raízes ferenczianas, sobretudo acerca das noções de trauma e regressão, nas proposições teóricas de Marty, nomeadamente aquelas relativas às noções de pensamento operatorio, desorganização progressiva e regressão somática.

This paper aims to discuss both concepts of trauma and regression in Sándor Ferenczi's work, and its possible connections with the proposals of the Paris Psychosomatic School, particularly those established by Pierre Marty. By bringing up the imbrication between soma and psyche in order to understand the genesis of trauma, angst, and the development of symptoms (symptoms without any representational content and associated to regressive movements), Ferenczi outlines a theory which is going to converge towards later progress in the field of psychoanalytic psychosomatics. Although Marty has never been known to read Ferenczi's work, we believe that there is a fruitful dialogue to be built between Ferenczi's latest theories and Marty's theoretical and clinical formulations. Therefore, we think it may be found certain Ferenczian roots, especially concerning both concepts of trauma and regression, in Marty's theoretical proposals, specifically those related to his ideas of operative thinking, progressive disorganization, and somatic regression.

Este estudio analizará las nociones de trauma y de regresión en los escritos de Sándor Ferenczi y sus posibles vínculos con las propuestas de la Escuela Psicosomática de París, en particular las establecidas por Pierre Marty. Al tratar de la unidad establecida entre cuerpo y psique para entender la génesis del trauma, la angustia y la formación de síntomas que carecen de contenido representacional, asociados con movimientos regresivos, Ferenczi esboza una teoría que convergerá con los desarrollos posteriores en el campo de la psicosomática psicoanalítica. Hay un diálogo rentable hecho entre las últimas teorías de Ferenczi y las formulaciones teóricas y clínicas de Marty, a pesar de que este último no sea reconocido como un lector de Ferenczi. En última instancia, consideramos posible notar ciertas raíces ferenczianas, especialmente en relación a las nociones de trauma y de regresión, en las proposiciones teóricas hechas por Marty, en particular en las nociones de pensamiento operatorio, desorganización progresiva y regresión somática.

Int J Psychoanal ; 97(1): 89-113, 2016 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25885928


The author starts by treating the general epistemological problems inherent to research and emphasizes that all investigation takes place between two poles: a creative pole and one that is defensive in relation to the unknown and formlessness. In the psychosomatic field, an additional difficulty resides in the western dualistic vision of the relationship between psyche and soma which influences our way of thinking about the body as well as about otherness. The author continues by exploring Pierre Marty's psychosomatic model. Its psychosomatic monism is revolutionary but incomplete and creates a distance with the other, the somatizing patient, resulting in a medically oriented nosology symptomatic of the impossibility to think about some of the most important aspects of counter-transference. With the help of clinical material, the author considers these unthought aspects and some of their theoretical implications, particularly the way of understanding the negative often so prevalent with these patients. Based on these reflections as well as Freud's on beyond the pleasure principle and Winnicott's theorization on the fear of breakdown, the author suggests some directions for research. Somatic illness might occur when the attempts at filling the cracks created by a breakdown are unsuccessful.

Teoria Psicanalítica , Transtornos Psicofisiológicos/psicologia , Pesquisa , Humanos